Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 19, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The Ideal Entertainer
Of all the thing 70a ever
brought into your home, none
ever gave ao much pleasure m
Uie Columbia Grafonola. En
joyed by young and old giro
everyone the kind of mnilo he
r ahe likea beet,
and there's no better time
than NOW to get a Columbia
We have them at all prices
and on terms to suit.
The Music & Pluto House
Stanton RowelL Proprietor
San Francisco, Dc. 19. A, rudely
constructed bomb wrapped In a paste
board box, addressed to Dr. William
G. Hassler, city health officer, was
turned over to the police tonight by
a woman who found it in the hall
of a down town office building.
The box containing the bomb was
tamped and addressed and bore
the superscription "compliments of
Dr. Hassler has appeared before
the board of supervisors several
times within the past few weeks with
recommendation that the board re
invoke an ordinance making com
pulsory the wearing of gauze masks
as a precautionary measure against
the spread of Spanish Influneza. He
told the police he had received sev
eral threatening letters protesting
against the stand.
A report from the I'nlted States
department of agriculture, P. L.
Kent, field agent, Portland, shows
a falling oft in Josephine county's
wheat acreage for 1919. The acre
age in 1913 was 3.000. with a crop
of 24,000 bushels. The 1919 acreage
is given as 1,200.
Jackson county's wheat acreage
was 9,000, with 123,000 bushels,
and the 1919 acreage 5,500. Klam
ath county's wheat acreage drops
from 12,000 to 1,000.
The total wheat acreage for the
state drops from 962.960 in 1918,
to 693,400. The total wheat crop
for Oregon for 191S was 12.S52.000
Figures Just Issued by the bureau
of crop estimates. V. S. department
of agriculture, place the nation's
acreage of wheat sown this fall at
49.027.000 acres, an Increase of
15.9 per cent over the area sown over
a year ago. The condition of the
crop Is placed at 9S.5 per cent as
compared with 79.S per cent last
year, 85.7 per cent In 1916, and a
ten-year average condition of 88.2
per cent.
WANTED A placer mine. Send)
particulars to F. P. Bruck, 929'
Chamber or Commerce, Portland,
Oregon. 44
TT , l"t VT'T, ,l 1 , . . . 1 '
nAiQ' ivtn ures repairea ai ine ,
Maxwell garage. Get work that
holds any kind of an Injury on any
sized tire taken care of. 70
Salem, Dec. 19. John H. Cradle-
baugh, one of the most prominently
known of Oregon newspaper men.
pioneer miner and frontiersman who
shared the early life In many sec
tions of the state, died at his home
here Tuesday. He was 70 years old.
Colonel Cradlebaugh, who was well
known in Grants Pass, possessed con
siderable ability as a poet and pub
lished a volume of his works. In the
I days of the famous Comstock lode of
Nevada he Is reported to have amass
ed a fortune that made him almost
a millionaire but subsequent specu
lations were unfortunate. He was
among the first. If not the first pros
pector, to hunt for gold in Alaska.
In his early journalistic days In Ne
vada he was associated with Mark
Twain and Bret Harte. Among min
ing associates were the Sharons and
the Floods, widely known as mining
Dec. 18-21, Wednesday-Saturday !
icai;uvn) ejuumnauous. j
Dec. 19, Thursday Second pay-i
ment of 20 per cent due on Liberty ,
Jan. 11, Saturday Civil service,
examination for postmaster, vacancy
at Leland.
Five Dollars Hew aril
Five dollars reward will be paid
for the arrest and conviction of any
one stealing the Dally Couriers from
residences or mall boxes.
Jam at the rate of 500 tons a
month goes to France for the Red
Cross. Our soldiers eat most of it.
Little Gifts for
Little Folks jf
Celluloid Novelties
Toys, Dolls, Kewpies, Teddy-bears
Brush and Comb Sets
Juvenile Stationery
Saalfield Muslin Books
Oz Books
Billy Whiskers Series
Painting Books
Volland Children Books
"I.tix" Sabln has it. 44
'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Denlson left
this morning for San Francisco,
lilssoll carpet sweeper tor Christ
mas gifts at Holmer's. 45
Gordon Bradford, discharged from
the S. A. T. C. at Corvallls, returned
homo this morning tor the holidays.
