Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, November 11, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Classified Advertising
Uscla Sam
i oat th call; 3,000,000 Toojr art waiting for your anawc
Thin Hpare Con, rated bjr IIOUMN
The prevalence of Spanish Influent
with lu attendant bam on public gath
ering! and the closing of many colleges
and universities presents a peculiar
situation with which the student divl
Ion of the allied war work campaign
must contend In securing Its quota of
funds In the United War Work drive.
The student campaign directors, how
ever, glorying In their ability to over
come any obstacles that might stand
In the way of a successful campaign,
have found a way around this difficul
ty. This way around Is no other than
a correspondence campaign in which
very student who can not be reached
by personal solicitation will be solicit
ed at long range through the medium
of Uncle Sam's postal service.
In view of the ready response from
the student division In the war work
campaign of last spring It Is felt that
a simple reminder of the task assigned
to the division will be sufficient to
bring every student to the fore with
a substantial contribution toward the
$100,000 quota which the Northwest
student division, comprising the states
of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, has
agreed to raise. In fact in some schools
which have already launched this long
range campaign results so far achieved
bave been such as to lend strength to
the belief that the student division will
not only raise Its assigned quota but
will, as In the previous campaign, go
over the top with a good margin to
spare. Some students, anticipating the
needs In this drive are mailing In their
subscriptions to their college commit
tee even without any solicitation In
order that their contribution may be
properly credited.
The spirit of sacrificial giving Is be
ing encouraged aa far ss possible and
Is one school In the district the girls
have renounced all Christmas presents
In Order to give toward the war work
Influenra has cut Into the United
War Work Campaign to a considerable
extent, but O. W. Davidson, state
director, has word from the chairmen
in every county that they will "put
over" the quotas assigned them in the
style so familiar to this state.
That Cup of Cocoa.
That cup of cocoa that a T. M. C.
A., K. of C. secretary or Salvation
Army man or woman hands, your boy
in the war tone may be the means of
saving his life. Think of that when
you are asked for funds to support
those welfare organisations.
Must Pull Together.
With two million American soldiers
In France the work of the Y.M.. C. A.,
K. of C, Salvation Army add other
welfare agencies is Increased immeas
urably. To maintain the work a drive
for funds will be made.
Behind the Girls.
The T. W. C A. is behind the girls
who are behind the boys who are after
the Kaiser. Blue Triangle workers
are keeping up the morale of the
country's second line of defense-
American womanhood.
HI Home Overseas. .
To the soldier overseas the work of
the T. M. C. A., K. of C. and Salvation
Army la the nearest thing to home
that he knows. It is the concrete
evidence that somebody at home cares
for him.
8ervlng Undr Fire.
Hundreds of war workers in the
T. M. C A., K. of C. and Salvation
Army are working under shell fire to
serve American soldiers. The public
will be asked for funds to support this
Caring for Girls. :
Recreation and social welfare work
among women and girls in munition
factories and other war industries Is
being done by the Y. W. C A. at the
request of the government
To Build Morale,
Seven' welfare organisations serv
ing the soldier are asking for funds
to extend their work and help maintain
the wonderful morale of the Allied
Patriotic League.
; Four hundred thousand girls have
joined the Patriotic League organised
by the T. W. C. A. in forty-seven
The Huts on the Battle Lines Are
Little Heavens In The Pit of Hell
Give Freely to 'the United War Work
V. e ' '
Maybe you can't fight;, hut yon can
give to the United War Work Cam
paign.-, -
Brazil Now Coffee Center, . '
Arabia formerly supplied the world
with coffee; later the West Indies,
and then Java took the lead, to ht
supplanted In turn by Brail, which
now produces about threemoarters oi
the world's supply and control ttM
Ma Wads of Oantmardal- FrliUM
vu tee uoansr sso, v.-
FEED and Livery' Stable Hay and
grain for sale. Red Front Barn,
Peter Gravlln, Prop. IS
FOR SALE 40 tons first class al
falfa hay, baled, at the barn. C.
D. Woolverton, Rogue River, Ore
gon. .25
FOR SALE Maxwell truck In excel
lent condition, little nsed, exceed
ingly low price. See it at the
Grants Pass Hardware Co. 12
FOR. SALE 50 acres of red soil on
river chickens, cows or without
Long terms, half mile from city,'
$125 per acre. Address No. 1880
care Courier. 14
GOOD EAR CORN for sale at 2,
cents per pound. Lathrop Bros.
Phone C09-F-22. 14
FOR SALE One Avenr tractor.
5-10; one New Way gang plow,
12-incb; one gang dlae plow. In
terchangeable to single; one irri
gation outfit complete, 4-lnch
pump direct connection to 10 h. p.
motor, 8-inch and 6-inch pipe. Get
particulars from F. D. Elsmann,
Rogue River. ,14
FOR SALE Apples, 2nd grade, 26c
to SI at the applehotfte, bring
your boxes. Fancy, $1.60 to 2.
f. 0. b. Grants Pass. Ten rarities.
