Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 23, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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the Home
No borne Is complete without a
phonograph. It brightens the
quiet evening hour, It affords
recreation and It entertains
visitors with the music of the
world's greatest artists.
Nothing An compare with the
life-like natural tones of the
- Edison Diamond
Come in and hear your favor
ite records. No obligation.
The Music &PfoU House
Stanton RoweU, Prosrietor
Mrs. Jennie Moss returned Sunday
trom Portland, where she completed
a six weeks course in the home ser
vice department of the Red Cross.
Mrs. Moss will have charge of that
department of the Josephine chapter.
The home service department is or
ganised for the purpose of rendering
assistance to soldiers and their fam
ilies, particularly In securing com
pensation for disability, and In trac
ing delinquent allotments. Mrs.
Moss has all the blanks necessary
and has had practical experience In
that line, having devoted a portion
of her time in Portland to looking
up these cases.
Prank South went to Weed, Cal..
this morning to spend Christmas
with his daughter. Mrs. Leon Glover.
A set of children's table and chairs
would solve the gift problem. Good
patterns at Helmer's.
Mrs. Mike Oalvln went to Tort
land today to spend Christmas with
her children.
Wlllard Batteries and Wlllard ser
vice are the winning team In the
.f.iinr nd llshtlnc league. The
Battery Shop. 47
Sergeant Otto Felrlng arrived last
week from Vancouver, having been
discharged from the service.
A Free sewing machine, an Ideal
gift, at wholesale prices at Helmer's.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dlsbrow arrived
Sunday trom Hilt. Cal., to spend the
holidays with relatives.
Special line of fancy box candles
at $1.25 at Hornlng's Shack. 47
Mrs. R H. Hull and Miss Leone
Hull arrived this morning from Med-
ford to spend the holidays with w.
H. and F. H. Hull.
Hemstitching and picoUng at 10
cents a yard All work guaranteed
The Vanity Shop, Medford. Ore. J7tf
Lieutenant Bert R. Elliott arrived
Sunday morning from Camp Lewis to
spend a short furlough with his
It pays to let an expert test your
battery regularly pays In better
lights, better starting, better ignition
and lower upkeep cost. The Battery
Shop. 47
Emmett Hoffman is home from
Corvallls to spend the holidays
has been discharged from the S. A.
T. C.
An amount of money found at
Hornlng's Shack. 7
M. A. Wertx, who has spent the
Courier Force Returning
The Courier force is gradually
getting Into the harness again. Sam
Stinebaugh returned to work this
morning after spending nearly two
weeks at home, and Whitney Allyn
also is on deck after spending about
the same time' at his home. Mrs.
Wimer is still confined to her home,
but is Improving.
All kinds of Commercial Printing
at the Courier Office.
(ROBINSON At Wllderville, Satur
day, December 21, to Mr. and Mrs.
- C. C. Robinson, a son.
New lot of comfortable rockers at
special prices at Holman's Furniture
Store. 47
FOR SALE Sweet cider made from
only clean, sound apples. Phone
502-F-14. 47
FOR SALE 1,000 pound high bred,
3-year-old Holstein cow. Fresh
soon, $60. 30 pound pigs, $5. L.
M. Mitchell, Murphy, Ore. 48
"Cnnthrox" Shampoo. Sabln ha-t It.
Miss Llla Meltner arrived Sunday
from Koseburg to spend the hollduys
with her parents.
Ispect our shop. Visitor alwuyt
welcome. Moore Baking Co. 47
Special price on small rugs at
Holman's. 47
Mrs. J. F. Burke returned this
morning from an official trip through
the Willamette valley, visiting He
bekah lodges.
There are yet bargains in China
and cut glass at Hall's Art Store. 47
Wall paper bargains at Hull s. 47
The Standard lewln? machine Is
guaranteed to bo found only nt
Holman's. J 7
Carl Wluetront, U. S. navy, arriv
ed Sunday afternoon from Aberdeen
to spend hi Christmas furlough at
Hall's Art Store open evenings.
Many bargains yet remain. 47
SuprrtauuMl'cut He
C. A. Wolgamot, superintendent
of the equipment department of the
Western Union company. Is In the
Burtha Blanche Beatrice Barrio, I
wife of Loe Smith, of Dallas, died nt1
the family home In that city Satur
day, Decomber 21, of liiflueuxa, af
ter an Illness of three days. The
husband and little daughter are
both confined to their bedswlth In
fluenia. Mrs. Smith wut born March
12, 1S7S, in Richmond, province of
Quebee, and came to Orants I'ass In
1SSB, residing here until her mar
riage In 1905, living in Dullas since
that time. Besides her husband and
little daughter, Agnes Mildred, she
is survived by hor father. W. S. llnr
rlo, of this city, two sinters, Mrs.
