Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, November 22, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PuolUbed Daily Except Saturday
ft E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Prepr.
Catered at poctofflce, Oruti Pass,
Or., m second class mail mattsr.
Maplay iPM, per inch 16
Local-personal column, per line 10c
mIol Mr Une - SC
Uj man or carrier, per year....$.00
Bt mall or carrier. n-r month- .SO
mall, per year-
The Associated Preea U exclusively
titled to the use tor republication
all aewa dlapatohea credited to it
r not otherwise credited la this
per and also the local newa pub
lished herein.
All rights of republication ot spe
cial dispatches herein are also
f Fair tonight. Saturday," rain
f in west, fair In east. Gentle,
easterly winds, fresh along the 4
coast. .
(By C. D. Thompson)
Soils In nature consist of a com
bination of acids and oases. Soil
acidity is due to an excess of active
adds over oases in the Nil. .
All toils are made np ot elements.
and when any two or more elements
combine 'they form either an acid
or a base. Common vinegar is an
add. Lime is a base. A peculiar
thing about an add and a base is
that when they combine with each
other they form a neutral compound
called a salt Hydrochloric add and
Bodium Hyrozide combined form
common salt. If more acid is added
than there is base with which to
combine, then there is some acid
left over and the mixture becomes
add. If there is an excess ot base
then the mixture is basic.
The particles of a soil consist of
a combination of acids and bases.
Mow when from any cause there is
an excess of adds over bases the soil
Is add and when there is a great
excess of bases the soil is alkaline.
Boil addity then simply indicates
an excess of active' acids over bases
In the soil and hence can be cor
rected or neutralized by adding a
hase like lime.
, Why do soils become acid?
Bases leach out of the soil much
more rapidly than do acids. When
water cornea In contact with the soil
It dissolves the bases much more
rapidly than it does the adds. As
a result a considerable quantity of
the bases, mostly lime, are leached
out and washed away annually.
While the leaching of adds is com
paratively small. Much cultivation
Increases this leaching. Some crops
remove much more bases than they
do adds. In addition to these min
eral adds there may be organic ac-
Onepollar Shirt Sale
Kinney & Ti'uax
TV7ho can say man or woman
"Bigger payroll in Ore
gon mean nothing to me"?
There is no one who doc not
benefit in some way from th-: cir
culation of payroll money. It
buys neceuitie and luxuries. It
addi to the joys and softens the
sorrows of life and in doing so
travels through the whole com
munity. The way to make more of It
in Oregon Is to USE HOME
Hour Industry Ibaoub of Oregon
ids formed where there is lack of
proper drainage or where excessive
green crops hve been plowed under,
but these are only temporary, and
when caused by lack ot drainage
may be overcome by draining the
When soils become add the sup
ply of available lime and other bases
in the soil becomes too low to meet
the plant's requirements. An add
condition is simply the positive in
dication that the supply of available
lime is getting low.
Even add soils may still contain
lime that is bound up with soil acids,
but since there is on excess of soil
acids, all of which try to hold onto
the lime, It makes it extremely dif
ficult tor some plants to get enough
lime unless more' is added to the
In plant growth various adds are
formed that must be neutralized or
the plant sap becomes so strongly
add that the growth processes are
Interferred with or stopped. In
order to neutralize these adds, the
plant must get sufficient lime from
the soil. If the growth ot legumes
is lowered or stopped by a growth
of lack of lime or any other cause,
then nitrogen fixation in the nod
ules by bacteria is lowered or stop
ped. The nitrogen is a by product
or waste material ot the bacteria
in the nodules and must be removed
by the plant in order tor the bacter
ial activity to continue and make
possible the fixation ot more nitro
gen. The lugume plant is not able to
remove this nitrogen from Che no
dules unless other conditions are
such that It can grow normally and
thus have use for this nitrogen.
Alfalfa requires a large amount
ot lime, and is greatly efflcated by
an add soil. It requires about 100
pounds of carbonate ot lime to pro
duce a ton ot alfalfa. A ton of red
clover requires 75 pounds, while
oats, rye, wheat and corn require
only' about one-fifth as much as alf
alfa. Most garden crops require
large amounts of lime. It Is thus
easy to see why some crops are
much more affected by an add soil
than others. Some non legumes are
affected just as much by an add soil
as the most susceptible legumes. A
more liberal supply of lime is nec
essary for a good barley soil than
for oats because the barley has a
weaker feeding system and does not
possess the power to reach into the
soil and get its supply of rime and
at the same time barley requires
more time than oats
Lime Requirements
Whether or not a plant is affected
by an add soil condition depends
on three factors (1) the lime con
tent of the plant, (2) the rate of
growth ot the plant, and (3) the
feeding power ot the plant. The
higher the first two are, the greater
the need of lime and the more the
effect ot the acid condition. The
third factor works in the opposite
direction, that is, the stronger the
feeding power the less the effect of
the acidity. The combined effect of
the three constitute the lime re
quirement. Alfalfa has a higher lime
requirement than clover and hence
is more sensive to soil acidity. Most
legumes are high in lime require
All desirable soil bacteria are
more or less affected by an add
condition of the soil. A good sup
ply of lime insures successful Inocu
lation and nodule development. It
also makes the nitrogen, phosphor
ous and potassium ot the soil more
available. Lime improves the phy
sical condition of both clay and
sandy soils by making the clays
more open and workable and . the
sands more compact. Plenty of lime
prevents the accumalation of solu
able toxic or poisonous substances
In the soil. It Is really the great
regulator of soil fertility.
