Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 08, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. IX., X. (1.1.
'.AivA Aj fly .rV vAJ
ht. nr r i -i at n he a, rvs '7
DoUu May Itt Asked for Ctorojiwisa
ttoo fir Favoring Ovnnan Troop ,
and Receiving Unn SlUps
London, Doc. 7. An Amsterdam
dispatch says that If the allies In
sist upon the dollvory of the former
German emperor and the crown
prlnoe to an International court of
Justice, Holland will ylold. but will
drat urge the allies to content them
aires with an undertaking by Hol
land to Intern them for life In one
Of the Dutch colonloi, In either the
Bast or Weal Indies, where a Dutch
fleet will guard theiu.
, It Is anticipated that Holland
Vlll be asked tor compensation for
permitting a violation of their neu
trallty by allowing the Gorman
troops to pass through Limburg In
retreatinE from Belgium, and for
receiving the Gorman shipa from
Antwerp. The allies may take some
territory as compensation.
4. Tl'ltKH KIM.KI) 10. (MM)
Amsterdam. Doc. 7. Turk-
Uh forces massacred 10,000
Armenians while evacuating
the towns of Baku, OKI and 4
Ardahan. In the Caucasus, ac-
mriUnv to Itarlln reports.
Hays It Has Been Denumstratod
Tliat National Ownership Is
Hound and IrMCtloal
Washington, Deo. 7. Permanent
ownership of the telegraph and tele
phone systems was recommended by
Postmastor General Burleson In his
annual report, die said: "Exper
iences as a result of the present war
hss fully demonstrated that govern
ment ownership Is a principle not
only wholly sound but practical.
While such control It now but tem
porary, existing only until the rati
fication of tho peace treaty, yet the
best results can be accomplished on
ly when these systems are owned
by the government and made a part
of the postal establishment and op
orated solely with the view of serv
ing the public, and not for making a
London, Dec. 7. The Cologne Oa
sette says Kurt Sianer, the Bavar
ian premier, will probably succeed
Dr. Bolt as German foreign minister.
Would End Militarism No Need
for Big Army and Navy, Is !
New Statement I
Composed of Hi and 7th Regulars, 28th and 33rd Na
SltionaJ rGaard, and 79th National Arciy 130,000 to !
Return Early From France 2nd Line Army Formed
Washington, Dee. 7. General
March has announced that five addi
tional divisions have definitely been
assigned to the American army of
occupation. These are the Second
and Seventh, regulars, 28th and
SSrd, national guard, and 79th, of
the national army. Major General
Dickman Is commanding the entire
The personnel assigned for the
early return home Include 130,000.
Over 200,000 at home have been re
leased during the past week.
Eighteen thousand men returning
from France have actually embark
ed thus far. As the stay of the
army abroad is indefinite. General
The following casualties are re
ported by the commanding general
of ,' the American ... expeditionary
forces for publication Saturday:
Killed in action 411
Diod of wounds - 169
Died of accident 25
Died of disease - . 847
Wounded severoly 522
Wounded, degree undetermined 127
Wounded Slightly 807
MlBBlng in action - 274
KG't.rt HO.Ut HKill
Portlnnd, Ore.. Doc. 7. Today
eggs reached 72 cents wholesale and
80 cents retail, the highest prloo
over known here.
Washington, Doc. 7. Germany
twice tried to bribe Sweden to Join
the central powers, diplomatic Infor
matlon disclosed here today.
l Finland was offered to Sweden by
Germany In 1914 and a year later
North Bchleswtg was held ont as a
Germany backed up ,these offers
with a threat to land troops in Swe
den if the alliance was not made.
After Swedon rejected this pro
posal the German government dis
avowed Minister Reehenau's proceed
Ings and recalled him at Sweden's
request, Information here states.
Efforts to bring about Sweden's
ntry Into the war were redoubled Id
the summer of 1915.
