Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, November 22, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
W. T. Urmn,
II. Olddtngs,
Big Pierce Arrow Cars
Office Old Observer lllk. Corner Seventh and U street . Phone SO
Telephone 21!rW Mil 164
The Youths
Is worth more to
family life today
than ever before
TUB COMPANION givta tha (rntC
mount ot avarythln wonh raadins,
an abundanra of Kiel ion, ol Knlrruuf
nwnt. ol Informing Kfadins. of Kact
and Humor, .on ttlea tha Special Haaaa
for tacb ona of awry aa. It appeals
10 lha f amUlaa wtth bilhaat Idaato.
Haw Sutwritvr to Tha Youtb't
Companion will racatva!
1919 Caaaaaiaa HaaM ( 7 09
CalaadarFrae 1 "
mON 1 Alltar
Chack your choka and arnd thh coupon with your
nmittanca to tha rUlllSHEIS Ot THIS rartl.
or to Tha Youth'a Companion, Uoalon, Maaa.
Easy Riding
1 Fr,?ivit7t
Puritans Hold That Man Had No
Right to Interfere With Dlapanta
tlons of Provldance. .
Ilavlnii hiHt night heard thut Joslah
Wlllurd hud rat off hi hair (a Terr
full head of hair) and put on a Wlgg,
I went to III in this morning. Told bid
Mother what I cnine about, and she
called him. I enquired of him what
Extremity hud forced hlra to put off
hl own hnlr, and put on a WlggT lie
answered, none at till. Hut mild that
bla hulr won straight, and that It
parted behind. Seem'd to argue that
men ml KM aa well ahave their hair off
their head, aa off their face. I an
swered . . . God aeetns to hare or
dained our Hulr aa a Teat to aee
whether we can bring our minds to be
contented at his finding", or whether
we would he our own Carvers, Lords,
and come no more to him. . . Pray'd
him to read the Tenth Chapter of the
Third Book of Colvln's Institution.
. . . Told blm that It was condemned
by a Meeting of Ministers at North
ampton In Mr. Stoddard's house when
the said Joslah was there. ... He
seem'd to say would leave off bla
Wlgg when his hair was grown. I
pake to bis father of It a day or two
after; be thanked me that bad dis
coursed bis Ron, and told me that
when bis balr waa grown to cover bis
ears be promised to leave off bla
Wlgg. If he bud known of It, would
have forbidden blm. Ilia Mother
beard him talk of It; but was afraid
positively to forbid blm lest he should
do It, and so be more faulty From
Judge Sewull's Diary (quoted In "The
Heart of the Puritans').
Men In 1813 Had Decided Views ae to
Woman'a Intellect and Her
' Sphere of Duty.
There lies on the desk a book pub
lished and sold by Moses Thomas,
Philadelphia, bearing the date of 1813,
which makes It one bupdred and five
years old. There are many strange
thlnga In that book, which contains
"Selections From Foreign Reviews and
Muguzlnes," all of which Is claimed to
be "the best thought of the ablest men
of the age." There Is an essay at
tacking a French authoress who was
clulmlng an equality of Intellect of the
two sexes. The reviewer remarks:
"Upon the whole, we do not think that
little learning Is always a dangerous
thing In a lady, so long as It has ref
erence to her condition of life and the
sphere of ber duties. .
That la as fur as the world had got
at that time In the education of wom
en. About seventy years afterward,
when a woman became aenlor wrangler
at Oxford, which la the highest honor
in mathematics, there began ft change
of opinion concerning the quality of
woman's Intellect
It wus maintained la the entire
period by these "ablest men of the
age," thut the "female Intellect" waa
entirely Inferior to that of men, and
that her physical structure made It
Impossible for her to comprehend the
great questtona, such as that of war.
Since then a woman baa written the
greatest war hymn of the woriL St
Louis Globe-Democrat
Nerve and Eye 8traln.
Many nervous as well as other dis
eases are caused by Incorrect Illumin
ation. The eye la a subject of prime
consideration In connection with our
health and happiness. Rye fatigue
spoils the disposition; as that Is one
of the conditions given for Inefficient
work, we find here again a reduction
In efficiency nnd a cause for more loss
of the workman's time. The first loss
waa mechanical, tUe second Is phys
ical ; both, when reduced to a dollar-
and-cents basis, show a large percent
age over the cost of lighting that
would he required to eliminate them.
As Judgment Is dependent upon per
ception, and perception upon the sight,
then the Inhorpr, to be efficient, must
be able to see fine details and small
objects at close ranee with sharpness
and distinction, to distinguish objects
at a distance with, accuracy, and to
have clear perception of all objects In
the Intermediate space.
