PAGE POCR DAILY lOUl'K ItlVKH COIrUMi FRIDAY, NOVEMBER tt'J, 10 HI. :"i l The test Music Jathe World-lOc! CDMK in and let aikn you Gmtary Sheet Music the eUilioa thai mree yov the wurid's most fsmoui mutir piece, beautifully printed on the best of aaoer for 10c Yott couldn't buy better music mor beautifully ahetted -war pay hither prices! Jtut a Ontury't t.000 Mleecem; Aaeil Chorea La Patau Rarearalla Peel a4 IViail BatterST . Moanliskt Seaata Buarareeeaa Sextette froa Lada UTreretora ' WilllaM Tell Crraraea rUaafcca Trartata Martka TUaaia The Flatterer AU atleetioaa cerrifted and fuaren teed to be correct. Aak lot the Centura CaUkkw it'a tree. . The Music aid Pboto House Btaatoa RowrU, Profrroior CARD O FTHANKS We desire' to extend to the many friends nd the W. O. W. lodge, our heartfelt thank and appreciation for the beautiful floral offerings and kindnesses during our sad bereave ment. MRS. BEN STANNARD, MRS. B. A. STANNARD, MRS. GRANT OR3IE, MRS. C C. PTJMMILU BIGT1ME MONDAY NIGHT AT WEEKLY LUNCHEON A bin Thanksgiving luncheon will be given at the Chamber of Com merce, next Monday at 8 p. m., to which both gentlemen and ladtes are Invited and urged to be present. In addition to the above mention ed feature, a very important matter of county road Improvement will come up for discussion, and parties particularly Interested in the em Dlovmont of a large number of men. who are also prepared to assist In the road improvements, will be pres ent to lve the public definite infor mation on the subject. It will be advisable for those wishing to attend to notify E. O Harris in advance, the number of plates they wish reserved. F. S. BRAMWELL, President Chamber of Commerce SUNDAY. SPECIAL u hurch of Christ 11 a. m. Subject "A Trade Journal in God's Business" Cach attendant is requested to bring a written list of religious books in his home and relig ious magazines and periodicals he receives. Hand list to minister. A VALUABLE ARTICLE will be presented to each one in attendance at this service. THE 10 O'CLOCK SURPRISE has recovered from the flu and will be there with a BIG HIT Evening Subject, 7:30 "HOW DO YOC LOOK?" We are not responsible alto gether for our "looks'." and yet it is our lookout how we look! Strange isn't it? Grants Pass Hotel DINING ROOM The dining room of the Grants Pass Hotel is now open, Under the management of E. C. Pot ter. First class meals and service will be given. Breakfast will be served at 6 a. m. to 0 a, m. Regular dinner, 11:30 to 1:30 . Short orders from 1:30 to 8 p. in Real home cooking. Give Us Your Patronage THANKSGIVING SERVICE AT BAPTIST CHURCH The Baptist churcIT will entertain wtth Thanksgiving service this year, Rev. Chas. R. Drake will deliver the address. The state council of de fense has requested that a patriotic sing be held the same evening, and has sent a large number of pamph lets containing patriotio songs to be used in this affair. Every city In the state will have one of these events. It has been decided that the community sing and Thanksgiving address be coordinated so that the singing will begin at 7:30 at the Baptist church and will be followed by the Thanksgiving sermon. The music will be in charge of Mrs. Knapp. AT THE MOVIES The management of the Joy thea ter takes pleasure in announcing the presentation on November 27-28 of first of the Lois Weber produc tions, "For Husbands Only." The other two, "The Price of a Good Time" and "The Doctor and the Woman" (an adaptation of "K" the well known novel by Mary Roberts Rinehardt) will be shown in the near future. Lois Weber is considered one of the five best directors of mo tion pictures in the world, the other four being D. W. Griffith, George Loane Tucker, Marshall Neilan and Maurice Turner who directed Maeter linck's "Bluebird." And U Is the dl rector and not the star who is the big element in the success or failure of a picture. "For Husbands Only" Is a clean play and as entertainment, will ap peal to all classes. The story is so original you are unable to guess the action ten feet ahead. There Isn't one slow moment it certainly keeps you up in the air. And to top it all there Is a surprise ending entirely different from what you expected, IMMENSE STORE OF OPIUM WILL BE PUBLICLY F1KEI) 1 PERSSNflL 