4 WkDMCMDAY, XOVKMUKIt 1.1, 101 N OAiLX BUUCM MVES, Out Hi KM PAGE THKF1 i i USis 1 urpHK United War Work Campaign of these societies Is mere! another Indi cation of that unity of spirit m a nation that U making It possible for oa to win the war. That spirit and the place which the work of these agencies has mads for Itself in the hearts of all of us gives me confidence to believe that the united campaign will be crowned with abundant success. n Woodrow Wilson UNITED WARWQRK CAMPAIGN win fjy TMlf Jp Have to Be Around, Moat men do not know what Is In them till they receive the summon from tholr fellow; their hearts die wllhln them, sleep ncttlcH opon tbero the lethargy of the world's miasmata; there la nothing for which they are so thankful n for Hint cry, "Awake, thou that steepest lH Iluskln. Can't Read Their Own- Fortune. "Baa Francisco I'ollce Bald Fortune Teller." II cad I Inc. One of the thing we have never been able to nndeatand Is why fortune toiler, seer, prophet and necromancer are never able to forecaHt activity on the part of the po lice Rochester, Post Express, i ' A Nap en a 40-MII Wind. It waa not ao long ago that a ten mile breeze would apaet all flying plan for a day at any airdrome or exhibition field. Now nothing abort of a hurricane can keep the machine on the ground. As far aa the ability ts make good weather of It I concerned the airman of today can laugh at a gale and fairly take a nap sitting on a 40-mile wind. William A. Iilahop, V. C. 8. 0, II. CL. In Saturday Eve Ding Poit Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. W. T. Until, I'ropr. II. Kidding. Ait-nt ' Big Pierce Arrow Cars Easy Riding Office Old Observer BIk. Corner Seventh sad O trecu Phone. 2l Telephone 22H-J and 1 A3 Why Safer So? Why suffer from a bad back, from harp, ahootlng twinge, headache, dizziness and dlatreaaing urinary 111? Grants Paaa people recommend Doan'a Kidney Pills. Could you ask for stronger proof of merit? Mrs. A. M. Even-en, 625 S. Fourth St.. aay: "I wai nearly laid up with rheumatic trouble, which af fected my hlpa and one of my llmba. At tlmea the pain waa aim out un bearable. Often the muscle and cord In my llmba seemed to con tract, causing Intense pain. During this trouble, my kidney were more or less affected, which prompted me to take Doan'a Kidney Pills. The first toox regulated my kidney and I took about three boxes in all when the rheumatic pains In my hip and limb left me entirely. Now when my kidneys bother me, I use Doan' Kidney Pill and they always do me good." Price 60c at alt dealers. Don't atmply ask tor a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pill the same that Mr. JCvensen had. Foater-Mllburn Co., Mfgr., Buffalo. N. T. PRINTING THAT PLEASES WE DO IT! REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TUB JOHKI'HINE COUNTY BANK at Grant Pa, la the State of Ore gon, at the close of business Novem ber 1st, 191. IU-ources Loan and discount $220,249.11 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . 411.97 Bond and warrant 40,531.73 Stock, securities, Judg ments, etc 200.00 Furniture and fixtures.... 5,000.00 Other real estate owned 7,790.13 Due -from bank (not re serve banks) 240.25 Due from approved re- 'acrve banks 32,465.70 Check and other cash Itema ..... , 1,172.28 Exchange for clearing house 1,303.38 Cash on hand 17,152.99 Other resources : 704.22 Total ..., 1327,221.76 Liabilities Capital stock paid In.... I 50,000.00 Surplus fund 6,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 1,123.36 Individual deposits sub ject to check a.4- 205.941.55 Demand certificates of depoalt 2.142.41 Certified checks 100.00 Time and Saving De posits 45.914 44 BUI payable for money Dorr owed . . 