Ralph Hanna, of Portland, and Mrs.
George Kneudson, of Carlton, and
one brother, Frank W. Barrle. of,
Shot Close Knrly
The Courier Is Informed that all
barber shops In the city will close
promptly Tuesday night at 9:30, and
will remain closed all day Christmas.
Flu at Medford
According to the Medford Tribune,
the Influenza situation Is much tm-
Hej proved in that city and It Is Intend
ed to re-open the public schools there
Loral Hoy Promoted
Mr. and Mrs! Albert Wllliums of
past five years at Dorris, cal., re! this city have received word that
turned to Grants Pass last week tojthelr gon prvate Archie Williams,
remain. 'has been promoted a sergeant. He
Electric work Paul's Electric ,s iocatetl at Mt Clemens, Mich.
nhnna 90 Medford. "2
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted;
good wages. Foutch & Foutch,
Roseburg. For particulars phntoe
334-J. ' 52
w w w
Private James Trefren was a pas
senger on the southbound train Sun
day morning from Camp Lewis, go
ing to Evans creek to spend a 10
days furlough with his mother.
j918 Chevrolet fan belts, $1.25.
The Battery Shop.' 47
Earl Browne returned home this
morning from Camp Zachary Taylor,
Ky., having been discharged from
the motorized unit of the field artil
lery. Christmas candies at 30c a pound
at Hornlng's Shack. 47
Ted Blrchard returned home Sun
day morning from Seattle to remain.
He has been In the naval unit at the
University of Washington and is
now on the inactive list.
Rugs! Rugs! A very fine assort
ment in small Rugs, patterns and
quality combined, at Helmer's. 47
Mrs. Fannie Borchert, employed
in the Portland Southern Pacific of-
! flees, has been spending a few days
- t,ntr, aith her narents. Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Wertz. She returns to
Portland tonight.
Best sticks and candy canes at
Homing's Shack. 47 '
Mrs. E. D. Stephenson returned
this morning from Gait, Cal., ac
companied by her mother, Mrs. E.
Shroger, who will make her home
with her daughter. The Stephensons
iare recent purchasers of the Wise
!farm near Holland.
! Box candy from 10c to $4.00 at
! Homing's Shack. 47
Rollo Stephenson, who nas ueen
with his wife, who is ill at the home
of her mother, near Merlin, for the
past two months, left Sunday morn
ing 'for San Francisco to resume his
work with the Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph company.
All orders for hemstitching and
nlcotins nromntly filled. Handi
craft. Shon. Medford. 54
V. V. Crew Here
The Western Union line repairing
crew is again located In the city, for
the purpose of laying some under
ground wires and doing other Jobs.
There are about sixteen men in the
After Alleged Thief
Sheriff Lewis went to Ashland to
day after John Doe, who Is alleged
to have stolen a watch from T. Y.
Dean at the Southern Pacific bag
gage office. The man was arrested
in Ashland yesterday.
Taveuner Lfve
Private R. W. Tavenner, of the
Oregon clerical detachment and who
was for many weeks assisting at the
local board as clerk, left Saturday
night for Camp Lewis to be muster
ed out of service.
Blankets numbering
were sent to France by
Cross emergencies.
the Red
Conserved Fruits
Clemens Sells Drugs
Entering the service of the U. S
army at 1 o'clock In the afternoon
and receiving their discharge at 6
o'clock the same day was the exper
ience of ten Josephine county boys.
This happened on November 11, the
day the armistice was signed. The
boys were waiting anxiously, all
keyed up to take the train to the
training camp, when the wire came
from headquarters mustering them
out of service. They never left their
home town, yet they were in the
army service from 1 o'clock until 6
In the evening. C. A. Sldler, clerk
of the local board, states that the
boys have received their discharge
papers, and one dollar each for their
one day's service.
Standing In front of a beautifully
decorated Christmas tree, with fes
toons of bright ribbons and mistle
toe above, Miss Etta Gentry, young
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Gentry, was married Staurduy even
ing, December 21, to Chas. D. Mc-
Lane at a simple home wedding at
the borne of the bride's parents. Rev.
