imnsK.w, (H-iaKtn 10. ioin. HUH SHELL HITS TWO BROTHERS Talk of Mother Before Death Ends Suffering. ARE BRAVE TO THE FINISH Fat Single BtdLlked Men of O Company to Bo etruok by Same Qer man MIssHs War Good Pals, Who Alwaya Did a Little Mora Than Thalr Shara of tha Work Dla Side by Bid. In a tiny vIIIiiko of Lorrulno where a regiment of "doughboya" were renting after a long stretch of time In tlio trenches, a Uurtnuii shell found a nmrk In two brother. They worn ruNlid to tho ni'itrcNt hospital, niortully wounded, writ I'M Frmik J. Taylor, Unit ed Press correnponuVnt. They were Just regulur, hard-tlglib-lug "doughboy," liked by all of the men In 1) company bucauae they were "good pula who alwaya did a little more than their ahare of the work." Kvcry man In the company admired the brother because ho bud awn them behave bravely when It wua hord to he brave. (hit of nil the men In D company It waa hnrd to ace why fnto had singled these two to be struck by me German shell. Kate mukes mi e.xplumitlons, ao the doctor In the hospital operated skillfully nnd quickly on the brother and placed them In beds, aide by aide. In a ward full of wounded. For a time both men lay there hov erlug between life and death, and there wan uncertainty whether or not they would ever gain coiiKclouime. Regalna Mia Sense. Finally one of them stirred slightly, opened his eyea and gradually came to his sense. A motherly nurse bent over him nnd enned hla pain aa much aa possible. Then Nhe whispered to him tliut hla brother wuh on the next cot, but Mill unconscious. The conscious brother looked dnted, bat gradunlly an enllKhtened look fame Into hla eyex un lie recollected what bapHned In the luat three hour, lie looked across to the next rot, faintly reached hla arm towurd hla brother and whlMpered: "Joe, how uro your The other brother stirred slightly. 3: PRINTING THAT PLEASES AMERICAN PARADE SVIMGS THOUGH LSHSftj i ..... rV ''ztf mXw' , ; m t? . When llrlluln reached tba end of the rainbow and found American troop really pouring throuch her porta to France, by tena and hundred of thouaunda, ber heart welled np wit bin her and a welcome they will long remember waa the portion of the arriving Americana. Above I aliown an American reglioaat marching through London In parade. Mark your enthusiasm In their peonage to the front In your mihm rliitlon to the Fourth Liberty Loan. and graduiilly refined hla eenMe. The nure gently caned him, aa he looked around with a puttied look, and finally told him : "Here'a your brother on the next tof The a econd brother looked over with pained amazement. "What uro you In bed for, George t Are you hart, too?" Tea, Joe; they eay the anme ebell got ua both," "Are you hurt badly, Georifef "I think ao, Joe ; I feel awful weak. How are you? Doca It hurt you a lot, I Doyr- "I don't know tin It doca. I'm weak, j too. Rut there' another feeling I can't deKcrlbo." "What I It, Joer i "I ilunno, George. Hut, remember ; the thing mother iiHcd to tell ua when we were little, nnd fought to get on i WE DO VAihX It'XitK her Inpt I keep hearing ber telling na Sunday school itorle, George, over and over, Juat the way ehe ueed to do It year ago." . "We were on oar way to man when It hit ua, Joe. Maybe that's why yon bear mother telling Bible stories. run hone twr nnw fnn .Taa n "I wish he were here, don't you." "I should any ao, Joe. Maybe the nnrae of some one will talk to na the way mother nsed to. We ought to do It, anyway, because If something hap pened to cither of as, mother would like to know we were all right" "I think so, too, but say George." "Yesr "If I should die, you'll be careful aa you can go back and look after mother. won't your "That's a promise, Joe. I want yoa to mnke the same one to me." "Let's shake on It, George." IT! KlVCi. OOIKIKH Tliey reached their arm across the apace between the beds and clasped hand. Both Dla for Country. "I'm not afraid," said Joe, if yoa come through all right George. I wish we didn't have to leave D company, though, but even If we get well, we probably couldn't go back with the boy. I'm afraid I'm pretty low, George, but don't yon