PAGE TWO ritinvv, mxicMnKH n, ibis. SAILOR FEEDING REFUGEE CHILDREN Published Daily Except Saturday A. E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. Bluhill Entered at post office. Grants Pass, Ore., as second class mail matter. t'HILK AXU PIMENTO CHKKSK . DAILY KOGrfi ItlVEIt OlH'IUER ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch 15c Local-personal column, per llne..I0c Readers, per line 5c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier; per year6.00 By mall or carrier, per month .60 "WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year ... $1.50 MEMBER OF. ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively atitied to toe use tor republication of all fcws dlspatcfiN credited i It or all" otHerartsi credited In this paper and also thf Jo Pub,' . . . n of republication i elal dispatches herein res erred. ic OLIVE SAVOK XSn MAYONNAISE Olymp KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY quality niurr army gjde the federal prisons. are alsoi Is right; many pf them live around I an armistice could save bis Milwaukee and ether e still out-jiroru complete aisaster. I in aii iv enemy divisions had been' used against us In the Meuse Artnnns battle. Hntwpcn Snnlomlw, Mll.t a4 j.-'.11' Off find VnvAmhAf A v.- tnrtlp OA n.-.ft Brisbane has -bought V flprisoners and 468 guns on this Ot h J0 strength of thfl E as v- IvniikAA newspapers. Ana that he is true blue to his gang. he( has never said a word censuring those pro-Germans tor electing Ber- Iger to' congress. But Berger has I been Indicted, on several counts, I nevertheless, . 1 r rO rr erst, i to The greatest advertisement mis I city can have Is the big gravity ditch flowing under Sixth street so that I all tourists passing along the Pacific . . . . . A .a..... I hleh wav may see It and make In- FRIDAY, DECEMBER , 1M8. OREGON WEATHER qulry as to our resources. The rain which began last night is much more welcome than the fog and frost, which has been with us fof several days. ' f f Rain west, rain or snow In -a. ' Moderate. southerly f winds. , SO TIME TO PCT ON BRAKES Optimism hat Is, or ought to be the big word in our vocabulary Just J haw. ian the Telegram. In the psy chology of ' conditions and ' circum stances which constitute the prob- does, went through the successive , , w,t.wr readiustment there bands of barbed wire that protected ... ..... i the enemy's front line and support are considerations of significant lm- . ,,,m,hm dlUonary fWv General trailing reports: ' 1 "There are in EurAip altogether including a regimen arf jotue san itary units with the KAllaji army and the organizations Murmansk, also Including those tmroute from the States. approximately 2,053,347 men, less, our losses. Of this total there are In France 1,333.169 com batant troops. Forty divisions have arrived, of which the infantry per sonnel of 10 have been used m re placements, leaving 30 divisions now in France organized Into three armies of three corps each." Ljfit' r: y . j '(sJlSa&fl. r"-"mTi i1""' l : - SMMBfc H H1 Hf Our Guarantee Your grocer vflll refund, th fullprico you piu'd for MJ.B. CofftMi if it doc not pleaso your tasto, no matter - how rnuch you lwv used out of tho can. Buy tk Bib. Can , and Savo 25c . i . . 7 GEN. PERSHING GIVES Continued from Page One.) MAY MEAN MUCH TO WORLD Aviators Believe That Flying la Bound to Have Great Influence en the Mlnda of Men. Flying, In the opinion of British aviators, la going to change the char acter ot the world's thought It wul have a ' broadening Influence and It will bring a fresher, cleaner flow of Ideas Into the brains of men. ' A man, the flyers argue, who baa seen before biuret the same time the cliffs of England, the long fiat fields ot trenches, in irresistible waves on port. It is the light we need and not 8Cnedule tlme breaking down all de- T n H KIUUIU iniiuuiBui m ' a icua, vi w cucuj i ucuiuisimu vj ' , . . . ; - . v " ' .. .1 i TtAllanfl rA ,, amilllnfif MUintrvmdA 1 a I k. n Mt. . 1M the great -volume-of our artillery i "" Z. .ZT CT-U . ?u "I'l'"""'"" iv Many refuiievs from Morguu, N. 1H Where their homes were destroyed by the exploHlou ot the munition plant In that town, were fed and taken cure of by United States sailors and soldiers, and also by the American Red Cross, YANKEES ARE USING GIANT NAYAL GUNS Hun 70-Mi!e Rifle Is the Only Bigger Weapon at Front Announcement from France that American 16-Inch naval guns, manned by navnl gun crews, have come to the front, disclosed that throngh efforts of the ordnance official of the navy, Gen eral Pershing's forces are now equipped with the most powerful ami hnrdent-hlttlng weapons yet nued III the present war, ashore or afloat, to far