Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 28, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Published Dally Eaoept Saturday
, E. VOORHIES, Pub. aid Propr.
katrJ at poetoffice. Grants Pass.
Or., ai second claa mall matter.
Wsplay spaes, per Inch 15s
Local-personal column, per Una 10c
Keaders. Dar line 5c
By mall or carrier, per year....l.O0
By mall or carrier, p.r month... .60
ty mall, per year
The Associated Preu Is exclusively
.titled to the use tor republication
f all news dlsnatehes credited to It
or not otherwise credited In this
aper and also the local news pub
lished herein.
All rights of republication ot spe
cial dispatches herein are also
-4. omraU fair, gentle aouth-
f- westerly winds.
It la deplorable and extremely un
fortunate that our president should
launch what promises to become
bitter political campaign at this
Innctnre lust when the United
States and the allies are giving Prus
lan militarism its death blow at
time when all our energies for win
nine the ereat war should be ce
mented Into an unbroken front.
The statement coming from Wil
son at this time, asking that the vot
ers "return a democratic con
gress, might have a de
moralizing effect In the matter of
raising further liberty loans and
making a speedy end of the conflict
if anything under the sun could
have such an effect but it probably
will not and should be given no
consideration whatever, no more at
tention than any other partisan ap-peal.
The president, in appealing to the
people to vote the straight democra
tic ticket, makes it plain that he is
a party leader; that he is playing the
game beyond any reasonable limit
in order to keep the democratic party
In power. And his late statement
repudiates his former assertion that
"politics was adjourned."
The records at Washington will
prove that the democrats, in the ma
jority of cases, and not the republl
cans, have been the ones to obstruct
war measures advocated by the pres
ident. His partisan appeal is an in
sinuation that the democratic party
is winning the war, and that a re
publican congress would make the
outcome of the great struggle un
certain. But let us see who is the
greater obstructionist:
Senator Chamberlain, one of the
most powerful democrats at the na
tional capltol and possibly the most
influential democrat In congress
from the western states, has often
clashed and disagreed with the pres
ident over war measures proposed by
the latter. Chamberlain has public
ly disapproved of the president's
"note writing," and, like Roosevelt,
lg of the opinion that the war must
be won with machine guns not
typewriters. Chamberlain Is "stand
ing by the war," first, last and al
way his loyalty Is unquestioned
yet he has not always been in accord
with every Idea advanced by Presl-
dent Wilson, has not always "stood
by the president."
WeTe It not for the fact thatyevery
voter in this country knows that It
Is the United States making war up
on the kaiser, and not the democra
tic party that is doing all the fight
' Ing, President Wilson's partisan ap
peal might have some effect on the
election. But every voter should set
his Jaws and keep but one thought
in mind at the present that of win
ning the war.
An united America will win par
tisan politics will disrupt.
The efforts of a few southern news
papers to make it appear that the
south did more than its share In
subscribing to the Third Liberty
loan is not sustained by the data Is
sued by the United States treasury
department. The official figures
taken from the treasury depart
ment's report ot the Third Liberty
loan show that the Fourth Southern
Federal Reserve district subscribed
only $639,965,050 out ot a total na
tional subscription ot $4,176,516,
850, or only about 15 per cent of
the total subscriptions ot the United
States, notwithstanding the four
southern federal reserve districts
comprise one-third of the federal re
serve districts of the United States.
The official figures given out by
the United States Treasury depart
ment snow that the southern states
were at the bottom of the list, not
only in total amounts subscribed to
the Third Liberty loan, but also In
the per cent of population which
subscribed to the loan. The aver
age percentage ot population of the
entire country which subscribed to
the Liberty loan was 17.7. This
low percentage was because the
southern states pulled down the na
tional average, despite the fact that
nearly 75 per cent of the money ex
pended by the government In war
camps, cantonments and like mili
tary plants hag been expended In the
southern states.
Patriotism of Oregon's Con
gressmen Is Unfairly
voters of this state will fall short of
their patriotic duty It they neglect to
reelect Senator McNary and Represen
tatlves Hawley, Slnnott and McArthur,
and Governor Wltliycombe,
Senator McNary snd other members
of the Oregon delegation are on the
Job at Washington attending to thlr
official duties while contenders tor
tholr seats In Congress are actively
campaigning here at home. Voters
will do well to retain In Congress the
men who are now faithfully represent
ing the Interests of the state anil loy
ally standing behind the President and
his prosecution ot the war. This Is
no time to send new and untrained
men to Congress.
Senator McNary was one of the 17
Republican Senators to support the
Suan B. Anthony equal suffrage
amendment The measure tailed to
pass. Twenty-one of the SI negative
votes were cast by Democratic Sena
tors. Oregon womuu should remem
ber this when they go to the polls
November 6.