Trevls Reynolds returned home
yesterday from Corvallls,' having
been discharged from the S. A. T. C
Electric work Paul's Eloctrlc
store, phone 90 Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. E. I,. Churchill left
this afternoon tor Is Angeles, to
spend the holidays with their ilium ti
ter, Mrs, Wesley Brown,
Hemstitching and plcottng at 10
cents a yard All work guaranteed
The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore. 27tf
Mr. and Mrs. T. I). Carr arrlred
this mornlgn from Camas, Wash.
and will visit their son-in-law, G. II
White bread, whole wheat and
rye bread, fresh, Moore Raking Co
Marvin McBrtde, of Moore, Nevada,
is with his parents for a tew days.
He returned home with his mother,
who visited him at Moor.
English breakfast table, with
chairs to match for the children, at
Helmer.'s. 4!
Mrs. Jane Lambert arrived here
this morning from Flint, Michigan
and left by stage for Brookings
where she will spend the winter with
a nephew.
All orders tor hemstitching and
picoting promptly filled. Handi
craft Shop, Medford. 54
Gerald Prescott arrived this morn
ing from Salem and will spend the
holidays with Earle Voorhles and
other friends. He was a member of
the S. A. T. C. at Willamette Univer
sity, and recently discharged.
An excellent line of small rugs.
suitable tor Christmas gifts at Hol
mer's. 43
R. I. Helms left this morning for
Salem to visit relatives. He will al
so visit relatives at Portland, re
turning to his station with the for
estry department at Agnes after the
Buy an Electric Washer from us
and present It to your wife as a
Xmas present and we will give her
$10.00 In cash. Grants Pass Hard
ware Co. 44
Christmas Tree Ornaments
Bells, Garlands, Candles
Join tla Red Cross Now
Clemens Sells Drugs & Books
fVAVtf JV45
London, Dec. 19. A moving pic
ture audience In bath tubs through
which warm water flows is the en
tertainment oddity provided In the
film shows by the American Y. M. C.
A. at the hospital under the shad
ows of King's College, Cambridge,
where wounded men from France
are treated. In one ward certain of
the putients who have had very ser
ious septic wounds, are having the
wcter treatment.
To look at these men you might
think they were lying comfortably in
btd. propped up with pillows. They
are really sitting in bath tuhs in
water to their waists. A constant
stream of water with a temperature
of 9S is kept running through the
tub. purifying and cleansing the
wounds, which have no other dress-In-'.
A kind of magnified lap-board
(overt, tie top of the tub and Is In
turn co' ' ri'd by a long, bright patch
fiilt. And there the men pit on air
cushion. leaning against air pillows
day an ! night, sometimes for weeks
at a tii.;e. Only the most serious of
thi ca:c-s are put Into these tubs,
nun who otherwise have little chance
of recovery and none without the
amputation of a limb. But never yet
has a case so treated been lost.
"It's beastly .iinromfortable the
first week." paid the record case of
the ward, a British Tommy who has
tor eleven weekB been In the bath.
"Your legs ache, and you have the
water rash. But In a week, at the
most, you get over that, and then It
Is more comfortable than being In
bed. In fact, after they put yon
back in bed you can't sleep for
awhile, It's so hard."
The American T. M. C. A. hat
been sending these men "movies"
twice a week. A screen has been
arranged at one end of the room and
there all the screen favorites play
their parts while the men sit com
fortably In their warm tubs. And
when the show la over all they have
to do la to turn out the lights and
go to aleep.
Jimcphlnp tiiiH'ery
Headquarters fur Christmas can
dies and uuts. 44
Chimney Fire
The fire department was culled to
the J. A. IMttenger residence on Map
le street near Tenth, WcUnosday
night at about 10:30. There was
no damage, a chimney only being
burned out.
1 iienprr i nnn I Mil-
one Dodge Brothers Auto left
with us for sale. Name your own
prleo and terms. First come first
to get this great bargain. Grants
Pass Hardware Co. 44
Talent Principal Flu Victim
Curl li. Baughman, principal of
the Talent school, died this wook of
tnfluenia. He served as principal
of the Prlnevllle achools tor five
years previous to going to Talent.
Jolinnton Upturning Home
Mrs. A. U Johnston today rerelved
a letter from her son, Henry John
ston, announcing his arrival In St.
Paul, and saying that he expected to
be home by Christmas. He returned
from France on the taplnnd.
Arranging For V. K. Convention
Albany Is making extensive ar
rangements to entertain the state
Christian Endeavor convention
which will be held In that city In
February, with approximately S00
delegates from all parts of the state
In attendance.
