Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 06, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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1 ItlDAV, IMAKMIIUl 0, 10IH.
The Youffis
Is worth more to
family life today
mail ever Dciore
TUB COMPANION aim tha mmtnt
mount ul avarythin worth rMlin,
an abumlaiu-a of Fiction, nt Knlartain.
mwii, m informing Kraillng, M Fact
ml Humor, bmutta tlM tfxW Puira
fur Mrh on r4 mm
i. n t,$Zd
to tlx IsmlUas with hlnhaat klult.
flaw BitWriCri to f ha Youth's
vontpatuun wiu racala : .
RUii Ilia ImM, Fih f " "
HI? trrp. Um. f 7.UV
x oti Fu. i
Pfurl vmfr.-kV.lrw mnA mmnA ,1,1a MMtfiM wrllh
mnituiic to trw rusiuntw or mil
or to TkrYooth'i Companion, Boston. Man.
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
W. T. Ilreen, Propr.
H. Glddlng. Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cars
Office Old Observe Ulk. Corner Seventh and O streets Phone 2l
Telephone 2J1H-J and 163
.50 KHrir!,sia I M
vrair '
ran a, I Tinw"Z.
Easy Riding
I '.,.. V-".V.vl
we do
Locating Or Bed.
Beds of ore are Muted to bare been
located at a distance of two and a
half tulles by the electrical method
lalciitod la the United Mutes by Pro
fessor It. A. Fcssendcn. In the locality
where the existence of valuable ores
la suspected, a number of holes sev
oral nil lei apart are bored, then filled,
with water, atid a Fessendeu souud or
dilator l limiierHed In one aa a trans
milting apparatus, the receive sub
merged (ri each of the other hole ti
Ing an Kluthoven recording osclllo
groph. ThQ hold &Wlu five mllea
or more apart over the area being In
vestlgnted, In the study of the oscil
lograph record, special attention la
given to the relation between sounds
received direct unii I hone from echoes,
and It la found possible to get a fair
Idea of the diameter of Intervening
masses of rock and of the position and
distance of neighboring deposit of ore.
Word's greatest Soldier.
Physically, Forh Is n Utile mnn, his
Inches are about those of Napoleon,
and ho has O runt's fondness for the
cigar. Like Joffre, a southerner, he
baa frankness of speech which his old
commander baa never displayed. Un
like Petaln bis words are rarely caus
tic and be baa made friends among all
his allies. An old mun, close to sev
enty, yet younger than Cleraencenu, he
was still handsome when the war be
gan, but the strain has marked his
face and only his eyea reveal an un
shaken spirit Frank II. Slrnonds In
Sing Sing Jail Short of Labor.
The labor shortage has hit even
Ring Sing, which bus a stationary sup
ply of 1,600 men. The officials are
puzxled because tbey are unwilling
to employ women. Although warden
Moyer has an allowance for a maid.
be never baa hired one. The only
woman ever employed within the pris
on walla, a telephone operator, left
after a few days, saying that there
were too many men.
Enterprising Alaskan Village.
Noorvlck, a native village near Nome,
Alnska, Is said to he the only Eskl
mo village In northern Alaska possess
ing electric lights and a wireless plant.
The light plant and wireless station
were Installed by Delbert Replogle,
tencher at the Noorvlck government
school. Mr. Replogle, who was In
Nome recently on his way . to the
States, aald he left natives In charge
of the Improvements.
Voluntary Basis of Food Saving
Showed Heart of America
Beat True for Freedom.
To ttif voluntary service and sacri
fice of the American people must be
attributed the ' continued heulth,
strength and morale of the Allied ar
mies and the civil populace.
Upon this spirit of Service and sac
rlnVi will depend Europe's fflle tn t
months to come. In the past year we
have carried, CUT an export program,
the uiagnitnde of which Is almost be
yond comprehension. Iiut with the
new demands tlmt have come, with
the liberation of nations freed from
German oppression, our exports mast
be almost doubled. Instead of 11,820,-
000 tons, we must ship twenty million
tons of food to Kurope In the coining
year as much as can be pushed
through our )orts. '.
IX the Allies had not been fed by
America. It would have been Impos
sible for them to maintain their de
fease agulnst Germany.
Meeting this world need on a purely
voluntary basis, the American people
have conclusively proved that democ
racy la a success ano that In time of
need It will rise to Its own defense.
If there were no other accomplish
ment to Its credit the very fact that It
has shown the strength of democracy
has In Itself more than Justified the
existence of the Food Administration
la the eyes of the world.
