Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, November 12, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    P. A A. ....
'wy I. ! I ! Ill III! I I t
VOL. IX. No. 42.
quants pass, toacrmnm cocirrr, orbgox, Tuesday, novembkk 12, iois.
mm hi i mum mn
SflllWSl Mil nrnfflNV TpDM AciiMncp GOVERIiraiT WILL YAUKS WARNS)
Horn DMrtcta IlHve Alnwly Mure
Tlutn llnlaml (Junta lUxiue-t to
' InimMui It AO Kr cnt '
The United War Work campaign
to raise money for the soldier who
nave been doing tbo fighting for mo
United States ti one of the moot
worthy undertakings rvor luunchod.
The money Is to bo md for tl.t ptiy
leal m woll as the spiritual good of
oar sold lor.
The original quota for the United
State was placed at 1170,500,000,
but with the aanctlon of the war de
partment those In chargo of the
campaign have requested that the
quota be Increaaed at leant 60 per
cent. Josephine county'a quota ti
17.100,. ..... ...
A few districts have already sub
rrlbed their quotas. Takllma, whose
quota was $150. has sent lu $225
tn cash. District No. 52, near Gslfre,
waa to have raised $50, but have
ent In $110 In pledges. District 9,
on the Apfilegato, was apportioned
fl 00, and last 8unday, solicitors
there raised $99 In money and
pledges together. This morning
Ike Vincent, one of those In charge
of the drive In that district, came to
the city with $5 more, thus making
$104 all told for that vicinity. Mur
phy, with a quota of $75, has return
ed $105. District No. 48, with a
quota ot $50, raised $57.
Today about 50 solicitors are
working In Grants Pass and probably
150 are. taking In the country dis
tricts. A number of $50 and $100
donations have been made.
' Sixty dollars was raised today
noon by the Western Union crew of
workmen .who aro engaged In put
ting In the central station here. A
few solicitors visited thorn and the
boys "came across" readily.
Don't turn the solicitors down
the amount is small, so give what
you can thus proving that you ap
preciate what our soldiers have done
for tia on the western front.'-
London, Nov. 11. The Irish na
tlonallBtj party I sending to Presi
dent Wilson a manifesto appealing
for hi assistance In settling the Irish
question. The document quotes at
length from Presldont Wilson's
"great utterances on this War which
we hold justify us to enforce the de
mand we have made for our nation
on the 'British government." '
' i
'Washington, Nov. 12. The manu
facture ot passengor automobiles will
be .permitted after January first,
which was the date fixed for a 100
per cent curtailment. This ruling Is
due to the sudden collapse of the
war, and the consequent lessoning of
the government's steel demand as
Intimated by the war Industries
board which will publish a list par
tially removing the restriction from
non-war activities and re-adjusttng
Milwaukee, Nov 12. "The despo
tism ot one man alwaya leads to
despotism of the mob," aald former
President Taft when Informed of toe
event In Germany. Mr. Taft was
en route from Madison to Milwaukee
to open hero tbe drive for the war
"The former kaiser morally la as
responsible for excesses In Germany
now as he was for outrages In Bel
glum and France. 1 hope Germany
will not suffer as Russia has done.
Germans re Intelligent people and
well educatod, but the Russians were
"Our work In Europe will not end
with the coming of peace," aald Mr.
Taft and he expressed the opinion
American troop, would be needed In
"U rope for two more year at least.
"In International law, what will be
the effect of the ex-kalser's taking
refuge in Holland?" Mr. Taft was
"You moan aa far a punishment
for his crime Is concerned? Holland
will be the sole judge of that. As
long as there are extradition treaties
between Holland and tbe principal
nation among the allies, she may
be asked to give him up for punish
mont." ''
Tbe following casualties are re
ported by the commanding general
of- the 'American expeditionary
forces for today:
Killed In action ...J. S36
Missing In action 176
Wounded severely - 34
Dlod of wounds 138
Died of accident 7
Died of disease . 226
Wounded, degree undetermined 107
Wounded slightly 148
Total 1,191
Killed In action John Dalrymple,
Died from wounds Chas. H. An-
ercromble, Portland.
Died of disease Corporal Simon
Bolivar Springer, Woodburn. .
Washington, Nov, 12. Treasury
advisors have recommended to Mc
Adoo that war risk Insurance on
hulls, cargoes and seamen's lives be
reduced 75 per cent..
, :::. r ' ' t w. ut
Washington, ' Nov. ' 12. Draft
boards have been ordered to stop
classifying men under 19 years of
age and those over 86, and to with
hold their questionnaires. Such reg
istrants need not till out question
naires,' If received.
