Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 24, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Wish You a Very Merry
FOR SALE 1,000 pound high bred,
3-year-old Holstein cow. Freeh
soon, $60. SO pttund pigs, $5. L.
M. Mitchell. Murphy, Ore. - 48
FOR RENT Partly furnished cot
tage at 321 Rogue River Avenue;
three rooms and sleeping porch,
good well and one-halt acre of
land, tarn; $5.00 per month.
Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07t(
dences at 801 and 811, North 6th
St., eight and ten dollars a month.
Will sell either or both. Make me
an offer. John Summers, Leba
non, Oregon. - - - 40tf
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted;
good wages. Foutch & Foutch,
Roeeburg. For particulars phone
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R
Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-Y
MED FORD business College, now
open. Stenography and related
subjects; classes under personal
supervision of F. Roy Davis, offi
cial court reporter. 60
WE REAPAIR cars, mag's, coils,
generators, starters, batteries, ig
nition systems. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Steiger Garage, 211 North
Sixth street 36tf
HAVE YOUR tires repaired at the
Maxwell garage. Get work that
holds any kind of an Injury on any
sized tire taken care of. 70
E. L. OALBRAITH, Insurance, rent
als, acreage, building and loans;
snaps in city property. 609 G St,
Launers old location. 68
kinds of drayag and transt
werk carefully aad promptly don
Phone lll-J. Stand at frelgh
depot A. Shade, Prop.
Bnaca Bros.
II7-R. .
Transfer Co.
do w.
P. O. ISHAM, drayage and transfei
Safes, plaaes aad , furaltur.
moved, packed, shipped aad sto
ed. Office pkone 124-Y. Real-
dence phone, 124-R.
WILL TRADE Five or 10 acres in
peara, 9 years old, adjoining city
-of Grants Pass, for" property in
or near Portland, Ore. Inquire of
F. M. Gelger, Boise. Idaho. 74
George Morris, the 17-year-old
boy -who stole a watch from bag-
gagemaster T. Y. Dean in this city
Sunday, was brought back to this
place last night by Sheriff Lewis,
who went to Ashland after the
young transgressor yesterday.
Young Morris is one of a gang of
five boys who were "hoboing it"
south. They arrived In Grants Pass
Sundav and hung around most of
the day. They came Into town on
the brake beams of a train, and af
ter the Morris boy had stolen the
watch they continued their journey
south In true hobo fashion. At Ash
land the Morris boy made a desper
ate attempt to escape, but as he ran
around the train an officer reached
out his long arms and folded the lad
to his bosom. After a diligent
search the missing watch was found,
stuffed inside the boy's sock, near
his shoetop.
This bunch of five lads, say the
officers, appears to be well Informed
on how to "get about" and make
their way through any and all diffi
culties. Cnllke the Stipple boy who
stole a bicycle and Is today before
the Juvenile court, and who said no
one was to- blame for his bad actions,
the Morris lad put up a tale that
sounded crooked and was prone to
lay his misdeeds to the Influence of
'bad boys" into whose company he
fell. He Is 17 years of age.
THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo
graphs. . Open daily except S -in-day
from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. S-in-.
day sittings by appointment onl
Phone Mill, 283-R, or resldtfiw
V'140-J. 57u
Soldier Marries
Hugh Bohannan, of Jackson coun
ty, who received his discharge iroia
Cam) Lewis last weeK, xa.a married
today to Olive Brown, at her home,
411 Foundry street, Justice Holnian
offi- iating.
li O. CLEMENT, M. D., Pracit..
'"limited to. diseases of the eye, nar
X nose and threat. Glasses flued
..Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap
' -polntment. Office phone 62, reft
dence phone 359-J.
a LOCGHRIDOE, M. D.. Puyak-'i.
and surgeon. City or country call
attended day or night. Resident
. phone 369; office phone IS)
Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg.
L. E. and Jo Sohmltt, of Gaselle,
Cat, axe at the Oxford today,
"Frohau's tor the gums." Sablu
has It. 8
Simon Shaw left today tor Oak
land, Cal.
Cookies. Four varieties. Moore
Baking company. 4$
Karl Catd, of Holland, was trans
acting business in Grants Pass to
day. Christmas dinner at tho Pauama
,11:30 till 8, turkoy. Free cigars to
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Webber, of
the Copper Kiug mine, are In the
You and your friends will enjoy
eating the meals prepared by A. Lav-
lgueur, the new chet at the Oxford
35 to 50 cents, 49
Marshal Hooper, stats bank ex
aminer arrived this morniug to
spend a tew days with his family.
All orders tor hemstitching and
pteotlng promptly tilled. Handi
craft Shop, Medford. 54
Mrs. Ralph Davis left this moru
lntf tor Rose-burs aud Yoncolla to
spend Christmas.