Less than four months after the
United States declared war the United
States Food Administrator expressed
his determination to meet America's
food problem on a basis of voluntary
action and reiterated bla confidence
that awakened democracy would prove
"Many thinking Americana," aald
Mr. Hoover, "and the whole world
have been watching anxiously the hut
four months In the fear that demo
cratic America could not organize to
meet autocratic Germany. Germany
has been confident that It could not be
done. Contrary proof la Immediately
at our door, and our people have al
ready demonstrated their ability to
mobilize, organise, endure and prepare
voluntarily and efficiently tn many dl
rectlona and upon the mere word of
Inspiration aside from the remarkable
assemblage of our Army and finances.
The history of the Food Administra
tion baa clearly shown that the trust
of Uiose who put their faith In democ
racy has not been misplaced. . . -
Proper Disposal of Flaga.
"Old and wornout flags should be de
stroyed as a whole, privately, prefer
Wily by burning. Do not cast them,
aside or use them in any way that
blight be thought disrespectful to the
Bag, says the adjutant general oi tne
rjnlted states army.'
; Sight Not to Be Forgotten.
' When one Is fortunate enough to see
a line of swans etched upon the sky
near sunset, a mile or more high, as
has been my luck but twice in my life,
one hns seen something he will not
soon forget. John Burrougns.
House Blessing.
The beauty of the house is order;
the blesHlng of the house la content
ment ; the glory of the bonne is hospi
tality ; the crown of the house- Is god
liness. All Should Know the Bible.
, No mnh can be wholly uneducated
who really knows the Bible, nor can
anyone be considered a truly educated
man who Is. Ignorant of It Exchange.
No Real Difficulty.
A mnn who Insists on paying the
Mil for the whole crowd enn usually
hnve his way If he Is persistent. St.
Louis Globc-Oemocrnt.
Paradoxical. .
i Sold the observing cuss: "When a
fellow's mind is preoccupied he al
ways wears a vacant stare.".'
Dally Thought
Mnn is created free, and Is free.
mvuu though bom in chains. Schiller.
to be
Classff fed Advertising
1917 CHEVROLET with demount
able rims for sale. Is In best run
ning condition. M. J. Barker, 207
West C street. Phone 198-R. 28
FOR SALE! Toung team (excellent
pullers), wagon, plows, harrows,
hay, lumber, cedar posts, shot
gun, rifle, bedsteads, oil stove and
other articles. Phone 602-F-12,
Mrs. George, 'Morris, Rd. 1,
Grants Pais, Ore. " 42
FOR SALE Good Irrigated ranch
on the Applegate, house, three
barns, and out buildings, first
class water right, all fenced, most
ly wire, fencing. For further, par
ticulars Inquire of Geo. Feldmaler,
Grants Pass. 23
FOR RENT Cottage 221 Rogue
River Ave., three rooms and
sleeping porch, good well and one
half acre land, barn, $4.80 a-"
month. Key at 208 Foundry, tm
WANTED Furnished house, or
close-In furnished housekeeping
rooms, hy man and wife.' No oh 11
dren. Address No. 2053 care of
Rogue River Courier. S2tf
WANTED Small pump for mining
purposes, capable of lifting 200
feet; also gasoline engine. Ad'
dress Copper Girl Mining Co
Rogue River, Ore. 23
WANTED Gas engine 'between 5
and 10 horsepower. Write Harold
Potts. Rd. 4, Grants Pass. 33
WANTED Good, fresh young cow
with calf must be cheap for
cash. A. W. Iaom, Rd. 1, Box 10
JITNET 8ERVICB Amy where, any
time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R
Otto J. Kalas, Residence 149-T
HEMSTITCHING and plcoting done
to order. Handicraft Shop, Med
ford, Ore. 22
GARAGE First class work; elec
trical work a speciality; satisfac
tion guaranteed. Oils' and gaso
line. Everett Stelger Garage,
211 North SIxtU Street, Phone
298. 42
TAXI It going or coming call the
White Line TaxL Safety first.
Call at the Spa confectionary.
Phone 262-R. Residence phone,
' 220-R. 46
FOR EXCHANGE -160 acres black
soil In well watered grain district
50 miles north of ' Calgary, Al
berta,' 25 acres under cultivation.
Small stables, and $600. house.
