Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 03, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Till ItKKAY, (HTOIIKH !l. 1'IIN.
Many Propertl That War Profitable
Have Been Foroad to Cloia Down
Gold In one nf tho war victim. Tha
wna Inn forced dawn, In uiiirkit value,
men mired by human lubor, ninny kind
of property Hiul inftit of the Hlnplo
connniultiliN, until wm gold mine
which yielded a fiilr profit In-fore thn
war have become temporarily uhMihm
to thulr owner. It cost io iimcli to
operate tln'iu Hint they rannot bo
worked without n Ioim.
There lm lieun i-lmnge In tha value 1
of gold ItMelf, In the money of great na
tion which have iiiuliititliied their
monetary yteiu on ho apecle biiHl.
while slinoht everything cWi bua one
up. The result la that any given num
ber of ouncea of gold mined will buy
much le , mnterlul tiavd in mining,
aiich un explosive, drlllN, pump and
other machinery, and will pay for few.
er daya' work. Tula chunge la atlU
golug on and the position of the gold
mining compnulea growa lea and leaa
vcure and sound.
' ' Effect of Polaon Qaata en Troop.
Certain gae have for their more
Immediate object, the Irritation of the
eye (the luchmmitory j,"e, one part
la a million of airbeln'4 effective), tem
porarily blinding the victim ; othcra
are lelKiiid for the trrltutiou of the
noae (Uie "neexe-gnni'"), "making It
almoNt ImpoNNlble for the fightnr to
overcome tho tendency to throw off
hi muidf; and other again, for the
production of. bum, .when lfl wntnrj
with tfie fliih7 which are of JT ulost
nrr?Uig character, and, even If
they do not catie death. Incapacitate
. the victim' for service for a period of
month. The last-named gne are
llkewle toxic and lachrymatory to a
high degree. Tho eo-called "mustard
gnw," a compound omewin,i almllar
In eharactiT to mustard oil, butfn
more of an Irritant, Jim proveij par
tlculnriy deijtructlvei ami (luuhtliw ae
count for many of the casunltlc In
recent attack. Henry P. Talbot, In
Atluntlc. ... -r
"" The SUeker Load.
"De hlggea loud some roltn ha got
ter curry." Brother William.
"I a grip full of exenne- fer gettln
nnt o' dntn' de rleht thlr k at de right
time. Fer liiNinnce, ei ifi wooil-ut-tin'
day, dey ain't gdnoax; an' ef dey
got a nx. dey ain't1 :io grindstone ter
HlmriH'ii It : an'ef -Co Krlnititune' dar,
de well's gone fty an' dey1 no water
ter wet It!" Atlnntu Constitution.
'-' .. ...... . -'
Bcneflta of War.
That the benefit of war overhndow
Un diumiw la the flrtn conviction of
Undo John of KxcclMor Spring
Htuiiihird, who write ;
"It show the world, fer Inatanco,
how to liHtoenup It band nn' to deal
aort of jeatlce that the brute can
understand. It remind the tinwHuhed
heathen, which they mighty nigh for
got, that there'a hell limlilo a Yankee
When hi blood I bill"' hot I
"Then we know the Joy of aavln',
which we maybe hadn't tow till the
ron rln bctixt of llcrlln got too hundy
with hi paw no, we've anmchow,
hitched our wnggln to an everlnntln'
atnr, that will kwp right on a-Hhlnln'
when we've clean f ergot the war."
No Better Security on Earth.
The credit of the United Htntr wa
no high and umiucNtloniibla that In
WOO, two year after the Hpunlxh war,
2 tier cent bond were offered nt par
mill ovcrMuhMcrlhed, Thl I a finan
cial performance, no other nation ha
ever equaled. United Hlnte 4 per
cent bond In 1SH8 old n high a J 30,
and In 11)01 brought 13!) on the slock
market. The United Rtnte ha nev
er defaulted nn any of It bond. Not
one of Jt bondholder ha ever lost
cent of princlpnl or Interest, except
thoae who voluntarily have taken
loe by aelllng their bond In a pe
riod of temporary price depression
International Confectioner.
' Away With the Ax.
The day of the woodsman with the
big as may aooH Til over.lf a new tree
felllng filnchine come Into general oe.
, Tho new machine la run ny ajmiau
inoior. it win cut mrougn a irunx w
Inrhe In dlnmeter In a few mlnutfll.