Total 2.182
Klllod In action Lieutenant Or
ville A. Stevens, Portland; Wlllar.d
Andorson, Portland; . Herman M.
Gardner, North Bend; Roy W. Kruae
Died of wounds Joseph Thomaa
Holmes. Modford: Clarence W.
Howard, farogan.
Died of Jlsoaue Terry u. Jones,
Severely wounded Roy Kouns,
Caniaa ValloV; Sidney A. Walker,
Gold Beach.
Wounded, degree undetermined
Chas. M. Ptckard. Portland.
Slightly , wounded Darrel O
Johnson, Corvallls.
Missing In action Eugene A. Car
is, Murphy.
, 8alem, Ore., Dec. 7. On author!
tcaUon of tho state Irrigation securi
ties commission given today, Secre
tary of State Olcott certified a bond
Issue of the , Warm Springs Irriga
tion district of Malheur county, The
Issue Is for $750,000.
Nearly $2,000,000 In bonds have
now actually been certified and sold
.under the certification act passed by
'the legislature of 1917. The Issues
acted on up to this time. are the Och
oco 'project,. 1900,000; Warm
'Springe district, 1760,000; Payette;
Oregon elope, (260,000, and Gold
Hill project, $60,000. Other iBsues
are pending.
The annual meeting of the Jose
phine County Agricultural council,
composed of farmers and their wives
will take place next Tuesday at 10
a. ra. In the courthouse.
The purpose of the meeting will
be to' consider the accomplishments
of the home demonstration agent
and the county agricultural agent
for the past year,' and to outline the
work for 1919 and to plan as to how
the work is to be done.
Paul V. Marls, county agent lead
er, W. L. Kadderly, assltant county
agent leader, and Miss Anna Turley,
state leader of home demonstration
work, will be present at the meeting.
A. Wylberg, is president of the coun
ty council, whicn now has a member
ship of about 40.
There will be an election of offi
cers and a luncheon; will be served
at noon in the courthouse basement
for the members.
Aboard the Transport ; George
Washington, Dec. 7. President Wll
son Is Improved In health. He en
Joyed strolling today, and swapping
stories with those on board.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallls, Dec. 7. H. D Scudder, pro
fessor of farm management, and
Whitney Boise, chairman of the
Oregon land settlement commission,
have left for Washington, D. , C,
where they will endeavor to. forward
national legislation relative to land
reclamation with particular relation
to Oregon needs and Oregon settle
ment plans.
"We hope to have Incorporated In
national legislation," said Professor
Scudder, "a provision which will In
sure the success of settlers iby get
ting them started successfully on the
organization management plan that
will succeed In a given locality. The
state and government must cooper
ate We want ''legislation broad
enough o that each state can carry
out its own plans. , This plan' Is to
nut settlers on the best lands first
We've been doing Just the reverse
of that ' tn Oregon, and settlement
has made practically no progress tn
the last ten years as a result." i
March said It will be necessary to
ask congress for new enlistment leg
islation. No provision has been
made for such forces 'as needed af
ter the four months from signing of
peace, when the war army must be
General March said It would be
easy to bring home all the national
guard and national army divisions
within four months after peace Is de
clared. The five divisions added to the
army of occupation today will oc
cupy Luxemburg and form tho sec
ond line army, ready to reinforce the
other army on the Rhine, If necessary.
$50,000,000 TO CHINA
London, Dec. 7. The man who.
more than any other person. Is re
sponsible tor Germany's present pol
icy Is Ernest Daumlg, according to
the Berlin correspondent ' of the
Daily Express. Until 1916 Daumlg
was a member of the staff of the So
cialist YorwaerU of Berlin. Later
be was secretary of the Independent
Socialists. He now Is president of
the national council and dictates to
the six commissaries who form the
government, Daumlg told the cor
respondent of the Express that the
peace delegates would be selected by
th present cabinet.