Jacob Boesch and Jacob Boesch Jr.
returned this morning from Van
couver, where they were employed
in the shipyards.
Turkey dinner 11:30 to 8 Wed
nesday, rnnama Cafe, 50c; free cl
gars to all. s
Benjamin Reeves returned this
morning from Norfolk, Vs., to re
main, having been discharged from
the service.
, Private Ellis Ballard returned
this morning from Vancouver, hav
ing received his discharge from the
Miss Dora Blrcturd. laboratory
technician at Camp Lewis, arrived
this morning on a 10-days furlough
to spend the holidays at home.
Rich, brown crisp waffles with but
ter and maple syrup, and a cup of de
licious coffee for your breakfast at
the Oxford Cafe, 25 cents. 49
Miss Natalie Harrenden. of Yreka,
Cal., Is spending the holidays with
her uncle and aunt. Sergeant and
Mrs. G. W. Matthews.
Electrlo work-Paul's Electric
store, phone 90 Medford. 62
H. C. Bobzlen arrived yesterday
from Seattle to spend Christmas
with his family. He Is now expert
riveter In one of the steel shipyards
employing 10,000 men.
Miss Ella Anderson arrived this
morning from Salem to spend Christ
mas at home. Miss Anderson Is on
the staff of the Industrial accident
Sergeant G. W. Matthews is spend
ing an 8-days furlough at home from
Camp Lewis. He brought with him
a British 75 projectile wmcn naa
been fired by" his battery in practice
at Camp Lewis. The projectile with
nieces of shrapnel Is In the Joe
Wharton window.
Hemstitching and plcotlng at 10
cents a yard All work guaranteed
The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore. 27tf
Hoy Scouts to Hike-
No meeting ot the Boy Scouts to- j
night. Meet at the forestry office
Friday morning at 9 for a hike.
Agtxl Man Dice
C. P. Marshal, aged nearly 85
years, died at his home, 531 Rogue
Rivor avenue Monday morning at 6
o'clock. The remains were sent to
Cottage Grove Monday night for
Oxford Cftte
Christmas chicken dinner, served
from 5:30 to 7:30. Roast chtckon,
oyster dressing; chicken fricassee;
ohlcken with noodles; with oyster
soup; shrimp salad and mince-, cran
berry and custard pie. 60 cents. 48
Root Hoy Improve
Lawrence Root, tho 13-year-old
lad who was shot through the lung
with a small rifle last Thursday. Is
reported to be Improving nicely at
the Good Samaritan hospital. He
was able to use bis shoulder this
morning for tho first ttmo since be
ing taken to the hospital.
Wishing You a
Merry Ximas
. C. R. FIFIKLD, Manage
Ulg Turkey ilium-
One ot the many good things
with our turnout turkey dinner
Christmas night will be old-fashioned
English plum pudding wllH
fruit or hard sauce. Seventy-tive
cents. Dinner will bn served from
u:ju iiii s p. m. Try and como.
New Josephine hotel. 4S
Service at St. Luke
Thursday. (St. Stephen duy) ser
vices will be hold at 10 a. in. Cele
bration of the Holy Communion at
which time all members are urged
to make their Christmas commuulon.
Rev. Philip K. Hammond, of Ash
land, vicar In charge.'
I-Wiiht (irnntft I'hm Man Die
J. S. Wlndell, former Grants Pass
man died at Seattle Sunday, Decem
ber 22, after an illness of several
months. Deecased leaves a wife and
daughter, Mrs. Franklo Simmons, ot
Seattle, and one son, II. C. Wlndell,
of Portland, Funeral services were
held in Seattle. ,
Iron fiate llcmlqujtrtci-H
M. L. Opdycke lost his Iron gate
on Halloween night and a few days
ago he advertised a reward for Its
return. Since that time he has
learned the whereabouts ot dozens
of Iron gates and also secured his
own. One was on a telephono pole
another on a roof, others In vacant
lots and still others leaning against
sundry barns. Mr. Opdycko has
made a list, catalogued and card In
dexed, for the convenience ot those
who lost iron gates.
W. T. ltreen, Propr.
II. (lidding, Agent
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cars
Office Old Observer Rlk. Cwrnnr Seventh and G street Phone M
Telephone SKiH-J anil
We Wish Our Patrons
and Friends
J merry Christmas
X'o Courier Tomorrow
The Courier will celebrate Chriet-l
mas day. therefore there will lie no K he anoth
Courier Issued Wednesday. The of-l.. . . , , ,,. ,
dee will remain closed nil day.
Tnrkey Dinner ('bristiim. ."-
Panama Cafe, Wednesday,
to 8. Free cifirs to all.
