4 PAGE FOUR DAILY ROQUB KIVEK OOC'KlhM FRIDAY, KOVK.MIUSH H. 101. POPULAR SONGS 15o each, 7 for $1.0O postpaid Clash with order When ths green leave turn to sold. IWhu the kaiser does the goose-step. When the moon shine down In old Alaska. When the moon thine In Ireland. When there' peace on earth again. When the sun goes down in Dixie. When the sunset turns the ocean's blue to cold. When we gather wild flower. When wa meet In the sweet bys and hye, i When we reach that old port, some where in France. When we wind up the watch on the Rhine. When I dream about that southern home of mine. The Music and Photo House Stanton Howell, Proprietor s A double funeral occurred at Ker fey yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mc Cnrdy of that place being laid to rest In the same grave. Theirs in one of the saddest cases that ha ever occurred in the county. About 10 day ago their eldest daughter, who had been nursing them, died of In fluents. Both Mr. and Mrs. MoCurdy died of pneumonia following Influents. Mrs. McCurdy breathed her last about 4 o'clock Wednesday morning, according to the report sent here, and Mr. McCurdy died at about 3:30 Wednesday afternoon. Influenza is said to be severe at Kerby, six people having died of the disease at that place. At first the health authorities thought best to burn everything in the McCurdy res idence, but Sheriff (Lewis, -who was rat that place yesterday, instead of burning the furnishings, thoroughly fumigated the house. ' A letter to C. A. Wluetrout, local chairman of the Red Cross Christmas parcel committee, has received an nouncement that although Individu als serving overseas in the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Knights ot Co lumbus, Salvation Army and similar organisations are not a part of the military force 'of the United States, (hey may receive Christmas packages under the following restrictions: The nearest relative ot any indi vidual coming under the above classification may send one Christ mas package conforming ' to Red Cross regulations regarding weight, packing and contents by signing at the nearest 'Red Cross headquarters Christmas parcel station the follow ing request: The undersigned hereby makes ap plication to forward to (Name, (Ad dress), a Chrlstma package. The undersigned hereby represents and declares that ,he (or she) Is the nearest living relative in the United States of the proposed recipient and that the applicant in the calendar year, 1918, has not made or will not make any other Christmas ship ment to the above named consignee. (Signed) Jnvelope at tha Courier Office. Why is a meat man like a wood sawyer? ' .- Because he saws and chops for a living! WHE.V YOU HAVE GOOD, WHOLESOME, LIFH SUSTAINING, STRENGTH GIVING MEAT j FOR A MEAL, YOU REALLY NEED BUT LITTLE ELSE! THE FUR BELOWS AND FRILLS ARE ALL RIGH BUT OH! YOU PORTERHOUSE The City Market 403 G 8TREET PHONE 02 PERSONAL iB LOCAL 4 CASUALTY LIST The following casualties are re ported by the commanding general of the ' American expeditionary forces for today: Killed In action . 159 Missing In action 332 Wounded severely 87 Died of accident 3 Died of disease 309 Wounded, degree undetermined 111 Wounded slightly 132 Total .1.083 Killed In action Nell W. Best, Milton. Ore.; Ernest O. Billings, Gold Hill; Harry W. Riddle, Baker, Ore. Died of disease Harry Hamilton Oliver, Ontario, Ore.; Colin C. Hyde, Astoria; William Vaughn, Glendale. Y-ri-mllflrailliiaiM: 1 Well, Folks now tli at we have gotten 1 1 acquainted let us be friends ' and come over any time and f 1 have a chat. I- 3 Now that we have Mr. Hnmm that you all know very well and his excellent reputation for cooking. ra Say have you ever tried bis pas try. The pie be makes Just ys melts In your mouth, Wben 81 ..yon eat it you think moth er Just baked It. New Josephine Hotel i-- m t j 'Wlw.'ffliili"W'i'iiiro mis ! - jZuVI Our Guarantee Your grocer will refund the full price you paid for MJ.B. Coffee if it does slot please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can. Buy the Sib. Can and Save 25c A. W. Love, of Placer, is In tho city today. A. J. Marttneau, Qt the Hotel Jo sephlne, went to Mod ford this after noon for a short stay. Enos Fruit Salad. Sabln has It. 10 A. H. Gunnell went to Yreka this afternoon to spend a week on bus iness. Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Webber, Mrs E. J. Webber and Miss Josle Wright are In from the Cornier King mine today. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Llnd. of Kerby. who havev-oeen at the Oxford for several days, returned to their home today. Mrs. J. Hagen left today tor an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. G. Wardrlp, at Grants Pass, after which she contemplates visiting California points. Glendale News, P. W. Nomer, ot Grants Pass, is preparing to move his family to Glendale. He expects to go to work at the Seattle-Portland mill. Glen dale News. Miles Mclntyre left last night for Vancouver, B. C, where he will spend a few weeks with his mother and sister. He will then locate at Seattle or Portland. Ben Crenshaw, wife and baby, who visited relatives and friends here tor the past two months, left last night tor their home at Cottage Grove. Some Fine Pelta Clyde DavldBon, of Missouri Flat, was in the city today, having brought In the pelts ot five coyotes, nine skunks and three lynx cats. The to tal bounty on the varmints was 123 and the value of the skins $41. Speaker Candidate Here- Ben Sheldon, candidate tor speak er of the house, was in the city to day on business. Mr. Sheldon, who secured the election as representa tive for Jackson county again on Tuesday, says he is assured ot good support. Miss Bridge Army Nurse Miss