Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 08, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Published Daily Except Saturday
X B. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr.
Entered at postofflee. Grants Paas.
Or., aa second class mall matter.
YlawO.W TlMA M tnOt 1 Sfi
Local-personal column, per line..lOc
Headers, ner una . c
By mall or carrier, per year..$6.00
St mull or carrier. Dr month .60
By mall, per year $1.50
The Associated Presa la exclusively
entitled to the uae for republication
of all new die pitches credited to It
nr all nt.hArwlM credited in this
paper and also the local news pub
lished herein.
All rights of republication of spe
cial dispatches herein are aiao
lessi fed.
-f Unsettled, probably rain in
-f west portion; partly cloudy in
f east portion. Moderate south-
4 erly winds.
Congress la supposed to be in ses
sion, but Judging from the dis
patches from Washington little Is
being accomplished by that body at
present. Possibly they have not yet
settled down to real 'business, their
equilibrium' having been disturbed
by the unprecedented feat of . the
president leaving the United States
for 'several weeks.
The congressmen seem to be wait
ing for something; in fact the whole
'world seems to be waiting. Pos
sibly no one can definitely describe
' that "something," but it might be
the great peace conference, and it
probably Is. Or it might be on the
part of the people, a desire to wait
snd see what congress is going to
do especially with the railroads
snd other public utilities. Yet that
"waiting" is apparent broadcast
over the country as well as at Wash-
- Ington.
The United States will have
, delegation, composed of Colonel
House, Henry Whlte General Bliss
and Secretary Lansing, with Wood
row Wilson thrown In for good mea
sure and who will probably act as
plenipotentiary extraordinary. The
people do not know not even con
gress knows what the plans of this
delegation are, as the president has
.given no hint to our representatives
at Washington, or to the people at
large, what his aims are aside from
stating that it was his purpose to see
that Prussian militarism is crushed.
Just what Wilson's "freedom of
the seas" mean is not generally un
derstood, and some fear that the
president and Lloyd George are like
ly to "lock horns" over that point.
Spencer Churchill has made Eng
land's stand plain in regard to the
navy proposition, but the people do
not know what the president is go
ing to demand for the United States.
In the meantime the eyes of the
world will be turned toward Paris,
with an occasional eide-glance at
Things are not always as they
vhould be, viz: ' At the present time
those recently elected to the Oregon
legislature seem to be working over
time in an endeavor to see who shall
be speaker, or president,' Instead of
putting in overtime In an endeavor
to see how. much good they can do
for this old state.
. During . the past four years the
Turks have massacred I.OPO, 000 In
aooent people. During the same per-
Pure Refined
Com Oil In Bulk
lod the kaiser has been the cause of
probably ten million deaths and has
polluted the womanhood of Europe.
What shall we do with the Turks
and the kaiser?
One nice thing about the allies
and Americans in occupying Berlin,
should they decide to do so, Is the
fact that in case the kaiser returned
they would hare a reception commit
tee for him.
Irrigation has made Utah, Idaho
and other states prosperous agricul
turally and industrially, and irriga
tion will do the same for the Rogue
river valley.
Poor, Indeed, Is the man who can
not spare one dollar as membership
dues for the Red Cross before
With the return -of the soldiers
from overseas this community must
consider how best to Induce her boys
to remain here and become a part of
her (business and social life.
The boys will be different indi
viduals when they return from the
war.- They have become men in
every sense of the world, anff we
must deal with them on that basis.
They have seen the world; seen the
progress being made; been a part
of a great machine, well oiled and
running smoothly; and thy will not
be content to go a step (backward
when discharged, on the other hand
they will want to become a part and
parcel of live progressive communi
ties. They will not be content to
remain idle or drift.
Other localities will have many
Inducements to offer the boys and
we must so present the opportuni
ties of Josephine county that the
hoys will give consideration to them
and decide to cast their lot with us.
These soldiers, thoroughly trained
in discipline and loyalty to the gov
ernment, will make the finest kind
of citizens, and Grants Pass will do
well to Induce as many of them to
take up their life work here as pos
sible. To present our opportunities pro
perly we must demonstrate them for
the benefit of the boys. We must
start the development of our lands,
our mines, our timber, our water
power and our other natural re
sources, and encourage the soldiers
to Jojin us and take up the work and
carry it forward to completion.
To do this will impose a duty, as
duty it Is, on every citizen and every
organization, but it Is a duty that
each of us should cheerfully perform
as it means a long stride toward a
more progressive community and a
higher standard of citizenship.
Universal percolators at Cramer
Bros. - 34
Keep Up the Christmas Spirit
If ever we should send out friendly cards of Christmas greet
ing, it is this year.
There is hardly anyone for whom the war has not caused some
hardship. Everyone needs a word of encouragement the 'boys
away from homethe folks back' home our neighbors, relatives
and business acquaintances.
' We have now on display a fine selection of
Demray s Dreg and Stationery Store
By Alice Anient
The past week was the last one In
the second quarter, and was, of
course, "test week." Students all
wore a pre-occupled look, and any
one coming suddenly into the study
room would have been startled at
the anxious drawn expression on
their faces. Ths cards were given
out Friday, and some were relieved,
while others were plunged In gloom.
The first part of the week was
broken up on account of the influ
enza scare, but after the students
learned that school was to continue,
they settled down to work, and the
Influenza, as a subject of conversa
tion, has been rather neglected.
There are a number absent from
high school, but only about . . one
fourth of the absentees are due to
the Influenza. Many ure staying out
because of the scare created, and are
afraid of contracting the disease. It
is a regrettable fact that there are
also some who are taking advantage
of the lapse in attendance to remain
out for neither the scare nor the
"flu." As the school work Is con
tinuing, all the work missed must be
made up by the students who are
The entertainment which was to
have been given last Friday at the
high school building was postponed
on account of the influenza. .It will
be- given at some future dateto be
announced later.
