DAILY HOOCH K1VI2H IXJUIUKM rUMI.lY. NOVKMHKH . 101. PAQK FOUR POPULAR SONGS 15c each, 1 for 91-00 postpaid Gash wlUi order There' a vacant chair in every home tonight. There's Egypt In your dreamy eyes. There's Just a little bit ot monkey still left in you and me. There's no end to my love tor yon. There's someone more lonesome than you. There's something in the name of Ireland. They go wild, simply wild over me. Thar k all nut of steD but Jim. Thou eh I'm not the first to call you sweetheart, please let me be the last. Those olden. goldn days ot long ago. Three wonderful letters from home. Throw me a kiss from over the sea. Throw no stones In the well that gives you water. Tom. Dick. Harry and Jack. The Music and Photo House Stan to Kowoll, Proprietor ITS A PATRIOTIC 1HTV GOODBY, WOMEN'S TROUBLES The tortures and discomforts ot weak, lame and aching back, swol len and Bloated feet and limbs, weak ness, lassitude, dlzsiness, . nausea, that tired wornout feeling, nervous ness, sleeplessness, as a rule have their origin In kidney trouble, not "female complaints." These general symptoms of kidney and bladder disease are well known so Is tne remedy. Next time you feel a twinge ot pain in the back or are troubled with headache, indigestion. Insomnia, ir ritation In the fcladder or pain In the loins and lower abdomen, you will find quick and sure relief In GOLD MEJDAli Haarlem Oil Cap sules. This old and tried remedy for kidner disease and allied de rangements has stood the test tor hundreds of years. It does the work. Pains and troubles vanish and new life and health will come as you con tlnue their use. When completely restored to your usual vigor, con tinue taking a capsule or two each day; they will keep you- feeling fine and prevent a return to your trouble. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap sules are imported direct from the laboratories at Haarlem, Holland. Get them from your druggist. Do not take a substitute. In sealed boxes, three sizes. We owe our county, state and government to vote on Tuesday No vember 5th. Having been unable to spare time from my office for a personal visit to the voters, I trust you will pardon the tew words I offer at this time re garding my re-election tor a second term as county treasurer. The duties of county treasurer nronerly performed are notf a mln or nature. In fact there are many ways ot cutting down the county ex- uense account, and I believe my re cords will show, that every care has been taken and nothing overlooked toward this saving. The statement Is made In a letter which seeats to have received wide circulation, that the energies of men are demanded In occupations more vital to our. success In war. We all admit this to be true, but some men are too old and others too young tor military service: therefore the energies ot this class are needed at home. I was born at Washington, Con necticut, on September 13th, 1867, which, I am sorry to say, places me In the "old mans" class, and I think there Is greater ' opportunity for a young woman t clerical ability to et one ot the many government po sitions than there Is tor a man ot my age. Should you feel that I have con ducted the office of county treasurer In a manner entitling me to another term. I will appreciate and thank you for your kind consideration: In any event go to the polls and vote next Tuesday. 05 GEO. S. CALHOUN. PER52Nf1L i5 LOCAL Announcement We are pleased to announce H that starting the 1st of No- v ember the well known E 13 Mr. Hamm will be with us in our kltch- m en as Steward and Chef, H and will continue to give IS his high grade of service. Hi r t 'im Japalac at Cramer Bros. 05 NEW TOlAr DRY WOOD FOR SALE We have on hand 250 tiers ot dry wood cut from piling strips, pine and fir lumber, that we will close out at $2.50 per tier delivered. All or ders C. O. D. Edgerton & Adams Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 05 JOS. MOSS AGENCY Fire Insur ance, plate glass liability Insur ance. 84 Sixth street. tt INSURANCE Any kind, beat of companies. L. A. Launer, real estate. tf DISTRICT MANAGER wanted In every state for new Auto Clutch Lock. The cleverest and most ef fective anti-thief device on the market automatically disengages the clutch and locks it so car can not be movd under its own pow er. Big money maker for ambi tions hustler. Exclusive territory given. $500 to $1,000 necessary. American Auto Clutch Lock, 803 West Ninth Street, Los Angeles, Cal. OStfSun WANTED--An elderly lady or couple to board and care tor, in modern home, quiet, pleasant sur roundings. Inquire 725 South Seventh street. 