Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 06, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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KlND.lY, XTOIlKll 0. HUB.
15c eaih, ? tor $1.00 potstwid
' Cash with order
We'e all going calling on the kaiser
We're bound to win with boys like
(When I come back to you, we'll have
a Yankee doodle wedding.
When the boy from Dixie eat melon
on the Rhine.
When the ptnea ot Alsace whisper
Dixie Land.
When you play with the heart of a
While you're away.
Whose little heart are you breaking
Yon, just you.
Absence brings you nearer to my
After a thousand years.
After the rosea have faded away.
!After you've had your way.
'Alabama moon.
Alexander's got a jai band now.
All I need is a girl like you.
All the world will be jealous of me.
'Almost home.
The Mask and Photo House
Stanton Howell, Proprietor
Although the schools have only
been In session one month, another
school In Josephine county has or
ganized as an auxiliary to Josephine
County Chapter A. R. C. Wonder
school. District 39, Ree Morrison,
teacher, was the first to organize
this fall. It is stated there are only
four schools in the county unorgan
ized as Junior Red Cross auxiliaries,
but all four expect to organize soon.
The scholars In all schools are
now busy gathering fruit pits and
nut shells. Chicken feathers are al
so being collected to fill an allotment
of 30 pillows. Save your fruit pits
and help the Junior Red Crbss.
"Lysol." Sabin has It. SI
Mrs. A. II. Deuisou, ot Roseburg,
is spending a few days in the city.
C. K. McLane. democratic nominee
for sheriff. 77tl
Stone milk crocks at Cramer Bros.
Joe Campbell, of Takllma, spent
Saturday In the city.
Oil heaters at Cramer Bros. SI
Prof. L. Bnrlluganie. ot Takllma.
was a Saturday visitor in the city.
Bedroom heaters at Cramer Bros.
Chas. MeClay, of Takllma, was In
the city yesterday.
Flower pots at Cramer flros. Si
G. S. Shaddinger. of Waldo, was a
Grants Pass visitor yesterday.
Stone ja's at Cramer Bros. SI
Johnnie Williams went to Eugene
Friday night to enter work in the
university S. A .T. C. '
Alma M. Turley and Ruth L. Cor-
bett, ot Corvallis, are at the Jose
phine today.
W. L. Babcock and H. Gibbs, of
Kerby, were in the city Saturday.
Turnip, radish, lettuce and spin
ach seed at Cramer Bros. SI
H. E. Gibson, of Chicago, auditor
for the Audit Bureau of Circulation,
was In the city Saturday.
Fishing Uckie at Cramer. Ucs. SI
Mrs. Gladys Starr left Saturday
morning, returning to Fresno, Cal..
after spending a few days here.
A full line of heating stows in
all sizes at Cramer Bros. 81
Pickle, kraut and meat Jars at
Cramer Bros. 81
Sues For Divorce
Vera .ell has filed suit for div
orce from Fred A. 7,ell. alleging de
sertion as grounds for the divorce.
Working Full Time
Chief of Police Mcl-une who has
Just returned from a trip through
the Takllma district, report that all
mines are working full time getting
out copper ore and chrome.
Ham Fine .s'M liiuuis
II. M. Mann, ot Slkklyou couuty,
I has been In the Grants Pass vicinity
I tor several days searching for chrome
deposits, and lie was showing a flue
specimen of that ore Saturday morn
G Inula lo Owr Topr
Gletululo very quietly went "over
the top" by subscribing about T0 per
cent uuire than her quota to the
Mack Trimble, who spent several
weeks here .with his daughter an J
other relatives, left Saturday morn
ing, returning to Portland.
Matinees daily at 2:30
. D. W. GRIFFITH presents
Mr. Griffith who ha made
"The Birth of a Nation," "In
tolerance," and "Hearts of the
World,"is releasing the won
derful production at Kpular
prices av, 33c, 50c.
at the
new o$cpbinc
Now under new management
Come in
and let us get
with you
HuloiveYn Dance
Given by Honor Guard girls Sat
urday, October 12, Waldorf hall, ad
mission 50c, 25c, spectators 10c. Stf
A Fluo Itaiu
This part of the Uogue Ulver val
ley was visited on Friday night by
the best vnln thus far this fall. While
it will hamper the hauling of ore to
some extent. It will do thousands or
dollars worth of good in starting the
grass on the range.
Clothes for llclglnns sIiIiuhhI
The . people of Josephine county
are to be congratulated for their gen
erosity last week to the Belgian re
lief. The amount of clothes given
was away ahead of the quota
and the quality of the best. The
Red Cross chapter shipped 4,000
pounds, this being 1.000 pounds over
the amount asked for. The com
mlttee In charge of this work Is to
be complimented on their excellent
Rev. U. A. Finch Resign
Rev. B. A. Finch, pastor of the
Baptist church since the spring, has
handed in his resignation to the
church officers, the resignation tak
ing effect October 3. Mr. Finch has
not announced his plans.
Classified Ad Rates
Classified advertising In the Daily
Courier will be charged for at the
rate of 5 cents per line per Issue un
less paid In advance. The rate of
26 words at SO cents per week does
not provide for bookkeeping, post
age on statements mailed, etc. Here
tofore we have permitted occasional
charges at the cheap rates but, no
BROOKS In this city Saturday. Oc
tober 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Brooks, a daughter.
WELLS To Mr. and Mrs. George
Wells, of Kerby, Saturday, Octo
ber 5, a son.
Camp Grant, Rackford, 111., Oct. 5.
There Is said to be a bit of self
respect in even the Influenza mic
robe. .
He has attacked all ranks of the
40.000 men In this camp, but has de
clined to enter the barbed-wire en
closure where the German prisoners
are herded.