Famous Forth, Bridge.
Sir John Fowler and Sir Benjamin
Baker, both Englishmen, were the en
gineers who deirlgned the great Forth
bridge In Scotland, and the building
waa done by several large firms of
steel structural workers, under their
supervision. The outside length of
the bridge Is 8,(X feet, the central
cantilever occupies 1,020 feet, and the
two side cantilevers 1,514 feet each.
The headway of the bridge at high wa
ter Is 150 feet The bridge was IT
years In building and was opened In
March, 1800. The Forth bridge Is
much nnrrower than the Brooklyn
bridge, but It exceeds It 25 feet In
span snd Is considerably longer In Its
overall length.
Great 8ea of Wheat
A sea of wheat replacing a sea of
water. 20,000 acres In one tract bring
ing, forth the cereal of which Uncle
Snm and his allies In the world war
are In such great need. Is a transfor
mation accomplished on what was
ovei flowed land near Sacramento.
The huge tract formerly covered
with the flood waters of the Sacra
mento and the American rivers lies In
a fertile basin of some sixty-odd thou
Bund acres, most of which has been re
claimed and turned to agriculture
through the efforts of the federal and
state government at a cost of mil
lions of dollars.
Painful Dental Work.
In the time ot Nero there were pro
fessional dentists who could replace
lost teeth with artificial ones made
of sycamore wood, which were fas
tened to their natural neighbors with
gold wire. A gold plate with several
teeth attached has been found la an
Etruscan tomb. But those dentists
knew nothing of the art of excavating
and filling cavities. When a tooth be
came too painful they removed It not
by pulling It but by prying It out In
a manner that must have been most
distressing to the sufferer.
Evolution of the Lady Barber.
Some of you men seem to think
that woman is not qualified to take
ber place at the barber chair. She's
been trimming man ever since the first
Hector was a pup; she took to singe
ing man's contentment the moment
she spotted Adam trying to determine
why he was a rib shy ; and she began
to shave when the first efficient male
Idiot decided that a weekly allowance
for household expenses was the prop
er thing. Letter In New York Sun.
Trebles Hardneia of Leather.
A Norwegian engineer claims that
be has discovered a process by which
leather can be made two or three times
as hard as It Is normally, says Popu
lar Mechanics Magazine. Thla Is of
very special Interest In these days of
high prices for footwear and other
leather goods. While the leather can
be mad.) aa hard as wood, It does not
lose Its elasticity, It 1b said, and also
acquires greater resistance to both
beat and moisture.
Roman Soldiers' "8mokea."
Records recently discovered show
that the Roman soldiers In Caesar's
time had their pipes. tf course they
knew nothing about real tobacco, as
that had not at that period -been dis
covered. However, they did have pipes
1 and thikv Qmnlrori Invoniloi. nnit hemn.
tL .ii . nv t
and It served almost the same purpose.
t nf i .m h. k- .
solace and stimulus to the soldiers.
I - ,
j m
All kinds of less LUnkt at tha
Qassff scd
FOR SALE 40 tone first class al
falfa bsy, baled, at the barn. C.
D. Woolverton, Rogue River, Ore
gon. 21
in CHEVROLET with demount
able rims for sale. Is In best run
ning condition. M. J. Barker, 207
West C street. Phono 196-R. 38
FOR SALE Young team (excellent
pullers), wagon, plows, barrows,
bay, lumber, cedar poets, shot
gun, rifle, bedsteads, oil stove and
other articles. Phone S02-F-12,
Mrs. George L. Morris, Rd. 1,
Granta Pass, Ore. 42
FOR SALE Good, dry. sorted corn,
delivered, 2 He per lb. Ground
corn," cob and all, 3 cents. 924
East V street, phone 212-J. 23
FOR SALE A good piano. Call at
408 C street. Phone 32-R. 19tf
FOR 'RENT Cottage 321 Rogue
River Ave., three rooms and
sleeping porch, good well and one
half acre land, barn, 34.52 p
month. Key. at 208 Foundry. O.n
FOR RENT Dec. 7th, modern six
room bungalow; wood bouse,
sleeping rooms above, garage. 710
North Sixth street And five room
cottage, corner C and Second.
Rents low. See N. E. Townsend,
621 A street 23
STEAM ENGINEER, blacksmith and
all around mechanic, also pipe
fitter wants permanent position.
Address No. 1960 care Courier. 26
WANTED Second band sewing ma
chine, must be in good running
order and cheap. Address No.