worry. There" no pnln now. "I'm not In pain, either, George, but awfully sleepy. We don't hove to wor ry utxiut Company D, because the boys'll never lose a chance to get a German." "TliBt'a right too. I feel myself go ing to sleep; so good-by, Joe." "Good-by, George." The brother drowsed back Into their pillows, and the old hospital chaplain, who had just arrived, made his services a simple prayer for two brothera who were never to awake from the sleep they were entering. , In a certain New Kngliind town a brave mother has already been told by Uncle Bum how the nation appreciated the breve sons (.lie reared, taught and sacrificed "to make the world a decent place to live In." In a certain New England regiment on the frout In France every man In D company has promised himself and hla pals" that D company will never lose a chance to gfct a German. Family of Fighting Men. XKxon A. Miles was the first man not u graduute of West Point who ever held the position of command- r of the United States army since the earliest duy of the republic. An :iuccKt(ir, Rev. John MiKe, who emi grated to this country from Wales In HK, commanded a company In King 1'hillp's war, and his house was known as 'Miles garrison." Daulel, the great-grandfather of Nclwu A. Miles, and Daniel's three sons, of whom one was Joab, the ten ernl's grandfather, served In the Rev olutionary war. Taught English to Use Thimbles. Thimbles seem to have been Intro duced Into England a article of com mon use by a man named John Loft ing, who came over from Holland at the end of the seventeenth century and established a thimble factory at Isling ton. The word thimble Is said to be de rived from the Scotch thummel or ihembball, sort of shield. St Louis Globe-Democrat Our classified ads b'ln- reunite. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, RCUIiA. TIOX, ETC. Required by Act of August 24, 1913. Of the Rogue River Courier, pub lished daily at Grants Pass, Oregon, for October 1. 1918. Publisher, A. E. Voorhies. Editor, Geo. L. Drummond. Managing Editor, A. E. Voorhies.. Business Manager, A. E. Voorhies. Owner, A. E. Voorhies. Avrraee number of copies of each iBsue of this publication sold or dis tributed through the mails or other wise, to paid subscribers, during the six months preceding the date shown atiove, 991. Bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds. Ndne. (Slsned) A. E. VOORHIES. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of October. 1918. L. A. -LAUNER, Notary Public. (My commission expires August 21. 1920.) National Mazda Lamps YT AV1NG too little light puts a strain on chil dren's vision that they may never outgrow! Why not have plenty of light? Na tional MAZDA Lamps give three times the light of old faHhtoned carbon lamps ! without adding a penny to your light bill. Rogue River .Hardware Geo. It. Kiddle, Mgr. Classified POR BALK FOR SALE CHEAP for caah 80 acre near Wlmer. Good place to start with little money. Address H. M. Knudsen, Pasco, Wash. S4 VETCH SEED tor sale. Last week for canning peachea, order early. Public Market. 87 rR SALE 4V4 acre Irrigated bot tom land, small house and barn, 3 acres more bottom, 35 acres pasture and wood, on railroad. Slate creek and highway, 1 miles from Wlldervllle. Gravity Irrigation. Price $675. $300 cash, balance S per cent. L. A. Launer, Realtor. 90 FOR SALE 1918 model Chevrolet, good shape. Price $550. Phone 89 TOKAY GRAPES for sale at 2c per pound, culls. Blue grapes at 3c per pound. 656 North Sixth street. 85 TO RENT LARGE, NICELY furnished front room with good table board In strictly modern home. 1918 Ford, good as new, for sale. 725 South Seventh street. 82tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished mo dern 5 -room cottage and garage, 609 A street; also an unfurnished 5-room cottage, 203 C street, lo rent. See N. E. Townsend, 621 A street. 87 WASTED WANTED Good man as teamster. House provided. Married man preferred. Good wage. Also want an experienced pruner. Write to Country Club Orchards, phone 600-F-2. Merlin, Oregon. 