This Advertisement and
will buy
5 Pounds of Granulated Sugar
C. Ik, Mnuagor
Charley Rowoll Wounded I
The casualty list released for pub-'
llratlon today contains tire namo of;
Charley I. Sowell of Kerby among
the severely wounded. The same list 1
also announces the death from
wounds of Paul Iorenx, of this city, :
announcement of whose death was
published last week.
Holder .Starts Across
Private J. K. Holder returned
home this morning, having been dis
charged from the 40th Held Artil
lery at Fort Scott. Calif. Private l
tioiuor was on tue ocean, four days '
out from New York, when the com
mander of the vessel received wire
less news of the signing of the arm
istice, and orders to return to New
How about your
Christmas Candy?
opposite Josephine County Bank
Plain and Fancy Boxes 1 0c to $5.00
Genuine Redwood Boxes from the California
Chocolate Shop.
Children's Novelty Boxes for the Xmas tree
Filled and Empty.
Bulk Candy
Chocolates Plain and Milk Dip in Creams,
Chews and Nut Logs.
Buntes Satin Finish in Stuffed and Hard Center.
A good assortment of Plain Mix, Sugar Mix,
Gum Jellies, etc.
For &ye Smoker
Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco in tins, jars and
boxes of all sizes.
Our Prices Fit Your Pocket
We Xmas Wrap all our Packages Free
Gold HUl llnttorea Han
Gold Hill recently renewed tho
ban on "flu" by quarantining all
cases, closing all public meeting
places, pool rooms, and prohibiting
the assembling -of more thun five
persons in public places. CJold Hill
was without a physician for a few
weeks until pr. W. P. Chlsliolm, as
signed to Fort Meade, Md., and Dr.
O. C. Dixon, assigned to Fort Dixon.
were relieved from the service to
resume their practice there.
Mixed Nuts For Xmas
OKA NT. KM Bite, Ml, and 75c DO,.
t'KKAMKHV HlTTKIl, c IVr 11.
Why Pay More?
Basket Grocery
417 G Street
A11 kind of Commercial Printing
at the Oourier Office.
Washington, Dec. ID. Itatlf liga
tion of the prohibition umciulmcnt
to the federal constitution by the
in- ebsur) three-fourths of the stales
by next February 1 l-t predicted In u
survey of the . prohibition situation
made public today by the board of
temperance, prohibition and public
morals of the .Methodist-Kplscopal
church. Fifteen states have approv
ed the amendment and the bfiaril de
clares that 3U other states, tlm legis
latures of which will meet next
month, will vote favorably on the
proposal for nation-wide prohibition.
The states which the board de
clares will ratify the amendment at
tho coming legislative sessions are:
Alabama, Arkansas, California,
Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illi
nois, Indiana, Kansas, Iowa, Ma I no,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ne
braska, Nevada, New Hampshire,
New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Oregon, Jtbodo Island.
Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wash
ington, Wisconsin, West Virginia and
Wyoming. Pennsylvania is classed
as "hopeful." New York "an even
proposition," and New Jersey "prob
ably opposed."
J ILjIrfl! A.k jmnr Or..! to
C.lC'JS IM-ka-larallaa4BnM,4V
. v!yi-i I'lIU l It.4 Hd 4) .14 aHUIllcfy
KLz,7J .., leM rtt Dim RIU. V
i - ,1 I'iMlM. A.'.f'ttllM'IIES.TM
I U .V : :a ir en wo fii.i. fc.
' ' .-V .iniinei.S,l.rt,AIriU.ll.bta
v cci pv roi'rr.iCT?
Joy Theater
i5c . Friday and Saturday 35c
The Tinnier Iiiih .been limn, uglily Cleaned nml I iiMilgali'il.
"Toys of Fate"
A New Screen Classic
Harold Kdle, Managing Director of tho Mtriiml Theater, New Vork.i
In a lotter to Klrhard How land President of Metro Picture, Has:'
"I cannot refrain from writing you regarding tho wonderful suc
cess attained by Mme. Nazlmova in "Toys of Fate" which opened
here at the Strand Theater last Sunday.
I thought "Revelation" a great picture, but unquestionably In my
mind this will meet with even greater success, owing to its tre
mendous appeal to the masses.
Nazlmova Is a marvelous star, and exhibitors everywhere should
make every effort to book this production."
On the Same Bill
Mutt & Jeff "On Ice"