Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 08, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Bl'NDAV, PIXK.MHK11 8, 101".
Utility Sifts
Grants Pass Hardware Co.
i, i
We Have
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
W. T. Breen, Propr.
H. Glddlags, Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cart
Easy Riding
Office Old Observer Blk. Comer Seventh and G str
Telephone 22W u l3
-Phone 2d
Fashion Garage
and Machine Shop "
Burke & Son, Proprietors
T.rm "Qsrdan," Usd Today. Capa
ble of Coma of tha Mott Elastlo
Wa apeak ao freely and often of
"garden," assuming that there la aome
well-defined common use of that word
even among the authorities on garden
Ing subject. But the fact la that It
baa reached mighty elaatlc limit In
their writing and apeech and can be
taken to mean anything from the enor
moua private parka and estates to the
ta can glorlc of a back yard.
' The word garden la from the old
Anglo-Saxon root, "gyrden," meaning
an Inclonure. At that time, due to the
uncertain character of community life,
It waa either Included within fortlflca
Uona or left unpi-rtected and expoaed
without, Thla private Incloaed land
wue the garden of that time. That la
the meaning of garden In the Bong of
Gradually the aeiiNe of the word baa
changed to cover thotte parta of the
lend devoted to the cultivation of
plant either for pleaaure or for use;
thus, we have the vegetable or fruit
garden, and on the other hand, the
wall, water or roae garden, etc
Liberty Hyde Bailey deflnea a gar
den a "the peraonal part of an eatate,
that area which la moat Intimately as
sociated with the private life of the
Whatever the sense In which It ia
naed, the word "garden" alwaya auc-
ceeda In carrying with It an atmos
phere of romance and beauty, which
countleaa agea of nee cannot dim.
Philadelphia Record.
Newman 31. K. Church
Morning eervlce at 11 t. m. Topic,
The Great New Movement In the
Church, What It la and What It
Propose to Accomplish." Evening
aervlce at 7:30 p. m. The first one
of two sermons on reconstruction
themes will be preached, "The Hun
gry Hun at the Peace Table and the
Dinner Table." Be aurej to hear
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep-
worth league at 6:3p p. m. A cor
dial Invitation to all theae aervlce.
Melville T. Wire, paator.
ltaptixt Church
"Rev. J. M. Powers will preach at
both morning and evening aervlce at
the Baptist church. Sunday school
begin at 9:45 a. m. with a fifteen
minute song eervlce. B. Y. P. V. at
6:30 p. m. In charge of Group No. 1.
A cordial welcome la extended to
ttend these aervlce.
OVH GARAGE I equipped for every nini of repair work, ui
our workmen are experts la their line. Nothing la ever half
done, no detail Is ever 'overlooked. It la properly finished on the
spot. Our price are reasonable, '
Buy your supplies from us. We charge no more than the foreign
dealer for the same article, and WE PAY THE FREIGHT and YOU
Buy your gasoline from ns. I la, the beat and oar price are al
waya at the bottom. It pays to boy yonr gasoline here. .
Nature Kindly Furnished Cold Storage
Facilities for Landowner In
Western Montana.
The owner of a plot of ground In
wextern Montana discovered on hie
property a well which emitted a con
stant current of cold air, which In hot-
test summer waa about 39 degreea Fab
rriihelt, the temperature of adentl
flrnlly regulated refrigerator. With a
liUHlm-KH eye to economizing In Ice he"
derided to build a house In such a pool
tlcti thut the well would be at the Ride
of the kitchen In a built-in addition. In
this addition be afterward placed
flieivca and receptacles for storing
perlxhnble goods.
Ilia next step wa to bnlld a store
neurby, with an underground pipe con
necting the well with a room In the
basement of the store. Here he planned
to keep perishable merchandise. The
ripe led up Into the store, also. It wa
provided with a damper ao that It could
he opened or shut In order to regulate
the temperature of the room. In thla
way electric current for operating fana
In hut weather waa saved.
At the opening In the pipe the force
of air current ia sufficient to sweep a
man' hut from his head. No satisfac
tory explanation of the current baa
been found. In winter the air is wann
er than the outside atmosphere and
prevents the stored articles from
freetlng. Popular Science Monthly,
Washington, Dec. 7. The -shlP'
wreck of German propaganda In
America by Dr. (Bernard Dernburg
u attributed by BernstorB to the
Impossibility of keeping secret the
fact that an American newspaper
waa subsidized and to the sinking of
the Lusltanla, Btelaakl baa . made
m tbe Churches
1817 CHEVROLET with demount
able rims for sale. Ia In beat run
ning condition. M. J. Barker, 207
West C street. Pbone 196-R. 18
FOR 8 ALE Young team (excellent
pullers), wagon, plows, harrows,
bay, lumber, cedar poets, shot
gun, rifle, bedsteads, oil stove and
other articles. Phone 502-F-12,
Mrs. George L." Morris, Rd. 1,
Grants Pass, Or. 42
FOR RENT Cottage 821 Rogue
River Ave., three rooms aad
sleeping porch, good well and one
kalf acre land, barn, 14.15 9r
month. Key at 201 Foundry. iu
Presbyterian Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preach
ing at 11 by Fred W. Davis, minis
ter to lumber Jacks, on the subject,
The Joy of Salvation." Mr. Davia
especially anxious to meet 'boys
and girls of 12 years and over.
