Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 05, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Tiinwiay, ihxkmiikii n, join.
The IMhs
Is worth more tn
family life today
than ever before
TUB COMPANION (Waa tha frnlMt
mount of avarythlni worth mailing,
a atximlaiK ol Fiction, of Knltrtaln
omit, of Informing Heading, of Pact
and Humor, btaklaa tht Special Pans
for aarh ona of evarr a (a. It appeals
to (ha (amlllaa with hlghaat Idrala.
Nw nubacrlbara to The Youlb'l
Comoaiiwu will rocawa I
12 WEEKLY ISSUES 1919 Alhtf
Raauauai lilt luee Free f
III Ca-auUa Hma ( $7.00
Caiaaiar Free 1 M
-JrM" 2 00 $9.50
Cback your chuica and anid Ihla coupon with your
ramitunca to tha ruiusnr.ll Ot THIS MMa.
or to Tha Youth'a Companion, Boat on, Mua.
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
W. T. Ureen, Propr.
II. Oldillnga. Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cars
Office Old Observer Mk. Comer Seventh and O street Phone 20
Telephone 22H-J and 10.1
. j 1 1. for flOYS tW
nlw" 'm
I r'"..-.H'L!nVA 1
Easy Riding
Increase in All Respiratory Dis
eases After the ' Influenza
Epidemic Probable.
Influents Ex pacta d to Lurk for Month.
How to Guard Against INicumonls.
Common Colds Highly Catching lm
portaneaof Suitable Clothing Could
Save 100,000 Uvea.
Washington, D, O. With the subsid
tnct of the epidemic of Influenza the
attention of health ofllrer la directed
to pneumonia, bronchitis and other
diseases of the respiratory system
which regularly cause a large number
of deuths, especially during the winter
season. According to Itupert llluo,
Surgeon General of tha United Slates
Public Health Service, these diseases
will be especially prevalent this win
ter unleaa the people are particularly
careful to obey health Instructions.
"The present epidemic," said Sur
geon General Blue, "haa taught by hit
ter experience how readily a condition
beginning apparently aa alight cold
Diajr go on to pneumonia and death.
.Although the worst of tha epidemic Is
over, there will continue to be a large
number of scattered eases, many of
them mild and unrecognised, which
will be danger spots to be guarded
against" The Surgeon General likened
tha prevent situation to that after
great Ore, saying, "No fir chief who
understands his buslnesa stop playing
tha bos on the charred debris as soon
aa the flames and visible lira have dis
appeared. On the contrary, ha con
tinue tha water for hours and even
daya, for be knewa that there la dan
ger of tha fire rekindling from smol
dering embers."
"Then yon fear another outbreak of
Influenza?" ha waa asked. "Not neces
sarily another large epidemic." aald
tha Surgeon General, "but unleaa the
people learn to realise tha seriousness
of the danger they will be compelled to
pay a heavy death toll from pneumo
nia and other respiratory disease
i Common Colda Highly Catching,
"It la encouraging to observe that
people are beginning to learn that or
dinary cougba and colda are highly
catching and are anread from rjersnn
to person by means of droplets ot
germ laden mucus, such droplets are
prayed Into the air when careless or
Ignorant people cough or sneeikj with
out covering their mouth and nose. It
l also good to know that people have
learned something about the value of
fresh air. In summer, when people
are largely out of doors, tha respira
tory diseases (coughs, colds, pneumo
nia, etc.) are Infrequent; la the fall,
a people begin to renin In Indoors, tha
respiratory diseases Increase; In. the
winter, when people are prone to atay
In badly ventilated, overheated rooms,
the respiratory diseases become very
Suitable C(othlng Important
"Still another factor In the produc
tion of colds, pneumonia and other re
spiratory diseases la carelesuneitsor Ig
norance of the people regarding eult
alile clothing during the seiisoti when
tli weather suddenly chuniies. sitting
Id warm rooms too heavily dresned or,
what la even mora common, eitpeclally
among women, dressing so lightly that
windows ara kept closed In order to be
comfortably warm. This Is a very In
jurious practice.
Could Save 100.000 Lives.
"I believe we could easily save on
hundred thousand lives annually Id
the United Slates If all the peopl
would adopt the system of fresh air
living followed, for example. Id tuber
culosis sanatoria. There la nothing
mysterious about It no specific medi
cine, no vaccina. Tb Important thing
Is right living, good food and plenty of
fresh air.
Droplet Infection Explained In Picture).