5 LOCAL 1 R. W. Clarke went to Portland last night tor a few day on business. "LUterine." Sabln has It. 22 Prof. lApplehoff, of Ashland, Is in the city this afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Kemp, who has been visiting her sister, .Mrs. Jas. Hair, went to Medford this morning. Gasoline 27c rash only at the Bat tery Shop. 21 Goo. S. Johnsoa, mechanical engi neer of Uerkeley, Cat., is spending the aftcruoou in the city. Mrs. Gilbert Stewart arrived last night from Houston, Tex., to spend a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. A. J. McCall. Sleeping well? It not buy a good spring and mattress at Holman'a. 22 Dorothy and Miriam Booser re turned to Medford this afternoon af ter spending a couple of weeks here with friends. George S. Billings, member of the U. S. guards, who spent a couple of weeks at home, loft this morning re turning to Seattle. Harry Sbrdy, of the Oregon Chrome Mine, returned to the nilue today, after spending a few days In the city. Specials in wall paper at Holman's C. H. Corsen leaves tonight for The Dalles on account of the illness of both his father and mother, who are 111 with Influenza. Mrs. C. C. Pummlll, who attended the funeral of her brother, Ben Stan nard, returned to her home at Rich mond, Cal., today. P. Hershberger and little daughter left last night on a .trip to Hart, Mich., where they will remain for several weeks visiting Mr. Hershber ger's old home. The latest thing in baby buggies. The Sturgls. see them at Holman's. Mrs. R. I. Helm, of Agnes, who with her husband spent a week here, left last night tor Portland to visit relatives. Mr. Helm is detailed for several weeks in the local forestry office. E. L. Ellis, of Lelond, left for Pomeroy, Wash., Sunday evening, where his son, Fred, is very low with Spanish influenza and pneu monia. The rest of the family are ill recovering from the influenza. Sewing machines for sale or. rent at Holman's. 22 Miss Augusta Parker Is spending a few days at home. During the past four weeks she was engaged in taking the school census of Klamath Falls, and will return to that city Sunday to resume her duties as principal of the Central school, the Klamath schools reopening after seven Weeks of Inactivity due to the "flu." 0 Buy your wife a Hoosler, the hand iest thing In kitchen cabinets, Hol man has them. 22 I'otattH 'i er 10O Saturday at the Rochdale. 22 III With Pmnintonta Roy K. Green, of Sams Valley, Is critically 111 with pneumonia, follow ing a severe attack of lufluonxa. Gasoline 87c Ciwh At the Battery Shop. 23 Itogwe It Ivor HctiotiN Open Momlity The schools at Rugno River will reopen on Monday. November 25. The buildings have been thoroughly fumigated. Cash Only Buys ;hm1i Commencing November 20th the Battery Shop Is on a cash only ba sts. 83 W. R. C Meeting Saturday There will be a regular meeting of the Woman's Relict Corps Satur day afternoon in their rooms In the courthouse. Business of importance. A large attendance la desired. Knights ami Ladle of Security- Meet tonight at W. O. W. hall. 22 Son Ices at St. Lukes- Evening service at St. Lukes Epis copal church will be hold each Sun day evening, beginning November 24. Rev. P. K. Hammond, of Ash land, conducting the services. Grange Hall Dunce Invitations are Issued to all gran ger friends to a dancing party at G street grange hall Saturday. Novem ber 23. Gentlemen SO rents, extra ladies 25 cents. Coffee and cake. 22 Not in London Through an error, a dispatch printed In the Courier yesterday quoting Postmaster Burleson, was dated "London" Instead of Washing ton, D. C. Mr. Burleson Is still In Washington. Electrical Work Installed by an established elec trical firm with competent men. Pauls Electric Store, phone 90, Med ford, Ore. ! Will Speak Sunday Night Mrs. Jennie Kemp, lecturer for the state food administration and prominent In W. C. T. If. circles In the state, will speak at the Newman M. E. church next Sunday nlgh.t. Her topic will be "Woman's Part In Win ning the War." Washington, Nov. 22. Fourteen million dollars' worth of opium pur chased by the Chinese government from foreign opium merchants at Shanghai Is to be destroyed, accord ing to a cablegram received today from Pekln by the Chinese legation. The opium, which Is packed In 1,200 chests, will be burned at Shanghai under a mandate soon to be issued by the president of China, the dispatch said. Foreign and Chi nese residents of Shanghai will be Invited to witness the event. 