Prefer to have acreage near
Grants Pass, of value 22,000. For
particulars address A. W. Ieom
Rt. 1. Grants Pass, Ore. 35
LOST Airdale-Shepherd pup, about
8 months old lost Monday night
on North Sixth street. Reward
for return. Phone 243-Y. 33
JERSEY cow with crop oil both ears.
no brand, came to the Red FTont
barn Tuesday. Owner call on Pe
ter Gravlin. phone 533J. 37
Beets Help Soil.
Beet crops have the effect of stimu
lating the soil. Observations made
abroad show that after beets have
been grown on the land there has been
an Increase In the yield of wheat of
6.59 bushels per acre ; rye, LBS ; barley,
6.51, and oats, 5.77. Cattle have In
creased and the net Income has been
raised as high as 70 per cent. ,
Phonograph Educational Factor. :
The nhonosranh as an educational i
factor has tremendous value. Through
this means the children can become I
aniiiia .ith all thiit Ib hpnt In Tiinflic. I
UtuilUM " " w " . ' .
either. vocal or Instrumental ; they can,
learn nop oniy ine music uui suvui uo
comnosers. and the great . men ana
women who sing and play various In
struments. ,
Put Hsrd Things First.
The person who puts the disagree
able duty first In order Is the one who
Is pretty sure to succeed. The , Im
pulse which leads us to postpone, any
thing hard and unpleasant as long as
we can Is something which will prove
our undoing, unless we. are on our
guard. ' ' :
THE PICTURE MILL, for fine photo
graphs. Open dally except Sun
day from 10 a, m. to t p. m. Son
day sittings by appointment only.
Phone Mill, 283-R, or resldenc
140-J. E7tf
L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., PraeUe
limited te diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Glasses fitted,
tifdef hour t-l, 2-6, or on ap
pointment. -Oflee phone (2, resi
dence phone 2SI-J.
and surgeon. City er country calls
attended day or night. Real i en c
phone S6I; . oBce phone .121
8txta and H, Tufa Bldg.
DR. J. O. NIDLBT, Physician anl
sorgeox Lendburg Bldg. Health ,
officer. OtaYcs hours, t to 13 a.
m. aad 1 to t p. m. Phono 21e-J.
A. A. WITHAM, U. D. Internal
medicine aad nervous diseases;
102 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Ore.
Hoars I . n. to 1 p. m.
. BURSKIXj M. O. D. C I Mock
north of poeteCiee, corn or Sixth
and D street", surgical, eleotrtaei,
chlropratle aad osteopathia treat
ments. Offiee phone 197-B; real- ,
denoe phone 833-R.
DR. R. J. BBSTUI YeterUarU.
Offloe. reetdemee. Phone I0a-H.
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-aWaw.
Practices in all But and Federal j
Court. First National Bank Bldg.;
OOLTIO It WTfiiAMS. Attorneys-,
at-Law, Grants Pass Baakiig Co.
Bldg.. Grants Pass. Oregeo. '
B. 8. VAN DTKB, Attorney. Prae-,
ties In. all ceart. First. National.
Bank Bldg.
O. 8. B LAN GUARD, ttornaf at
Law. Geldea, Rule . BuUdlag
Phone, 270. Grants. Pass. Oregon.
torneys, Albert Bldg. Pnoa.
22S-J. Practice la all courts; latw
board attorneys.
G. A. 8 IDLER, Atterney-at-Law, ref
eree la haakruptcy. Masonls
temple, Oraats Pass, Ore.
H. C. MACT. . M. D. First-laas.
deatistry. 1H South 8Utl
street. Grants Pass. Oregon.
kinds of drayage and, tranafec
work caret ally and promptly 4no
Phone 12 W. Staad, at areifhi
depot. A. Shads; Prop.
THE WORLD atOTBS; so do wo.
Bunch Bros.. Transfer Co. none,
F. O. I8HAU. drayage aad traaacor.
Safes, slaaos and famltmra
moved, paeked, shipped aad star.
ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi
dence phone, 124-R.
The Califemu aad Oregon
Coast RaJZroad Company
Effective Nov. 19, 1912.
Trains will rua Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday.
Leave Grants Pass.. 1, P- M.
Arrive Watera Creek 2, P. M.
Leave Watsrs Creek - - s p- M-
Arrive Grants Pass 4. P. M.
For information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of . the company, Lundburg building,
or telephone .131.
Tire Repairing v
Any kind of nn injury repair,
ed on any sized tire, and all
work guaranteed at the Max
well Garage.
IdiMi Mijmvnirairii
C litrtaw a IHalMal BruayVV
brant. A. k fori ol-CuVTtB