PAGE TWO DAILY ROGUE RIVER COIIUKR VKIMMIY, liKCKMUKH II, IVIft MAKING INSIGNIA FOTC U. 2. !!.'.VY THE 0M WATER O.lll t Published Dally Except Saturday A. B. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. nterd at poatoffloe. Grants Pass, Or., aa second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES DUpl&y apace, per inch -15c Local-personal column, per line..lOc Headers, per line 6c DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year.-S6.00 By mail or carrier, per month .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year .$1.50 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively a titled to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited to it nr n otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. V s r4 sWA xSjy Kinney & Truax r Grocery WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1018 -f :f OREGON WEATHER 4 . Unsettled, probably rain or 4 snow; moderate south to west f winds. THE TWO ARMIES Figures Just rdJ puollc by Major General Maurice, the British military writer, throw light on a much-lis cussed matter the relative stninBtn of the German and allied armies during ' Foch's victorious campaign It develops that the Germans were really beaten without any such "overwhelming superiority of num feers" as they nave represented,' and Foch turned the tide last summer with an army much smaller than the enemy's. t - When the big German offensive started last March, the strength of all the armies engaged stood as fol lows: If the Belgian army be rated as one, the French army as 12 the British army 10 and the Amer ican army a mere , making a total of 25. The German army stood at 26. Subsequent gains from the east raised this to 31 in May. On July 18, when Foch launched his offensive, the Belgian army re mained about the same; the French army had been reduced to 11 and the British to 9 ; the American army had risen to 3. That made the allied total still 25. The German army had up to that time declined very little, making up Its battle losses 'by new drafts, so that when Foch delivered his blow it stood at about 30, and was thus actually 20 per cent larger than the armies at Foch's disposal. Foch took the initiative, however, secure In the knowledge that the rapid growth of the American army would soon turn the scale. From July 18 on, the German army declln ed fast because It had to fight con tinuously, almost everywhere, with no reserves to make good its losses, By November 11, when the fighting ended, the allied armies remained at about 25 units while the German - army had sunk to 17. It is interesting to learn that at the close of hostilities, though we had only begun to throw our weight Into the struggle, the effective Amer- lean army was 60 per cent as large as the French and 75 per cent as large as the British. By next summer it would have exceeded either of them the seaman's act and enter the field for world commerce. Shipmasters and ship owners and men who have put their capital into the shipping business and gave it up j say It cannot be done. Japan chuckles gleefully and sends its commissions to notify us that we must expect to meet them as com petitors on the high seas. England has coppered the situa tion and starts her merchant marine tor the trade of the world while we are calmly advised to again try to meet competition under the same re strictions that wiped the American flag off the seas before the war started. Chairman Hurley says we will try it under the LaFollette act and If we fan, it will foe time enough to go to congress for relief. Instead of a merchant marine built and equipped npon scientific and economic principles we are to again go In blindly and learn In the dear school of suffering and ex perience. GROPING BLINDLY vnairman Huney or toe snipping Jboard, says the Manufacturer, ' be Sieves an American merchant marine can be built up in spite of the LaFol- lette seaman act. - ' He says let us build the ships, man them according to the terms of SOLDIER LETTERS Grants Pass is on the threshold of the future. Will It go forward or backward T Placing the excellent river bottom soil under irrigation means a decided step forward; fail ure to do so means that Grants Pass will remain stationary while other sections forge ahead. "Do It now should be the watchword of the land owners. We Intended to write an editorial about the "flu," but really, what's the use? No one would believe it- which makes us reflect: Lives there a man ' Besides me and you, Who does not know How to stamp out The "Flu?" President Wilson says: "No true American could think of visiting Germany unless forced to do so by strictly official obligations." That's mighty good advice for Americans. From the way Hearst and his gang are being