86 LOST LOST Tire and license number 160572, Cal., on Pacific highway between Grants Pass and Canyon. vllle Tuesday morning. Finder leave at Hobart's Garage. Reas onable reward. PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo graphs. . Open daily except Sun day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sun day slttlnga by appointment only. Phone Mill, 283-R. or residence 140-J. 57U POLITICAL' CARDS . ('.Paid Advertisement.) MRS. JOS. MOSS Independent Candidate for County Clerk EUGENE L. COBTJRN Regular Republican Nominee for County Clerk GEO. S. CALHOUN Regular Republican Nominee for County Treasurer Present Incumbent GEO. W.LEWIS ' Regular Republican Nominee for Sheriff ! Tlirifty,hrewd,care . ful people make it a habit to read our clas sified ads Do you? ' These ads. are mon ! ey savers and money ! makers. ' Keep your eyes on them. I'AGL TIUtBB Advertising MISCELLANEOUS BRING YOUR JUNK to the Grant Pass Junk Co., 403 South Sixth street Phone 21. We buy rag, metal, rubber, scrap Iron, hide) and wool, old automobile for wrecking. 5itf ON CASH BASIS-The Mualc" and Photo bouse will remove to tha new location, next door west, on October 1, and everything will be on a cash basis except piano and talking machines sold oa lease. Cash baat 1 necessary In order to maintain low prices. ' Stanton Rowell, 507 G street. 87 BUY YOUR FUEL, kindling, block and aawdust of Baber Bro. 225 West G. Phone 509-J. 9 JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R. Otto J. Knlps, Residence 149-T. 233 VETEKINAKV HtHtibO.N DR. R. J. BE8TUL. Veterinarian. Office, residence. Phone ' I05-R. fHYSICIAJIH L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., PraeUca limited to disease of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hour 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment Office phone 62, real dence phone 359-J. S. LOUGHRIDGE. M. D.. Phyakdaa and surgeon. City or country call attended day or night Reside or phone 369; office phone 182 Sixth and H. Tuff Bldg. DR. J. O. NIBLEY, Physician and urgeos. Lundburg Bldg. Health officer. Office boor. 9 to 12" a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Phene JlO-J. A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseasea; 903 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore. Hour 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. A. BURSELL, M. D., D. C, Corner Sixth and D streets. Block east of postofflce. All approved and drug less methods. Children and chronio disease. ATTORXEY8 H. D. NORTON. ' Attoraey-at-law. Practice In all 8tte and Federal Courts. First NaUonal Baak Bldg. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS, Attoraeya-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg., Granta Pass. Oregen. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac tice In all ceurt. First National Bank Bldg. ' 0. 8. B LAN CHARD, ttorney at Ls,w. - Golden Rule . Building Phone 270. Grant Pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD ft BLANCHARD. A torney. Albert . ' Bldg. Phom 2 1 6-J. Practice in aH court; Ian board attorney. C. A. SIDLER,.Atterney-at-Law, ref eree In ""bankruptcy. Masonle temple. Grants Pase; Ore-. . !ENTI8T8 E. C. MACY, D. M. D. Ftrt--laaa dentistry. 109 ft South Sixth treet. Grants Pass, Oregon. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of voice culture and singing. Lesson gives at. home of pupil it requested. Ad dress 716 Lee street' DKAYAGE AND TKANSh fcJl COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. M kinds of drayage and tranefw werk carefully and promptly den. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. ' THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phona 397-R. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Phone Clark ft Holman, No. 60. Residence phone 124-R. The California and Oregoa , Coast Kailroad Company TIME CARD Daily except Sunday Effective May 1, 1918 Train 1 Iv. Granta Pass.. 1:00 p.m. Train 2 lv. Water Creek 8:00 p.m. All train leave Grants Pas from the corner of G and E'ghth atreeta, opposite-the Southern Paclfio depot For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or phone 131 tor same. ". - (1. Letter, heads that. will, please, yom, at the Courier.