Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 05, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    , .1
TlllllSDAV, DEt'KMHEH B, 101.
nMV I i ii : 1 nn n
. ii
nf&fusic i
.M.m m . v a r .
the -Home'
6ome fs complete WSoat! ft'
"qniet- evening fcour,1' it 'Wftirds a
tlrecreatloaninuAi Itf wtterUlMb
. retort wUh tAt muslcM .th i
world's greatest artists.
Nothing can tttnpsrt, with th -life-like
natural' onM of the
EdistWDiarnohrJ "
sjillO Jusoiifllotj
Come In andiheaj youcufav9r,b
-It - Records. No -obligation. -
tUsi rilauoa ia xil'J .aoyxiun bo
8tanr Powell. Pro(fiia
RBajflL -ag LOCAL
H'"" fVJ'riill
.bs12) EiaHgtoP eatotbwi
Josepnlne chapter. Order, of
Eastern-Star, on -Wednesday . nlsat
elicttd ffle-fMiaiia jBffusmJarjthel
eafeoifig XFwro ,eolBo)on ?o ri.'ioa
,IW.hMlMraoliiui Stomker. bu
-itosoj JUJ-WMnoln QjHHemnntrttn
Cond. Miss HWky JBtatadj oiaob
jWtary ttrs. MW WWA
R. Boswcll left' this morning for
Hermlston toWriatii'several weeks.
..HaaiaUtchUig .andi.P;otln' l 10
Coats . guaranteed
Th Vaallj 6hoPi Medford, Ore. 27tt
,jSlri ,J.f Vli'solodrich, of James
town, N. D., arrived Sunday to spend
tne'Wintef ffth' lier daughter, Mrs.
r'A'-fWrnore floosler Cabinets left
.WViWrKriceSit Holman's. 52
'-MnL-oV u&W went to Merlin
t this moftiinlb' spend the day. She
aecompanledher mother, sirs. j.
rnM'iha twill remain In Merlin
taiMsomA itiner
I Holmaa'aMilJnoleum is sanitary,
sty to clean, and durable. S3
; Mr, and .Mrs. C. D. Ftes are enter
talnip! theil(tormer's father. Louis
FieK of Portland, and aunt, Mrs.
Mary Keller, of Marion, unio. woo
W1J1 ma exienaea
j The furniture you want w
price you can afford, at Holman's,
rtS a street. oDDOslte the band
stand!' -b "
Jergeant Allan Herrlck. formerly
grants Pass, was a southbound
passenger yesterday en route from
Camp. .Lewis to Concord, Cal., to visit
his. parents.
Lysol. Sabin has it S3
P. H. Waste and two sisters, Mrs.
C. W. Bourne and Miss E. C. waste.
left this afternoon for Los Angeles
remain. They have been residents
or Josephine county tor tne pasi iwo
years, having property near Hugo,
which "they have exchanged for Cal-
4! I
It. It. .Miliar Here
11. B. Miller of the California &
Oregon Coast Railway arrived this
morning from Portland and loft
south In the afternoon. Mr. Miller,
as usual, had nothing to say for pub
Agricultural Writer Here
O. II. Barnhtll, agricultural wrl
tor for the Country Gentleman, Or
chard and Farm, and other papers,
visited the Klver Banks farm today
with Manager Clyde E. Nllea tor the
purpose of securing data for des
criptive articles.
... i', ,,, cnaries nuuu mini iuid ""
noon TO visit nis parenis, .nr. nuu
Mrs. Alex Hood. The young man is
a memoer or tne navai unit or. vae
University of Washington, at Seat
tle, hut was released by the govern
ment for a few weeks to assist the
Utah-Idaho Sugar company at Sugar
City. Ida., in the making of sugar.
He will return to Seatlta the 12th.
Witn'Vfi'e''om'ftig'oFpiac'e iSrn'the
'iiossiG ).iinO ,Je
resulUng-inactiyl ty of the U. S.
foimHaltaTP,'Ae-S(rt)'rk' of ' the Y.
