Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 15, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Nl'miY, DECEMBER 18, 101.
Jim r&nim , . .
ondon, Doc. 1 4. Sovornl scors of
tloUtotlvM, the pick of the former
cmporor's force of sleuths at Potla
ilahi, are staying at Amorongen ac
cording to the Ainorongt'n correspon
dent of the Kxpresa. Iterr Hohen
aollorn la said to be In constant fear
of assassins and always carries a
small revolver.
Blatchford's Calf Meal
Dairy Food Mill Feed
Egg Producer
Poultry Supplies
202 Sixth Street
Grants Pass
W. T. Breen, t'ropr.
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cars
Office Old Observer Dlk. Corner Seventh and Q streets Phone tt
Telephone 2EH-4 and 143
U. 11 IK.- J& S
We Have
WaithlnKton, Dec. 14. Presonta
tlon to tho annate of the formal
election certificate of Truman New
berry, republican, who defeated
Henry Ford, resulted in a contro
versy culminating In the withdrawal
of the certificate for the present.
T?nvalnpea at tha Courier Office.
Hardware Co.
R. G ladings, Ageat
. . i
George McCalllstor wtl vlaltlng
hie mother at Will McCnlllater't on
Mra, Minnie Huaaey aoent Satur
day and Hunday at Ferrydale.
Mlaa Mallnda Ford a punt the week
und at her home returning to Uranta
Paaa Sunday evening.
Littlo Kenneth Jonea la happy
over receiving a Shetland pony that
waa prcaeted to him by hit uncle
Dick and At Every aa a Cbrlatmaa
Mr. and Mra. Dan Robertaon were
at Grant Paaa the laat of the week.
Dr. Smith waa called to aee Mra.
Falva Thuraday who la quite ill.
The road work atlll goee on be
tween ahowera.
Mlaa Audrey Griffin took Mra.
Thoa. Origan, her daughter, Mra.
Tuttle and Mra. Miller to Grant Paaa
Mra. A. B. Allen waa 111 a few day
the paat week.
E. C. Neely waa called to Granta
Paaa Tueaday on account of the 111-
neas of Mra. Neely.
0. H. Griffin waa at Wdnder on
Tueaday after a beef.
Mr. and Mra. F. N. Robertaon and
little aona took dinner at Grandma
Robertson's Thuraday. The dinner
waa given in honor of F. N. Robert
son' birthday.
The Mlaaea Audrey and Gladya Grit
fin were visiting Mrs. Frank Morri
son Monday.
Mrs. F. G. Roper is our captain
for the Red Cross drive next week.
J. J. Hagcn went to Gold Hill
Monday to work on the irrigation
Miss Lulu Johns visited the War
drips this week.
Miss Maud Bylngton baa been ill
with the Influenza the past week but
la Improving now.
J. H. Harrla attended the meet
ing of the County council at the
Court houae Tueaday.
Mr. and Mra. Dutcher and aon,
Oliver were dinner gueata of Mrs. A
S. Farquerson Saturday.
Roy Williams came home from
Glendale Wednesday, where be has
been working.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hamilton en
tertained Mrs. Hagen and children
and the NIelson family Tueaday
evening with a very enjoyable infor
mal musical and dance party with
pop corn anl apples (or refresh
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wardrip mot
ored to Glendale Sunday and had
to drive through snow on the higher
Mrs. Farquerson and master Wil
bur called on Mrs. Hamilton Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mra. Fred Roper was dinner guest
of Mrs. P. Slatterly and Mrs. Bert
Elliott Wednesday.
The Williams family are having
a hard tussle witn me lonsimis, an
are sick with It except the mother.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Josephine
County will hold the regular examl
nation of applicants tor State Certif
icates at the. courthouse aa follows:
Commencing Wednesday, Decern
ber 18, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., and
continuing until Saturday. Decem
ber 21, 1918, at 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon
U. S. History, Writing (Penman
ship), MubIc, Drawing. .
Wednewday Afternoon
Physiology, Reading, Manual
Training, Composition, Domestic
Science, Methods in Reading, Course
of Study for Drawing, Methods In
Arithmetic. ,
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History of Education,
Psychology, Method in Geography,
Mechanical Drawing, . Domestio Art,
Course of Study for Domestio Art.
Thursday Afternoon
Grammar,' . Geography, Stenog
raphy, American 'Literature, Physics,
Typewriting, Methods in Language,
Thesis tor Primary Certificate.
. Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthography
(Spelling),- Physical Geography,
English Literature, Chemistry.
Friday Afternoon
School Law, . Gvology, Algebra,
Civil Government.
SatnrcUy Forenoon
Geometry, Botany.
. Saturday Afternoon
General History, (Bookkeeping.
" Very truly yours,'
County Superintendent.
' Qree'ce arid' Serbia receivW' 2S
000,000 pounds of food In SO days
from the Red Cross.