15,000.00 Total $327,221.76 8tate of Oregon, ) County of Josephine) " I, Sam H. Baker, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly (wear that the above statement I true to the best of my knowledge and belief. SAM H. BAKER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Nov., 1918. FRED A- WILLIAMS, Notary Public, (My commission expire Dec let. 1919.) Correct Attest: J. L. CALVERT, STANTON ROW ELL, S. LOUGIIRIDGE. Directors. KEPOKT OF THE CONDITION OF THE GRANTS PASS BANKING COMPAXT at Grants Pass, Oregon, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business November 1st, 1918. Resource Loana and discounts $273,251.20 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ..... NONE Bonds and warrants 50,079.71 Stocks, securities, Judg ments, etc 5,168.30 Furniture and fixtures.. 5,600.00 Other real estate owned 24,700.00 Due from banks (not reserve banks) 3,184.97 Due front approved re serve banks 21,611.85 Checks and other cash items ... 791.86 Exchanges for clearing house ... 1,350.55 Cash on hand 20,284.77 Other resources .... 78.12 Total $406,101.33 Liabilities Capital stock paid in....$ 50,000.09 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profit, less expense', and taxes paid ...... 7,653.26 Due to bank and bank ers ! 2,666.02 Individual deposits sub ject to check 235,200.17 Demand certificates of deposit . 13,594.40 Cashier checks out standing 4,685.94 Certified check 10,010.00 Time and Savings De posits 62,291.54 Bills payable for money borrowed - 10,000.00 88. Total ., ...$406,101.33 County of Josephine.) State of Oregon, ) I. G. P. Jester, Asst. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement 1 true to the 'best of my knowledge and belief. O. P. JESTER, . Asst. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Nov., 1918. , . O. S. BLANCHARD, -!" " Notary Public (My commission expires i , April 27th, 1921.) Correct Attest: , HERBERT SMITH, F. S. BRAMWELL, ' ' ' CLAUS SCHMIDT, Director. ' Keep the pep In the boys who are peppering the Kaiser. . Give to the United War Work Campaign. ' " , FOR 8 ALE One South Bend malle able steel range with hot water coll and pipe connection, $60. In quire 302 Booth St., Corner D. 16 Classiffed Advei FOR SALK FEED and Livery Stable Hay and grain for sale. Red Front Barn, Peter Oravtln, Prop. 15 FOR 8 ALE 40 tons first class al falfa bay, baled, at the barn. C. D. Woolverton, Rogue River, Ore gon. 25 FOR SALE 50 acres of red soil on river chicken, cows or without Long term, half mile from city, $125 per acre. Add res No. 1880 care Courier. 14 GOOD EAR X)RN for sale at 2 cents per pound. Latbrop Bros. Phone 609-F-22. 14 FOR SALE One Are it tractor. 5-10; one New Way gang plow, 12-lnch; one gang dlsa plow. In terchangeable to single; one irri gation outnt complete, 4-lnch pump direct connection to 10 h. p. motor, 8-Inch and 6-Inch pipe. Get particulars from F. D. Elsmann, Rogue River. 14 FOR SALE Apple, 2nd grade, 26c to $1 at the applehouse, bring your jioxes. Fancy, $1.50 to $2. f. o. b. Grants Paaa. Ten rarities. J. H. Robinson. Grant Pass, R. F. D. No. 4. 15 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Brown Leghorn cockerels, 7-month old. C. Schaefers, Rd. 2, lower river road. 2i FOR SALE Farm, 70 acres close In must cell. Will stock with sheep, cow or hogs, reasonable, pay ments long time. Address No. 1893 care Courier. 16 FOR SALE Horse, hack and har ness, call at 602 Bridge street. Mr. W. M. Turner. 18 TO RENT FOR RENT Cottage 321 Rogue River Ave., three room and sleeping porch, good well and one half acre land, barn, $4.50 per month. Key at 208 Foundry. 07tf WANTED WANTED Ten or fifteen teama to haul lumber from Swede Basin to Water Creek. A. L. Allen, 410 B street. 14 WANTED A dish washer at once. Inquire chef, -Hotel Josephine, tf A MIDDLE AGED lady would like position as housekeeper in gentle man' home. Address No. 1907 care of Courier. 