IMGK THRBB, o(T(nii;n it, itiiN. DAiLX BUGUE RIVE. OOIKIKM SHARE OUR SUGAR WITH THE ALLIES British Get Two Pounds a Month. Frenoh Pound and Half, Italians One Pound. GERMAN SUPPLY PLENTIFUL All Nation Permit Uh of Swtettnlng for Homo Preserving Purpo. ' America's now sugar ration of two pound month per person U ?qull bio when compared with the augur ra tloa unforced by rigid governmental order In England, France and itMly, na- ttona with which wo or aharlng augar. Each Alllrd nation In the matter of augur conunipllon Is aharlng on nesr at possible equal terms th hardship Imposed by greatly altered condition) In the world auger alluatlon. Formerly classed aa luiury. sugar le now a war time eeeantlal. The fair ' and Juat division of thla eeaeutlal la In the hand of the varlou Allied food controller!. The United Btate Te4 Admlnlstra tlen baa aaked thla nation to observe voluntary augar ration of two pounds per person month. In the other ronntrlra at war with Oenneny augar la one of the acarce articles on every weuu whether In tbe households of both rich and poor, or In the hotel. England today haa a augar ration of two pounds per month per eron. In France the ration la pound and ', hnlf and In Italy It la one pound a month. And the price In allied conn trim are from two to three timet a high aa In America. I If you go to a bote! In England or ' France these daya and order tea or, coffee they aerve absolutely no augar with It If you want augar you mut bring It with you. . In England It la allowable to uee ooe-arvriith of an ounce of augar In the preparation of each luncheon. In France many peraona carry little ac charlne labiate about with them for uae In hotel and In England rich and poor mutt take thi-lr augar with them If they wUh to have sweetened tea while vlaltlng friend. Before the war atarted France had (05,000 acre devoted to augar produc tion. By fl17 the French augar acre age had decrenaed to 1MO.0O0 acre. Today the Frearh man or woman with a augar card ha no assurance whatever that he or (he will be able to ai'tuully "America? buy augar. To buy It, one must Drat And It Italy Ha "tut Sugar." Especially draatlc regulations govern the use of aogar In Italy. Ita manu facture, distribution and eate are close ly controlled, and in part actually taken over by the atate. Pacrharln la permitted to be sold and used aa a substitute for augur and the government manufacture a mix ture of saccharine and augar called "State Sugar," whlcb la largely used. Carman Sugar Ration Adequate. Germany, before the war, produced a great aurplua of augar and exported large quantities. Toduy the German have virtually gone out of the export business, bu have plenty of cheap augur for home use. Wholesale prices prevalent In the Allied iiutlon. according to Itifortiia J Ion received by tbe United States Fond Administration are as follow: Knclnnd, 10 cents a pound; France, 12 cents : Itnly. 2(1 ret ts. . While these tilth prices are helnir PRINTING THAT PLEASES .! I. I p lU' b WE DO Pooh" ' paid abroad the American wholeaale price I being held afTtt RABBIT BY NO MEANS TIMID Correspondent Write of Happening Which Would Seem to Make Old Saying a Foolish Thing. A story of the fearlessness of the rabbit when still a baby la sent by a correnpondent. Remarking on the bniieleioiness of the popular snylng "As scared us a rabbit" when Bunny Im unxMillt by the world, "B" aay: "Some day ngo I was passing with n friend through a woodland glude, nml suddenly there appeared on the path before us, say 60 yards away, n young wild rabbit, evidently Just escaped from the nursery. It was al most too young to run, and tripped over Its feet In the most comic man nerfor all the world like a baby tumbling over Its pinafore. It came slowly lolloping-, lolloping toward us. awwn T Vf" IT! nnd i' held our breath for fear of cnriiiK it away; for It wn a moat fascinating little creature, juat a bundle of fluff and comedy. Then while we watched, tragedy sprang up full tinned. A weasel, moving swift ly, Hllcntly through the tree, made a auddi-n ilnrt. In one aecond all would have been over with bunny. hut my companion clapped her bunds' and gave a wild cry of anger, danc ing about In wnith. The weasel fled for It life. But the baby rabbit stopped to luugh a 'moment, and then ciime lolloping a little faster toward us right up to ns, In fact, We had actually to drive the little creature hack lo where we guessed Its borne might be In-fore we could go on our way with quiet minds. 