Katharine Brdiges, principal ot the high school, leaves tonight for Portland, where she will spend a few weeks with her parents. On De cember 1 she will report at Camp Lewis for duty at the army school ot nurses. Should the city schools re open before that date Mies Bridges will return to Grants Pass. W. It. L Meetlug IWHned The regular Saturday afternoon meeting of Gen. Logan W, R. C. has been postponed until further notice. Move to IVnyouvtUe Lewis Rose and family have mov ed to Canyonvllls, where Mr. Rose will be in the employ ot the John Hampshire company in road con struction work. Electrical Work Installed by an established elec trical firm with competent men. Pauls Electric Store, phone 90, Med- ford, Ore. stf Mut Wear Makft The local board has received no tification from headqur.rters to ths effect that all soldiers leaving tor Camp Lewis must wear gauxe masks while en route to the camp. Small Blase At about 5 o'clock this morning the tire department was called out. The blaze, proved to be In the wood shed ' belonging to N. E. Towntund, but no serious damage was done. ArrvNtetf for Larceny Sheriff lws and Deputy Sheriff Lister returned last evening from Kerby, bringing with them Geo. 11. Miller, who Is accused ot having stol en several small articles. Including some provisions, from the cabin of C. C. E. Schossow, south of Kerby. Miller Is now in the county Jail. Death of John M. Gray- Word has been received here of the death at Fort Leavenworth. Kan., recently of John M. Gray, brother ot Mrs. Cora Coutant and Mrs. Harry K. Clarke, both former residents of this city. Young Gray whose death resulted from pneu monia was a cousin by murrluse of General John J. Pershing. He had been in the army since early in Sep tember. The funeral was held at Denver, his former home. Try Umeco Nut Margarine at 40 per pound at tho Rochdale Store We also carry a full Hue of Union Moat Company' Bacon Lard and Shortening C. R. FI FIELD, MGR. FARMERS ATTENTION Experimenting coats money. We are doing business on a solid basis, as we have our trade established no experimenting. I loarn that some parties were In the county last wetk ex plaining their company's operations. The fact Is that the same company tried to break the market and lower the butter prices to 61 cents. You ssk them they cannot deny it. The HaMlwood Company has kept ths price to what It Is and we are paying 65 cents now. Producers can help themselves by sending butter fat to the company that has a market for all their goods and always pay the top prices. HAZKLWOOn CREAMERY C. K. Nclnon, orator NEW TO;AT FOR RENT Three nice front office rooms in Schallhorn building, South Sixth street. For partteu lars inquire at 203 Burgess St. 07 FOUND Safe key. Owner can se cure it at Courier office. 11 GENERAL AUTO repairing at reas onable rates, all work guaranteed H. Cameron, 506 . South Sixth street. 35 FOR SALE Apples, 2nd grade, 25c to $1 at the, applehouse, bring your boxes. Fancy, $1.50 to $2, f. o. b. Grants Pass. Ten varitles, J. H. Robinson, Grants Pass, R. F. D. No. 4. 15 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Brown Leghorn cockerels, 7-months old C. Schaeters, Rd. 2, lower river road. 21 FOR SALE Twin Indian motor cycle. Inquire 615 North Eighth street. 10 THE ONCE MIGHTY ARMY 'Continued from Page One.) plateau, the correspondent saw further evidence of the devastation ot war. There is not a bouse left standing in the town of Aslago, There also lg much suffering among the people throughout the mountains who are foodless and have been robbed of their possessions. By s miracle the rigorous Alpine winter has not yet set in and these people say: "These ravages are necessary. They remain glorious memories of our salvation." The problem of feeding the multi tude of prisoners is grave but the Italians are making a . superhuman effort. They, also are treating the prisoners as well as possible. It Is common to see hardy Italian troops generously toss their own bread ra tions to the Austrians, saying laugh "Tomorrow Is another day. We will eat then." Our classified ads bilng results. Pneumonia Victim At the family residence 8 miles east of this city, occurred the deatti of W. S. Barton, after an Illness of three weeks. His disease was pneu monia, and constant medical care had the case under control, with strong hopes of recovery, when Mr. Barton got up to look after home In terests, much against the advice of his wife and children who were fear ful of consequences, and his death followed the second relapse. Glen dale News. All kinds of Commercial Prlntint at the Courier "ffie. Our classified ads hrlnz ra-nt. Delivery Deftness J T requires a lot of maneuvering for us to coino across correct ly and promptly with as many or ders as we do each day. - Cut our men are expert at that tort of thin;;. They are pnid to fill orders right and to deliver on schedule time. If they didu't we'd pet others who would. Good delivery is as important as good nicut. U)e Temple Market Wear VOITLL enjoy the cold days when you are wearing a warm, comfortable slip-on sweater or sweater coat and the cold days of winter will have a differ ent meaning to you when you go out properly dressed for the weather. . Here are garment that, in addition to being warm and wholly comfortable ars cleverly made and wonderfullv attractive. They're the kind that you have seen TeWrtfona J midword?0 W"' U t they nad been We design knit garments Just as some very well-known cut. plan . gown or suit of clothes, the moSe of thSXnwt Is caught and fashioned Into Jontsen knit wear. It kiens us fit7,oroMrt-bUt 14 P,y W dWtod" 1 "the pPopu THE LABEL.0 "d -AND BE SURE TO LOOK AT JANTZEN KNITTING MILLS Peerless Clothing jCompany