M.'rjJ'Af las'leen gttSrtiy !bifoSdened.
The. YM.C. A. will nowb'tend its
energies' Hot 'only K-ftygJ Hie men
arfabVeeiW tmtinalSAi but edu
cadonaantf "athlWrg'jvqrk5 will be
given mMft Bzntf. 3acri jrtee and in-
Btrustora alone !tbee,Ulwe are great
ly aaKlebd the meeditt urgent.
On Friday, DecenibtiuSs Frank E,
Sickels.-state secretary for the Y. M,
C. ,A. 'personntfF,' acconpanied by
James Eivln. a returned secre
from, overseas, win'beu Grants Pass
to meet with ithftrlQCXl personnel
comniUee,nand also, with any men
wh5 would 'be able' to' serve in this
The jMany juust tie between
36 and.50ysi3 olage and not of
enemy alien birth. General secre-
tari&, tActbrs 'and physical dl-
recfofsIiare tattet In need, but there
is afsw & 'taflrfr 'mechanics, chauf
feur :nd crerlrslii, . ,
The local eSnSnittee consists of
T. Pt Oramer, :diairman; Dr. E. C.
MaeyUecreary&nd Sam H. Baker,
. Roy K. Hackett and Rev. Melville T.
tmiln- cb A- mU8t keep up the
morji (pUjTmen just as much as
if Jfiqjf bigjbattles were in the im
mediate future. It is real construc-
. Hva ynrfc anri any man who can do
it, is urged to see one of the mem
local committee and to
meefiSftCtbe state representatives
on Friday.
MarrHtl in M,inneKlls
Word was recently received in
this city that Bert R. Coffenberry
and Miss Haael Haft were married
at Minneapolis, Minn., on November
26. Mr. Cotfonberry Is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Coffenberry of
this city, and is Instructor In motor
cycle mechanics.
K.xtra Oiertor Leave
Mrs. E. M. Ash, extra socond trick
operator at the Southern Pacific
station, left this morning for her
home at Byers, and C. F. Schant, ex
tra third 4rlck operator, left last
night for Roseburg. These opera
torn have been stationed here dur
ing the Illness of the regular opera
Ceremonial Friday
A ceremonial session of HUluh
temple, Order of the Mystic Shrine
will be held in Ashland Friday night
and will be attended by a goodly
number of Grants Pass Shrlners.
There will also be a class of 12 no
vices from this place to tread the
burning sands of the desert. No
vices from other towns also will be
We hear that Bryan Redding was
discharged from the service Decem
ber 2 and that he intends to go to
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Hagen visited
the Nellson family Monday evening.
Alonzo Jones is putting in grain
on the H. . H. Wardrlp ranch.
Mrs. Bert Elliott returned Mon
day night from her holiday trip to
Clara Williams has been quite
sick with the tonsilltis this week.
Mrs. F. G. Roper and Mrs. P.
Slattery called on Mrs. G I. Ward
rlp Monday afternoon.
P. Slattery. J. H. Harris and A.
Bauer were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Bates Sunday.
Leona Jones is home from school
this week petting a bard cold.
About sixty people attended the
annual community dinner at the
grange hall Thanksgiving day and
all did Justice to the bountiful sup
ply of good eats which wars followed
by a musical and" literary program.
The Neilson orchestra gave a selec
tion and the little twins told how,
when they were growing up they
looked juBt alike and then they
looked nothing alike for one is a
jack-o-lantern and the other a pump
kin pie, the program then closed
with "Star Spangled Banner' 'and
'America" by the audience.
In regard to the article of Dr.
Nlbley'a that it lie statement in the
Courier and attributed to me was
"quite untrue and very misleading,"
It seems to require an answer to pre
vent people from gaining a wrong
impression in regard to the situation
of the Influent epidemic.