'Scared aa a rabbit.' Indeed I" Why Fish Do Not Travel Far. Anlmuls of both land and aea are confined within rather narrow limits of pri-HKure. In hi book on the North sea fisheries, Neat Green show that the North sea (lubes are Isolat ed In their own little world. for they cannot migrate to the At lantic depths, and, with a few such exception as the eel, deep en linhes cannot enter shallow wa ter. Foraging for food Is the flan's occupation. The North sea nshea will i,ot di-Mfcnd Into the occsn becease there Is no food to attract, their eyes are not adapted to the darkness, and the pressure of tbe water la greater than ordinary fish can endure. In the depths there are no seasonal changes, no currents. Everything la uniform, stagnant, black, and the only fishes that can see are those specially en dowed with enormous eyes to per reive the phosphorescent glow of oth ers of their kind. If they could rise to the conditions of the North sea, these deep sea dwellers wonld be helplexs. If not destroyed by the re lease from external pressure. Cheese Easily Digested. Contrary to opinion held by many people, cheddar or "store" cheese Is not unusually Indigestible or constipat ing. Extensive digestion experiments conducted by the department of agri culture have demonstrated that more than 05 per cent of the protein In cheese Is digested and that 90 per cent of Its energy Is available. One per son who ate cheese as tbe chief source of protein and energy, eating an aver age of 927 ounces daily for more than two years, did a fair amount of mus cular work and remained in good health. All kinds of legal Hanks at the Courier. STATEMENT OK OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIHCTLA TION, ETC. Required by Act of August 24, 1913 Of the Rogue River Courier, pub llshed daily at Grants Pass. Oregon for October 1, 1918. Publisher, A. E. Voorhles. Editor, Geo. L. Drummond. Managing Editor, A. E. Voorhles Business Manager, A. E. Voorhles. Owner, A. E. Voorhles. Average number of copies of each Issue of this publication sold or dig' trlbuted through the malls or other wise, to paid subscribers, during th six months preceding the date show above. 991. Bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders, holding I per cent or more of total amount of bonds. None. Sinned) A. E. VOORHIES. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this 3rd day of October, 1918 L. A. LAUNER. Notary Public (My commission expires August 21. 1920.) , National Mazda Lamps . ' ' TT AVING too little light puts a strain on chil dren's vision that they may never outgrow!. Why not have plenty of light? Na tional MAZDA Lamps give three times the light of -old-fashioned carbon lamps without adding a penny to your light bill.. i". .;. ' ! . .. ir .. .t . .. a. Rogue River Hardware Geo. H. Kiddle, Mr. Classified Advertising FOR BALK FOR SALE CHEAP for cash 80 acre near .Wimer. ' Good place to start with yule money. Address H. Vf. Knudsen, Pasco, Wash. 94 VETCH SEED for sale. Last week for canning peachea, order early. Public Market. $7 FOR BALE 4 V acres Irrigated bot tom land, small house and barn 3 acres more bottom, 35 acres pasture and wood, on railroad, Slate creek and highway, Vi miles from Wlldervllle. Gravity -Irrigation. Price $675. $300 cash, balance' 6 per cent. L. A. Launer, Realtor. 90 FOR SALE 1918 model Chevrolet good shape. Price $550. Phone 1-J. 89 A BARGAIN In a second hand gents bicycle, new tires, easy . spring saddle, large luggage - carrier, price only $15'at Cramer Bros. 82 TO RENT LARGE, NICELY furnished front room with good table hoard In strictly modern home. 1918 Ford good as new, for sale. 725 South Seventh street. 82tf FOR RENT Mcely furnished mo dern 5-roora cottage and garage, 609 A street; also an unfurnished 5-roora cottage, 203 C street, low rent.- 8ee N. E. Townsend, 621, A street. . . . .. ,87 FREE RENT Five room , house, barn-and woodshed -to 'the- right party. Call 523 West L'street. 8 WANTED WANTED Good man as teamster. House provided. Married man preferred. Good wages. Also want an experienced prnner,. Write to Country Club . Orchards, phone 600-F-2. Merlin, ' Oregon. 