A short time ago the manual
training department of the local high
school was called upon to make 40
bed-side tables fror the Red Cross.
These tables are now almost finish
ed, and will be ready to ship in
about four days. The boys in both
classes of manual training have
been working on the tables, and a
great deal of credit is due them, as
they have put aside all work for
themselves during this time. Mr.
Ward rip, manual training Instructor,
is well pleased with the work the
boys have done, the tables being
good evidence of their ability.
By the decision of more than 500
delegates, representing approxi
mately 100,000 men engaged in the
lumbering industry, and by the con
currence of several hundred opera
tors, says Ben Hur Lapman in the
Oregonian, the Loyal Legion of Log
gers and Lumbermen was perpetu
ated yesterday at a peace-time pol
icy of concord between employe and
employer, as it has been throughout
the war period.
"All those in favor of continuing
this organization, please rise," re
quested Colonel Stearns. The house
rose to its feet. When the negative
vote was called for but six dele
gates voted for discontinuance."
Dear Dad:
I have thought of writing to my
business partner many times but
douf gut to write many personal let
ters as I am booming around so
much. I am having a great time out
of it at tlmt. Prom the papers It
looks as though the big show would
be over any day now, but don't think
I will see the states and homo for
some little time yet. Uncle Sam cer
tainly has a 'btg job over here, but
he Is doing It.
Talk about shows. We surely had
a good entertainment at the Y. M.
C. A. ths last two nights. Monday
night we saw an American "all star,"
with Marguerite Mayo. Last night
it was "home talent" boxing and
quartettes (colored). One meets
and sees all kinds of fellows in the
army. About 20 three-round bouts
mixed In with song and coon dances.
But one was worth especial mention,
a "battle royal" seven big husky
coons in the ring armed with 'boxing
gloves. The last to remain standing
was to receive a prize of 25 francs.
Well the storm started with about
2,000 spectators. I managed to get
standing room near the ring-aide,
but you can imagine watching some
thing very Interesting with several
short fellows standing 'behind with
a good hand-hold on your shoulder
trying to see. The whole could be
described by a Jewish person under
a lamp post and ths moon shining
to get shadow effects.
Well, a couple of the coons would
be battling In one corner when an
other coon would slip up behind and
"clot" one of the "birds" on the
ear. Then you should see their eyes
roll. Pretty soon a couple took the
count snd a couple were ruled out
for kicking or punching the oppon
ent when down. Anyway it got down
to the last two, and someone handed
up 25 more francs for the winner.
When they got on the home stretch
the crowd went wild. They looked
tike two 'big black wind-mills pushed
They took us on a hike the other
day and I got to see some of the
country life of Prance. I saw some
fine looking white pigs going to
market, also saw a large herd of
big heavy milk cows. They looked
like holstetns.
The roads are all well kept pav
ed with a path on each side. Tall
vine covered trees grow In a carpet
of grass which make the whole very
stately looking. The farm houses
are low stone, nice looking houses.
The fields are small and each one Is
divided 'by a deep ditch or long
rows of earth with vines growing on
them. They are pretty flolds
some very green grazing meadows,
while others are truck gardens.
Horses are used for everything.
They are all about the same kind
and size weigh about 1,800, short
and blocky, nearly all stallions.
France is pretty. 'In fact it Is all
one 'beautiful picture, but of course
I am seeing It in a nice time of the
year autumn when the leaves are
yellow and golden.
I am writing this on my knees in
one of thOBe great Pullmans that
France ships her soldiers list cattle
cars. (But, listen, I didn't say we
were moving. That lets you know I
am being moved again, I am not
going to the front yet awhile. I
am 'back with my old casual com
pany. Some officers too. We are in
the S. O. S. bunch for awhile I guess.
I saw some of the natives fish I tig
In a little slow stream that you
could throw a rock across. They
were seining. I saw some of the
fish a fellow was taking to market.
The fellows say they were mackerel,
pickerel and blue fish. He had a
basket full of sardines and some
kind of shell fish. - Hoping to hear
from yoq folks at home, I am,
Your son, WILBUR,
116th Engineers, ,
American Ex. Forces, France.
London, Dec. 7. Great Britain
will demand of 'Germany 8,000,-
000,000 sterling ($38,880,000,000)
for Great Britain and her dominions
as reparation for the war, according
to the Dally Mall. The newspaper
says It understands that David
Lloyd George, the premier, will
make this announcement In a speech
at Leeds today.
This, the Dally Mall adds, Is what
the war cost Great Britain and her
dominions, and British taxpayers
($1,944,000,000). per annum by the
25 CENTS n
DO uTo)
the most,
coffee you
can Ptxyr
Blatchford's Calf Meal
Dairy Food Mill Feed
Egg Producer
Poultry Supplies
202 Sixth Street
"We have with us to-night--'
As welcome at the midnight spread as at the break
fast table the
meets the approval of the discriminating. It is not only attrac
tive in appearance and easy to use, but it produces toast the
superior of that prepared by any other method. For toast for
Welsh rarebits, creamed chicken or similar light dishes at any
time, the G-E toaster means instant, easily controlled heat.
No need of " bringing up " the fire.
California -Oregon Power Co..
Years Ago
few bill were paid by cherk,
it Is considered NECK8SARY In order to facilitate bas
in em, that a check be lined for all payments.
This bank Invites your Checking Account, largo r
small, btMiness or personal, Kuarantertng a banking
service which will become InrtlHOonvable to you.
, ' : BksYitTsrfsljl
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German payment,- -