Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 19, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TlllltHDAY, Di: DMIIKR 10, I0IH.
TTbe'Cbnstmas Spirit
CLristmail One dayiprlng of cheerfulness and freedom
from cankering care and selfishness and envy in a year of toil
and tJrlfe and ooninmlng nnreit. Christmas, marvelous boon
to huntnity, springing legitimately from the brief, eventful
life of the carpenter's Son, it a fixed institution. The twen-
tieth century oouTd not jpr ft If it would j youljn't if it
oouia. me cnriitmas spirit it everywhere pervading tne world
for tbli brief, bleiied day. Leveling ranks, tilenoing sdflih
net, dwarfing care, ignoring toil, forgetting oreed and oult
and birth and environment, it makei peace and good will not
only poiiible, but inevitable. The gift! it bean are the ipon
taneoua fruit of the omnipotent, all pervading ipirit of Christ
mas a wellspring in the desert, a sunbeam on wintry day, a
single exception to a steadfast rule. The spirit of Christmas
never cloys. We cannot have too much of it. Horning, noon J
and night, for breakfast, dinner and supper, the first thing on
waking and thu last thing on going to sleep, every hour of j
every day of every week of every month of the year we want
the spirit of Christmas, for it is the spirit of ministration, of j
giving, of service, of doing for others.
"Not to be ministered unto, but to minister" tis motto
lived out on every day of the year would dispel the sorrows of
the world, smooth out its wrinkles, abolish its poverty, soothe
its pain, comfort its heartaches, heal its diseases, make it a '
heaven. This is what is typified by every Christmas tree and
every gift it bears, by every bulging little stocking that hangs r
in tiia chimney corner, by every wreath of holly, by every
greeting and merry wish.
W lws lw Wws"' tsw sTss" srwa jpssgsw T jlniw e
Useful Gifts
Many UM-ful article In leather good, drwk nrrvNorlra, cut
U., mirrors and oilier aHlrlrs altaliln for (lirixlmaa iclftN are
now rrady for your Inupwtion at
Demaray s Drug and Stationery Store
Christmas Is
Children's Day
The message of Christmas Is love.
IU emblem Is radiant, thankful, con
tented childhood. Without love and
without children there could be no
real Christmas. The form mlKbt ear
but the substance would be lack
ing. ' -i .
Unhappy must be the adult who cad-1
not make himself a child sguln In
spirit at the Yuletlde. For Christmas
Is the universal children's day. Men
and women are superfluous except as
they make themselves partners with
those whom the day glorifies.
Let us, then, luy snide the affecta
tion and arniKiince of munhood and
womanhood and be children sgoin.
Let us adopt their point of view an
put ourselves In their places In the
places of thexe sons and daughters of
ours and of the sons and daughter of
our neighbors. It was only a year or
two ago, as It seems, when we bung
our well-worn stockings In a row along
I the mantel' ahelf, while our fathers
I and mothers looked on wltb unfeigned
pleasure at the Innocent confidence we
showed In what the morrow would
bring forth.
Even as you and L It all cornea
back In a flood of memories. Life
wss simpler then. Our desires were
less pretentious than those our chil
dren voice now. Modest remembrances
they were that bulged toe and heel of
the stockings mother knit
Life and Its circumstances change,
but the essence of Christmas never.
The same happy childhood, the same
restlessness, the same snail-like creep
ing of time as the holiday approaches.
The same parenthood, too the same
planning across the reading table after
the boys and girls are abed, the same
loving consideration of what this or
that child moHt desires and how far
the family purse can properly be
stretched to permit some further purchase.
Every home Is assured a Chrtntmss
If It has a great, wunn heart pulsating
In tune with the hopes and Joys of
childhood. -Exchange.
Classffied Advertising
A Christmas Wireless.
To you and your a wirtlen
Along- the Good-will Una
It brines a Chrlatmss greeting
Wltb low from ma and mine.
All kinds of Commercial Printing
at the Courier Office. -
I)ruK. Nov. 30. (Special cor
respondence) The civil population
of Belgium Is much more bitter to
ward the Germans than the soldiers
who have fought them to a standstill
during four years, crushed them,
battered them about and wrecked
the empire during the past four
months. Terms of bitter execration,
hate and revenge come from the civ
ilians alone.
A kind little old woman, tbe own
er of a cigar store, sfter selling the
Associated Press correspondent a
villainous cberoot, an "ersatz" cigar
relic of the German occupation, then
launched forth In a violent denun
ciation of the uninvited guests who
made Bruges their home for four
years. "This war must not end like
this," she aald with a vehemence
which contrasted greatly with her
gentle appearance. "We must go
Into Germany, they must suffer, ex
plate." On tbe day of their depart
lire the Germans robbed her store
of $500 worth of tbe best cigars and
On tbe Grande Palace In tbe shad
ow of tbe famous belfry, an Irate
gentleman was discoursing loudly,
gesticulating wildlly. "Tbe pigs, tbe
Infamous awine," he was saying.