Its uw I a chain nfTalr with link of
tlx teeth each, which are rendlly ex
changed, "it ruiialn a frame over four
roller with ball bcnrlng. It nus a
noimw nnnaie uoeigncu .rvo.r
F amino uoor. i
All the d.H.r should awing Blgn
enough from the floor to clear why
run placed near them. And thy
abuuKl te piucea eo mat mey ... nuj,.
Jinn agnliiHt one another. I Know or
I IftKiiv V9
two doors In a houne thnt nernlKt In
,,. knnllll Jut)t , tw BKry ,,ui,
Im.k in mtrtal colubtor I it
deer that do this? And when these,
floor nre in tnnr poHiiion. you cam,
Kv, ,.,i uul .....v ... - - -
urounil another wuy, an i -epuru.o
. . , . 11;'
I.K.r like thut In thl hoUHe.- rry
1 OllUIIIVtUy, ID lue llillinv innuuim
German Tralna Creep Along In Dark
net for Fear of Bomb of
Allied Aviator.
Hpeclnl precaution against air
raid are now being taken on the Ger
man railway In thoNc dlatrlct expe
clully liable to uerlul bomhurdmeiit
by the ullle, Itullway Age Ntute.
The I'alntliiule railway, In particular,
are adopting precautionary meuHurea,
and a writer In the Lokul Anzelger who
recently traveled on till system de-t-rlhe
the darkening method adopt
d at night
"For hour," he write, "the train
traveled n though In a dark cave,
without light, without conductor,
without any tutlon oume being called
out when the train etopped. When
every lump la extinguished throughout
the countryNlde, and the town and vil
lage, a though constrained by agony,
have cloned thulr hops, the Journey op
pree one' mind and la nowise reas
suring. One, toen on In uncertainty,
facing danger.
"Everywhere placard Indicating 'how
to behave during air raid,' how that
one U In the aviator' territory, glow
ly, very alnwly, the truln" "proceed on
It Journey; In a liver alougMde the
line one act 11 1 aeea the locomotive which,
togtber with It truln, plunged Into the
water on the ocruslou of a recent acci
dent. A truln with broken window
Dot a pune bu remained Intact paHes
near un ; another train paaaea .11 black
ened nnj half conHumed by fire. And
on arriving at the end of thl diurnal
Journey the firvt question beard by the
.wm tbej come tonlgbtr
flea for Architectural Harmony.
"Architecture I frozen music, but
Iw would have to keep cotton In our
1 ear 1? some of our rural architecture
! should thaw out Wflj doe Jne bar-
in we .nrffeite In mufct
palnUng not appear In our building.
particularly In their relation to each
. other. Frank A, Bourne, In the Bouae
r .mM,
Brain Still Mystery,
, ,n tlme ,t ma.
, " m .....
i .1..P,.i,v the bll-
.. . . ..., i mi III HCF
"""J' .T', "I ur,; 'e are. It
JZ'Z mlnS I. not
bn wn we resch
(mr ;v,.r.,,Hy 0,mr,ft,l0n In the dlver-
,,,., nffuir: why we act, plot.
w,,yt M8 ,, UH.n aKS(.rted,
the bruin cun stand the atrnln of per-
I of the body.
; IT!
6 1,10 WARFARE
Thought Theft of Iron and Coal
From France. Land From
Russia. Would Pay Bill
Planning world trade domination, U
not actual world rule, a the outcome
of a nhort alx-montb' 'campaign In
Europe, Germany now find beraelf
outcaat from among civilized nation,
her people Impoverished, her honor
Irrevocably etainod by the blood of
Belgium, and facing future of
fathomlea Ignominy and disgrace. .
. "I will make room for my growing
people by taking lorn more of France
(n& few thouiaad etHfitre mile o!
... .( T:. J '.Tr i i .. -
nunw, IU IVISOI. VTV Will
rat the tron and Mat In Northern .
r,.nr. f,,M .t,irh i.
ell he copqnered population of 1
Ala. and thl. betide Indemnities,
will more than pay for the war. Eng
land will not dare come in. and our
merchant fleet will soon crowd her
from the world trad routes. , . .