New Tanning Preparation.
Synthetic tannin, distilled from tar
prodnds, has been invented In England
(or tanning light-colored leathers.
Corporal Ralph W. Root Writes
The following is an extract from
a letter from Corporal Ralph W.
Root, written to his wife, now resid
ing in this dty:
September 19 Everything It wet
and muddy and it's pouring rain. It
will be that way now until it starts
to enow and freeze up along in De
cember. I was hauling duck boards
yesterday to put around the camp to
walk on and I ran a 10-penny nail
into my right hand in the ball of my
thumb. Doc dldnt think the hole
was big enough so he took a lance
and made it bigger. As it was a
rusty nail he wasn't satisfied with
that so he laid me out on a stretcher
and took a hypodermic needle and I
injected about two thimble fulls of
A. T. S. in me, right where my belt
comes, so yon see I am pretty sore
and lame today.. Outside of that I
am fine.
"The Red Cross is doing fine
work over. here.
"You probably noticed by the pa
pers that the yanks pulled off anoth
er stunt on the 1 2th ot this month.
Wen it was sure some stunt. I
wrote you in my last letter that I
had been through one drive, July 17
and 21, and felt equal to another.
Well we got another. There were a
few of us who went In the first wave
to bridge a stream we had to cross.
was one of the lucky ones to go
and was about the first one across
as I had to put in the mud sill for
the opposite side of the bridge. 1
sure did get wet and It was a cold
stormy day. I was lucky though in
finding a new pair of socks In the
lack of a German who was in too
much 'of a hurry to take with him. "
"Sept. 24. Am resting awhile
near an old German camp after our
engagement. They sure had things
fixed up nice. I guess they expected
to stay there a lifetime. We fooled
them though, didn't we? Oh, you
leave it to the allies now. We sure
got them guessing. Hiked back
from there the other day to where
we could get transportation. ' From
there we took trucks to where we
are now. - We are in billets now but
sticking pretty close. Something
mysterious in the air. You know,
kind of a hunch that something Is
coming off may be wrong, don't
What looks' the most like a choice,
tender, juicy, steak?
Yes, every mother and wife of "Our
Boys" was WELCOME to their
piece of "The Kaiser" that
was given away last
Saturday at the
le Meat Market
l?WRfl-mttnwT'lMUIHIWIIWll,MI lilt milWHiWWWln,MH il JMH
F- .V.-u-u.,...:..! I.. ...;u i. ...... .,Li..i,. ... i.: i :L
When the gliwl and glorious news arrived of our victory In the moat
terrible war since time began, we felt so tliankful toward our hoy, but
powtvlruMi to show them our apiwwiaUon of their grand work, m de
rided to dedicate to the mother and wives of the boys the l,!l(M pound
hUht, to show them, In a small way, our appwlntion of the mnilu ob
tained from the- awful tank they had in-fore thttn, and whit-It they mt
fcarlemly aud nobly dlfuiiiu-Ked. t
We wiidi aKiiin, to express our appreciation anil thank to t!i
buys and to their mothers and wWea, alto to aitaiu riwaurn h ami
ever) one of you that you were MoltE than WKMXIK to your lilt lu
pieoa of The Klrr."
Hoping that ere Ionic your lvil one may return to each of you,
we are and remain 10O l'Klt CKXT AMERICAN,
Knox & Topping
Proprietors of Temple Market
No Meat for Her.
Mother gave the children an apple
each. In little Marion's there was
worm hole that obviously had a tenant
"You take this one, Tommy," she said j
Tse a vegetarian." Boston Transcript
Rlcs In United States.
There nre five varieties of rice
grown In the United States. The so
called Japanese varieties are planted
almost exclusively In California, a
kind known as the Wateribune being
the one principally grown.
Just to Oblige.
"Why did yon pnt up your city half
to took like an ancient castler "Well,
the movie people pay a good bit of
taxes here, and they said It would be
a great help In filming medieval
scenes." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Why, another choice, tender, juicy
The City Market
At a Football
you have a hundred times more fun if you're snug and
warm in an all-wool JAM ZEN SWEATER! You not
only feel well but you look just right, secure in the con
sciousness that you are wearing the best looking sweater
that money can buy.
Whether it's a sweater vest, sweater or sweater coat that
you are buying, look for the label and know that you art
getting a Jantzen, then you're sure.
They come in all sizes and colors, from the very little ones
to the very big ones and all have character, individuality,
style call it what you will ; it's there and it's mighty
fine to own. , y -.
And knit caps and hose sure, just step into a Jantzen
dealers the next time you're downtown and see what
we mean.
Peerless Clothing Company