1 wus not aware that I was tres
passing on the private preserves of
any doctor. It having always been
an Idea of mine that the medical
I profession should try to protect the
people from conlaKlotis dlscno as
well a treating them after t'icv
have ftcndlrcO it.
My rorords show 137 cases report
ed In the county since the beginning
of the epidemic, 53' cases of which
have toeen reported since November
28, and the doctor will admit that
there are more rases than reported.
For Instance, in the Garrett tamtjy
only one case was reported. In the
Geo. Morris family one case was
reported and that report was a
month in getting to this offloe. Were
there any cases in the Townsend
family? If so, no report has reach
ed this office and I want the doctors
to take notice that they are liable
to prosecution for violating the law
of the state when they fall to re
port, and I propose hereafter to try
and see that the law Is enforced
Whllo the article In the Courier
was not exactly as I gave it to them
over tho telephone. It was In the
main true and it was surely not
"misleading." but leading In the
right direction In letting the people
know the condition of this epidemic.
And further. It Is unbecoming any
member of the medical profession to
attempt to commercialize an epi
demic. J. C. SMITH,
County Health Officer,
Per Lb.
C. II. KIKIKLD, Manager
Sale Price on Blow-out Boots
.Heavy vulcanised boot all ! regular 75c seller
For short time only
The following casualties are re
ported by the commanding genoral
of the American expeditionary
forces for .publication today:
Killed lu action , 421
Died of wounds 310
Died of accident 33
Died of disease 431
Woundod severely 844
Wounded, degree undetermined 29S
Wounded slightly 19
Missing in action 474
Robert J. Boewell, whose death
In France from disease in November
was announced a few days ago, left
Grants Pass with the June 20 draft
men and landed in France August
24. He was born in Malheur county
24 years ago and had been with his
father In Jackson and Josephine
counties for the past four years. He
Is survived by his father and mother,
a Bister living at Newburg and a
brother at Kalama.
Mr. Boswell received only the
government notice of death, with
details entirely lacking.
H Jl Everion and grandson, -El-don-
have teen staying at the Ever-
tonl'-ratch several days the past
wetfs.l Eldon is on the gravel haul,
HtAn A. I. 'Hussey received word
ontotXktv the past week that her
IrAheV, Ray Pence, of Camp Lewis,
was 111 with pneumonia but was bet
terWhen laBt heard from.
Wiggs, of Grants Pass, re
tied home Friday after visiting
neice, Mrs. M. L. Griffin, several
Is the past week.
T. and Ernest Everton was
In m rerryaaie saiuraay evening,
Irs. G. H Griffin is visiting with
friends at Grants Pass this week
E. C. Neely is in the city attend
ing county court this week,
Frank Morrison was In Grants
Pass Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Meltoff
daughters, Vina and Hurata, are
ltlng Mrs. Meltoff's parents, Mr,
Mra. Kornbrodt.
Miss Daisy Cole, of Grants Pass
is visiting Mrs. Lefeld this week.
A.kC. and (Lester Ford have
buyfnsme 'cattle from Or. H. Grif
-0I1I9W snl smi:I')oii;I tn:i
JMl- "iiiiia,-Ti-iiL,su.JfiA.
jisonlooo vimoini')t a neons
The Hague, Dee. 6. Dutch offl
cials expect the entente ministers
here to make a Joint demand for an
explanation of the sojourn of the
former kaiser and crown prince of
Germany in Holland.
Joy Theater
Friday and Saturday
d :
Evening, 7:30, 0 50c, 85c
Saturday ' Matinee 2:30 35c, 15c
New York, Dec. 5. More than
137.500 acres of wheat were recov
ered from German occupied territory
in France hy the British and French
armies in the great offensive that
onded the war, says the New York
food board. This is believed by the
food officials to have materially
contributed to the food crisis which
helned to bring Germany to her
knees. This wheat was harvested
chiefly by the French. The work of
nearly 17,000 men was required In
the harvesting. The binding ma
chines and threshing machines were
supplied by the French office of ag
ricultural reconstruction and when
the harvesting was completed the
machines were sold at reduced
prices to farmers or groups of farm
ers who had been victims of tho war.
