Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, November 11, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    Wi???1f? Nov. lLr State department announced at 2:45 o'clock
this morning: that the armistice terms had been signed by Germany. Thfe:
Ka71"ewd - 6- loc Wa.shlnf top time, 11 o'clock Paris timev Novem
ber 11 The armistice was signed at midnight. Associated Press.
Washington, Nov. 11. President Wilson formally proclaimed that the
armistice had been signed. He will read the terms before a joint session
of congress today. ' - J V : -
General Crowder has cancelled all draft calls.
Washington, Nov. 1 1. President Wilson has
announced the armistice terms. They include
the evacuation of allied territory, withdrawal of
German troops from the
and the surrender of all
Germany must abandon the treaties of
Bucharest and Brest-Litovisk. and must make
financial, restitution for damage done by her
armies; repay cash taken from the national bank
of Belgium, and gold from Russia and Roumania.
German-troops are
from any territory held by Russia, Roumania
and Turkey before the war, and the East African
forces must capitulate within a month.
Washington, Nov. 11. The armls
tic ternn alio Include the surrender
of 160 aubmarlnea, GO destroyers,
Ix battle cruisers, 10 battleships,
olght light cruisers, all her mlscel
loanous ships, all allied vessels in
Ocrman hands to bo surrendered.
Germany to notify neutrals that
they are free to trade with the al-,
lies immediately. ' ,
Germany to surrender 5,000 guns,
20,000 machine guns, 4,000 flame
throwers, 2,000 airplanes, 5,000 lo
comotives, 60,000 wagons, 10,000
motor lorries, the railways of Al-.ace-Lorraine
for use by the allies,
and all stores of coal and Iron. I
The immediate repatriation' of all
allied and American prisoners, with
out reciprocal action by the allies, in
connection with the evacuation ot
the left bank ot the Rhino. .
It Is provided that the allies shall
hold the crossings ot the river at
'Contents, Cologne and Maycnce, to
gether with the bridgeheads within
SO kilometers radius of the right
bank ot the Jlhine, and that hold by
the allies to become a neutral tone,'
and the Germans are to evacuate
within 19 days.
The armistice is for 80 days, but
the president spoke of the war "com
ing to an end."
The allies aire to have access to
the evacuated territory, either
A fl n V u I n :
left bank of the Rhine
war supplies.'
to retire immediately
through Dantzlg, or by the river Vis
tula. London, Nov. 11. Von Hlnden
burg has placed himself and the Ger
man army at the disposition of the
new peoples' government at Berlin,
according to a Berlin dispatch.
London, Nov, 11. A London sup
plementary, declaration to the ar
mistice terms was signed to the elect
that if the German battleships are
not handed over, owing, to a muolt
inoits state, the. allies will reservn
the right, to. occupy 'Heligoland . al
an advance base to enable them to
enforce the terms. '
There lias been continuous
celebration la the city 'today,
and tonight the bilaHty r over
the Joyful news that the wnr is
over will reach Its rlimax.nt a
big bonffre at the rUrad park
The band will be out, and every,
body with thoir"
rwill be prcaent. A word ot can
tion hast (been sounded,:, owing
Ing to, tlie. Influenza' epidemic,
and everyone. Is cautioned,'' to
wear a pause .manic Aa a result
of the recent celebrations .' In
other cities over tn 'war news,
there la said to have been many
more' cases. the dread disease
Men Who Have Not Completed
Training to Do Turned I lack to
Chilian Life
Washington, Nov. 11 The follow
ing proclamation has been Issued by
President Wilson:.
"My Fellow Countrymen: The
armistice was signed this morning.
Everything-, for, which America
fought has been accomplished. It
will 'now be our fortunate duty to
assist by example, fty, sober, friend
ly council and by, material aid In
the establishment of a Just democ
racy throughout the world;
The .president, further states:
"Thus the war comes to an end, for
having accepted these terms it will
be impossible tor the German com
mand Armed Imperial
Ism is at an end. Its illicit ambitions
are ungulfed In black disaster."
By the president's order General
Crowder. cancelled 'the draft calls,
stopping ,25q,000,men to the train
ing, camps during the, next five days.