as Is known. The lG-lnrh rifles are similar to those designed for use aboard the new est American dreadnaughts. They are 50 caliber, more than 65 feet In length Roast Rarity simlsm Is the other. To change the Ism means activity and the malnten- ance if not the increase oi speeu, aiues, mostly light. epim in WHK.U Mighed our lines in a position tractive readjustment. Pessimism threaten MeU v.. Krt ,.. , ,r Belgium and France U bound to tnHr carriers. metaphor opum- '" uuucu -' mtk ,n a different way than a man , without qnestlon they are the long- whose horizon has always been bound- , Mt-range guns In use, except the Ger- ed by bricks and mortar, or even Dy man super-guns, which are regarded we had taken , hill and dale. ' merely as a mechanical freak, means ezDanslon Instead of con trac- i$ ooo prisoners and 443 guns, a Traveling may have made him think The projectile weighs close to ton inn more oower instead of the ap- great quantity of material, released' nationally, but flying: will make Mm and Its bursting charge of the most UOU, lllUrO V 1 . . .... ... ; .v I k. I.maI- TTa Will iAa Mninrfn1 r .in Irnnmn I m m ao m- .. ., . v in. thA univ "8 mnaouanis ot many vn ages u"" r mum plication of the brakes; it is the only ,., ' ! Enriand and France lying close to eacn omer, aeyarnieu wu uj I lng strip of water. He will see the i iMun anil ktanWlt ' rtlAslttIf tit Rltftlim. lias little to recommeno u i ine report snows tor tne nrst hlph lfJ1 mmea mto the dls- time, and the present situation is time officially, that with this "brll-1 tant shsdow of Hollsnd. while, still ...v . .a f re. Hantly executed coup, General Per-; farther on. across the wide Scheldt wnouv wjiuvuv .hln,'. ni k.n .1.l iv. ... (.,! i. r, ji.,..t i,l.n4. nun Tho ' thonrv thx thplr smwf elffht tarding and iniujrlous effect. , f .. ... . d v th ,, 0, wprld. would not permit their use. except In The foregoing is not merely tne . , force, to win a eonclu-' ' How will he regard petty spites be- .in f awidemic abstractions. I give victorv. The American urmv tween Individuals and cliques tnenT -?aKbw.wU I J ,. : 1 ....) n Tin n mva, with w f. 'tatement of facts In which moved at once toward its crowning ? "t.: . "" - -a powerful explosive known Is meas ured In hundreds of pounds against the' few pounds In the German super gun shell. The destructive effect is enormous. Plans for using big rifles for the army are understood to have been" worked out entirely by naval officers. H OOD roasts of choioa bocf. " veal, etc, are as rare at some butcher shops as a cup race with out a Shutnrock. ' But tint here. W haven't been handling meat forysnr with our eye shut. Wo know moat. We've studied and talked and dreamed meat un til wc can see u iido of beef ten mflca awny with, our eyca ut. We (fiiurnntfe' rhoi"", tendrr roasts, the kind that tnnkes your mpnls a joy instead of fl dirge. &fie Temple Market business men Individually and' col- enlevement, the battle of the lecUvely are urged to Uke a person- general dramat,c gtory al and pracUcal interest. It Is the of 'the mignty battle In tnree distinct time for faith in the future, and not phases, beginning on the night of merely the professed faith, but an September 27, when Americans active enterprising confidence that 1i'ly took the places of the active, emerprmius French on the thinly held line of seeks to do more things instead ot less. In the ultimate conditions that opened on September 2g and the shall prevail, when the world Is set- Americans drove through entangle- tied in peace, there is warrant for ments, across Xo Man's Land to take ! . all the enemy's firat line positions. 1 that taltn. Closing the chapter. General Per- . We are apprised ot one good ex- gnlng gayg. ample in this respect. The Swift 0n N-ovemner 6 a dvlsion 0f the people, with their huge interests in First corps reached a point on the Meug'j opposite Sedan, 2a miles from our line of departure. The strate gical goal which was our highest hope was gained. We had cut the enemy's main line of communica tions, and nothing but surrender or his thumb from the helchts a fever ish city swarming with a million pro pie. What will he think of those who live next to each other and will not speakt How mean and petty their quarrels and Jealousies and hntes will seem. The true meaning of human Inter course and friendship will come home to him. lie will guln an almost divine outlook upon the world. Dishonesty, civil strife, all will socm to him contemptible. Perhaps, any the avia tors, this is the new view which v.lll bring the millennium. fixed concrete and steel emplacements, furnished the chief obstacles to be overcome. These are not the only great naval guns