TflXf.U', OtTUIIKH 22, 1UIH. daily auwrx KITE. COIRIKB PAUsi THUS NOVEL TRENCH MORTAR SUCCESSFUL 1 ! fv'irlV iM 4 & Ttil novel gun Is" the French ln6-inillliiiieri trench' mortar, sometimes known as An accompaniment gun. It follows the Infantry everywhere. It ha net with great successes along tht Franch front. , Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. W. T. Ilrevn, It. r.ldillniin. Big Pierce Arrow Cars Off . iv-Old Observer Itlk. Coriirr Telephone- Full Line of Auto Supplies TIRES-A11 Sizes ' C. L. HOBART CO. PRINTING ML. 41 3. I'ropr. Agent Easy Riding Seventh and U street Phono SO and 1 0.1 ' HAT PLEASES WE DO IT! HOW YOUR MONEY "WILL HELP "EOYS" Official Statement of Seven Great Welfare Organizations. Cltlsens of Oregon, In tha week of November 1118, will respond tu tba oall of the United War Work Campaign for fundi to make happy and effective the cltU?ns 'wfil uphold tbe'common wealth's notable record In doing lta ebare to win tbe war la taken for granted, once tbe needa are under stood. Oregon'a quota. In tbe Joint drive of tbe seven great organization! doing war eervlce work la $770,000. Presi dent Wllaon authorized tbla united drive and named the participating bodies. The purposes for which the funds are needed and to which they are dedicated are vital to tbe wax's success. The T. M. C. A. baa more than 2000 huta In tbe great battle sons and Is ministering to tbe boys overseas. In trench and camp, leaving undone noth ing H can do to help them. In America tbe "Y" Is In every camp and canton Blunt It la with the boys "crossing, ever" and, at requeat of tbe War.Da pertinent, baa recently jolnva In tbe task of Instructing selective evea be fore they are called. . . ' War work of tbe Y. W. C. A. Is thus outlined by Mrs. William MacMaster. Stale chairman: "Already we have la this country 1,000,000 women doing Actual war work, wlille another 2,000.00 have re leased men for service by undertaking their work. To the Y. W, C. A, 'the beat big sister In the world,' baa been eotBmlited by the government and mili tary 'autborltlea the serious respon sibility of directing the .thought, Ing tbe environment and furnishing the material aeeda 'Of this army of glrla. Already 10 hostess houses have teen opened. War Serwice Clubs organ teed, tbe Patriotic iLeague created, .nurses sen, where nwvled and now we are asked to furnish emergency hous- Ing for thousands of girl war workers. " John W. Kelley, .associate drive di rector, says of the Knights wf Columbua: "Knights el Colatsbua halls are ta operatloa la afl cantonments, training camps asd naval stations in tbe United Bute aad tbe ball are also establish ed wlUi the JUnattcaa Exsedltioaary J -4 Forces In Prance, Italy, Russia and England. Tbe motto la 'Everybody Welcome', service being glvsn Irrespec tive of raee, creed, or rank. Millions of cigarettes, pipes, bouillon cubes, gun packages aad tons of chocolate have been given free to the soldiers over aeaa. One of the specialties Is tbe pro motion of athletics and considerable Item In the budget la for baseball equip-. meat, boxing gloves, etc. In tbe war soae tbe troops are followed with motor trucks which are virtually traveling huts, fully stocked with ath letic goods, statlone7, cigarettes, and j the llke.H--- - J 'NSds and activities of the Jewish Welfare Board, explained by Ben Sell lug, are: "In one year tbe number of our field representatives baa grown from 10 to 213. Now we are faced with the de mand for 400 addltlcnaj workers In this country and 10 overaeaa. The money going Into our fund paysaec aaaary expenses aad aalarlet, furnishes Bibles and prsyerbooks by the thou sands and letterhead and envelapeby tbe million, and provides camp, edu cational and recreational activities for the fighters, both here and abroad." "War Camp Community Service," exp'slns Emery 01 instead, state chair man, "developed from tbe commission created by tbe War and Navy Depart ments, first known aa the Fosdkk Com mission. The community Is Its partic ular field and thousands of workers are assisting tbe towns In caring for visiting soldiers and' sailors, providing wholesome amusement and clean rec reation and surrounding tbe camps with hospitality." , Functions of the American Library Association, says William L. Brewster, tale chairman, are "to provide books and reading matter to'the soldiers and sailors through cooperating agencies and directly." Thirty library build ings have been iprovlded at canton- minta; J.7G0.OO donated books dis tributed; 1,000,000 books and tons of magazines sent abroad, : and 600,000 needed military technical books bought and given tbe men. These art some things