Some men in the eastern states com
menced , entraining at 6 o'clock this
morning. They will 4e considered
in, the army until demobilized, un
less turned back before reaching the
training camps.
. All men who have not completed
training will be turned back to civil
ian life as tar as practicable. Calls
for the navy and marine corps will
(Continued en page 1.)
Release From Army to Follow Selec-
. five Plan In OrjfanUing Will '
Educate the Men
Washington, Nov. 11. America's
armies will be a year or two years
returning' and demobilizing. ,
That Is the general wer depart
ment estimate today though the de
partment is doing nothing toward de
mobilising until It la assured that
Germany has fulfilled th4 armistice
terms. . : ,..., ,
Demobilization plans, however, are
all made.
In ' fact, they were mapped out
along she mobilization plans by the
general staff.'- On the whole, the de
mobilization will follow the selec
tive system. Men longest overseas
and those most needed In industry
will be the first returned. ::
. , The .shipping problem will offer
some difficulties. ..
Britain plans to withdraw her
transports from the American ser
vice, taking care of her Australian,
Canadian and Indian troops. Hence,
the process of returning will be. slow
ed up Immediately. Still another
phase of demobllizat'on which spells
a year or two years of foreign "ser
vice for many troops is the need for
police duty abroad.
- One phase ot the demobilization
calls for return ot men to this coun
try for sending them to camps and
feeding them back Into Industry as
Industry, adjusts Itself. . ..,,, .A,
(Continued on 'Page )
University of
- " Jt'. ' -'T,f
ii i in i Hir nrni u h u
h:r..' ''rfiil "'"."1 ' .Cl j ,
Basen, Nov. 10, Sunday, 10:08 a. m. Berlin dis
patches says the German revolution resulted in a striking
victory almost without bloodshed. General strikes have
been declared. : . ? . .
Copenhagen, Nov. 10, 10:08 a. m. Chancellor Ebert
has announced that he has plans for the formation of a
people's government, which will endeavor to bring about
a speedy peace. ' ?.' .
Copenhagen, Nov. 10, Sunday 9:10 a. m. According '
to a frontier message, Princess . Heinrich, wife of the
London, Nov. 10, Sunday, 8:38 a. m. Severe fighting
took place in Berlin between 6 and 8 o'clock last night and
violent cannonadinff was heard from tha Wrf. rf t.u oit.v i
Eevolution is in full swing and red forces have occupied
the greater part of the city, according to Exchange tele
graph reports from Copenhagen, qupting Berlin, advices
sent at 3 o'clock this morning. Manv tiersnns wpta trilled
and wounded before officers
Bed forces are in control
Strong guards are marching the streets. , ., .,, .
'The crown prince's toalace has been seised hv rvr1n-
tionists. People are shouting VLong Live the Republic,' 1
and are singing the Marseillais.- ,i .. -x Llir," .
; When the cannonadintr bepan neonlA thnno-rit. Priq.
bank was being bombarded
. . 2 A. .11. '
square m irons oi me crown prince's paiace.nit was later
determined that other buildings vatw imrinr fir .
grandson of Ludwig III of Bavaria, was wounded in the
arm 1t on flvA a am nV. a mm. ir.!.i.
Zurich Nov. 10. Sundav.
troubles in the interior of Germany Prince Max of Baden
and all the bourgeoise ministers have resigned, says a dis
Datch from Berlin.- Frederick EhmiL ; iWmftri uftrialist .
leader, has been definitely
? v
On Sedan Front, Nov.
American heavy guns fired parting shots, to the Germans
exactly .aiM 11 o'clock this morning J celebrated the sign
of.the armistice. - ' v .'"
London. Nov. 11. 9:20 a.
Belgian- town of Mons early
Basel. Nov. 11.' 9:20 a.
lutionists and imperial troops
(Continued on
Or. Library i
, IS Mhm 1.1 11.11 I 1 11 1BJ
surrendered..,. . -
and have rastarArl mvW
and thousands rushed to the
II I' II I 1 1 1 1, i n
0:10 a m Bppjjuhu nf
recognized as chancellor.
11. 9:20 a. m. Thousands of
m. The Canadians took tha
th4s, morning. , ..,
m. Ficrhtinir betwAAn mrn-
was' still "going on in Berlin
page I.)