employed by the American army. American naval gun crews have played an Important part on several sectors of the' battle front for months, band ling weapons of 12-Inch bore. The story of their enterprises has never been made public, however, for military reasons. Blatchford's Calf Meal Dairy Food Mill Feed Egg Producer Poultry Supplies J. PARDEE 202 Sixth Street BROTHERS MET ABROAD Had this city, -have announced tneir in tention to engage actively In a cam paign of industrial encouragement In this section. There should be oth ers many others. Europe Is to be fed. Europe Is to be rebuilt. There is to be social and polltlcal'reorgan ization over a large part of the civi lized world; and the new order which will be UBhered in as that pro gresses, will mark an era of greater material progress than has . been known within the memory of living men. The present problem Is one of getting straightened in the traces and the way to do that Is to pull. To tang back and to kick Is only to in vite trouble. It is no time for hedging and loot lng backward. The period, ahead is one of restoration, of new building, rt greater achievement than we have ever known. It demands cour age and optimism and the energy nil entemrlse that are horn of these. The crown prince says he has a lew friends In the United States. He Been Separated foe Years, but Both Joined the 8ervlce. Sepnrnted for five years, Billy and HerschWI Iliiywood met In France the . i , rther day, according to news received Physical Exertion and Heart Trouble. b tne ffltnw' J- D- H""! of Scar The only woy of surely detcrmlnlne erwell. who was living In whether a sufferer from an Irritable i riorum, heart con bear extensive exertion Is to put him through a series of gradu ally Increasing ext-rclses, stntes Brit ish Medical Joarnnl, with careful ex amination after cserclse. D Somewhere in the U. S. A. was on board the California when It was sunk several months ago. Be was picked up by another vessel and taken to France. Happening to be In a French port when a transport arrived with American soldiers, he went to the wharf In hopes 'of seeing 3ome friend from the stntes. Billy nywoud hod enlisted In the irmy and was on the transport. When the soldiers disembarked, Billy spied flerschell and the two brothers were I soon together, and 'pre In camps within a few minutes' walk of each other. War Relief 8hop Open. A wor relief shop, believed to be one of the first of Its kind In the state and one of the few In. the country, hns been opened at Shcboygnn, Wis. All articles In It are donated and the re ceipts from the sales are used for war relief purposes. The shop Is oppn two i days a week and lttt patronage hus In-1 creased to such nn extent that larger guarters recently became necessary. Has Wedded 1,133 Couples. Itev. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell, who! for years was pastor of Freemason Street Baptist church, Norfolk", Vs., ' jvhlle supplying-First Baptist church of ; Lynchburg, V., for September, pel-' formed his one thousand one hundred ind thirty-third marriage ceremony. All kinds of Commercial Printing at the Courier Office. Correct Lubrication forthe"T".Head. Type Engine The "T"-Head, illus trated here, is one of several types in pop- ' ular use today. En- , gines of this type, like all Internal com buatlon engine, re- quire an oil that maintains its full lu bricating qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the combus tion chambers and goes out with ex haust. ZEROLENE fills these require ments perfectly, be cauae it is correctly refined from telected California atphalt bate crude. ZCPOT.EKE rend In ccvcal conttencii to meet with iciemiftc cx-ctn:-i.s the lubrication, neds of all type of au tomobile engines. Qt ?ur "Correct Lu-thcitiun , Chart" covering )our car. ' At dealer! . everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations. Experts Say, "Zerolene Is Better" Why are the majority of cars now lubricated with ZERO LENE? Because ZEROLENE does hold better compression, does give better . protection to the moving parts, does deposit less carbon. And this is the testimony of the leading automobile distributors of the Coast. .,. They know from the records of their service department and we know from exhaustive tests that ZEROLENE, correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base crude, gives per fect lubrication with less wear and less carbon deposit. ZEROLENE is the correct oil for all types of automobile en gines. It is the correct oil for your automobile. Get our lu brication chart Ehowing the correct consistency for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cififornia) ZEROLENE Xk Standard Oil for Motor Cars