86 LOST LOST Tire and license number 160572, Cal., on Pacific highway between Grants Pass and Canyon vllle Tuesday morning. Finder leave at -Hobart's . Garage. Reas onable reward. PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo graphs. Open dally except Sun day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sun day sittings by appointment only. Phone Mill. 283-R, or residence 140-J. . 67tf POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) MRS. JOS. MOSS Independent Candidate for County Clerk EUGENE L. COBURN Regular Republican Nominee - ', for . . County Clerk GEO. S. CALHOUN Regular Republican. Nominee 'County Treasurer present '.Incumbent". GEO. W, LEWIS Regular Republican Nominee for Sheriff ful people make if . a habit to read our clas sified ads Do you . ,. These ads. are; mon ey savers and money makers. "..," 0 ' ,,Keep your eyes on them. MISCELLANEOUS BRING YOUR JUNK to tbe Grant Pas Junk Co., 402 South Sixth street. Phone 21. We buy rag, metal, rubber, scrap Iron, bldea and , wool, old automobile for . wrecking. ' . ' . fit ON CASH : BA8IS The Muale , and Phot house, will remove to th new location,- next door west, oa October 1, and 'everything will ba on a cash basis except pianos ant talking . machines aold on - lease. Cash bails la necessary In order to maintain low prices. Stanton Rowell, 607 O street. 87 BUY .TOUR FUEL. klndUng, blocks and sawdust of Baber 'Bros. 225 West O. Phone 5 09-J. ' II JITNEY SERVICE Any where, anr time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R. Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-T. VETERINARY BURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian, residence. Phone 205-R. Office. PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D Prattle limited to disease of the eys, tar, nee and throat. Ghuses fitted. Office hoars 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment Office phone 62, resi dence phone S59-J. . . ... LOUGHRIDGE. U. D Phjalcfa and surgeon. City or country ealla attended day or sight 'Reatdeaor phone 369; office phone 183 Sixth and H. Tuff Bldg. DR. J. O. NIB-LEY. Physician aad urgeoi. Lundburg Bldg. Health officer. Office hours,.! to 12. a. m. and 1 to 6 p. m. Phene S10-J. A. A. WITHAM. M. D. Internal medicine and nervous - disease; 903 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. A. BURS ELL, M. D., D. C. Come Sixth and D atreets.. Block east of postefflce. All approved and drug less methods. Children and chronio diseases., ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON,. AUorney-t-law. Practice In all 8tat and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COLV70 WILLIAMS, Attorney t at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg., Grants Pass,' Oregon. ' ' i . . i f E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac tice in all court. First National Bank Bldg. O. 8. BLANGHARD. ttorney at Law. ' Golden Rule Building Ptibne 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. BLANCH ARD ft BLANCHARD,., At torneys. Albert Bldg. Phoni. 2S6-JT. PracMce In all courts; Ian board attorneys. ' ' C. A. 8IDLER..Attorney-at-Law. ref eree In bankruptcy. Masonl temple. Grant Pass. Or. !ENTIST8 E. -C. MACY, D. M, D. - Flrst-laaa dentiBtry. 109 H South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. MU8ICAX INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMURRAY. .teacher or vote culture and ainging. Lesson give at home t pnpU It requested. Ad dress 716 Le street. DRAY AGE AND TRANSt EH COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al. kinds of drayage and tranate: work carefully and prompUy 4n Phone 18 1-J. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Prop. THE WORLD MOVES; o do w. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon 397-R. . - F. G..ISHAM. drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furaltur moved,, packed, shipped and stor ed. - Phon Clark ft Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 12 4-R. . The California and Oregoa Coast Railroad Compiny TIME CARD Dally except Sunday i Effective May 11918 I Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass- 1:00 p.m. Train 2 lv.. Waters, Creek 8:00 p.m. I K i.' J V AIT trains leave Grants Pass frois. the corner of G and Eighth itreeta. opposite the Southern Paclfie depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of th company, Lundburg building, or-hon43Horaj. Letter heads that will pleas yo, at th Courier.