Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 08, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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A knowledge of good ciusle la
a much. mark ot culture m
la the possession ot a good vo
cabulary. Edison Diamond
' . ,. - -
With Mr. Edison's diamond
reproducer it is now possible
to reproduce muslo with abso
lute fidelity to the original.
Come in and let s play your
favorite records for you on the
Diamond Amberola. Yon will
not be asked to purchase.
The Music & Phcto House
. Btaatoa Bowell. Proprietor
To the Editor:
May I trespass again on your
good nature in order to correct some
statements made in Dr. Nlbley'a ar
ticle ot December 6. My good friend
Dr. Nibley seems all "het up" over
the influenza situation, or is he mak
ing use of the influenza as camou
flage to make a dirty personal at
tack on me? .
The article written, by myself and
appearing in Thursday's Courier
was correct in practically every par
ticular as would my other article
have been had 'Dr. Nibley not taken
the liberty to "correct it." Dr. Nib
ley says "and we all know what the
Burgeon general did to Dr. Smith's
attempt to stimulate his country
practice by opening the schools be
fore the flu was under control," evi
dently we dont all know for the very
good reason that Dr. Smith made no
such attempt and the surgeon gen
eral did nothing to him, and such a
report, if there was one, evidently
came from a fevered or disordered
The charge that I have been draw
ing a salary from the county illegally
is absolutely, false as Dr. Nibley
very well knows if . he knows any
thing. I have not had time to look up the
case cited and not being able to em
ploy a legal adviser I presume it re
fers to a case where a person draws
two salaries at the same time, hold
ing two offices considered lucrative,
as for instance in some places he
may hold the office as city health of
ficer and county physician at the
same time and draw a salary for
each office, as I say I have no legal
adviser and as Dr. Nibley evidently
has, I trust he will have him look
the case up. The claim that their
drugs are purer and their Instru
ments are the finest is the stock
in-trade claim of quacks. I have
never known a legitimate physician
advance any such claim. The large
number of persons given the serum
treatment free by Dr. Nibley speaks
volumns for kindly and altrustlc dis
position. . Of course he draws 30
per month for treating county
charges.., ... ,
Mr This, ends the, controversy as tar
as I am concerned Now let ' the
"heathen rage."
"Cutex." Sabln has It. 34
Dutch bulbs at "Cramer Bros. S4
John Hampshire made a trip to
Canyonvllle Saturday. ,
Ten and SOc loaves at Moore Bak
ing Co.
Hvacinths and tulips at Cramer
Bros. . .3
J. M. Whipple made a trip to
Rogue River Saturday.
Let ua show you the best stock of
furniture In the city. You'll find It
at Holman's. 605 Q street, opposite
band stand. J
H. W. Dahlberg spent Saturday
afternoon at Medtord.
Paper white narcissus bulbs Just
arrived at Cramer Bros. , 84
J. F. Pope went to Gold Hill Sat
urday afternoon to visit an old
"back-east" friend.
Linoleums Why not tor Christ
mas? Genuine Inlaid at the right
prices at Helmer's. 3
Buy your Christmas present early
at Cramer .Bros. 34
, ,W. L. Kadderly, assistant county
agent leader tor the state, waa In
the city today.
Useful Christmas presents, the
kind everybody wants this year at
Cramer Bros. 34
Do your Xmas shopping early and
get useful gifts. Holman ras them
at 605 G street.
Frank MacFarlane returned Sat
urday from Loleta, Cal., where he
spent the past two months.
A window full ot household gifts
at Cramer Bros. 34
Miss Lulu Johns, of Glendale, is
visiting a few days with friends in
the city.
Hemstitching and pecotlng at 10
cents a yard All work guaranteed
The Vanity Shop, Medford, Ore. 27tf
Our new ladies' coats can't be beat
any place. Good goods at the right
prices is our motto. The Rhekopt
Millinery.. 34
Patrician Community silverware
at Cramer Bros.
Mrs. R. W. Root, who has been
with her mother, Mrs. H. B. Root,
for the past year while her husband
was serving in France, left Friday
afternoon for Fallbrook, Cal.