Ladies telephone A. Lavlg.aeur,
chef at the Oxford any time you
want a rich cake or pudding as he
is an expert pastry cook. 49
DR. J. O. NIBLEY, Physician . aac
surgeon. Lundburg Bldg. Healt!
officer. Office hours, 9 to 12
m. ana 1 to a p. m. rnone jiu-j
. A. A. WITHAM, , M. 57 Interna
medicine and nervous diseases
; 80S Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore
Honrs 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.
A BURSELL M. D. D. C In tlocs
north, of . postofflce, corner . Sixth
and D streetr, surgical, electrical,
chlropratlc and osteopathic treat'
ments. Office phone 197-R; resi
dence phone 833-R.
Washington, Dec. 24. Friends of
Speaker Champ Clark said that he
will be a candidate for tfie presi
dency in 1920. Clark n.-fuaed to
make any announcement. It is re
ported that Bryan will support him,
DR. R. J. BE3TOL, Veterinarian
Office, residence. Phone 805-R.
P. 6. MACY, D. M. D. First-Masi
'. dentistry. lt South BUt
- .street, Grants Pass, Oregon,
Medford Auto
Top Co.
30 If. Grape Street
All kids ot Auto Top repairing.
Old tops recovered to look like
new. Auto curtain lights of
all kinds. Satisfaction guar
anteed, both work and prices.
Give us a trial.
Plato Glass lights a Specialty
Every chapter In Josephine county.
has been heard from by today in the
Red Cross Christmas roll call. The
majority have reported more mem
berships than were received last
year. A few have not completed the
canvass, but are not stopping until
the last adult has been solicited.
Posters are appearing In the bus
iness houses today announcing that.
"We Belong 100 per cent Strong."
The estimate for the county was
2,000 memberships, but already
there are more than that reported,
but the canvass will be a complete
success only when every adult In
the county, who Is able In any way
to subscribe, Is wearing a button.
Solicitors are on the streets today
and this evening to pick up any
memberships that have by any means
been missed heretofore.
Every American wearing a button
on Christmas day is the request that
comes from headquarters at. Wash
ington. ; . ....
Mrs. Kusxell Drake Me
J. D. Drake on Saturday received
a wire from his son, Russell 0.
Drake, stating that he had been re
leased from quarantine and dis
charged from tho service. On Sun-
er wire stating
that his son's wife had died early
Sunday morning at the home of her
parents In Los Angeles. Mr. and
Mrs. Drake were married five days
before the IT. S. entered the war nnd
Mr. Drake ai stationed with his
battery while Mrs. Drake remained
with her parents.
Willie Stipple, aged 15 years, lias
been working on a furm Hoar this
city. Recently lie saw a chance to
steal a bicycle from Fred Falrchlld,
a near neighbor, so mounting thu
wheel he started on his way to
Crescent City. Ho made that city
In fine shape, but tho law reached
out and got him and yenterda he
was In Sheriff lewls' hands here nt
tho courthouse.
Willies appears to bn a bright lit
tle boy and tho officers believe that
ho Is tailing them tho truth In tils
confosslon of the theft
lloMen At-rolmUr Inxtnulor
Lieutenant Edwin llobzlen of tho
U. S. aero forces arrived this morn
ing from Arcadia, Flu., on a fur
lough to spend the holidays at home.
Lieutenant Ilolii-.len Is now a pursuit
aviator and Instructor In acrobatics,
and Is thoroughly In love with his
work and Is the most happy when
10,000 feet or more In the air.
Envelopes at ths Courier Office.
home Is In St. Louis. Mo., and that'
he liaR been absent slnco Inst Octo-
her. Ills crho is one for the Juvenile j
court. Tho bicycle was recovered.
Gives Wife. Adler-i-ka!
"My wife was pronounced Incur
able by physicians unless operated
(complicated bowel trouble). I be
gan giving Adlr-l-ka and she Is Im
proving. I shall continue, until she
Ho says hU g cured." (Signed) J. II. Cnder-
Xl-W TO'.. AY
FOR SALE -Wheat nl per hi
fchcl. Wanted to buy a few
choice milk cows. Phono 01 2-K-23.
Ed. I,. Schmidt & Son. til!
wood, Marlon, Ala.
Adlor-l-ka empties ROTH upper
and lower bowel, f limbing ENTIRE
alimentary canal. Removes ALL
foul matter which poisons system.
Often Cl'RES constipation. Prevents
appendicitis. Wo bavo sold Adler-l-kn
many yeors. It Is a mixture of
buckthorn, rnscnra, glycerlno nnd
nine other simple drugs. National
Drug Store.
All kinds of Commercial Printing
at the Courier Office.
&1M.1 7iS ?t'ssM.r7i j
IHsT'i'li Ml
oy Tliea-ter
Christmas and Thursday
Norma Talmadge
Supported by Eugene O'Brien
"The Safety Curtain"
Kipling's Indians brought to the screen a fascinating story,
a beautiful heroine and a handsome hero
15c 23c
Fatty Arbuckle
Thursday 2:110
Children 5c