Governor Wllhyconibe has been safe
and sound. He has conducted the state
with credit through perhaps the most
trying period ot Itr existence; he has
thorough grasp of all state matters,
and we say frankly that he should be
permitted to continue to work and the
state will be the gainer. Hlllsboro
Poets are supposed to be tall, thin,
cadaverous Individuals with long
hair and roving eyes some ot them
shy and bashful to the point of be
ing furtive yet there Is an Italian
poet who is right now playing the
very devil with the Austrlans. He
is an aviator, having laid aside the
quill to send Austrian bombers
crashing to the earth. His name is
G-abrlele d'Annunclo, and he lg prov
ing tan inspiration to his countrymen,
being a regular dare-devil. We need
more poets like d'Annunclo.
So great Is the German love for
art and literature that he must
constantly commit robbery and mur
der over in France to satisfy his ap
petite for all things beautiful.
The manufactured and unsupported
oh aria that "the election of a Republi
can Congress in November would be
a source of comfort and elation to the
Kaiser and his cohorts," comes with
poor grace from the Democrats in
these critical times when It Is recalled
that the votes of Republican members
of Congress were required to pass the
conscription bill and other Important
war measures. The votes of these
Republicans were positively necessary
at times when leading Democratic
Congressmen balked at the President's
war program add not only refused to
support but actively opposed soma of
the more vital war measures.
And yet despite this tact and the
further fact that the President has in
sisted that "politics Is adjourned," the
Democratic National Committee is in
dustriously circulating through Its
campaign literature the charge that
the election at this time of other than
Democrats to Congress would give
"comfort and elation to the Kaiser and
his cohorts."
In view ot the records of 8enator
McNary and Representatives Hawley,
Slnnott and McArthur, who have at all
times supported the President's war
program, this sort of propaganda
should be vigorously resented by the
voters of this state, irrespective of
their political affiliations. This un
founded imputation that the four Re
publican nominees for Copgreas from
this state are not dependably 100 per
cent patriotically American can be
Governor Wtthycoiube will not make
a personal campaign. Instead, bs will
remain at his post of duty at Salem
and continue his 100 per cent record
In war activities. The Governor takes
the" position that, under present con
ditions, he will not conduct as aotlva
Hold No Qrudg.
Time brings ninny changes. Tnke
for Instniicit the fellows who volun
teered their services when wur wns
ileclnred ami who huve slnfii been pro
moled to ho' roinmlNHloiu'd ollloers.
Some of these ineu tolled In shops mid
odlces and had to toe the murk fur
clerks or foremen to got llrcd. Then
eiuue Hie ilrnft mill these Name clerks
nml foremen became doughboys and
now tnke orders from their former of
fice boys and employees. Smne humor
mis stories hnve come to light from
the nenrliy rantonmeuts, tint let It lis
suit! to the credit of the former olllce
hoys, they have not iimilu life un
bearable for their superior, although
they hnve liml the opportunity to do
to. As uu Illustration of this the oth
er tiny a doughboy wns serving mens
to his tup sergeant. As he did so he
spilled some dressing from the snliid.
The sergeant noticed this and smiled.
"Just about a year ago I wns serving
you with soup," salt! the sergeant, at the
some time mentioning the hotel where
ha had worked as serving innn, "and
yon gave me the devil bemuse It wns
cold. I'm not going to kick because
you spilled the dressing. I'm going to
treat you right." And thnt Is the gen
eral spirit throughout the camps.
Coring Pols Holes,
The tiresome and time consuming
work of digging holes for telegraph
and electric service poles Is now at an
end, says Scientific AnierleauTAt least,
there has been evolved gasoline
driven eiirlli-horlug inmlilne wide
makes an average boring time per hoU
ma ami (imi.hlltf to two tlllnUtSV
The equipment Is mounted on a bores
drawn truck and is operated oy two
men. In onllnnry soil It maintains an
average of 11X1 holes per dny, each
niensurliiK Ave feet deep by 24 Inches
In diameter. The equipment consists
of a truck, which carries a gnsollns en
gine, driving iiifi'hanlam and hog
auger which Is slowly rotated and Ml
downward. The augers are furnished
In sixes from 2 to 2 Inches.
Disdain Western Finery.
In reply to an Inquiry from
American Arm as to the demand here
for lace goods and embroideries. It
can be stilted, reports the American
consul at Yokohama, that as the Japa
nese wumen cling very tenaciously to
their style or dress and as no use w
made of lace or embroideries either In
their dress or home furnishings, It la
Improbable that any considerable mar
ket can be developed In Japitn for
Atnerkaii-mnde luce goods or embroid
eries. The demand would be limited
to the foreign residents here, who now
number about O.OtM), exclusive of Chi
nese, and to such goods as arc not bs
Ing manufactured In Japan.
Social welfare huts have been es
tablished In Franco by the Y. W. C.
A. for women munition workers.
Aside from handling the finances of
the state, the State Treasurer also Is
a member of the State Board which
administers the genet-al business ot
the state. O. P. Hoff. the Republican
nominee. Is a man of wide buslsess
experience and fully qualified tor the
Officers ot the National Antl-Saleon
League recently sent the following tel
egram to Oregon: "Senator McNary's
temperance record is satisfactory to
the Anti-Saloon League."
Electric Fowl Picker.
