Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 10, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tlll ltHDAT, (HTOIIKK 10, HUB.
Published Daily Except Saturday
Dried and Candied
A. E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr.
iPater 1 at poetofflce, QranU Pas.
Ore., ai second class mail matter.
1 ..... w ..L. t' l",
nuplay apace, per Inch - l&
IxxiaJ-personal eoluma, per line 10c
aders, par line 5c
j mall or carrier, per year.. ..$6. 00
,ity mall or carrier, pr month.. .SO
i r ji t r , err- -
y mail, per year 1 1.B0
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tbe use for republication
jf all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this
aper and also the local news pub
lished herein.
All rights or republication or spe
cial dlspi.tches herein are also
Rain in the west, unsettled
and probably r'uowers In the
f east. Moderate southerly winds.
bureau or crop tstlinutes, is only 97 ! Ilniiri DQritf D
bushels per aero. Oue hundred ami nUrill- OuLnA Ul
tlfty sacks per acre, or 300 bushels
as some count on, are not the aver
age. However, these figures need
not keep anyone from prepariug for ..,, . U, a a
and planting their war garden Mt SCaitt Of Mffl OT PjClfiO COBll
Say8 the TJ. S. department or agrl-1 ."? .
Sentele at Present has women mail
culture: "When new legumes are nrierSt women elevntor operator
grown ror the Hrst time in a local- women In the railway yards. In
lty the soil should be Inoculated with nP and factories, but now comes the
...... woman cook, roesswomnn and raess-
the proper bacteria by artificial In- aboard an ocean steamship,
oculatlon." Farmers should remem- Capt Harry W. Crosby. Seattle ship
ber this, now that irrigation Is In Pln . master mariner and vie
. president of the Northwest Shipping
sight for many a Rogue river ranch. , responsible for this Inno-
I ration, which has been greeted with
We read or the "bonehead" plays' great deal or Interest on the water
executed by the Germans, yet
tact mat a numDer or men are artm ; for tn tne Alaska and Cnliror-
trying to make a living by bootleg- nla trades. Jhe, liberty fee must b$
ging is evidence sufficient that we, taiui wlth crf flr8
' qoently vessels plyhig on the regular
have a rew Ivory domes right lure at routes have been sjjort of men.
home. I ;' : ! TrirmiKh the Cnli'wf Slft(es VhlpiiTng
commissioner I have signed on three
jjjg iiil, " liar lui r.uii'i'nn wnr in mr"
Allied victories of the past feW
weeks are indeed cause for much
joy among the peoples of the allied
countries, but In this Joy and self-
confident feeling there lurks thej
danger of a prolonged war of heavy
casualties which might be inflicted
upon our boys at the front should
the people slacken in their vigilance.
We read of the Germans surren
dering freely; of how the kaiser's
soldiers "run like rabbits" from the
advancing Americans but these are
"instances." We also read of how
long lines of "our boys" are found
alter a fierce battle, "with their Dr. Dernburg fears the humilia-
face toward the enemy." No hlgh-jtion of the Huns, reads a dispatch
er earthly glory awaits any man .The doctor is right, they will be hu-
but our casualty list arrives with
regularity each day, and will, con
tinue to arrive! But the kaiser's
last stroke of diplomacy in "offering
honorable peace" was a master one
and he is now in position to further
convince his soldiers that the allies
are determined to tear Germany to
pieces and annihilate the Prussian
race. And in the light of the present j
turn of affairs the dulled brain ofi
the common German soldier will be
unable to pierce the kaiser's decep
tion and they may rally to his sup-
i i I wonu,n &3 members of the crew of the
A billion bushel wheat crop Is in gtp;fts"hip H. B. Lovejoy." admitted
sight, According 10 estimates by the Captain Crosby, "and they are doing
department of agriculture. We will ' fln; -
' ! "I had nsed women cooks on tng-
need it, as this is the mark set by . jg, Wtn irucress. so when wo were
our government to meet the needs of i short of men for the Lovejoy I decided
to employ women. Alter a searrn ui
the entire water front I discovered that
a woman was cooking for the crew of
19 men of the steamship Harvester. I
made her an offer and now she Is cook
of the steamship H. B. Lovejoy, which
has a crew of 20 men.
"After obtaining the woman cook I
went to the city employment bureau
and hired two girls, one for nipsswom
an and one for messglrl. and they are
now on board the Lovejoy. The wom
' en prepare three meals a day. and a
night lunch while the vessel Is loading
In Dort. They are now on their second
; voyage In the Lovejoy und are mak
ing good. The men sny the food Is
better cooked and the service IB im
proved since the women took charge
America and the allies.
Fighting true to tradition, the
Huns, as they retreat are burning,
pillaging, gouging, stabbing, ravish
ing and leveling everything In their
And the "Wise" Do It.
Perhaps one reason why fools are thp
always rusning into iroume is Decause . . ,. . ,th
they seem to know they can always wnl,
the vessel Is In port loading.
call to the wise to come and help
them out Detroit Free Press.