1962, care Courier. 22
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R
Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-Y
HEMSTITCHING and plcottng done
to order. Handicraft Shop, Med
ftfrd, Ore. 38
GARAGE First class work; elec
. trlcal work a specialityf satisfac
tion guaranteed. Oils and gaso
line. Everett Stelger Garage,
211 North SlxtU Street, Phone
298. 42
VIOLIN, PIANO, mandolin and ban
Jo lessons; good methods and ex
perienced teachers. - Music fur
nished; stringed Instruments ' re
paired; violin bows repaired. G.
M. Kellogg, 725 South Seventh
Street. 23
TAXI If going or coming call the
White Line Taxi. Safety first
Call at the Spa confectionary.
Phone 262-R. Residence phone,
320-R. 45
Two lovers were sitting side by aide
In Battery park. New York, one eve
ning. "I wonder," he whispered aa he
glanced out across the beautiful bay
and saw the Statue of Liberty In the
shadowy gloom, "why they-have Its
light so small." "Perhaps," replied
the girl as she blushed and tried to
slip from his embrace, "the smaller the
light the greater the liberty."
Gasoline Street Sweepers.
The new gasoline street sweepers
operate so quickly and so cheaply that
they threaten to do away entirely with
the old hone-drawn apparatus. One
three-wheeler, gasoline-driven machine
Is counted equal to four horse-drawn
sweepers. It clears the street to with
in 18 Inches of the curb at a cost ot
even cents a thousand yards.
Making Sure.
8everal years ago, at the funeral of
a well-known fire Insurance official
much detested by his staff. It was re
marked that an unexpectedly huge
number of them attended. On one of
them being asked for an explanation,
be said: "We wouldn't have missed
It on any account ; we want to be sure
that he Is buried."
Saving Grain From Fire.
A South Dakota builder has suggest
ed a simple method of saving grain In
country elevators from fire. The grain
bins should be provided with trap
doors In the outer walls of the build
ing. In case of fire the doors are open
ed and the grain pours out on the
Wasted Energy.
I . Eleanor, aged five, was autolng with
' her parents In the rural districts one
"'Jf e fTtF
a farm that boasted of a windmill, she
! suld : "Oh, mamma, the- farmer's got
bis fan going on a cold night" Chlca-
THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo-
graphs. Opea dally except Soa
day from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. 8ua
day sittings by appolntmeat only.
Phone Mill, 283-R, or residence
140 J. KTtf
It. O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practice
limited to diseases of the eye, ear.
neee and throat. Glasses fitted.
Office hoars 9-12. 2-6, or on ap
pointment Office phone (2, resi
dence phone 359-J.
8. LOUOH&IDOE. M. C, PaystaUii
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or Bight Resides o
phone I6; office ' phone 181
Sixth and H. Tuts Bldg.
DR. J. O. NIBLEY, Physician eat
aurgeoa. Landburg Bldg. HeelUi
offlcer. Office hoars, 9 to 13 a
m. aad 1 to t p. m. Phone 310-J.
. A. WITHAM. at. D. Interns!
medicine and nervous diseases;
90S CoTbett Bldg., Portland, Or.
Honrs 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. '
. BURS ELL M. . D. C In Mock
north of poetofflee, corner Sixth
and D street". surgical, electrical,
chlropratic and osteopathic treat
ments. Office phone 197-R; resi
dence phone 333-R.
DR. B, J. BESTUL, Veterinarian
Office, residence. Phone 805-8.
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-Uw.
Practices in all Bute and Federal
Courts. First Natlenat Bank Bldg.
COLVIQ ft WILLI AM8, Attoraeya-at-Law,
Grants Paes Basking Co.
Bldg., Granta Paaa, Oregon.
B. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prae
Uoa In all court First National
Bank Bldg.
O. 8. BLANGHARD. ttorney at
Law. Golden, Rule Building
Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon.
torneys, Albert Bldg. Phoa
338-J. Practice In aH courts; law
board attorneys.
C. A. 8IDLER,(Attorney-at-Law, ref
eree la Bankruptcy. Maaonle
temple. Grants Paaa, Ore,
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. . Flrst-alasa
dentistry. ' 109 South Slxtk
street Grants Pass, Oregea.
kinds ot drayage and transfe
work carefully and promptly dsn
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot A. Shads, Prop.
THE WORLD MOVES; ao do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Pfcon
F. Q. IS HAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and .. turnltur
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Phon Clark Holman. No.
60. Residence phone 124-R.
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Nov. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Granta Pass. 1 P. M.
Arrive Waters Creek ... ;3 P. M.
Leave Wats re Creek 3 P. M.
Arrive Grants Pass . 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company, Lundburg building,
or telephone 131.- -, ,
Tires Repaired
By the new section method
Second hand tires bought and
4UI AAfcrl
go Examiner.