'Shall It come to pass that they
shall escape punishment? Is it pos
sible that the German population will
not suffer any of the hardships that
their soldiers and officers have in
flicted upon us? Shall they not sa
lute our officers, descend into the
gutters as our soldiers promenade
on their sidewalks? Is It inconceiv
able that tbeir women will be spared
the humiliation of humbly begging
of our officers a passport to travel
between Aix-la-Chapelle and Co
logne as our wives and daughters
had to do to go from Bruges to Os
tend? If we end it now they are
beaten militarily but they are not
vanquished In their pride, in their
"He is a hotel keeper. The Ger
mans requlstloned 27,000 bottles
of wine from bis cellars," volunteer
ed one of bis audience standing near
Of all the allied soldiers the Bel-
FOil SALE Sixty-five acrea on
Pickett creek. House, barn and
blacksmith" shop, 3 horses, harn
ess, farming Implements, house
hold goods, etc. Price $2,500.
E. T. Carnegie, Merlin, Ore. 45
FOR SALE Eighteen eood rrada
Angora goats and goat shearing
machine. Price $100. E. T. Car
negie, Merlin, Ore. 45
WILL TRADE Five or 10 acres la
pears, 9 years old, adjoining city
of Grants Pass, for property la
or near Portland, Ore. Inquire of
F. M. Geiger, Boise. Idaho. 74
cember 21, at 1 o'clock p. m., at
Merlin, Ore., for cash, tbe follow
ing head of stock: Three cows
fresh In a few days, one fresh In
February; 1 milcblng cow and 2
are dry; 8 young cattle; span of
horses with harness, weighing
snout 1,300 lbs; 10 12 tons of
oat hay and about 4 tons of rye,
One rsnge, cook stove, one Vega
cream separator. 3, H, Daley,
Merlin, Oregon. 44
THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo
graphs. Open daily except Sun
day from 10 a. m. to S p. m. Sun
day sittings by appointment only.
Phone Mill, 28I-R, or residence)
140-J. STU
L. O. CLEMENT. M. D., Prattle
limited to diseases of the eye. ear.
nose and throat Glasses lltted
Offlce hours $-12, 2-6, or on ap
pointment. OSes phone 42, resi
dence phone IS9-J.
FOR SALE One thoroughbred sow.
one horse. Address E. F. Vahren-
wold, 'Murphy. 46
& LOUGHRLDGB, M. D Physldaa
and surgeon. City or. country calls
attended day or night Resldene
phone $6$; office phone 111
Sixth and H. Tuffs Bldg.
FOR SALE Good, partly Improved
ranch for sale. Will accept good,
modern residence as part pay
ment. What have you. Box 143
Kiddle, ore. 47
TOR SALE Good general-purpose
mare, light wagon and buggy,
fanning tools and Implements very
cheap. Farquharson, Fruitdale,
Grants Pass. 45
FOR SALE A-l Monarch maleable
range, perfect condition, kitchen
cabinet, ice chest, chairs, and gar
den tools at half cost. A. S. Far
quharson, Fruitdale. Phone 603
F-25. 44
FOR RENT Partly furnished cot
tage at 321 Rogue River Avenue
three rooms and sleeping porch
good well and one-half acre of
land, barn; $5.00 per month.
Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf
DR. J. O. NIBLET. Physician an 4.
surgeon. Lundburg Bldg. Health
officer. Office boors, t to 12 a.
m. and 1 to t p. m. Phone 810-J.
A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases; '
$03 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or.
Hours $ a. m. to 1 p. m.
A. BURS ELL M. D. D. C In block
north of postoffice, corner Sixth
and D street, surgical, electrical,
chlropratlc and osteopathic treat
ments. Office phone 197-R; resi
dence phone 333-R.
DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian
Office, residence. Phono 105-R.""
dences at 801 and 811, North 6th
St., eight and ten dollars a month.
Will sell either or both. Make me
an offer. John Summers, Leba
non, Oregon. 40tf
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law.
Practices In all Stat and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
glan was the one who appeared to FOR RENT One five-room furnlsh
bave the greatest desire to enter ed house at corner of N. 6 th and
uermany. his country is strewn A St- inquire at Roper's Tailor
with the wreckage of former happy gnop or pnone 603-F 14. 45
homes, perhaps tne very one where
the soldier dwelt Is now a heap of I WANTED
ruins. But these soldier boys dls- WANTED Girl or woman to BDend
COLVIO ft WILLIAMS, Attorneys-at-Law,
Grants Pass Banking Co.