"The Bureau of Public Health,
Treasury Department, baa Just laaued
striking poster drawn by Berryman,
the well-known Washington cartoonist
The poster exemplifies the modern
method of health education. A few
years ago, under similar circumstances,
the health authorities would bav la
aued an official dry but scientifically
accurate bulletin teaching the role of
droplet infection In the spread of re
spiratory diseases. Tb only ones wh
would hnve understood the bulletin
would have been those who already
knew ail about the subject Tb man
In the street the plain citizen and tha
many millions who toll for their living
would have had no time and no deslr
to wade through tha technical phrase
ology." . j
cotot influenza, pneumonia, and
i'oiiie of this pouter can be oh
iilnml rree of .-barge by writing to th
SiitKrtiii ilonerul. u. s. Public Health
Sff V. .Washington D. Q,
rank Shell Cuts Short Not Being
Written by Hun.
A square hit from an American shell
Hided the hymn of hate a German non
commissioned officer waa writing. In a
(ragout In a French village, to his
tweetheart In Berlin. The letter waa
found near hi body when the Ameri
can troopa occupied the town.
"Dear Frieda," the note read, "I am
waiting for the time when thla awful
War will be over and I can come back
ind bold yon In my arms. Bnt first I
pope It will fall to my lot to kill a
Soaen of these dirty American doga
Irho "
The letter ended there. A shell had
penetrated the dugout and blown the
German to pieces.
Pearls at $33 Per Day.
Pearls at $35 a day la the computa
tion made regarding the cost of up
keep of a single string of pearls which
have been sold at auction In London.
Mme. de Falbe'a pearls were sold
for $237,000, the largest amount ever
paid for any article of art or luxury
sold at auction. Annual Interest on
the sum would be approximately $12,
000 a year. If worn but on a few great
occasions during a year, as Is likely,
they become more expensive than
Hid Sugar In Pillow Slip.
Government Investigators are after
sugar hoarders at Pottsvllle, Pa., some
of whom bought large supplies before
the regulations went Into effect. On
woman was found to have 850 pounds
of sugar concealed In pillow slips.
Patriots Plenty
sU5 . . 1 ..'
Biry less - Serve less V
Eat only 3 3day
Waste nothing
feur guests Will cheer
fully share simple fare
Be Freud to h'r
ill7 CHEVROLET with demount
able rims for sale. Is In best run
ning condition. M. J. Barker, 207
West C street. Phone 118-R. 18
FOB SALE Young team (excellent
pullers), wagon, plows, harrows,
hay, lumber, cedar poets, shot
gun, rifle, bedsteads, oil stove and
other articles. Phono 1 602-F-12,
.Mrs. George L. 'Morris, Rd. 1,
Grants Pass, Ore. 42
FOH SALE Furniture, stoves,
tables, chairs, ruga, etc., top
buggy, a few good hens. 801
North Sixth street 32
FOR SALE Good Irrigated ranch
on the Applegate, house, three
barns, and out buildings, first
class water right, all fenced, most
ly wire fencing. For further par
ticulars Inquire of Geo. Feldmaler,
Grants Pass. 33
FORD BARGAIN 1817 Ford, quick
sale, terms. $400. C. L. Hobart
Co. 32
A FEW ASPARAGUS plants atlll
left and it Is not too late to set
them out if done at once. One
cent each. W. W. Canby. ' 32
FOR RENT Cottage 321 Rogue
River Ave., three rooms and
sleeping porch, good well and one
half acre land, barn, $4.65. pr
moath. Key at 208 Foundry. .n
WANTED TO BUY Power circle
' saw outfit for cutting cord wood.
Write Box 44, Merlin, Ore. 32
JITNET SERVICB Aay where, any
tin. Phone Mecha Cafe 181-R
Otto J. Knlps, Resideac 14S-T
HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng. dona
to order. Handicraft Shop, Med
ford. Ore. 38
GARAGE First class work; elec
trical work a speciality; satisfac
tion guaranteed. Oils and gaso
line. Everett Stelger Garage,
211 North SixtU Street, Phone
2S8. - - 42
TAXI If going or coming call the
Whit Line Taxi. Safety first.
Call at the Spa confectionary.
Phone 2C2-R. Residence phone,
320-R. 4t
FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres black
aoil In well watered grain district
50 miles north ot Calgary, Al
berta, 25 acres under cultivation.
Small stables, and $600 house.
Prefer to have acreage near
Grants Pass, of value $2,000. For
particulars address A. W. Isora,
Rt 1, Grants Pace, Ore. 35
Undertaker Invented Phone.
Inventors who have new Ideas which
are foreign to their vocations or lines
of business may derive encourage
ment from the fact that the inventor
ot the first practical system of auto
matic telephony was Almon B, Strow-
ger of Kansas City, who took out a
patent In 1889. The Inventor of the
Strowger system was an undertaker
who was In no way connected with
electrical engineering or with any
telephone enterprise.