He declared the government's in
tention to get rid of all persons be
longing to the old regime.
The strength of the new German
army, Daumlg told the correspon
dent, would be decided at the peace
conference. He did not think Ger
many would need much of any army
or navy. The Germans, he said, were
totally opposed to militarism and
wished to lire In peaceful under
standing with other nations.
Toklo, Dec. 7. Official announce
ment has been made that the Jap
anese government has arranged a
series of three loans with the Chi'
nese government. The first of these
is to be applied to the construction
of four railways In Manchuria and
Mongolia, about 1,000 miles of rail
way in! ill. The cost Is estimated at
about $75,000,000, the initial loan
to be $10,000,000.
The second loan Is for building
railways in the Shantung province,
to cost $35,000,000 on which a loan
of $10,000,000 Is advanced.
The third loan Is intended to es
tablish a national Iron works in Chi
na and to obtain the capital neces
sary for starting the work with
skilled engineers, experts and super
vision from Japan. The total amount
of this loan Is expected to be $50
London, Dec. 7. The Berlin gov
ernment bag revoked Its decision to
disarm troops returning to Berlin,
an Amsterdam dispatch says. .
Washington, Dec. .7 Steps to pre
vent a wage slump on the return of
nearly four million soldiers to civil
life, were taken today by the de
partment of labor. Investigators be
gan gathering cost of living data to
be used 'by wage adjustment boards
in fixing adequate wages for Indus
trial centers.
Berlin, .Wednesday, Dec. 4 Eight
hundred and . forty-six . members of
faoulltles of ,t German ..universities
have signed a statement,, demanding
the earliest x possible convocation iflf
a .national assembly. .. Among the
reasons given .by. the signers is that
the new American congress, which
comes Into office on March 4, "like
ly will be dominated by ; republican
Imperialists who will oppose Pre!
dent Wilson's .14 points." .The call
"If we . desire , an even .halt-way
tolerable peace which would solve
the .vital , Interests of tGermany we
must, at. leaBt.'conclude a temporary
peace before that time."
Portland, Dec. 7. -Robert L. Stev
ens, ..who was .appointed warden of
the penitentiary by Governor Wlthy
combe to succeed Charles A. Murphy
will assume his position tomorrow
He arrived in Portland from New
York last night, and .left tor Salem
today to report to the governor.
San Francisco, -Dec, . 7- That 6,000
men must bo sent overseas lmmedl
ately In Y. M. C. A. senrico for work
among American troops in France,
that the western states must furnish
1,000 of these men and that men
between the ages of SI and 45 will
be accepted tor this servioe, is the
word which has come from the na
tional' war work council of the Y,
M. C. A. '
Plans, have been made tor an en
(arged program of the Y. M. C. A.
activities overseas. Men who have
had experience along educational
lines, who are qualified to teach the
soldiers, men of proven Christian
character ..anxious to serve as secre
taries in ' huts and to remain with
the men until they return down the
gangplank in a home port, are being
sought. . ... .. .-
Expenses are paid and allowances
made tor families but the position
does not carry a salary. Applica
tions may be made to any local Y.
M. C A. . recruiting committee ,'or
through the "bureau of personnel, Na
tional War Work council, Y. M. C.
A., First National . Bank 'building,
San Francisco, Cal.
ram v-m
'': ' ve'ivta 'near, iiikvo ' .
People is Petrograd Are Said to Bo
Starving by Thousands Famine
Defies Imagination - . ,
SI K 1114 m
London, Dec. 7. Throughout the
last four years, Turks acting under
the orders of the committee of Union
and Progress have done their 1est
to ruin Turkey, and have succeeded
"extremely well," says the Constan
tinople correspondent of the Morn
ing Post. Three million persons, he
says, have been massacred and an
other million is on the verge of
starvation. '
"The greater portion of the Otto
man empire," the correspondent con
tinues, . "has been parceled out
among different races, and what
remains is a total ruin.