Christmas greeting cards, post
cards, Xmas cards, tags and seals at
Clemens, the Rexall store. 39
Mrs. M. C. H. Day returned Friday
night from Central Point, where she
visited her mother, and will be In
the city for several days before leav
ing for Bremerton.
Ten telephones In good condition
going at $10 each. Grants Pass
Hardware Co. . , 39
Holman has the largest assort
ment ot picture mouldings in . the
city. He does framing neatly at
the right prices. You can find him
at 605 O street. 34
Aluminum ware at Cramer Bros.
J. C. Shea, air demonstrator for
the O.-W. R. & N. Co., spent Satur
day In the city with his halt 'brother,
L. D. Corbett, who with Mrs. Cor-
bett came in from the River Banks
farms tor the day.
Round lunch tables and chairs tor
children at Helmer's. 34
Ten telephones In good condition
going at $10 each. Grants Pass
Hardware Co. 39
Stanton Rowell and George S.
Calhoun leaves Sunday night tor
Portland to attend the postponed an
nual convention of the Knights ot
Pythias, which convenes December
11 and 12. ,
Rogers silverware at Cramer Bros.
See Holman, he'U save you money
on your Xmas goods. He's at 605
G street, opposite the band staid. 34
Bert Anient, who has been in the
navv for the past three years. Is
now at Key West, Fla. 'Bert has vis
Ited points in Africa and both sides
of South America, and has sent
home a number of Interesting souve
nirs from foreign ports.
Little furniture for little people.
English breakfast table and chairs
for children at Helmer's. 34
Mrs. Glenn Sturtevant and little
daughter left Saturday afternoon for
Oakland, Cal., to Join Mr. Sturte
vant, who has been there tor the
past two months. They will stop
off at Sacramento and Napa to visit
tor a tew days.
. F. R, STEEL aU
Books for Schools
, JLibrary, books are now. ready for
rural schools, and. representatives ot
the .districts may get their books at
the office of the county school super
No Luncheon Monday
. Owing to the fact, that the Cham
wr ox commerce ,cub rooms are
oemg repaired, the get-together
luncheon scheduled for next Monday
Jiaj oeen postponed. The meeting
will probably be held later In the
'.' , i r I i J - .
If yeu have anything to sell try
JU3. MOSS AG3NCY Fire insur
ance, plate glass liability Insur
ance. 204 Sixth street. tf
After an Illness ot scarcely a week,
Mrs. Marguerite Ogden Steel, daugh
ter ot the late Judgo F, 01. Ogden,
and wife ot F. R. Steel ot Winona
ranch, and a member ot the Oakland
board of education, la dead at St.
Luke's hospital in San Francisco,
influonia. which rapidly duvoloped
Into pueumonla was the cause ft
Mrs. Stool was, one ot the best
known women graduates ot the Uni
versity ot California, former assist
ant dean' of women at the Institu
tion, and tor a time law partner of
Mrs. Annette Adams, now United
States attorney tor this district,
was married to Francis Stool, also
a University of California graduate.
last July. She was a member ot the
board ot education at the time.
Mrs. Steel graduated from , the
University of California In 1910, and
returned for a post graduate course
In low which she finished In 1913
She was admitted to the state and
federal practice at this time and en
tered active practice with Mrs. Ad
ams across the bay. During her
post graduate course the was assist
ant dean ot women at the univer
sity.- She was a member ot the Delta
Delta Delta sorority and the Pryta
nean society, and took a prominent
part In women's affairs at the unl
Her father, the late Judge F. B.
Ogden, senior Judge of the Alameda
county bench, died October 7, fol
lowing an operation.
Mrs. Steel replaced Miss Annie
Florence Urown as the woman mem
ber of the school board at the last
city election.
The city council, when It ad
Good Bread
meant much better health
Bread has boon aptly termed the "staff of lite." Well made
bread from pure flour Is the natural dlot ot man.
Eat more bread live longor enjoy better health
money. '
You will always find the bent bread, on the market here.
C. R. PIFIHLD, Manager
Mr. and Mrs. John Dubuls enter
tained at dinner Friday evening, in Journe1 tnls mornng, m g0 01lt of
honor of James Elvln and Frank E,
Slckels, who were In the city In the
interest of the Y. M. C. A.