The Great Teat.
Self-control Is an easy matter wheu
we are alone,- says New Success Maga
zine. But the moment our Uvea are
thrown In with others, then comes the
struggle. To maintain our equanimity,
to restrain the sharp retort, the Impa
tient exclamation, to get along smooth
ly with disagreeable people, without
friction or jarring this Is the great
life test This Is what builds charac
ter, ' what tests manhood or woman
hood, what makes the Ideal employee.
Two Discoveries, i -A
long time ago, a keen observer of
human nature put on record his dis
covery that a small borrower never
leaves the doorway of a bank without
looking one way and walking the oth
er. A rival of this observer has Just
turned up. B1b conclusion, after years
of patient observation, Is that one nev
er sees a small boy and a brass band
moving In opposite dUrecUona. Chris
tian Science Monitor. , '
Soul That H Truly Great
Emerson, that greatest of modern
philosophers, has told us that It 1
easy when In a crowd to allow our
selves to be swayed by the opinions
about us and comparatively easy to
keep our Individuality and sweetness
when alone, but that the great soul
la he who In the midst ot a mass of
other individuals can atlll keep th
pom and sweetness ot solitude.
THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo
graph. Open dally except floav
day from 10 a. m. t t p. m. Sun
day sittings by appolntmeat only..
Phone Mill, 28S-R, or . residence
; 140-J. 7U
L. O. CLEMENT, Id. D., Practise
limited to disease of the eye, ear,
and throat. Glass fitted.
Ofllo hours 8-11, 1-fi, or on ap
pointment OS phone (2, real
dene phone ttt-J,
& LOUGH&LDOB. U. D-, Phyafcjta
and surgeon. Ctty a country ealls
attended day or Bight Reside o .
phos 18; offle pbon 181
Sixth and H, Tala Bldg.
DR. j; O. NIDLBT. Physician and
surgeon. Laadburg Bldg. Health
offloer. Otic hurs, I to 11 a.
m. and 1 to t p. m. Phono 11-J
A. A. W1THAM, M. D. Internal
medicine aad nervous diseases;
101 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Or.
Hour 8 a. aa. to 1 p. m.
. BURSKLti M. D. D. C. la Meek
north of posted, corner farsh
and D treetr. surgical, eleetrleal,
cmlropraUc aad osteopathia treat
ments. Oats pfcon 197-R; resi
dence pbon 113-B.
DR. R. .J. BKSTUL, Veterinarian.
Offloe, reldM. Phone ttt-R.
H. D. NORTON, Attoray-etrlaw.
Practloe In aU Baal and Federal
Court. First NaMenal Bank Bids.
atLaw, Greats Pass Baaklag Co.
Bldgl, Great Pa, Oregon.
B. 8. VAN DTKB, Attorney. Prao
tioe In all ceart. First NaUoaal
Bank Bldg.
O. 8. BLANGUARD, ttorney at
Law.. Geldea Rule Bulldlnt
Phone 170. Grants Pass. Oregon.
torneys, Alhert Bldg.' Phoa.
118-J. Practie tn all eoarta; law
board attorneys.
C A. SIDLBR,aAttrney-et-Lew, ref
eree la kaakraptcy. Maaaal
tempi, Grants Pass, Or.
E. C. MACT. D. M. D. First-!
dentistry. lttft Santa Sixth
street. Grant Pass, Oraajen.
kinds of dray age and tranaf
work caret ally aad promptly aene
Phone ltl-J. Stand at trelgh:
depot." A. SkaAa, Prop.
THE WORLD atOYBS; ao d we.
Bunch' Bro. Transfer C. Phone
F. O. 1BHAM, drayaa and traaater.
Safe, ! and furniture
moved, packed, shipped aad star
ed. Office phone, 22-R. ft eel
den oe phone, 134-R.
Th Oalifwraia aad Oregtn
Coast Raflrw&d Coupany
Bffeotiv Nr. 18, 1811.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
aad Satarday
Leave Grant Peas. 1 T. at.
Arrive Waters Creek i 1 P. it.
Leave Waters Creek , 8 T. U.
Arrive Grants Pass .. 4 P. M.
For information regarding freight
and passenger rate call at th offle
of the company, Luadburg building,
or telephone 131.
Tire Repairing
Any kind of an Injury repair
ed on any sized tire, "and all
work guaranteed at the Max
well Garage.
A Morning Breez. .
The Jokesmlth's Wife (2 a. m.)
"Aw, Cm on to bed, you 1 Want to
alt up all night knocking; the weath
er and us poor glrlsT" Well, what
though the temperature was 100 de
grees In the dark, the little remark
caused a temporary coolness.
. .1