Bldg., Grants Pass, Oregon. :
E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac
tice In all court First National
Bank Bldg. .
O. S. BLANCHARD, ttorney al
Law. Golden Rule Building
Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon.
play no hatred. They have not been
robbed of their cigars or their wine.
They have merely risked their lives
In ratn-fllled trenches and bullet
swept fields for the past four years.
nights with lady whose husband
is in the service. Call 303 West
K. St 46
WORK WANTED By competent
woman ag cook In camp, or gener
al housework. -May L. Brown, Sel
ma, Ore. 47
I WANTED Baby carriage in good
condition. Address No. 2145 care
Courier. 44
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R
Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-Y.
TAXI If going or coming call the
White Line Taxi. Safety first.
Call at the Spa confectionary.
Phone 262-R. Residence phone.
320-R. 45
According to H. D. imively, a rice
grower of Richvllle, Calif., there is
no reason why rice could not be
grown In the Rogue river valley with
a fine profit for the growers, says
the Mali Tribune. Mr. Sniveley ar
rived in the city yesterday with a
sheaf of rice which he placed on ex
hibition at the commercial club
"You have Ideal soil here for rice
growing,,' said Mr. Sniveley, "and
it gets as hot here in the summer as
it does In California. All you need
is water and I hear there is a good
chance of irrigation. To give you WE REAPAIR cars,
tome idea of the Droflts from rice, r generators,
I raised 48 sacks an acre this year
which sold for $212.
'Our main pests are ducks and
geese. I saw five acres of rice de
stroyed in one night this season by
a flock of them."
MEDFORD business College, now
open. 1 Stenography and related
subjects; classes under personal
supervision of F. Roy Davis, offi
cial court reoorter. 60
torneys, Albert Bldg. . Pho
226-J. Practice in all courts; lan
board attorneys.
C. A. SIDLE R, Attorney-at-Law, ref
eree In bankruptcy. Masonls
temple. Grants Pass, Or.
E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrsf lase
dentistry. 10H South Sixth
street Grants Pass, Oregon
kinds of drayage and tranatac
werk carefully and promptly dona
Phone. 181-J. Stand at freight'
depot A. Shade, Prop.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture
- moved.' packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi
dence phone, 124-R.
mag's, coils,
starters, batteries, ig
nition systems. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Stelger Garage, 211 North
Sixth street. S6tf
E. L. OALBRAITH, insurance, rent
als, acreage, building and loans;
snaps In city property. 609 G St,
Liauner'a old location. 68
Learn to Be a Listener.
The man with brains In his head la j
a good listener even If he doesn't
know what men are talking about It's
a pleasure to listen when you're Inter
ested. The next best thing Is to act
as though, you were. That does not
mean that you are to act the hypo
crite. It means that you are to put
yourself at attention and the chances
are that you will become Interested.
You Just must learn to get Interested
In what concerns the world. Disregard
what Interests others and thereby you
make confession that does not count
to your credit. So even If you can't
confess the most lively interest, find
out what there Is about the thing that
Interests others and the result muy be
a revelation to you.
Biblical Town of Gaza.
Al-Mlntnr. or the watchtower, still
exists to the east of the town of Gaza.
It Is where Samson Is sold to have car-i-icil
tin- irtite of the city. On the road
from Guzu to Jaffa are ancient olive
trees, ninny of them more than one,
thousand years old, with gnarled bark
imil Immense trunks. .There Is an old
legend which credits Gaza with the In
vention of the first mechanical clocks.
TIipmc- wene perhaps the sand clocks
which are still used In some mosques.
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Nov. 19, 1818.
- Impossible. j
You could not persuade a man that i
a homely girl )s a good manicurist. !
Memphis Commercial Appeal. .; I
Blankets numbering
were sent to Franoe by
Cross emergenclea.
Dally Thought
1,200,0.00 1 There is nothing so powerful as
the Red I truth ; and often nothing so strange
i Daniel Webster. . -
Cast Iron, Steel, Aluminum,
i or Bronae
How about that broken stove
casting that you did not think
could be fixed. Try us and see.
We make a speciality la weld
ing automobile frames.
BU H Street
Grants Pass, Ore.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday .
and Saturday
Leave Grants Pass. 1 P. M.
Arrive Waters Creek 2 P. M.
Leave Waters Creek S P. M.
Arrive Grants Pass 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company, Lundburg building,
or telephone 131.