In the evening at .7:30 stereoptl
con lecture, by Fred W. Davia, the
lumber Jack eky-pllot," of the Pa
clflc coast, will apeak on the develop
ment of the lumber industry. Mr.
Davis has the finest and moat
Interesting set of colored slides on
this subject In existence. A highly
education entertainment. The usual
free will offering only will be taken,
WANTED Furnished bouse, or
close-In furnished housekeeping
rooms, by man and wife. No chil
dren. Address No. 2053 care of
"Rogue River Courier. 32tf
WANTED Employment by young
woman wltb high school educa
tion. No. 2061, care Courier. 38
WANTED 3 burros, well broken
to ride or pack. Write to C. B.
Baker, Soldiers Home, Roseburg,
Ore. 41
JITNEY SBRVICB Any where, any
Uaa. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R.
Ott J. Kalps, Resldeace J.49-T
St. Lake's Episcopal
Evening prayer and sermon, 7:30
p. m. Rev. p. K. Hammond, oi as a
land, vicar In charge. An Invitation
Is heartily extended to all.
HEMSTITCHING and picoting doae
to order. Handicraft Shop, Med-
ford. Ore. 31
Catnollc Chorch
Masses on Sunday at 7:10 and
1:10 a. m.
Rev. Father J. G. Vien.
First Cburrb of Christ Scientist
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday, la the, W. O. W. hall.
at 1 1 a. m. Wednesday evening meet
ings at' 8 o'clock. The subject - far
today Is, "God the only Cause and
Reading room la open from 2 to
4 p. m. dally except Sundays and
holidays. The public la cordially in
vlted to attend the services and to
visit the reading room.
Sunshine In October.
There Is no season when sucb pleas
ant and sunny spots may be lighted
on and produce so pleasant an effect
on the feelings, aa now In October.
The sunshine Is peculiarly genial; and
In sheltered places on the aide of
bank, or of a barn or house, one be
comes acquainted and friendly with
the sunshine. It seems to be of a kind
and homely nature. And the green
grass strewn with a few withered
leaves looks the more green and beau
tiful for them. Hawthorne.
Notice la hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Josephine
County will hold the regular exam!
nation of applicants tor State Certtf
lcatea at the courthouae as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, Decern
ber 18, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. tn., and
continuing until Saturday, Decern'
ber 21, 1918, at 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon
V. 8.. (History. Writing (Penman
ship), Music, Drawing.
Wednesday Afternoon
Physiology, Reading, Manual
Training, Composition, Domestic
Science, Methods In Reading, Course
of Study for Drawing, Methods In
Arithmetic. . v
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History of Education,
Psychology, Methods in Geography,
Mechanical Drawing, Domestic- Art,
Course of Study for Domeatlo Art.
Thursday Afternoon
Grammar, Geography, Stenog
raphy, American. .'Literature, Physics,
Typewriting, Methods in Language,
Thesis for Primary Certificate.
' Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthography
(Spelling), Physical Geography,
English Literature, Chemistry.
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Geology, Algebra,
Civil Government.
Saturday Forenoon '
Geometry, Botany.
Saturday Afternoon
' General iHietory, Bookkeeping.
Very truly yours,
"" County Superintendent.
Get tha Genuine,
and Avoid
lassffiM Advertising
THE PICTURE KILL, for Una photo
graphs. Open dally except Boa
day from 10 a. m. to I p. tn. Son
day sittings by appointment only.
Phone Mill, 283-R, or residence.
140,1. ITtf
L. O. CLEMENT. M. D., PracUee
limited to disease of tb eye. ear,
seae and throat Glass fitted.
Office boar 9-11, 1-6, or on aa
p ointment. Oats pbone II, resi
dence phone ISt-J.
8. LOUOHJUMB, M. D PnrstaUa
and surgeon. City or country sella
attended oaf or Bight. Resldsac
pnone ISO; ossee phono tit
8Ut and B. Tune Bldg.
GARAGED First class work; elec
trical work a apeciallty; satisfac
tion guaranteed. Oil and gaso
line. Everett Bteigor Garage,
211 North Blxth Street, Phone
291. 42
TAXI It going or coming call tbe
White Line Taxi. Safety first.
Call at the Spa confectionary.
Phone 262-R. Residence pbone,
S20-R. 41
DR. J. O. NtBIJsT. Fhystctaa ana
sorgeoa. Leedoarg Bldg. BeeitDi
offioer. Osboo hoars, t to II sv
m. and 1 to t p. m. Phono llt-J,
A. A. WTTBAlf, U. D. Internal
medicine and servos s dlseeeee;
101 Corbett Bidg., Portland. Ore.
Honrs 9 a. m. to 1 a. m.