M ih e gfiurcbfcl
Morning service at 11 a. m. Ser
mon topic: "The Divine Sec.-H of
True Living."
Evening services at 7:30 p. m.
Topic: "Modern Industrialism and
the Problems of Reconstruction."
Special music. Sunday school at
10 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30.
A. welcome for all.
At Newman M. E. Church
Sunday evening. "Modern Indus
trialism and the Problems of Recon
Church of Christ.
Bible school 10 a. m. Mrs Ellen
Thrasher, superintendent. Commun
ion at 11, followed by sermon,
Well Dinners." Evening service
at 7:30. Subject, "The Call to
Leadership." We Invite your co
CHAS, R. DRAKE, Mlnloter.
Baptist Church.
Rev. O. C. Wright, D. P., of Port
land, Is to preach at the Baptist
church at 11 a. m.
Prevbyterian Church.
'Rev. Mr. Davis of Brownsville
will preach in the morning at 11
o'clock and also at the evening ser
vice. Mrs. Harold West of Portland
will sing in the morning. Sunday
school at 10 a. m.
' Catholic Church
Masses on Sunday at 7:30
:39 a. m.
Rer. Father J. O. Tien.
First Church of Christ Scientist
Christlaa Science services are held
every Sunday, in the W. O. W. hall,
at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet.
Inrs at 8 o'clock. The select for I
today is, "God the only Cause and
Reading room la open from 2 to
4 p. m. daily except Sundays and
kolidsys. The public Is cordially In
vlted to attend the services and to
visit the reading room.
St. Luke's Episcopal
Evening prayer and sermon, 7:30
p. m. Rev. P. K. Hammond, of Ash
land, vicar In charge. An invitation
Is heartily extended to all.
Washington, Dee. 14. Switzer
land, acting for Germany, has asked
the United States for official infor
mation as to the dace of hotting the
formal peace conference, aad urgod I
a prompt reply because of Uc of
famine in Gern-.apy.
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 14. Ship
ped In a box car as "scrap iron,"
whiskey valued at $5,000 was taken
Croin the Great Northern railway by I
special agenta at Halyard yesterday.
The booze was loaded In Montana.
Purifies Boti
You can't ex- act weak kidneys" to
keep up under the terrific strain of
nature's effort to filter the acids and
poislons out of the system unless
they are given a little help. Don't
allow your kidneys, the most over-
Icome diseased when a little attention
now win prevent it. Don't try to
cheat nature, it can't be done.
A toon as you commence to have
backache, feel nervous, tired or worn
out without cause OCT BUSY. These
are usually warnings that your kid
ney are not working properly and
throwing off the poisons as they
Do riot dtelay a minute. Go After
the cause of your ailments or you
may find- yourself in the grip of an
Incurable disease. GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules will give al
most Immediate relief from kidney
troubles, which may bo, the unsus'
pected cause of HI health. QUIA)
MEDAL (Haarlem Oil Capsules will
do the work. They are the pure
original Haarlem Oil Capsules im
ported direct from the laboratories
in Haarlem, Holland. Ask your
druggist for GOLD MEDAL and ac
cept bo- substitutes, a. Look, tor- the
name GOLD MEDAL on every boa.
Three slsee, sealed packages. Money
refunded It they do not help you,
Gassff ied f Adverttein
FOR SALE Young team (excellent
pullers), wagon, plowa, harrows,
hay, lumber, cedar posts, shot
gun, rifle, bedsteads, oil stove and
other articles. Phone 602-F-12,
Mrs. George L. Morris, Rd. 1,
Grants Pass, Ore. 42
FOR RENT Cottage 321 Rogue
River Ave., three rooms and
sleeping porch, good well and one
half acre land, barn, $4.59 pe
month. Key at 208 Foundry. Out
FOR RENT Partly furnished cot
tage at 321 Rogue River Avenue;
three rooms and sleeping porch.
good well and 'one-half acre of
land, tarn; $5.00 per month.
Key at 208 Foundry. 074
A FURNISHED house for rent, or
house and furniture for sale. - Mrs.
Starr, phone 398 J, L&wnridge
Ave., 40.
WANTED 8 burros, well broken
to ride or paek. Write to C. B.
Baker, Soldiers Home, Roseburg,
Ore. .41
I JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
time. Phone Mocha Cat 181-R.
Otto J. Knips, Residence 149-Y
TAXI If going or coming; call the
Whit Line Taxi. Safety first.
Call at the Spa confectionary.
Phone 262-R. Residence phone,
320-B, 45
WILL PAT cent a vound for
acorns at 727 North Fifth street.
MED FORD business College, now
open. Stenography and related
subjects; classes . under personal
supervision of P. Roy Davis, offi
cial court reporter. . 80
mag's., coils.
generators, starters, batteries, ig
nition systems. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Steiger Garage,' 211 North
Sixth street - 36tf
EST RAY I have at my place one
roan yearling heifer;'- mark, crop
off right ear; nnderbit in left; no
brand visible... Owner can have
same by calling at 509 L street
and paying bill. Louis Parker.