Pari,' Nov. 12. Many sensation
al rumor became current here, a
a result ot the news ot the signing ot
the armistice between the allies and
Germany. Theso reports were to
the effect that Prince Eltel ' Fried
rich, the second on of William II,
was prevented from committing nil
clde and that the empress was dy
Ins. ' . " 'i . v J
Three German generals: are said
to have committed suicide. -
Defeated on Battlefield, Forsaken by Emperor, Hans Now
Straggle Amidst Anarchy, as Does Rassia-Solf Says
'. . Millions of Germans Now Face Starvation :
London, Nov. 12. Defeated' on
the battlefield, deserted by their
emperor, and aubjected to terms
tantamount to unconditional surren
der, the German people have appeal
ed to President Wilson.
Foreign Secretary Solf says fear
ful consequences prevail and mil
lions of people face starvation if the
allies do not take steps to overcome
the danger.
Mutlnoua sailor control most of
the units or tbe navy and may even
now risk a battle against the allied
fleets rather than surrender tbe ves
sels under the armistice terms. They
have called on the sailors to "de
fend tbe country against this un
heard of presumption." . They have
asked the units to assemble In the
Selssnlts harbor, off the Prussian
Holland Is said to be preparing to
Intern William Hohenzollern, the
former crown prince and other mil
itary officers who have sought refuge
The allied warships have entered
the Dardanelles.
The British naval force have oc
cupied Alexandrletta.
The momentum of the revolution
Is apparently Increasing In Germany.
There I evidence of friction be
tween the military authorities and
After reading the terms ot the
armistice with Germany to the sen
ators and representatives In the hall
of congress at Washington yester
dny, President Wilson spoke a fol
lows: The car thus comes to an end;
for, having accepted these terms of
armistice, It will, be Impossible tor
the German command to renew It.
It Is not now possible to assess the
consequences of this great consum
mation. We know only that . this
tragical war, whose consuming
flame swept from one nation to an
other until all the world waa on fire,
is at an end and that It waa the priv
ilege of our own people to enter It at
Its most critical juncture In such
fashion and In such force as to con
tribute in a way of which we are all!
deeply proud, to the great result. We
know, too, that the object ot the war
Is attained; the object upon which
all free men had set. their hearts;
and attalned with a sweeping com
pleteness which even now we do not
Armed Imperialism such as the
men conceived who were but yester
day the master of Germany, Is at
an end, Its Illicit ambition engulfed
tn black disaster. , Who will now
seek. t6 revive' It? The arbitrary
power of the military caste of Ger
many which once could secretly and
of Its own single choice disturb the
peace ot the world I discredited and
destroyed. And'more than that
much more than ,Jhat has been ac
complished. The great nations
which associated themselves to des
troy It have noVydeflnltely united
tn the common purpose to, set up
such a peace as will Satisfy the long
ing of the. whole world tor disinter
ested justice, embodied In settle
the soldiers' and workmen's council
In northern Germany.
Germany has requested President
Wilson to arrange Immediately for
the opening ot peace negotiations,
there being pressing danger ot fam
ine, according to a Berlin wireless
message. ' ;
. Amsterdam, Nov. 12. The entire
German northern fleet and the Island
base ot Helgoland are In the hands
of tbe soldiers' councils, according
to a telegram from Bremen.
Amsterdam, Nov. i2. The Ger-
mau socialists and Independent so
cialist! have agreed upon a joint
cabinet, Including Philip Scheld-
mann, Hugo Hass and Richard
Barth, editor of the Voerwaerts. The
new' pro visional government" will
all red, that Is, bourgeoise parties
will not be permitted repre
sented. -
Amsterdam, Nov. 12. Von Hln
denburg is not tn Holland, but re
mains at the main headquarters and
adheres to the new government, ac
cording to the Wolff Bureau of Ber
lin. ' Crown Prince Ruprecht has not
fled, as some reports declared.
ments which are based upon some
thing much better and much more
lasting than the selfish competitive
interests ot powerful state. There Is
no longer conjecture as to the objects
the victors have In mind. They have
a mind in the matter, not only, but
a heart also.- Their avowed and con
certed purpose Is to -satisfy and pro
tect the weak aa well as to accord
their Just rights to the strong.
' The humane temper and Intention
of the victorious governments ha al
ready been manifested In a very prac
tical way. Their representative In
the supreme war council at Versail
les have by unanimous resolution as
sured the peoples of, the central em
pires that everything that Is possi
ble In the plrcumBtance will be done
to supply them with food and relieve
the distressing want tW Is In ' so
many place threatening their very
lives; and steps are to be taken Im
mediately to organize these force to
give relief In the same systematic
manner that they were organized In
the case of Belgium. '
By the use of the Idle tonnage
of the central empires It ought pres
ently to be possible to lift the tear of
utter misery from their oppressed
population and sot their minds and
energies tree from the great and haz
ardous task of political reconstruc
tion which now face them on every
hand. Hunger does not breed re
form; it breed madness and all the
ugiy distempers that make an - or
dered life Impossible.