J. H. Robinson, Grants Pass, R.
F. D. No. 4. 15
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Brown
Leghorn cockerels, 7-months old.
c. Schaefers, Rd. 2,-lower river
road. 21
FOR SALE Farm, 70 acres close ln
must sell Will stock with sheep,
cows or hogs, reasonable, pay
menu long time. Address No.
1893 care Courier. it
FOR SALE One South Bend malle
able ateel range with hot water
coll and pipe connection, 160. In
quire 302 Sooth St., Corner D. 16
FOR HENT Cottage S21 Rome
River Ave., three rooms and
sleeping porch, good well and one-
nair acre una, Darn, 14.50 per
month. Key at 208 Foundry. 071f
FOR RENT A modern five-room
bungalow with sleeping' porch.
811 D street, phone S84-Y. 12
WANTED Farm help. Steady Jobs,
good pay. River Banks Farm, tf
WANTED Ten or fifteen teams to
haul lumber from Swede Basin to
Waters Creek. A. L. Allen, 410
B street 14
FOUND Masonic emblem. Owner
can secure same at Courier office.
' - " 12
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
tims. Pbone Moefca Cafe. 181-R.
Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-Y.
GENERAL AUTO repairing at reas
onable rates, all work guaranteed.
H. Cameron, 60S South Sixth
street S5
THE PIOTURH MILL for tine photo
graphs. Open daily except Sun
day from 10 a. m. t 5 p. m. Sun
day sittings by appointment only.
Phone Mill. 283-R. or residence
14S-J . 67U
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
Daily except Sunday
Effective May 1, 1918
1 It. GranU Paa 1:60 p. B.
S lv. Waters Creek 8: 01 p.m.
All trains leave GranU Pass from
the corner of O and Eighth streeU.
opposiU the Southern Paclfle depot
For all Information regarding
freight and passenger service call at
the office of the company, Lundbnrg
building, or phone 131 tor same. -
Gift Brought Punishment
A young woman employed In the of'
flee of a Kobe shipping house received
from her millionaire employer a mm
of money as a present on New Year's
day. The girl took her fat wad of
notes home. She was promptly thrash
ed by her mother for stealing them and
dragged to the office to apologise for
the tbeft Explanation were made,
but when they got home she . was ad
monlshed once more for not stating
her casa more el early .Japan Chron
icle, AT i- 3.
ntelepes at the eerier Oaoai
DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian.
'Office, residence. Phone 10S-R.
L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice
limited to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Glasses fitted.
Office hours 9-12. 2-6, or on ap
pointment Office phone 62, resi
dence phone I59-J.
a LOUOH&IDOE, M. D., Pbyaldau
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or alght Realdenw
phone 169; office phone 182
.Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg.
DR. J. O. NIB-LET, Physician and
sorgeoa. Lnndburg Bldg. HealUt
officer. Office hours, to 11 a.
m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 218-J.
. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases;
OS Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.
A. BURS ELL M. D. D. C. In block
north of poetoff Ice, corner Sixth
and D streets, surgical, electrical,
chlropratlc and osteopathia treat
menu. Office phone 197-R; resi
dence phone 2S3-R.
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-aUaw.
Practice In all Stale and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
COLVIO ft WILLIAMS. Attoraeye-st-Lsw,
OranU Pass Banking Co,
Bldg., Granu Pass, Oregeo.
B. a. VAN DYKX. Attorney. Prac
tice In all court First National
Bank Bldg.
O. 8. BLANCH A RD, ttorney at
Law. Golden .Rule Building
Phone 270. GranU Pass, Oregon.
torneys. Albert Bldg. . Pbow
214-J. Practice in all eouru; law
board attorneys.
C. A. B IDLER,, Atternej-at-Law, ref
eree In bankruptcy. Masonl
temple, Granu Pass, Ore.
E. a KACT. D. IL'D. - FtrstHUa
dentistry. ioH South Sixth
street Grants Pass. Oregon. ...
kinds of drayage and traaafe;
work carefully and promptly dsn
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot A. Shade, Prop.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. . Phone
F. Q. IS BAM. dravaaa and mirfi
Safe, pianos and furaitar
moved, packed, shinned and stor
ed. Phono Clark ft Holntaa. No.
SO. Residence phono 124-R.
Batter Wsoataarat arte an
ply with the law at the Coarler.
Mazda Lamps
TTATINO too llltle light
puu a strain on chil
dren's vision that they may
never outgrow! Why not
have pleaty of ligb.IT Na- .
tional MAZDA Lamps give
three times the light ot old
, fashioned , carbon ' lamp
without adding a peany to
your light bill.
R:2se Ritcr Hardwae
&. R. Rtddio, Mgr.