Good Returns on Venl
O. A. Hamilton Informs the
Courier that he has Just received re
turns on a veal shipped to Portland
last week, which gives him a gross
price ot 20 cents, making the 124-
pound calf bring a big price.
memory of the late school director.
The funeral was held Saturday!
morning, when Francis Steel, her
husband, arrived from Chicago.
Oakland, (Cal.) Tribune.
Carving sets at Cramer Bros. 84
oy Theater
"The Fair Pretender"
Who pruowd to Muff their y through "MNmlety,''
Special Announcement!
IWftinnliitt today we will uliow a
Fox Sunshine Comedy
Every alternate Huntlny and Monday
Todny It Is
'Hie Diver s Last Kiss"
INSURANCE Any kind, best of
companies. L. A. Launer, real
estate. tf
The Oxford Cafe-
Will serve a turkey dinner Sun
day evening, 5:30 to 7:30 the price
is 50 cents. Good lunch at noon,
40c. 34
A Fine Record
Dr. R. J. Bestul, veterinarian, is
now busy testing the milch cows In
the county, for tuberculosis. The
doctor states that In his last testing
trip over the county he found only
six Infected cows, which he consid
ers a very fine showing, and says
that with proper attention this high
standard of health among the cows
can be maintained.
HEATH & HERMAN have removed
to 609 G street, Launer's old lo
cation, where they may hereafter
be found. 34
WILL PAY cent a "pound for
acorns at 727 North Fifth street.
FOR SALE Player piano In good
condition. Inquire 702 E street.
Call afternons. &6
GOOD BUXGALOW on paved street,
furnace, .heated, two hanj finished
rooms In . basement, garage, hen
house and park, forge gard
place. For sale at a real sacrifice.
- - Address No- 2075 . Courier. 35
WANTED Contract . cutting wood
and filing saws by expert flier;
also want good partners to go in
with. Wm. Dickinson, 713 North
Filth street, 89
WANTED TO BUY Power circle
saw outfit for cutting cord wood;
also young .milk cow, Jersey or
Jersey, and Holsteih cross prefer
red. Write Box 44, Merlin, Ore
gon.. 35
FOR ALL KINDS of insurance, see
Isaac 'Best. . . 86
A, FEW VERY choice stock farms
tor ,ale... Jaaac J5et 3 6
191 7 Ford
I,. ... M a ... m
thitrnmra l.i)m
At the M. E. Church
Sunday night at 7:30 "The Hun
gry 'Hun at the Peace Table and the
Dinner Table." 84
Printing that pleases We do it!
Courier Job Department.
After being closed for several
weeks the iRed Cross rooms will be
reopened on Monday. Workers are
earnestly asked to attend as the
work is very urgent with not less
than six allotments to be filled as
quickly as possible. Miss Horning,
superintendent ot the t Red .Cross
work,, asks that the work rooms be
filled as peace does hot mean a ces
sation of work for the Red Cross, but
rather more work, because of 'the
great need of the refugees.
L. IBe
Having decided to devote my entire time to the un
dertaking business, I propose to close out my entire
line which includes
Art Goods
. ..Neighbors of Woodcraft
G. W. Edith Rehkopf.
Adv. -Lu el la Dean.
Magic Jennie Hathaway.
Clerk Anna fltlnebaugh.
Banker James Slover.
' Attend. Susanna Ahlf.
Inside Sent.--Cora Wynant
.Outer Sent, Hattle Backer.
Musician Hattle Calvert.
.Manager Abble Sampson.
Manager Emma Hoyt.
; Manager Mary Davis.
Past G. N.-Sadle Hyde,
'Capt. of Guards 'Anna Melssner,
A luncheon and a social hour
were'enjoyed after the election of
Framed Pictures
Glassware aitd
Goods will be priced to make them move quickly.
. . Crockery and Chinaware are almost impossible to secure and -the price is
prohibitive, but this sale will give you an opportunity to stock up at amazingly
low cost. . .
Shop Here For Christmas
Remember, everything is to be closed out
Store closed Monday and Tuesday
for pricing
,--;:, ;. j . : ?; .
See Bargain Counters