Melville T. Wire officiating. Only
close relatives of the families were
present. After a daintily served
wedding supper, the newly-weds left
on train No. 16 for Portland, their
future home. The bride was attrac
tive In a gown of military blue silk,
trimmed with lace and embroidery.
Among the many useful and beauti
ful wedding gifts, was an amethyst
brooch, a costly holrlooni, the gift
of the groom to his bride. Both
young people were residents of this
Mr. McLane Is employed as time
keeper at the American car machine
shop, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Mr-
Ijine will make tholr home at 631
Webber street, Portland.
At the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Allen Wilson, of
Roseburg, Hazen O. iBrltton, of this
city, and Miss Rose Wilson wore
married Saturday evening, December
Mr. Britton Is a resident of this
city. Miss Wilson visited here last
summer at the homo of her aunt,
Mrs. Stephen Jewell.
At Grange MevtlnK
County Agent C. D. Thompson and
Home Demonstration Agent Ruth j
Corbett were both In attendance at ;
the meeting of the Deer Creeks
grange last Saturday afternoon. '
They expinlned to the grange the
plan of fork ua outlined !;; the?
Farm Bureau for the coining year.
At a recent meeting of the Jose
phine County Farm Bureau the fol
lowing program of work was adopted
fo" the roml ii; year:
Hoys' and Girls' Club' Work.
Conserving of Clothing.
Preservation of Food.
Health and Sanitation.
Homo 3tudy Tour. 1
IIouk hold Accounts.
Farn' Record Keeping.
Horticulture: Pruning and Spray
ing. Sunburn of drapes. Fertiliz
ing Orchards.
Farm Poultry Production.
Rodent Control.
Irrigation: Duty of water dem
onstrations. Storage and Gravity
Field Demonstrations: Fertilizers
on Alfalfa and Corn. Soy Bean and
Horse Bean Culture. Barley and
Oat Varieties. Selection and Treat
ment of Seed Potatoes. Filed Selec
tion of Seed Corn.
Improvement of livestock.
It Is not Intended that all of this
program shall be carried on in every
portion of the county. As far as the
county agent and home demonstra
tion agent can get to it, they expect
to visit each locality and organize a
community committee In each sec
tion to assist them In selecting and
working out that portion of the pro
gram which Is most desirable for
each community.
County Agent.
Rome Demonstration Agent.
Store Open Tonight and Tuesday Night
N.Y. BucKwheat
l 1I XI HACK "
' C. It. FIFIKI.O, Mauagnr
Useful Gifts
Many useful article In leather kimxI. dck acrtwirlea, rut
Klaws mirrors and other article suitable for ChrWnuui glftt are
now roiuly for your lnnHctlon at
Demaray s Drug and Stationery Store
Many Returning
The trains are fairly well
crowded nith soldiers these days,'
many of them :..ivin;i received the'.r.
discharge from tlu service, and olh-j
ers going to their homes to apend
Chrlstiias. Judging from the num
ber who are rceivlns their dis
charge t!ia labor situation will soon
b amply met.
How about your
Chrisimas Candy?
opposite Josephine County Bank
Plain and Fancy Boxes 1 0c to $5.00
Genuine Redwood Boxes from the California
Chocolate Shop.
Children's Novelty Boxes for the Xmas tree
Filled and Empty.
Bulk Candy
Chocolates Plain and Milk Dip in Creams,
Chews and Nut Logs.
Buntes Satin Finish in Stuffed and Hard Center.
A good assortment of Plain Mix, Sugar Mix,
Gum Jellies, etc.
For Uhe Smoker
Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco in tins, jars and
boxes of all sizes.
Our Prices Fit Your Pocket
.We Xmas Wrap all our Packages Free
Cloning Out Kale
Everything goes at cost, many
things at less than coat, S.ilo starts
Monday, December '.'3, and will l:i::t
until January 25. (Hours from nine
to five. Mrs. M. 1". Anderson. 70s
V.r Street.
Juu. I, Wednesday d'oinomi Grungu
incuts New Yours day ut 10 a. m.,
at the W. (). W, hull.
Jan. II, Saturday Civil Heivtce
examination for pustmaster, vacancy
I at
Christmas and Thursday
Norma Talmadge
Supported by Eugene O'Brien
"The Safety Curtain"
Kipling's Indians brought to the screen a fascinating story,
a beautiful heroine and a handsome hero
Fatty Arbuckle