, For with the tall of the ancient
government which rested like an In
cubus upon the peoples of the central
empire, has come political change
not merely, but revolution, and revo
lution which seems as yet to assume
no final and ordered form, but to run
(Continued om Page 1)
Washington, iNov. 12. Offices are
now open In 14 of the chief cities ot
the United States to receive applica
tions of disabled soldiers and sail
ors of the American, army and navy
for free education to equip them for
the vocation for which - they are
most fitted. These offices have been
established ty.tbe. federal board tor
vocations and are Is the following1
cities: ' Washington. PhlladelDhla.
New York, Boston, Atlanta, New Or
leans, Cincinnati, St. Louis, . Dallas,
Denver, - Chicago, Minnesota, San
Francisco and 8eattle., . , (
At each office are stationed men
to advise the disabled fighters as to
what they are entitled to receive, a
medical officer and a man to obtain
employment for them when they are
ready to go to work. This promised
by the federal board that applica
tions will be sympathetically consid
ered with the best interests ot the
disabled man In mind. : ' -
While receiving education the
government will pay the disabled
man $65 a month, and in addition
will provide him with the funds ne
cessary to pay educational fees. Each
man accepted lor re-education will
be sent to an Institution giving spe
cial coarse in the line he has chosen
or he will be given Instruction In
any Industry he wishes to learn.
. During his training period, allow
ances will be made by the govern
ment to his dependent such as
wife, children and mother. These
will be fixed in proportion to the
amount they received while he was
In active service. ,
When the disabled man ha fin
ished his training the federal board
promises to have employment ready
for him. After he has gone to work
again his compensation from the
war risk Insurance hureau begins
and will continue unaffected by the
amount ot his earnings.
In making these announcements
the federal board for vocational ed
ucation states:
"The worst mistake a' disabled
man can make Is to drift into a low
grade, unskilled occupation. With
out any training he must compete
with the normal man m a line of
work where brute strength and phy
sical fitness alone count and there
can be no doubt as to the outcome
when work becomes slack. Every
consideration' requires that a ..dis
abled man should obtain permanent
employment at a desirable age In the
position tpr which lie Is best fitted
or for which he pan become nest
fitted. Otherwise his career ' will
consist ot alternate periods ot more
or less undesirable employment. Idle
ness, trying to live on his pension
and picking,. up an occupation. No
self-respecting veteran ot this great
war can afford to je placed In this
position. ; There Is only one escape
by which these man may make their
future safe and that Is If training
Is necessary to obtain it through the
federal board for vocational educa
tion." ,
. 'London, Nov. . Iff. Emperor
pharles of Austria has abdicated. Ac
cording to a Copenhagen dispatch
quoting private advices from Vienna,
Victor Adler, leader of the Austrian
socialists ' and . foreign secretary in
the German-Austrian cabinet which
was formed in Vienna on October 81,
is oeaa. it is reported that a gen-
eral.strike wlH be declared Jn Vlen
na tomorrow. . " -
i-r SIGNED C' fi
' v ( -. ... ;4 ,
In Their . Dilemma, Soldiers' Coos
ell at the Front Submit Demands
. to on ., Hlndenbnrg .. ,
With the American Forces on the
Western Front, Not. 12. Orders
announcing that the armistice had
been signed was sent to the nnits at
the front. They were notified that
all communication with the enemy
was absolutely forbidden, and were
warned that the arrangement la an
armistice only, and not peacs, and
were advised to be prepared at any
moment for farther operations.
lAmsterdam, Nor. 12. German
troops at Beverllo Camp in Belgium
have mutinied and are marching
with their guns toward Holland.
Amsterdam, Nor. 12. A soldiers
council has been formed at the
front and they will submit demands
to ron Hlndenbnrg.
Washington, Nov. 12. Food Ad-"
mlnlstrator Hoover told the at&t
food administrators that It Is the na
tion's obligation to heln provide for
Europe until next harvest It will
demand further sacrifices of the Am
erican people. ' " '
The use of substitute flour esn ha
abandoned and more sugar may be
expected., but fats must be saved.
Simple living will be necessary for
some time yet.
Rome, Nor. 12. The Italian ar
mies In the battles covering the per
iod from Oct 24 to Nor. 4 took 426,-
774 prisoners, -Including 10.658 of
ficers.' " - ,
. its lit, 't ' -ier 111 v"ra' a 3
New York, Nov. 12. Extradition
for former Emperor Wilhelm from
uwrauT una mg mat in angiana
on a murder charge, was urged by
former Ambassador James ; W.- Ger-
ajV In an I .............. . J J. - . .
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallis, Nov. 11. A mixture of barley
and cottonseed meal Is an excellent
substitute for bran and shorts mill
run so extensively " used as stock
feed and now difficult to - obtain,
points out E, B. Fitts. extension spe
cialist in dairying at the Oregon Ag
ricultural college.
"This mixture costs more than the
wheat feeds but Its feeding value,
pound for pound, la 18 V per cent
greater." says Professor . Fitts. ,"It
also provides greater certainty , of
securing uniform value than the
mixtures of bran and shorts sold by
the flouring mills as mill run."