Killed In action Lieutenant
Ralph J. Hurlburt. Portland; Jim
O'Conner. Iakevlew; Krutik M." Eck
ersloy. Cove: Arthur E. Glover
(cook), Dayvllle: Basil A. Klrsch
Died of wounds Lieutenant John
F. Hayclen Hermlston; Ilunry C.
Nollmeyer, OreKon City; Frank H.
Redtleld, Anchor.
Wounded severely Van Alfred
Norder, Hood Itlver; Mechanic
Henry P. Koch, Portland; Ira Foils,
Portland; Benjamin W. Hesrtley.
Died of disease Frank J. Schur
(waKonor), Portland; Loren 0. Har
rington, OreKon City.
Sllshtly wounded Vomle Kern,
Crane; Joslah I Urlll, UCrandu.
Missing In action Clarenco L.
Stevens, Aurora; Silvio 1'nUmlrl,
Portland; Robert C. NlvUon, Port
land. t'lTV TltKASl'KKH'H NOTICE
There are funds In the city treas
ury to redeem all warrants drawn on
the general fund numbered 13,617
and 13.C54 InrliiBlve.
Interest will erase after Dccom
ber 4th. 1918.
Duted at Grants Patn, Oregon, De
cember 3rd. 1918.
33 City Treasurer
AUCTION SALE of household goods,
farm Implements and a team at
the H. H. Wardrlp .ranch In Fruit
dale, Saturday December 7 at I
o'clock .p., m. Read the posters
for particulars. ' 34
1917 MAXWELL in good condition,
trade or 'sell, also one Ford road
ster and one Overland roadBter.
Inquire R. Timmons, 506 South
Sixth street. 32
LOST Airdale-Shepherd pup, about
8 months old lost Monday night
on North Sixth street. Reward
for return. Phone 243-Y. 33
JERSEY cow with crop off 'both ears,
no brand, came to the Red Front
barn Tuesday. Owner call on Pe
ter Graviln. phone 633-J. 37
HEATH & HERMAN have removed
to 609 O street, Launer's old lo
cation, where they may hereafter
be found. 34
WANTED Furnished house, or
close-in furnished housekeeping
rooms, by man and wife. No chil
dren. Address No. 2053 care of
Rogue River Courier. 32tf
WANTED Small pump for mining
purposes, capable of lifting ' 200
feet; also gasoline engine. Ad
dress Copper Girl Mining Co.,
Rogue River, Ore. 33
WANTED Gas engine between
and 10 horsepower. Write Harold
Potts, Rd. 4, Grants Pass. 33
1o Mum a Vo Jabiui hoi a. . '
sill q-wjl Hit? gfaoblvlhnt waio .
.flfxjtilofi to nsmj'j-jvra baa saioq .
WANTED Good fresh young cow
; with calf must be cheap for
'cash. A. W. Isom, Rd. 1, Box 10
Washington, Dec. 5. Representa
tive Carter Glass has been nominat
ed 'by President Wilson as secretary
of the treasury.
Glass takes his office December 16
by agreement with Secretary Mc-Adoo.
Keep Up the Christmas Spirit
If ever we should send out friendly cards of Chrlntmas greet
ing, It Is this year.
There Is bardly anyone for whom the war has not caused some
hardship. Everyone needs a word of encouragement the boys
away from home tho folks back home our nelghbora, relatives
and business acquaintances.
' We have now on dlpluy a fine selection of
Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store
...JOY HEATER . . .
J. Stewart Elackton
Hie World For Sale"
A Big Special Production in Six Reels
TIUs picture was shipped to us by mistake and although a 85 cent picture
will be shown at the regular prices of 10c and 20c.
A powerful story of the
Canadian Northwest
and gypsy folk with
their quaint lore
,.. In 2,MM Foot of Laughs