A machine Invented by O. Q. Rlesks
of Buffalo picks iin ordinary fowl
naked In less thun Ave minutes, ssys
Electrical Experimenter. Moreover, no
feathers are scattered. A small elec
tric motor turns a suction fun. and
also a roller contnlned within the In
strument Itself, the power being trans
mitted by means of flexible rnble.
The roller Is hollow and Its outer sur
fnce Is pierced by n number of slits
which permit the Incoming blast pro
ft. . V. - . . .
best repudiated by electing them by I "u" u ,u """" lreely
decisive majorities. i S? . k .
I The top of the Instrument Is hooded,
s iiiti tor lutn ftnnP(lo -and tl to this hood la a little
A WIN THE WAR CUNGRtSS i rubber roller which rests firmly ngntnst
'the surface of the large drumlike
The Main election supports the ad-1 wheel. The feathers of the fowl,
ministration's policy of force to the ; sucked up agnlnst the two rollers, are
bitter end. Let us elect no pacifists I plucked by hnvlng to squeeze between
this Fall. The four Congressmen the rollers, ufter which they are blown
elected from Maine, all Republicans, , to tnnk.
stood by the President when many of , A thumb contact permits the hood
his own party failed to do so. They j to be moved around In its iixIh, mid
voted for every war appropriation, for thus the relative positions of the two
the conscription acts, and for confer
ring all the extraordinary powers the
President and his advisers sought
This is a good time for the voters to
turn down every pacifist no matter to
what party he belongs and to make
it their particular business to elect
to Congress none but those who csn
be depended upon to sustain the policy
of force until Oermany has been driv
en to her knees and a peace with vic
tory achieved. Leslie's Weekly.
The same may be said of the four
Republican Congressmen from Oregon
Senator McNary and Representa
tives Hawley, Slnnott and McArthur.
They have unhesitatingly given the
President the support he has sought
in carrying out his effective war pro
gram. Governor Withycombe also has
cooperated in every war activity.
Their records stand 100 per cent
There Is no excuse for replacing these
trustworthy and dependable public of
"Only those are fit to live who do ,lc,al" ln theM crltlcal tlmeB b
irainea ana inexperienced men. rne
not fear to die, and none are fit to
die who have shrunk from the Joy
of life and the duty of life." Roose
rollers are udjuxted according to the
needs of each case. The smallest wild
fowl or the biggest turkey may be
plncked with equal A fowl can
readily be picked In the dry stute, but
ordinarily It Is scalded.
Turning From Gold to Sliver.
' The Yukon Is turning from gold to
silver mining. While the vulue of the
former, or its purchasing power, has
oeereoseil, thnt of silver has been
doubled. There Is great activity In two
silver bearing areas tributary to Daw
eon, the Mayo district on the upper
Stewart river and along the Twelve
mile creek. These fields ore 150 miles
apart. Silver was discovered In these
areas years ago, but no work was ever
The Canadian government has dis
patched a party of geologists to In
vestigate the prospects of developing
the silver mining Industry In this sec
tion. DnWHon City Dispatch.
The unsinkable ship was sunk;
Germany, the unbeatable nation, will
be beaten. '
It Isn't always influenza,
be a common old cold.
It may i
Goat Furnishes Milk and Churn.
aiioui iv mues normwesr. oi Mount
filnal where, as you remember, Moses j
received me commandments is a but
ter factory, the machinery of which
has not been improved since his day.
It consists of a bag of goat skin sus
pended from a tripod of poles. The
Bedouin women partly fill the bag with
goats' milk and then hnve plenty of
time to discuss the neighbors as they
patiently rock the bag until the butter
Is separated from the wbeyj Populur
Science Monthly. .
Full Line of Auto Supplies
TIRES-A11 Sizes
m t ' $ 10,-7 wn -i -
1 w
T ETTERS from our boys in the trenches and
from the women in canteen and other
war work,, all bring- to us the same mes
World news is all right, but OUR BOYS
want NEWS OF THIS TOWN. They want
the home newspaper. Publishers are prevented
from sending their papers free to anyone, even
boys in the service. Consequently a national
movement has been started by Col. William
Boyce Thompson of New York, who is acting
as President of the Home Paper Survicc of
America to give the boys what they are falling
for. Every community is joining the movement
Let us see that our boys ar not forgotten.
Send to'the publisher of this newspaper
whatever amount of money you can 5
cents or $50.00. We will publish a Hut
each week of those contributing, and the
amounts contributed.
Every cent received will be usd to send
this paper to our boys at the front. If at
the end of the war, there is any surplus, it
. will be turned over to the local Red .Cross
There is no profit in this to the publisher
even in normal times, subscriptions are not sold
at a profit. With war prices prevailing, and the
high rate of postage on papers sent to France,
our cent will scarcely be covered by our full
subscription price.
Remember that over in France, some brave
soldier or sailor from this town perhaps even
some splendid woman working within sound of
the guns is depend' - - on you to "KEEP THB
HOME LOVE KIM . . 1)."
They are calling to YOU from "Over There"
Mormon Horning ', B'..iO
f rank i. lifliinu
Adah M. Morrison """
I 8. Morrison '
Whitney Ally ...... -...1.. ".. ,
Alunxo Jone '.h. i
3.M '
l.ttO )