.Slanders, Walkers, ,
"Cats-irtor Gcrns
World Eai tiewvt Zaawx tttSqul
"What will get rid ef tny cornT"
The sniwir has been made by mil
lions thsra'a only one corn-removar
mat you can Dana on. lamvm aoao
lately certain, that makes any corm
CoPiia b Em4-Um Can l Diinil
on earth peel rlitht off like a baaaaa
ekln and that a matno "Oata-it."
Tight ahoea and dancing even when
you have a corn nead not disturb
you If you apply a few drops of
Gste-It'" on the corn or callus.
You want a corn-peeler, not a corn
fooler. You don't have to fool with
cornsyou peel them right oS with,
your Angara by using "Gete-It."
Cutting makes corns grow and
hlciul. Whv uae, Irritating salves
or make a bundle, of your toe wttlk
or make a bundle, of your toe wttn
tape or bandages? Why potte sag
still have the cornT Use "Oets-lf
your corn-pain Is ever, the corn
Is a "goner" sure a the son rises. ..
"Oeta-It," the ftaaranteed. mony
back corn-remover, the only aura
wny, eoats but a trifle at any clrua etore.
Mi u by iu. ijawrenoe a o, wamBu. .
Sold in Granta Pass, and recom-i
mended as the world's best com:
remedy by George. Cw Babls
L Every American prisoiict, ii' QaV -
many received a big -' food parcel-
every mt froiu the Red Cross. Re
turn pot'.is prors It. . .. .
THE PICTURE MILL for tine photo
graphs. Opes dally except Sun
day from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. San
day sittings by appointment only.
Phone Mill, 283-R, or residence-140-J.
U O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practice.-
limited to diseases of ths eyewear,
nose and throat. Glasses , fitted.
Offlee boors 9-12. 2-5, or on ap
pointment Offlcs phone 12, resi
dence phone 859-J.
8. LOTJOHUDGK, ii. D.. Phyatoiajn
and surgeon. City or country , calls
attended day or night. Residsn
phone 881; office phone 181
Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg.
DR. J. O. NIBLEY. Physician sad
snrgeox Lundfcurg Bldg. Health'
officer. .Office soars, i to 13 .
m. snd 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 310-J.
A. A. W1THAM. M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases;
801 Corbett Bldg.; Portland. Or.
Hoars 1 1 1. It 1 p. u.
A. BURSEU M. D. D. C In block
north Of poetofflce, corner Sixth
and D street. surgical, electrical,
ehlroprttie and osteopathia tract--menu.
Office phone 197-R; resi
dence phone S3S-R.
DR?V i. BESTtJL. Veterinarian.
Offloa. residence. , phone 805-R.
H. D. NORTON, Attor neyi4a .
Practices In all Bute and Federal
Contts- First National Bask Rids-
COLViO k. WILLIAMS, Attorney
at-Law, OranU Pass Banking Co.
Bldg:. Oraku Pass. Oregon.
B. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Pra
tic In ait court. First National
Bank Bldg.
a fk B LAN CHARD, ttornsy st
Law. . Golden Rule Building
Phone 870. Grants Pass, Oregon.
torneys, Albert Bldg. Phos
28C-J. Practice In all courts; lss
board attorney. '
C. A. 8 IDLER. Attorney-at-Law. ref-
eree , In bankrupUy. .. . Masonic
tempie. Grants Pass; Ore.
E. a MACY, D. U. D. . . Flrst-ass
dentistry. . 10$ South 8lxt
street. Grants Pass. Oregpn.
kinds of , drayag .sad transto:
work carefully and promptly done.
Phene 1 8 W., Stand at freight
depot A. Shade, Prop.
THE WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
F. G. IS HAM, drayage and transfer. .
Sate, pianos and Inmltors
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office phone I24-T7 Resi
dence phone, 124-R
The California and Oregon
Coast Baroa4 Coixipairy
Effective Not. 1$, 1918.
Trains will ran r Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Grants Pai;.:......:."l P.' MY
Arrive Waters Creek 2 P. M.
Leave Waters Creek : 3 P. M.
Arrive Grants Pass . 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company.' Lundburg building,
or telephone IS I. -A
Cast Iron, Steel, Aluminum,
V or Bronse
How about that broken stove
casting that you did not think
. could, be fixed. Try us and see.
We make a speciality In weld
ing automobile frames.
811 H Street
i t 1 I Graas Pass, Ore, i
ToKio, s.De"(L; li.-j-Formerj Presi
dent Roosevelt has ibeen elected an
honorary member of -the Japanese
Red Cross snd, with the special ap
proval ot. the smDsjoiR will receive a
Red -Cross decoration.
-PTessd-lht alvcsl hm cmfwyp twb