Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 07, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGB FOl'R
DAILY it Mil hi KlVMt OMUII-.K
10o each, 7 for $1.00 postpaid
V . : Ouh with order . - .
;i i! . ,. , . i 5 1
America first in our battle cry.
(America forever, march song.
A-M-E-R-I-C-A means I love my na-
tire land.
America needs you like a mother.
Am . I a butterfly.
And then she'd knit, knit. knit.
And they called It Dixie Land.
Any little girl can make a bad man
Are you from Heaven.
Army's fall of Irish.
Around the house that Jack built
At seven, seventeen and seventy.
Baby Rose.
Back, 'back, hack to Indiana.
Back to mother and home sweet
The Masicjand Photo House
Stanton Kowell, Proprietor .
Ted Cramer, graduate of ' the
school of commerce with the class of
1918, and president of the student
assembly last school year, has been
appointed general student manager,
by the Oregon Agricultural college
board of control. He will hare
charge of all student activities, which
will consist during, the early part of
the season chiefly of athletics.
Among other athletics which he will
supervise are oratory and debate, all
musical organizations, student publi
cations, and college health service.
'He hag also been made secretary of
the alumni association in which ca
pacity he will handle all the work of
the secretary and edit the "O. A. C.
Alumnus," published quarterly.
Mr. Cramer tried to get Into the
military service of the country lest
spring, but was pronounced physic
ally unfit. To correct the disqualifi
cations he underwent an operation In
the hospital, which left him in a
condition still unfitted for service
for some time. He is spending that
interval as general student manager
at his alma mater.
In his school days Mr. Cramer was
Interclass and intercollegiate deba
tor, a member of the varsity football
squad, president of the student as
sembly and winner of the Shakopean
cup. He Is a member of the Alpha
Kappa Psi honorary commerce fra
ternity, and the Forum, the upper
class honorary society. He is also a
member of the Lambda Chi Alpha
fraternity. O. A. C. Barometer.
Airs. Wm. McDonald went to Rose-
burg last night to visit relatives.
C. E. MoLane, democratic nominee
for sheriff. , ?
C. U obart returned Sunday
morning from a trip to Portland.
"Cutex." Sabin has it.
Harry L. iBoylnton went to Jack
sonville this morniug on business.
George Pratt left this morning for
Portland to take the examination tor
telegraph operator.
Miss Ann McCormick arrived this
morning from Jackson county for a
few days' stay In the city.
E. K. Crouch returned last night
from a business trip to the Duns-
muir section.
Mrs. D. Rice, who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Robin
son, of Wilderville, left this morn
ing, returning to Eugene.
Joe iMetien returned this morn
ing from Portland and will remain
indefinitely. He will fire on the S.
P. yard engine.
Geo. Dorman returned last night
from Medford, where he spent sev
eral days tor the Oregon Gas and
Electric Co.
Mrs. Minnie Snell and two cut
dren, who visited Mrs. Snell's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Vinyard, at
Williams, left this morning return
ing to their home at Salem. . . .
Second grade grapes tor sale at
corner of Fifth and G streets, $1 a
lug box. about 60 pounds. Not sold
in any smaller quantities. Bring
box to put them in. E. L. Churchill.
Sergeant Orin Ruth left this morn
ing returning to the Wilbur Wrisht
Aero Field, Dayton. Ohio, after
spending his short furlough with his
mother, Mrs. Lizzie Ruth.
Eider LIum, brother of (Mrs. Sam
Baker, is here on a 1 0-day s' leave of
absence. Mr. Lium is located at
Mills station, Sacramento and Is re
covering from a fall of 700 feet in
an airplane accident six weeks ago.
Misg Gladys Davis, who has been!
visiting relatives for the past three!
weeks left last night for her homej
at Lakeside, Coos county, having
been notified of the drowning of her
father Sunday.
Mrs. Art Everton returned last
night to Portland after visiting rela
tives in the city. She was accom
panied by her sister. Miss Blanche
Harvey, who will spend a week in
Sergeant Wm. Fradd arrived this
morning from Fort Stevens and will
spend a 10-day furlough on his land
at Waters Creek. Sergeant Fradd se
cured a piece of O. & C. land this
INtwrtnra Will Mr4 ..."
tied Cross directors will meet at
luncheon tomorrow as usual. Actlou
will be taken on Importaut subjects,
including the Spanish Influents, and
annual election and other matters.