14 WANTED Room and board for el derly gentleman. Phone S2-R. 13tt MISCELLANEOUS JITNEY 8ERVICE Any where, any time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R Otto J. Kaips, Residence 149-T. 231 GENERAL ACTO repairing at reas onable rates, all work guaranteed. H. Cameron, 506 South " Sixth street 35 MRS. GRACE H. NEBDL Public stenographer, 204 Sixth street 14 VETERINARY Bl'RGEOM DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Offlee, residence. Phoae 101-R. PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., PracUee limited to disease of the eye, ear, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-6, or on ap pointment Offlee phone 62, resi dence phone 159-J. 8LOUGHiUDGE. M. &, Physician and surgeon. City or country eslla attended dsy or sight Resides phoae 169; offlee phone 181 Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg. DR. J. O. MIrLEY, Physician and surgeon. Lnndbnrg Bldg. Health officer. Office boars, 9 to 13 a. m. and 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 810-j. A. A. WITHAM. M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases; 901 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Ore. Hoars 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. A. BURS ELL M. D. D. C. In block north of poetofflce, corner Sixth and D streets, surgical, electrical, chiropratlc and osteopathia treat ments. Office phone 197-R; resi dence phone 333-R. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorney-aUaw. Practice la all But and Federal Courta. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO WILLIAMS, Attoraeys- at-Law, Grants Pass Bsakiag Co. Bldg., Grants Psas, Oregon. S. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac tice la all coart First National Bank Bldg. O. 8. BLAN CHARD, ttorner at Law. Golden Rnle Building Phone S70. Grants Pass, Oregoa. BLANCHARD V BLANCHARD. At torn eye, Albert Bldg. Phoa 1IC-J. Practice la all courts; Isbj board attorneys. C. A. 81DLEU,. Attorney- t-Lw, ref eree la bankruptcy. Mosonle temple. Groats Psas, Or. DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. . Ftrst-Kaea dentistry. 109ft South Sixth etreet Grants Pas. Oregon. DRAYAGB AND TRANSJ- Kit COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. ' At kind of drayag and trans fe. werk carefully and promptly asa Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade. Prop. THE WORLD MOVES; ' so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phoae 197-R. F. G. ISHAM. drsysge and trsasfetv Safes, plaaos and furniture moved, peeked, shipped sad stor- ' ed. Phone Clark ft Holmaa. No, 60. Residence phone 114-R. Batter Wrappers prjated to cobs ply with the law at the Courier. PHOTO OTcmo THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo graph. Open dally except Sun day from 10 a, m. to 6 p. m. Sun day sittings by appointment only. Phone Mill. 28S-R, or residence 140J. 57tf The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company T1MB CARD Dally except Sunday Effective May 1, 191S Train 1 It, Grants Pass- 1:00 p.m. I Train 2 Iv. Waters Creek 3:09 p.m. All trains leave Grant Pas from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacifie depot For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lnndbnrg building, or phone 181 tor same. Castanets. ' '' !, . Castanet are musical ; Instruments of percussion In the form of two hol low nut-shells, which are bound ! to gether by a baud fastened on the thumb, and struck by the fingers' to produce a thrilling sound in keeping with the rhythm of the music The castanets were Introduced Into Spain by the Moors, where they retain the name of castsnalaa, from their resem blance to the form of. the chestnut The castanets were once much used In the ballet and In the opera. National .; Mazda Lamps: TTAVING too little light puts a strain on chll dren'a vision that they may : never outgrow! Why not have plenty of light! Na tional MAZDA Lamps give i three tlmea the light of old I fashioned carbon lamps - without adding a penny to ' your light bill. : Rcgne River Hardwire Ge. R. Riddle, Mgr. M