Fourth 'Liberty loan. Nearly
of our citizens subscribed to this
loan. Glcmlnlti News.
Atlcmllng Training (niti
Paul lllanchard and V,. II. Cooper
left Friday night fur Kugene to en
ter the civilian training camp. II. K.
Ilncfner left on a later train for the
same place to take the training
Honor Guard F.livts
T!ie Honor Guard held a iiieettnn
Thursday evening at the Chamber ot
Commerce rooms for the purpose of
electing officers. Those elected for
the coming years are: President.
Miss Kathryn Ryan: vlro president,
Anna rtramwell; secretary. Carmell
la Pool; treasurer. Cora Fetzner.
Need More Teiiolicrs
Josephine county Is still lacking
three teachers for rural schools -anil
County Superintendent Alice Bacon
Is anxious to secure teachers for
these schools. County superintend
ents are now permitted to grant tem
porary certificates to graduates of
standard tour-year high schools and
any graduate who wishes to teach
should communicate with the county
Even a Grouch Will Smile
after be luw surrounded meal cooked from our high grade, gro
rorlos and provision There are mm tumor, tliw are none, linn
aiMHiUliiu. there are none morw stimulating ami "luilMIng" '
ours. Anil there are none more i-eusonntdc In price,
('. It. FIFIEI.D, Malinger
Auto Truck! Return
The six or eight aiitumobtle trucks
which passed through this city a few
weeks au en route to the chrome
mines near the Oregon mountain,
returned Friday night and left Sat
urday morning for central California.
They encountered difficulties which
made hauling unprofitable.
Special at Rose's
Saturday and Sunday, Hazel wood
French salad Ice cream. FStf
Last Thursday evenins Miss Car-
lotta Wiseman entertained at her
home In honor of Miss Nellie Ste
phens. The young people gathered
about 8:30 and the evening' was
spent In dancing and music. Punch
and cake were served. Those present
were Mlsseg Muriel Myers, Anna
Bramwell. Thelma Robinson, Carme
lita Pool, Nellie Stephens. Anna Neil-
son. Mary Miilr. Carlotta Wiseman,
and Messrs. Arnold Meier, Royston
Lacey, Ernest Nellson. Robert Nnii-
son Jr., Paul Stephens, John Wil
liams and Mrs. Geo. H. Slover.
2.1 H-r cent Over Ouota
Fonr hundred forty five have sub
scribed for liberty bonds through
the Josephine County bank. The
total Fourth Liberty bonds subscrib
ed was $4 4,000. the bank's quota
beln only $35,000. 81
Actress Works for C. C. Bonds
George Keller, of Crescent City.
Del Norte county chairman for the
Fourth Liberty loan' campaign,
through his efforts succeeded In se
curing the noted a"tress. Marie Dres
ler, for talks in his county. Mr. Kel
ler came over to Grants Pass and
I met Miss Dresler and the California
I woman's chairman Saturday morn
ling. They, will return south by the
i coast route5 ....
New Oievrolet
Churchll & Maxwell have recent
ly sold Chevrolet cars to the follow
ing: W. N. Carl. Murphy; C. F. Cor
nell, Glendale; J. B. Borough, John
A. Stnbbleflcld. A. U'tcher and G.
V. Potts of this city. They also sup
plied R. T. Hammer, merchant of
Selma, with a two-ton Republic
PfrjUnuMia uMiililitfwA- i.iWi JhmjS
We are going to have our
J big Sunday Dinner as umisI
f& 5:: to to 7:4.1
J linked Young (Ilk-ken Mary
1 1 land Style
not have (lie best? It
costs no mi re
BO Cents
Oxford Grill i.
2 Big Surprises-2
Church of Christ
Worth getting up at mid
night to see. but you'll get It
If you are there at 10 a. m.
It D'l'UK'K 81 IlI'MSK
The uuvolllng of
well, you'll know If you come.
At ft o'clock will Iw
All educators, teachers, stu
dents, parents -all Interested
In education.
ance, plate glass liability insur
ance. 204 Vt Sixth street. tf
INSURANCE Any kind, best ul
companies. L. A. Launer, real
estate. tf
FOR SALE White Leghorn thor1
oughbred hens. Call at 824 A
Matinee Daily
at 2:30 P. M.
SUNDAY and MONDAY Evening Two Shows
at 7:30 and 9:15
AlmJs,ii U.V and I.V
every state for new Auto Clutch
Lock. The cleverest and most ef
fective anti-theft device on the
market automatically disengages
the clutch and locks it so car can
not be moved under its own pow
er. Big money maker for ambi
tious hustler. Exclusive territory
given. $500 to $1,000 necessary.
American Auto Clutch Lock, 803
West Ninth Street, Los Angeles,
Cal. 81
iOR SALE A Home Comfort
kitchen range In good condition.
Phone 1C5-J, or 660 North Fourth
street, Grants Pass. 82
FOR"" EXCHANGE Lincoln Park
bungalow for other property. Ad
dress 1661 Courier. 82
WANTED Good man as. teamster.
House provided. Married man
preferred. Good wages. Also want
an experienced pruner. Write to
Country Club Orchards, phone
600-F-2. Merlin, Oregon. 86
FOR SALE 1 h. p. gasoline en
gine, good order, Fairbanks-Morse.
Price $35. L. A. 1-auner. 83
FQfTSALE 4 weeks old heifer calf,
$5; one year old heifer, $25; four
year old heifer, fresh soon, $65.
All full bred Jersey stock. Ad
dress Box 690, Grants Pass. 82
J. Warren Kerrigan
"he Turn off a Carf'
1n .'U ' - '
.-. -: . ;. X .. -, . . ..
A. - "' if ' . r(..l ,l:..
"A Dogs Life"
His first $1 ,000,000 picture
Greatest Comedy ever made
Worth coming miles to sec