I'lumloy at the Front
A letter from Mrs. S. M. Plutuley,
of Missoula. Mont., formerly of
Grants Pays, states that her son.
Ross. Plutuley, who tins been In
France since the middle of July. Is
In the medical corps and Is now at
the front. .
Halowe'en Dance
,, Given by Honor Guard girls Sat
urday, October IS, Waldorf hall, ad
mission 60c, 25c, spectator lflo. 86
lUtrfrmans In War Work
Mrs. Wm. H. Borgnian. whose
husband is serving in the 353d aero
squadron, stationed at Payne avia
tion field. AVest Point, Miss., who
left her school at Applegate last
spring to enter the government em
ploy, is now in the medical" branch
of the war department. Mrs. Berg
man Is much Interested in her work
but she says there is no place like
Oregon. Mr. Borgnian was made
sergeant In June.
Attended Church at Mrdford
. Fourteen Grants Pass people at
tended service at the Presbyterian
church in Medford Sunday night and
listened to one of . 'Rev. U Myron
Boozer's characteristic war time ser
mons, the subject being "From Fire
side to Firing Line." The minis
ter last week visited at Camp Fre
mont. Palo 'Alto. Mr. Boozer in
Medford as well as In Grants Pass
finds plenty of work to do, and be
sides being active in war work has
been appointed instructor to the
drafted men.
Phj'nie! Kxtunlnatlonit
C. A. Sldlor, or thV local board, an-i
nounces that all men who have re-j
celved notice to take their physical
examination will receive the same In
the Jury room of the clrcuU court, on
the second floor of the court house.
The board finished sending out 105
such notices Suturdny, the men all
being In class one.
( laHSiflcd Ad lUtea
Classified advertising In the Dully
Courier will be charged for at the
rate of 6 cents per line per issue un
less psld lu advauce. The rate of
25 words at 50 cents per week does
not provide for bookkeeping, post
sue on statements mailed, etc, Here
tofore we have permitted occasional
charges at the cheap rates but, no
A. Sad Picture
In one of the recent magazines a
soldier toy, despondent while his
comrades were reading their Utters
from home, with none for him, rails
to our attention a duty lu not ne
glecting the boys "over there." Neat,
tasteful and substantial stationery
should be used. In the windows of
Sabln's Drug Store Is displayed a
large assortment of the latest In
Cranes and Highland Linen and
Khaki. Such stationery gives class
to a letter as clothes do to a man.
and Is appreciated by a soldier as
well as other people.
Kntertalns for Hons
Twenty Invited guests, young men
and young women, spent a most de
lightful evening at the home of Mrs.
Lizzie Ruth, 622 West O street. Sat
urday evening, who gave a party in
honor of her two sons, Sergeant
Orln Ruth, of the 42nd Wilbur
Wright Aero Squadron, Dayton. O.,
who was home on a short furlough,
and Luther Ruth, who soon leaves
for some service camp. The rooms
were prettily decorated with the na
tional colors and the evenln was
passed with music and games. Cake,
'fe cream, bananas, grapes and a
This Will Interest You
1,ll si' . . - A I. , j i 1
In irtlir to Induce you to rome In sutl sx u, IP acuiinliiO'd anil
I) ml out why our nwny customer am so wrl wttUflnd and why our
liiiNlntXK In lucmiwilng mi rapidly, we are going to have a KrPHl rnH'1
dollar umIq Mat unlay, OcIoInt I'Xh. 1
. . O. II. fr'IFIELD. Jluuniter
fruit punch were served at the close.
All present reported a most et oy
tible time .
Severe Operation
Mrs. E. E. llrlggs of this city un
derwent a very severe operation at
the lorul hospital this morning. Shei
Is reported to be recovering nicely
MuM Not rail
The allotment of towels for France
Is only one-half completed. If you
have good towels nl home they am
acceptable, tlrants Pass tins never
fulled In whut she has been asked to
do. Let us not fall this time.