1.0 WANTED High school girl to as sist with housework. Telephone 162. 06 FOR SALE .AH sized work horses, several sets heavy harness, also wagons and boxes, 80 acres land, lots of cord wood timber. Will sell cheap. Amos Smith. 06 C. E. MoLane, democratlo nominee tor sheriff. . 77tt Airtight stoves at Cramer Bros. Fred Farrar, ot Merlin, was In the city Saturday. Poultry supplies at Cramer Bros. Prof. Applehoff, ot Ashland, spent Saturday In the city. Patton's Sun Proof paint at Cra mer Bros. 05 Douglas Wood went to Montague on business Saturday. Kraut jars at Cramer Bros. 05 Mrs. J. T. Breeding went to Hugo, last night for a tew days. F. S. Bramwell returned yester day morning from a business trip to Portland. Scratch food at Cramer Bros. 05 All orders tor hemstitching and pecotlng promptly tilled at the Han dlcraft Shop, Med ford. 07 Egg producer at Cramer Bros. 05 C. F. Alderson, ot Leland, was In the city Friday tilling out his ques tionnaire. Garden fertiliser at Cramer Bros. Mrs. W. L. Jorday came In from Wolf Creek Saturday and will make her home In this city. Umbrellas repaired at Cramer Bros. 05 Mrs. Louisa Lind, who visited her son, Ous Lind, returned to her home at Portland on Saturday. Poultry tonic at Cramer Bros. 05 F. C. Allen.' who spent several months at Merlin, left Friday night tor Springfield, Mass., to Join Mrs. Allen, Mrs. J. L. Chrlstlteb. who spent the past six months In Pennsylvania at her old home, and visiting rela tives, Is expected home very soon. Morse's Sweet Peas at Cramer Bros. 05 Mrs. C. W. Hunt, who visited her sister, Mrst J. A. Wharton, and oth er relatives, left Saturday morning for her home at Taltway, eastern Oregon. Bathroom heaters at Cramer Bros. Steve MoBride, who has been telegraph operator for the S. P. at Cottonwood, Cal., Is home for a few days. He will be stationed as opera tor at Delta. Flower pots at Cramer Bros. 05 "Resinol Soap." Sabin has It. 05 Questionnaire Sent The local board states that all questionnaires tor Josephine county have now been sent out to regis trants. Special at Rone's Saturday and Sunday, Haxslwood French salad Ice cream. FSU Chum One Men Yesterday the local board tlulshed examining all elans one mvu In Joae-l Phlne county, below the age of 36. There are 16 ot them left, but a few who are absent will receive their examination elsewhere. Tires Repaired Have the largest and most com plete tire repairing equipment In Grants Pass. All work uncondition ally guaranteed. Tavls & Powtrs Auto Co. 05 Oxford Special HumUjf Dinner With a menu that would do Jus tice to a dollar price at moat ho tels. 05 Williams Returns to Camp Kenneth R. Williams, who spent several days at home with bis par ents, left Friday night, returning to Jefferson barracks. Mo. He expects to be sent over the water during November. . J.N. How to "Can" the Grouch EAT VVllK FOOI from the PURE FOOD STORK We handle full line of food products that we can guaran tee In every Instance; We make a special effort to get the very best the market affords. If you ara looking for a really superior brand In Flour. Coffee. Tea. Meats, Vegetables, in fact anything to eat. COMB RIGHT TO THIS STORB. We have It for you. THE ROCHDALE THE STORK OF GUARANTEED OOOOfl C. R. FI FIELD, Manager WILL ARREST VIOLATORS -f The mayor has Issued a proc- lamatlon against any and all public or private gatherings of f any sort, in an effort to sup- 4 press the spreading ot Influ- 4 4 enza. This Is by way of a 4 warning, that any violators of -4 4 that proclamation except In 4 extreme cases where actual 4 4- war work Is necessary will be 4 arrested and given the limit. 4 CITY HEALTH OFFICER. 