Tlxe Mot Dan
gerous Disease
n nrenns of the human body are I Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
so important to health and long life oil Capsules at once. The are an old
o .V. a IrMnara When thpv Blnu.' 11T1 ... .. . .. .-
port the more loyal and fight sav- " V T7- XI, tried preparation useu an over me
.k. nn k.,i..Tv "t IS n ilrtt. wrld for centuries. They contain
! Pinrt m,t what the trouble ts lonlv old-fashioned, soothing oils
until tney reacn tne Doraer or their jwlthout delay. Whenever you feel
own country and then fieht with nervous, weak, dizzy, suffer from
the desperation of a cornered tiger. " bJSllX!?l
vabn w uitiiuiij . i' n
Many of the millions who have wake up at once. Your kidneys need
thnk help. These are signs to warn you
world for centuries,
only old-fashioned,
combined with strength-giving and
;system-cleansing herbs, well known
and UBed by physicians In their dally
practice. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules are Imported direct
tn Holland
They are convenient to take, and
will either eive prompt relief or
vnur monev will be refunded. Ask
for them at any drug store, but be
iThree sizes.
His Masterpiece
recently registerea ao not tn.nK "VidiVys ire not perform- from the laboratories
tney win ever have a chance to fight ing their functions properly. They
the kaiser's forces. They expect, at' only half doing their work and
lare allowing Impurities to accumu
the best, to only meet our bovs In i. i,. .nnvurtaH intn uHc arid
a couple of months as they come'and other poisons, which are causing sure to get the origl nal Impo rted
u....,Jyou distress and will destroy yoi ' iOIvD .XILOAI. Acapt no
ujumiiuamiv hub uct inn ins .itiisss tiiav r flriven irom your 1 suuBiiiuien. n'.o,-u .
burned Berlin. We hope thev are .system
correct in their conclusions but the
chances are they are wrong.
Already the peace talk seems to
have had a decided effect on mis
ing the Fourth Liberty loan, and Di
rector McAdoo Is earnestly pleading j
for greater effort on the part of the
people to raise the $6,000,000,000.
One point stands out sharp and
sinister: The money WILL BE
TtAISED If riot by subscription,
which Is a fine Investment for Amer
icans, It will be raised by taxation
but the fact remains that the ad
ministration MUST and WILL have
the money to prosecute the war. The
choice Is yours.
The city man who would put In a
few acres of potatoes "on the side"
expecting to reap great profits might
'do well to note that the average
yield of "spuds" per acre in the
United States, as given out by the!
YOU KNOWrthe fate of the children of
Belgium and Northern France.
Protect your own children from a like fate.
Our soldiers are ready to fight for them - -to
die for them - - to make the world a fit
place for children to live in.
If you can't fight, support those who can.
Buy Pot-rth Liberty Bonds
Any Bank Will Help You
this ioniniixaiii covTftiBursa tnovai tu
rTmiOTic co.oriainoi ot
C. D. FIKS, Hpecial Agent
Standard Oil Co., Gram. I'nvi
Content Between Vessels Carrying Tea
From China to England One of
the Best on Record.
The Chlua clipper races, contested
by vessels carrying ten to Knglund,
covered the longest course of any
rnce In history. One of the most fa
mous was that of IROfl. It was ar
rnnged that nine of these ships should
sail from Fooclmw with the new sen
son's teas as nearly lis possible on the
same day, but only five finished load
ing In time.
The Klery Cross was the first to
Ktnrt, being towed out to sea early on
May 211. The Ariel followed next
morning nt 10::t0, the Serlca and the
Tapping willing 20 minutes later, while
the TaitKiug did not put to sen until
inlrtnlnlit on the rilsr. They were, of
course, nil chosen ships with n repu
tation for speed.
The Fiery Cross wns the first to
round the Cape of flood TIopp, 40 rtnys
out, with the Arid on her heels, while
(hp Tneplng, Serlcn nnd Tallslng
were respectively one, four nnd el(.'ht
dnys behind. The Ariel led from the
Azores to the entrnnce to thp English
chnnnel, where the Serlen nnd Tne
plng pulled up ahead of the others,
nnd there followed n ding-dong nice,
up thp chnnnel, with n fine spread of
canvas and u strong southerly wind.
The Ariel nnd the Tneplng were
the lenders, first one nnd then Hip
ither drawing nhend, theothprs sweep
ing along not fur behind. It wus n
worthy finish for such crack ships.
The Tneplng arrived In the London
docks at 0:4.r p. tn. on September 6,
the Ariel In East Indln docks at 10:15
p. in., nnd the Serlca In the West In
Iln docks ut 11 :.10 p. m.
How Vines Draw on Soil.
Vines are said to extract yearly
from the soil only about three-fourths
of the quantity of potash and sulphur.
Ic acid that cereals take up.
Full Line of Auto Supplies
TIRES-A11 Sizes
Our claps rted aoa brin res.iltr.
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
W. T. llreen, I'ropr.
II. (ilddlngs, Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cars
Easy Riding
Office O'd Observer Illk. Cornet Seventh and (i street I'lione 26
Telephone 22H..I and Kill