Our classified ads bring results. Courier
All kinds of legal lilsoks at the
I .M.
nstmas cards tot
must Bq in the mails
before, October
Get your'CKnstmas
Cards for them now
Clemens, the Rexall Store
Miss Ruth Corbett, of the O. A. C.
at Corvallis, is here today and has
assumed her duties In "home demon
stration work" In this county. Miss
Ann McCormick, of Medford, has
had charge of this work heretofore
for both Josephine and Jackson
counties, and she is here today con
ferring with Miss Corbett. She will
continue the work In Jackson coun
ty. IMiss Anna Turley, of Corvallis,
who is state leader in home demon
stration work, Is also here today
with Miss Corbett, but will return
to the O. A. C. tonight. This dem
onstration work does not pertain to
cooking alone, but. Includes all forms
of home work.
Wi'l Train for Artillery
J. N. Johnston returned Saturday
night from Eugene, where he went
on orders to report to Col. Bowen.
Mr. Johnston states that he expects
soon to receive orders to report at
Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville,
Ky., for-training at the artillery of
ficers training camp.
;1 i i
... . t r
Washington, Oct. 7. Brigadier
General Charles A. Doyan, com
mandant of the marine corps train
ing camp at Quantico, Virginia, died
last night of influenza.
Christian Church Surprise
The "10 o'clock surprise" adver
tised for the Bible school of the
Church of Christ yesterday delighted
all who were there at that flour.
The feature was a reading and son?
by Geo. C. Metcalf. Mr. Metcalf al
ways has something good for Ms
audiences whenever he appears. The
"11 o'clock surprise" was the un-
vaiiine of a chait outlining a new
plan for individual usefulness of the
church members. It takes the form
of 10 points of Christian activity up
on which each member reports each
week, receiving credit on the per
centage basis. The object is to ue
velop toward 100 per cent useful
ness. The plan met the hearty ap
proval of the congregation.
r f
an Artcraft Picture
Letter heads that will please you,
at the Courier.
fcl Where to Dine
Oxford Grill
Hero are three leaders for
J Home-made pork sausage,
3 buckwheat cakes, pure ma-
-1 pie syrup.
M M.whnnta f.linch
l l Grilled veal cutlets, paprika
Saddle sirring lamb, Ten
nessee sweet potatoes
We study your Interests
ahead of our own
FIELDS To Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Fields, Monday, September 30, a
RANNIE To Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Rannie, Saturday, October 5, a
An error appeared in the article
entitled "Farmers Experiment in
Spraying" and printed in Friday's
Courier. In some manner the fig
ures appearing for "unsprayed trees"
were placed la the column ' tor
"sprayed trees." The article should
nave read as follows: -
"The first column of figures repre
sents the per cent of perfect apples,
the second wormy, the third aphis
and the fourth scab.
Unsprayed Newt'ns 32 60 10
Sprayed Newtowns 97 1 2 1
Lillian Gish. Geo. Fawcett, Henry Walthall, Maxfield
Stanley. Robert Harron, Geo. Sieg'mann,
Rosemary Thebyi Gloria Hope
"The Great Love" is a story of Mr. Griffith's "The Birth of a
i ii VT .' If I ffri ft
women in war-time, played by an iMarion ana Hearts ot tne World
astounding cast that includes Brit- were shown in big theatres at high a Luvvagci yuttu. 11 uoiw .
very souls ot women in wartime.
D. W. Griffith spent 18 months
on the war-torn fields of France se
curing scenes of magnitude hitherto
unknown to the motion picture art.
Coming back to California he spent
another six months completing the
The result of his labor is as big as
a circus, as intimate as a doughboy's
letter to his sweetheart, as wonderful
as a sunrise on the Japan Sea, as
beautiful as a baby's laugh.
prices You remember them. You
know what a D. W. Griffith pro-
auction means.
In order to get the miehtv mes
sage of "The Great Love" to all of
America, Mr. Griffith in conjunction
with Famous Players Laskey cor
poration is presenting this, his new
est achievement, in the motion pic
ture theatres first. He wants all
Americans to see what their allied
sisters are doing to help win this war.
For this reason popular prices prevail.
Matinee at 2:30
- 35c & 15c
Wednesday and Thursday
Evening 7:30 and 9
50c & 35c
tiff m&wmmmmmvtmmm-matwm?6m fmkmvmnAbmrvwmmmv