. BTJRSBfAj X. O. D. C In Week
aorta of postesBoe. corner ursk
and D street". surgical, elsstrlsel,
ehtropratie and osteopathia treat
menta. Oflte phone 197-R; resi
dence pfaoae IM-fL
J. BUSTOL, Yeterlaartan.
r Idea . Phone lll-R.
I D. NORTON. Attoraey-aMaw.
Practleso in aU Stole and Federal
Genres. First Natioaal Bank Blag.
OOLYIG ft WHXAAMS. Atternere-
at-Law, Cnraata rase Banking Co.
Bldg., Greats Pass, Orsgssu
I. 8. TAN DYKE. Attorney. Prao
ttee la all eeart. First Natioaal
Bank Bldg.
O. B. BLANOBARD, tterneg at
Law. Golden Rale . Ball diss
Phono 279. Grant Pas, Oregon.
torneys, Albert , Bldg. Pnenp
ttt-J. Praotlee hi an soarkt; lan
beard, attorney.
FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres black
oil In well watered grain diatrlct
50 miles north of Calgary. Al
berta, 25 acres under cultivation.
Small stables, and 1600 bouse.
Prefer to have acreage near
Grants Pass, of value 12,000. For
particulars address A. W. Ieom,
Rt. 1. Grants Paas, Ore. 35
C A. BIDLBR. Atterney-et-Lew, ref
eree In bankruptcy. , Mesonl
teas pis, Graata Pass, Ore.
B. C. htACT, B. M. D. First(ase
doatlstry. 161 SoaU Strta.
street, Graata Pass, Ore gen.
JERSEY cow with crop off both ears.
no brand, came to the Red Front
barn Tuesday. Owner call on Pe
ter Gravlih, phone 533-J. 37
EST RAYED One yearling ateer:
Color light red; brand email
"W" and "bar" on right hip, no
ear marks. Reward for lnforma-
tion leading to recovery of same.
W. H. Hull. Rt. 1, Grants Pass,
phone 606-F-21. - 38
Do a Jof-Valker,
"Oets-irfor Corns
When yon almost die with your
hoea on and corns make you almost
walk sideways to get away from
tha pain, talt a vacation for a min
ute or two and apply 1 or 1 drops
kinds of drayege and traaafe;
work ear of ally aad promptly lens
Pbone ltl-J. Stand at trelgai
depot. A. fkade. Peep.
tHB WORLD M0TBS; so do
Bnnek Bros. Traasfor Ce.
F. G. ISHAM, drayage aad tranafer;
Safes, taaos . and farnttu
Btovod, packed, enlpped and stor
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi
dence phone, 114-iR.
TIkj Caiifermia amd Ordgtn
Coast Raflftad (kmptaj
Bff eoMve Not. 19. 1 tit.
The tortures and discomforts of
weak, lame and aching back, swol
len ana bloated feet ana limbs, weak
ness, lassituae, aissiness, nausea,
that tired wornout feeling, nervous
ness, sleeplessness, as a rule have
their origin In kidney trouble, not
"female complaints." These general
symptoms of kidney and bladder
disease are well known so is the
Next time you feel a twinge of
pain In tbe back or are troubled wltb
headache, Ingestion, insomnia, Ir
ritation In tbv bladder or pain In
the loins and lower abdomen, yon
will find quick and sure relief In
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sule. This old and tried remedy
tor kidney disease and allied de
rangements has stood the test , tor
hundreds of years. It does ths work.
Pains and troubles vanish and new
life and health will come as yon con
tinue their use. When completely
restored to your usual vigor, con
tinue taking a capsule or two each
day; they will keep you feeling fine
and prevent a return to your trouble.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sule are Imported direct from the
laboratories at Haarlem, Holland
Get them from yonr druggist. Do
I not take a substitute. In -"sealed
boxes, three les.
Traias will rna Tuesday, Tknrsda
and Saturday
Leave Grants Pass. . 1 P. M.
Arrive Waters Creek 1 P. M.
Leave Waters Greek 3 P. M.
Arrive Grants Paes 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at tbe office
of the company, Landbnrg building,
or telephone 111.
"My Cms TmI Chaa Off. Wah tMoVI
of the world'e maglo and only gsn
nln corn-psolsr, "Oeta-It" Then,
and then only, will you ba euro that
your corn will loosen from your to
so that you can peel it right off
gloriously eaay with your nngors.
Tak no chances of continued pain
and soreness why use greasy. Irri
tating salves; plasters that Shift
and press Into th "quick." rajors ,
.- m,ka corns bleed
and also stow faster? Use Painless,
iaay. alwlys sur "Qeta-It." There a
only one Ilk tt la th world that a
-Gets-It" Millions have trtsd and
O. K.'d It for yoar. It novor fall
Geta-It." tho guaranteed, money-
back eorn-remover. the only sure
way. eoati but a trifle el any drat "tone.
M I'd by B.LwrnoOo-Ohlcao.IU. ;
Sold In Grant Pass, and recom
aaetded a the world's boBt corn
resiedy by Qoorgs 0. atasia.
Tire Repairbg
Any kind of an Injury repair
ed on any sized tire, and all
work guaranteed at the Max
well Garage.