the Salvation Army 'does, according to O. C, Boruc rvyer, state chairman: "On lines of communication oar huts re open day and night. Then, follow ing their methods, our men and wanes go right to the trenches and distribute 'chocolate, coffee, dougbnuU and plea, tilxty 'per cent of tbe 1009 workers are women. We have now 703 huta and 60 ambulances In service. In the past few months aid has 'been given the Red Cross in sending abroad lOMQt parcels." ' Here's your chance give te the Y. 31., Y. W., K. of C, Salvation Army, Jewish Welfare Board, Library Aaa "elation and the War Community Serv ice and you help make a soldier, stalls or marine happier and better. Do you want to get a good hook'ts a soldier, sailor or marine? GIVE ti the American Library Association. HAVOC CAUSED BY HAILSTORM Account ef Destruction In England is 1687 Seems Almost Incredible Horses Felled' at the Plow. Tbe greatest hailstorm That ever -occurred In England was that of April i, 1007, recorded fcy Edmund Halley, the astronomer. The story seems al most Incredible, ye-t It is told 4y s philosopher, the contemporary and friend, of Isaac Newton, and an ac curate observer of natural phenom ena. The uatn body of the storm, he states, fell upon Lancusblre, la a Hht line from Ormskirk te Blackburn. "The breadth ef tbe cloud was ubont two miles, within which com pass It did Incredible dame, killing all sorts of fowl and small creatures, nnd scarce leaving sny whole panes In any of the windows where it passed, hut. which Is worse, it cut off the Made of the green corn so as utterly to destroy It. the hailstones burying themselves In the ground; and the liow ling-greens, where the earth was anything soft, were quite defaced, so as to be rendered unserviceable for A time. This I bad from an eye witness. "The hailstones, some of which weighed Ave ounces, were of different forms. Two hailstones were weighed nt OrniBklrk which came to three quarters of a i.ound each. As a yonng woman at Bootle was running for shelter her hat fell off, and a hailstone that hit her behind the ear made her tumble. The stones rebounded, many t)f them two yards high. At Ince two horses were knocked down at the plow, end a' man fell at the same time." MADE SACRIFICE OF RULERS 8omewhat Remarkable Form of Llm. Ued Monarchy Was That Practiced by Tribe of the Caucasus. "At a certain stage of social evolu tion," says Sir James Frazer In his article entitled "The Killing of the Ehsxar Kings," "not a few races ap pear to have been In the habit of put ting their kings to death, either at tbe end of a fixed term, or on the failure of the king's health and strength, er simply whenever a great public calamity, such as drought or famine had befallen the country." Among tribes which have practiced thin remarftnble form of limited mon archy, mnst be lnclnded the IThanri lor Khosara, For some nine hundred rears this sow almost forgotten tribe, Class jfied Vim BALK FOR SALE Good milk cow, Jersey. Call 22S West a. Phone 5 03-J. 89 KEED and Livery Stable Hay and grain for sale. Red Front Barn, Peter Cravlln, Prop. IS BOAT 16-foot, in first class condi tion, good oars, pole, etc., for sale, $1S. Inquire Western Hotel. 97 FOR SALE Five brood sows, full blood Poland China, weigh 250, will farrow soon, fine strain. Also some good shoata. W. X. Carl, Murphy. ' 99 FOR SALE OR TRADE Garage and store combined, auto, bicycle and motorcycle supplies. R. Tlmmons, 506 Sixth street. ' 99 FOR SALE A heifer calf three weeks old, from a good dairy cow. Dr. R. J. Bestul. - 95 FOR SALE Dodge car. Late '17 model. First class condition, price . $800. B. F. Hogue, Cornell's gro cery. 99 Bargain at $100. Team of large, very gentle mules, thoroughly broke, drive, ride or pack. Can be seen at 415 West I street. A. H. Gunnell. " r 99 TO RETT A FURNISHED cottage for rent Mrs. G. P. Jester, .21 C street. phone 18-R, 99 WANTED WANTED Three . four-room modern famished house; no chil dren. Address No. 1745, care of Courier. 96 WAXTED Good man as teamster. House provide!. Married . snaa preferred. Good wages. Also want an experienced pruner. Writs to Cosntry Osb Orchards, phone 60B-F-2. Jrvrlln, Oregon. 96 WANTED 'One ' weight i.ruO to suitable 'tor all on small 'place, nees and wagon P. O. Box 670, or two horses 1,20 pounds. .general purposes Also vtngle bar- or hack. Address Grants Pass. 95 WANTED Middle agasd lady as compaaion In Phone '375-R. family of two. 95 WORK 'WANTED as icook or helper at saw mill by capable woman. "Inqntre Palace hotel. 95 REWARD REWXRD To anyene who can give me Information leading to the conviction of parson or persons , who took my Dayton bicycle oa 1h 15th of October. Thomas Mtv Khistry. 9? POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) MBS. JOS. MOSS Independent Candidate for County Clerk EUGENE X. COBURN Regular Republican Nominee for County Clerk GEO. S. CALHOUN Regular Republican Nominee for , County Treasurer Present Incumbent GEO. W. LEWIS . Regular Republican Nominee for Sheriff C. A. SIDLER RITVBLICAX NOMINEE FOR . REPRESENTATIVE Josephine County, Oregon from their home in the spurs of the Caucasus and along the western shore of the Cnsplnn called after them the Seu of the Khazars played a great pnrt In history on the European-Asian borderland. It Is certainly remark able that a people, which had reached such a high level of civilization and culture should have practiced legalized regicide. But the evidence collected by Sir James Frazer from a very wide survey of medieval literature leaves no doubt on the mntter. Hay Supply for Calf. When the calf Is two weeks old ground grain or prepared meal and bright clean hay should he offered; the quantity fed should' be Increased, as the cairs appetite demands. Advertising LOST LOST Between McCollama mill and Grants Pass, dark grey Mackinaw. Finder please leave at Courier No, 1729. . . ' MWCELLANEOtS BRING YOUK JUNK to the GranU Pass Junk Co.,' 403 South Sixth street. Phone 21. . We buy rags, metal, rubber, scrap iron, hides and wool, old automobile : for wrecking. ' ntf BUY YOUR FUEL, kindling, blocks and sawdust of Baber Bros. 22S West O. Phone 609-J. . 91 ITNEY SERVICE Any where, any time'. Phone Mocha Cafs 181-R. Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-T. l : ' 22 S WILL THE PARTIES who borrowed the oars and oar locks from Houcks please return them. ' 91 PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MUX. for fins photo graphs..' Open dally except Sun day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Boa day sittings by appolntmsnt only. Phone Mill, 283-R, or residence 140-J.' ' . r, S7tf VETKRJXARY St KG EON DR. R. J. BE8TUL, . Veterinarian. Office, residence., Phone 301-R. PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Praetloa limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hoars 9-12, 2-6, or on ap pointment. Office phone (2, real deuce phone 3 5 9-J. 8. LOUOHRIDGE. M. D Physkaa and surgeon. City er country calls attended day or night Resides phone '269; office phone 112 Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg. DA. J. O. NlIrLEY. Physician and surgeoa. Londburg Bldg, Health officer. Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m. aad 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 810-J. A. A. WITHAM. M. D. Internal medicine and nervoua diseases; 9t3 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ort, Hears 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. A. B UBS ELL M. D. D. C. In block morth of postoffice, corner Sixth and D streets, surgical, electrical, chlropratlc and osteopathia treat ments. Office phone 197-R. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. Practices la all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS, Attorneys-at-Law, ' Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg., Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prao tie In all court. First National Bank Bldg. O. 8. BLANCHARD. ttorney at Law. Golden Rule Building Phone 270. GranU Pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD BLANCHARD. I As torneys. Albert Bldg. Phoas 226-J. Practice in all courts; lani board attorneys. C. A. SIDLER.. Attorney-at-Law, ref eree in bankruptcy. Masonls temple, GranU Pass, Ore. . , DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. F1rat-Uss dentistry 109 H South Sixth street, GranU Pass. Oregon. 1 DRAYAGE AND TRANS tut COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. ; Ai kinds of drayage and traaafe. work carefully aad promptly sane Phone 181-J. Stand at fre'.gat depot A. Shade, Prop. ' THE WORLD MOVES; so do wa. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 397-R. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, ilanos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Phone Clark Holman, No. 60. Residence phone 124-R. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company j ..j TIME; CARD j , : v- - -r V. : Dally except Sunday Effective May 1, 1918 Train 1 lv. Grants Pass. 1:00 p.m. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p.m. All trains leave GranU Pass fron the corner of G and Eighth streeU, opposite the Southern Pacific depet. For all Information regarding freight and osssenger service call at the office of the 'company, Lundbarg building, or phone 181 for same., V'Tll :!' J ,t:0 .olfvsft"'