4 444444444444444 New Josephine Hotel FOR RENT- -Three nice front office . rooms in Schallborn building, South Sixth street. For particu lars inquire at 203 Burgess St. 07 DIED KISH At Medford, Saturday, No vember 2, Evelyn," wife of George Kish, of pnenmonia. She leaves her husband and 8-year-old son. Deceased was the daughter ot Mrs. Hattle Harrieon and niece of Mrs. Sadie Hyde and Florence Fenn. She was born In the Applegate val ley, where she spent her girlhood, and later lived In Grants Pass un til her marriage. A private funeral will be held in-this city at Hall's chapel this afternoon. J. N. Johnston left Friday night for, Camp Zaohary Taylor, Louisville. Ky to enter the heavy artillery of ficers' training corps. The entry of Mr. Johnston Into the service brings the line of soldiers In the Johnston family down another generation, his tsther, grandfather and great-grandfather having fought In the service or the U. S. A. E. S. Van Dyke will have charge ot Mr. Johnston's Isw practice dur ing his absence. THIS IS THE time to set out an as paragus -bed. Palmetto roots large and juicy variety the kind best adapted to this valley. Lim ited quantity for sale at $1 per hundred. W. W. Canby, phone 609-F-21. 06 It's Patent to Painters That's the only kind of paint it pay to put on lumber anywhere it is ex posed to heat and cold is THE BEST PAINT you can buy. Very often however the house owner will not let the painter, furnish the beet paint he cause it coots a few cents a gallon more than the worthless stuff. We don't keep the cheap kind because we have found it expensive for our customers. C WE DO FINE SHOE REPAIRING ' Jewell Hdw. Co. Sunday Dinner at the OXFORD Served 5:30 to 7:1 SO p. m. IN DEATH MR.STRANNEI Coroner Rltter returned last nlghl from Glendale, where he went tt make an Investigation regarding th death of Nets Stranne, who wal killed by a freight train near Glen dale, Thursday. According to a statement ot J. O JohnBon, yard master at Glendale, Mr. Stranne was engaged with Louis Holt in taking a light push car to a! point about one fourth of a mile I west of Glendale, and at a point 925 feet east of where the push car was : to be taken, entered block signal territory. From a statement of Louis Holtz, the .block signal stood at danger, when they entered with the push car, and Mr. Stranne made the statement that they would have to hurry to take the car off. After traveling the distance of 925 feet the two men saw a train approaching 300 feet west of them, and In trying to take the car off, Mr. Strannn was struck by the engine. After securing all the details re garding the accident, Coroner Rltter did not deem an inquest necessary. No blame whatever Is attached to the crew of the train by which Mr. Stranne was killed. Rosoburg News. MENU Cream of Chicken with Noodles Sliced Tomatoes, French Dressing Celery Hearts Leg ot Lamb, Caper Sauce Young Chicken, Oyster Sauce Halt dozen Eastern Oyster Fried In Butter Roast Young Turkey, Cranberries Prime Ribs Beef, au Jus Creamed Potatoes Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style Sugar Corn Pumpkin Pie Pineapple Pie Ice Cream and Cake Nuts After Dinner Mints The train which struck Mr. Stran ne was a 60-car freight, with four engines, August Goettsche, engineer, and Joe Galvln, fireman, of this city, occupying the head engine. Their many friends here will 1e glad to learn that they have not 1een held responsible in the slightest degree for the unfortunate death of Mr. Stranne. Tea Coffee Cafe Noir Milk SERVING UNDER FIRE Established 53 years ago the Sal vation .Army Is operating In 63 countries today and serving the al lied soldiers under constant shell-tire. PARIS USED AS BASE Headquarters for the Jewish Wei fare Board have been established In Paris at 41 Boulevard Haussman. WIREGRIP TIRES ARE OUTWEARING CORDS We Have Them C. L HOBART CO. Organization Wins Organization Is what wins In war. In bulnM, or in banking. We used to think this bsnk was Ideally orgsnlxed but how very much better we are situated today as a member of the Federal lie serve Banking System. Membership links us with the strongest and best organized banks throughout the country. Their organization Is our organization; their strength Is our strength. And your financial security may. benefit, In turn. If you are among our depositors. , THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON BSBSvMCMnsaasa tsBMS Y S Tf Msl ma ? . Jff. Remember This Coffee Goes Further OurGmrantee Your grocer will ref undM ull price you paid lor M. J.B. Coffee, if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can. Vacuum Packed It Reaches You Fresh rrne work or the board in the war FIFTY CENTS zone is operated from that base.