19 MORE U-BOATS ARE TAKE BY ALLIES Harwich, England, Nov. it. An other flotilla of German U-boats sur rendered yesterday to a British squadron. There were 19 submarines in all. The 20th, which should have come today, broke down on the way. WOULD RE-ESTABLISH RUSSIA ON FEDERATED PRINCIPLE Copenhagen, Nov. 22. An all Russlan government, composed of the igeneral staff and volunteer army has been formed at Ekaterlnodar to re-establish Russia on a federated principle, It la reported. When Woman Brags. Our observation Is that when a woman has had the same cook for live years, and the same husband for ten, ihe brags mostly on the cook. Gal veston News. PRICE ORIGINATORS Not Imitators Columbia Oleomargarine, wr ll. 43c Umeco Nut Margarine, II) IMc Instant PoMum, mmilL i!(lc Instant PoHtnm, large 43c Drinket, per pkg .. l.V PearlM of Wheat, pkg 23c Krumbles, pkg , 10c Corn Flake, 2 for 85c Adriondack Cane and Maple Syrup . 33c, fl.V, $1.23 Light House Cleanser, pkg 3c White Flyer Soap, 21 for $1.00 Jewell Soap, 0 for 23c Swifts Naptha Soap, 4 for 23c Corn Starch, iter pkg 10c GIoHft Starch, per pkg lOc Ivory Starch, 2 pkg 15c Pure tlUer Vinegar, per gal 33c Durkces Challenge Sauce, 2 for 2.V Yeast Foam 4c Seedless) Raisins, per lb ISC Head Rice', 2 lb. for ...23c SPICES AND EXTRACTS AT PRE- WARTIME PRICES What would you pay if this store were not here? Knlttori Attention The next shipment Of Red Cross knitted goods will be made Decem ber 2. Thoso having articles which they are unable to finish befor that time are requested to turn them In at once for someone else to finish. HORN WOLLERMAN To Mr. and x Mrs. Carl Wollerman, of. this city, on I Wednesday, November 20, a ' daughter. 1'. S. CASUALTY LIST The following casualties are re ported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary forces and rele-ised for today's pub lication: Killed in action 404 Mlsing In action 69 Died of wounds KS Died of accident 12 Died of disease 105 Wounded severely 87 Wounded, degree undetermined 359 Wounded slightly 378 Prisoners ..... 13 THE Basket Grocery 417 Q Street Total : 1,515 Wounded severely Harvey W. Boylan, Portland. Wounded, degree undetermined Emett S. Johnson, Ontario, Ore. Died of disease Howard Dawson, Oregon City; Albert S. Turner, Harper. NEW TODAY FOR SALE at snap 1912 Chal , mers, Al condition, new tires; al so 2-wheel trailer. Also have ' good cook stove and steel range, snaps. Call 707 E street. 27 WANTED Cook, dining room girl, chamber maid and dish washer. Phone or write Hotel Clarke, Glendale, Ore. 24 JANITOR wanted for Presbyterian church. Inquire Mrs. Mary Van Dyke, 804 Washington, boulevard, phone 164-J. 27 FOR SALE Two good mules. Also new Winona wagon. For particu lars address H. C. Miller, Rogue River, Ore. 27 Special For Saturday FANCY MERCED SWEET POTA TOES CENTS PER POUND THE ROCHDALE THE STORK OF GUAHANTEKD GOODS C. It. Fl FIELD, Manager Looka Here! People of Grant Pass, why pay big fuel bills and get up la cold damp rooms, when you can have a room very reasonable with steam heat, hot and eold running water la each room SPECIAL RATES HY WEEK OR MONTH. Come and look our rooms over New Josephine Hotel A. J. MartliMau Do You Need a New Tire? GOODYEAR, RACINE, GOODRICH. FEDERAL, F18K, PENNSYL VANIA, WIRE-GRIP. EVERY TIRE GUARANTEED 80x8H from $10.03 to $2.M C. L. HOBART CO. (Cassia liw Our Guarantee Your ffrocer will refund the full price you paid for MJ.B. Coffee if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of U. can. Buy the Sib. Can and Save 25c Joy Theater FRIDAY and SATURDAY Mary Garden la 'Hie Splendid Sinner" "AN INTERNATIONAL SNEAK" A Muck Hen not t Laugh Font COMING SUNDAY Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Ilayno, In "A PAIR OF CUPIDS" ANOTHER CHANGE MADE IN RUSSIAN CIRCLES Basel, Nov. 22. Entente troops are marching on Kiev. General Skoropadskl, the Ukrainian dictator, has surrendered. It Is reported that General Denlklne, leader of the anitl Bolshevlkl forces, has been named as his successor with the entente na tions' consent.