shown up, those who per sist in boosting the Hearst publica tions haven't much to be proud of in that line. .1(11 st Infantry Suffers Heavy Losacw Ed. Cassldy of this city, has re ceived the following letter from his son, who belonged to headquarters company of the 361 regiment in France. The 361st Is said to have gone into battle with 2.800 men, and all but 800 were either killed or wounded by the enemy. My Dear Father: Received a couple of your nice long letters and will say that they sure arrived at opportune times. We had Just finished a nine day siege at the front, and succeedd In pushing 'Frits" back about 10 miles and had gone hack tor a rest when your first letter was received. We were due for a long rest, but only stayed for a day and a halt and were sent back for five days more and again our regiment succeeded In putting the Huns a few miles closer to Berlin. We withdrew after being relieved, and it was then I received your sec ond letter where you gave me the dickens for not writing. There Is no Y. M C. A. In this town and as I have no stationery, I bummed this from a nice French family, and am writing It from their home. I Just finished a real break fast, two eggs, fresh fried rabbit and chocolate, and it sure was fine. Noth ing ever tasted as good. We have been on the hike for four days do ing close to 45 miles and a real feed made a new man out of me. Am getting to be a tough old nnt. and nothing phases me any more, bullets, shrapnel, high explosives, snipers, or machine gun fire cast no terrors to me anymore, as I have faced it all successfully so far. Once a big six-Inch high explosive shrap nel shell dropped three feet from me It did not go off. If It had, it would have been curtains tor me. Have been covered with mud and dirt from shells, and had a piece of shrapnel bit my steel hat, but am still kicking. Now the reason I didn't write was because I couldn't, as I have already said. We were 17 days at the front, and was two weeks biking and camp ing out before we went in, and a man can't write when he don't know where he is going to eat or sleep. I carried litters until my shoulders were raw and my back nearly broke. and during the whole campaign, I sure carried my share of the wound ed. There Is an A. E. F. order, pro- Ashland is happy; her houses are full and her people prosperous. Hornbrook is Jubilant; her people are full and her bartenders busy. WERE ALL BUSY Cold water 1ms many boneflelul properties. Cities spend fortunes In piping the sparkling xhlliirant to their doors. To tho weitry plodder In the desert it is more precious than gold. It hng quieting effects upon burning bulUlltixs. while its soothing qualities upon the, Inside of a whiskey-burned stomach are vouched tor. And someone said or else It Is somewhere written that the time will come when cer tain Individuals will pray aloud tor one drop of this cooling fluid to place on tholr parched tongue and pray In vain, to all of which proves the time Is approarhlng when cold water will not be obtainable. But like many other wholesome substances, used In the wrong man ner. cold water has a chilling, do moralizing effect. Petty cavillers sometimes congregate and automa tically and often unaware of tholr j procedure form "cold water clubs." Membership dues nre nil. Most small cities have such clubs our own city may not be Immune, Although the attendance at the meetings of these Cold Water Clubs Is never large, It Is often too large for the best lnter t of the cltv. Each member Is always equipped with a gaval com monty called a big hammer. One rap calls for another and Instantly the anvil chorus produced by the t, W. C. soothes the ruffled feelings of every member present. (To become a recognised member In high stand ing, your feelings must always 1e ruffled, and you must have that sat Isfled feeling that you could run the other fellow's business better than he Is doing.) No one Is Immune from an attack from the C. W. C. and any two quali fied members of the club can, In about tour minutes, offset tne en deavor of a regiment of optimists. It you are an office-holder, merchant, Judge, lawyer, preacher, doctor or barber, you may be "rapped." You may be depicted as a dead one; you may run a "rotten Joint;" you may not be endowed with any too many brains, and In fact you may be too crooked to hide behind a corkscrew. If you are an editor, you may be all of these things combined, and you never did print anything "straight,0 nor put an Intelligent Idea Into your measly sheet. AU of which reminds us that "a brotherhood among men and na tions'" Is yet somewhat remote It seems that we are too human. An editor does not know much about the mercantile, hotel, drug, and many other kinds of businesses, but the average editor does know mat a little more harmony and coopera tion instead of so much cold wa ter on the part of some people .would helo elve their city a better dally paper. A Cold Water Club Is not prop! tloim to the welfare of any city. If you can't boost, at least don't knock Knocking does not entirely kill the other fellow's -business, and accom plishes nothing further than to keep you In a disgruntled state of mind. Wsr' V VVr- - 6 .Li'-'iiiteX 7: , vy Lmmm-arT- - - - ... y.r A A machine which turns out over l.V) U. S. utivnl liiHlgiils lit uue time. It takes two hours to complete them. Thin liuxlnens Is nn Important one, as the Davy personnel Is now well ovsr BOO.000 men. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice Is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Josephine County will hold the regular exami nation of applicants for State Certif icates at the courthouse as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Decem- hibiting members of the band organ-1 ber 18 1918' 8t "O'tlocl1 and ization from carrying litters, but this conunulnK nnl" aluroa must have been an extreme emer gency case, as we never drilled or even prepared ourselves for such strenuoiig work. Sure wish this was over, and all us boys could go hack home and enjoy life once more, but that will never come till "Fritz" Is knocked "coo coo" so let us hope that the day will soon be here when our dreams will mature, and the world is at ever- A visitor to a small country town lost his dog, an animal which he nrlzed vprr much Rushing to the office of the local 1t,n "eace' J,,8t " to write newsDaner. he handed in an adver- tlsement offering five dollars reward every oPPorne time for the return of the dog. Halt an hour later he thought he would add to his advertisement the words: "No questions asked." So he hurried off to the office again. When be got there the place was empty save for a small boy, who looked very sulky. "Where's the staff?" asked, the tourist, glancing round the deserted room. "Out looking for your dog," was the aggrieved retort. Unreasonable. Several boys were holding a confer ence on the street corner. One boy kept correcting anoUier's mistakes In English until the offender suddenly squared himself before bis critic snd demanded, "Gee whiz I what Is vaca tion for if a feller has to talk proper all the timer . orten papa and I'll write you I remain ever, your loving son. SERGT. LAFE CASSIDY, 361st In ft. Band., American Ex. Forces, France. The Tomato In History. Edward Albes of the Pan-American onion, In discussing the matter of the tomato, said a number of years ago that the word "tomato" seems to be of Aztec origin, and given as "tomst! by some authorities and as "txtomate" by others. The word still persists In some of the older Mexican town names, as, for examples, "Tomatlan" end Tomatepec." The weight of opinion among historical botanists is that the plant and culture for edible purposes began In Peru, whence It spread to other parts of tropical America. It Is known that It was cul tivated for Its fruit in the warm cli mates of America centuries before the coming of Columbus to this conr tlnent her 21. 1918. at 4 o'clock p. m Wednesday Forenoon U. S. History, Writing (Penman ship), Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon Physiology, Reading, Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods In Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thnrmtay Forenoon Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods In Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon Grammar, Geography, Stenog raphy, American literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods In Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, English Literature, Chemistry. i Friday Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Rut n relay Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. - Very truly yours, ALICE M. BACON, , County Superintendent. Thirty thousand letters a week are written by the Red Cross to the fam ilies of soldiers, answering questions, Books for'iiGifts A well cliosen Ixmk ! it direct mean of making iMtiera liapy The "bent delict" In llin new fiction are "The WimU of liaiire." "A Daughter of the Land," 'Ihin Mnblc," "The Valley of the (ilanU." In popular copyright at 7Sc the py "t'aPW lUcka," "Ron of Tanuui," "Jut David," "The Flint Hundred ThouMuil," anil many other for title at Demaray s Drug and Stationery Store Utility Gifts for .l)ri$tma$. Grants Pass Hardware Co. VI. T. Ureen, Propr. H. (biddings, Agent Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. Big, Easy Riding Pierce Arrow Cars Office Old Observer Blk. Corner Seventh and Q streets Phone 2A Telephone 22K-J and 1 flit BARGAIN 1917 Ford $390 C. L HOBART CO.