"In the first days after the ar
mistice, Germans and Austrians still
crowded the capital. Most of these
now have been deported. It is worth
noting -that. Count von .Bemstprff
(the former German , ambassador at
Washington) left :-bls .poet at .Con
stantinople the day after the armis
tice wa. signed. .However, , bis sa
tellites remain.
"On the' declaration of war Turk
Ish Ideas of desecration' ran riot.
Christian cemeteries within and
without' the city were uprooted. The
tombs of British .soldiers at GaUt-
poli recently had 'been desecrated In
an abominable manner.
"It seems, In tact, that the Turks
during the past tour years have done
everything to outrage the feelings
of the allies, "and in that they have
been ably seconded by the Germans.
London, Dec 1. Consuls of Li
vonia, Esthonla and Courland hare
sent an appeal to the allied and neu
tral governments, urging interven
tion In the Baltic provinces against
the invasion of the Russian Bolshe
vik forces who have invaded part of
the provinces, killing and burning
as they advance. The ports are full
of refugees, awaiting warships to
protect 'them.' British warships have
entered Reval.
Stockholm, Dec 7. Fugitives
from Russia say living conditions in
Petrograd are terrible. " The famine
there defies imagination. Flour is
selling' for 50 rubles, and butter and
sugar for 150 rubles per kilogram
(2.2 pounds). Herring are the only '
food obtainable, and sell for five ra
bies each.
, All middle .class elements are ex
cluded from public eating houses
and are dying of starvation by thou
sands. Hundreds are buried each
day 'between t and 9 In the morning,
no funerals being permitted 1 later
during the day. " "
Of a normal population of two
millions, only a half million persons
are left in Petrograd. The city looks
The, Polish legation has been loot
ed,, while the Swiss legation 'has
been entered forcibly.' The person
nel of the legation' has left Petro
Frank E. SIckels, personal secre
tary of the state, and James Elvin,
returned overseas secretary, were in
the city Friday night and held , a
meeting at the Chamber of Com
merce rooms with the personnel ot
the Y. M. C. A. and about 15 other
; T. P. Cramer Is chairman ot the
local committee, and Dr. E. C. Macy
secretary. Six. or eight men will be
needed from this vicinity.. "'
Huntington, W. Va., Dec. 7. r
When ha was sentenced to life im
prlsonment for the theft of one au
tomobile tire and one inner tube,
Robert Bayles fainted in Judge T.
N. Taylor's court. This sentence
was the only . recourse ot the trial
Judge, as it was the third conviction
for the prisoner, , and .the laws ot
West Virginia provided a life sen
tence for the third offense, n Bayles1
previous sentences were for three
and ten years respectively. He was
paroled both times and was on par
role when Jast arrested. He .is about
40 years ot age.' 1 ' , : '
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
valljls, Dec 7.- A , campaign to ro-
mofe farm Record keeping baa oeen
planned Jointly by the Oregon
State Bankers' association, the Ore
gon (Agricultural college' and the V.
. ....... W4 ..'n I... v
8. department of ( agriculture.
., The project will encourage and
assist farmers to keep financial and
cost of production records," explains
R.-V. Gunn, farm demonstrator for
the extension, service. -Tals practice
Ijas.not jbeen , generally .developed
among 4 farmers, although its value
la not questioned by them."
Groups of farmers in nine coun
ties have, already agreed to cooper
ate with the bankers and the college
in, obtaining .and .recording produc
tion cost. , pimple,, uniform farm re
cords have been prepared and wlll
be supplied to the farmers thrqugn
the county agents' and farm bureau.
, Washington, , Dec. . 7.- Bernard
Baruch, , chairman, of the war( indus
tries board, and, JJenry , P., Davidson,
chairman of the American Red .Cross
war council, Jiave . been . asked by
President Wilson to be ready to re
spond to the call' for their services
with the peace' delegates in Europe. "