"If the United States doe" not
acqulesc. her manufacturer will get
no more of our dye and ebemloala,
her farmers no more of oar ferti
lize re. And we will also take away
from her all South American oom-
Now, across the grave of a mil
lion of hla young men, the Kaiser la
beginning to see the sun set on the
ISUest of hi amMUon. "Foch will
never cross me Kama, la now mo
Oerman watchword. German cities,!
shrieking beneath the visitation of a
allied and American airplane bomb irs
err out: "No more of thla barbarlt.'." , .
onch cnea are ecnoea ra imb inwny
. . . ' . . . - I
laughs of thousands of Gotba a id
Zeppelin victim In London and Par la. '
The Rhtne Ttill be croased. and;
Cologne and Berlin will wtnoe es
nasth the shells of Allied gun.
"Five million men In FrancOj" crlea
Amertca. "RcuiI2.bjr Belgium and
end the war in 191a."
To America M neTtlve fiTUon ,
Ogim&g men ta, Franca will cam the
CTMUer kB.t of the wrU wtf. But
that end will not he achieved with-1
out the sacrifice of thousands of
those men. nor wlthont the mot
earnesfi and united support of those ;
of us at home. Where we have given
valiant effort to war work here
tofore, we must thrust our aholder
deapmtely against the wheel of war
preparation . from now ' on. To no
ene person or class la It given to do
a greater share In thla war than any
other person or class. Each must
do hi utmost
Upon no one daaa reets a greater
responsibility than noon the Amarl
n fa mipp hn with hla wive and
eons and daughter conetltutes one-
third of onr population. He ha the
first and great responsibility tf pro
viding food for the nation at home.
food ft the fgfrHng men abroad, and
food for onr aUle to the battle line
and their civilian population.
England, with millions of acres of
parks and hunting grounds converted
into farms can only raise crops to
feed her people half the year. France,
with every man In uniform, and
nearly half her fields overrun by
armies, doe even less.
With her grain fields extended by s
millions of acres of new land, Ameri
ca la responding to the call and allied
hunger will never be an ally to. Ger
many. Billions of dollar of Ameri
ca's huge war loana are coming back
to the tamer In payment for hi -grain
and stock.
The farmer, for hi future honor
and standing In the nation, must see
that every penny of this sum he can
spare Is reinvested in war loans.
The Fourth Liberty Loan, now upon
us, call for but a portion of what
America must spend In war effort In
the next few months. It must be sub
scribed promptly and overwhelmingly.
That "the man who Is not for us Js
against us" 1s a true now a When
It was written centnrlea ago. .
If YOU buy a fifty dollar bond
when you COULD BUY a five hun
dred dollar bond, you are not doing
your full duty as an American. ;
Use Old Printing Method.
Some of the 1 monks of Tibet
etlll printing bonks In the manner
lowed a hundred year ago.
8ourc of Loyalty. ,
There I a loyalty which spring
from affection thnt we bear to our
tlva loll. Thl we have as strong
any people. - .
But It Is not the soil alone, nor
the soil beneath our feet and the
over our bends, that constitute
t i. u. tnm snnntlt. tiintlr. i retired' sonD manufacturer recenuy.
greatnes an glory., Who among n He left tne sum oi a mue uiwb
I eo low a to be Insensible of an In- "j" eleven hundred dollar, to found a
terest In themt Four hundred, thou-! home for "homeles cat and dogs,
and native Xtt other land every .but stipulated that the money 1 not to
year voluntarily renounce their own : be touched until , the year 2163, by
aovorelgn and wear fealty to onr U hen the donor estimate It will have
own. Who ha ever known an Amerl-1 Increased to two hundred million dol
run to transfer hi allegiance perma- ' lars.
ninily to a foreign power Willi '
Ucnry Sewurd. ' Envelope at tha Courier Office.
KOR SALE CHEAP for cub 80
acre near Wlmer. Good place to
tart with little money. Address
H. M. Knudsen, Paico, Wuh. 4
FOR SALE CHEAP Good heating
itove In first clan condition. In
quire at Rochdale grocery atore. tf
A BARGAIN HO acre firm clam
, walnut land, no frost, good road
four mile from 'the Pa, S4 an
acre. War bonds or atamps.' No,
1600 care Courier. 79
KOR SALE Ford, baa 2 new tlrea,
' other In good shape, extras, $250
cash. H. E. Wilbur, Selma. 80
GRAPES FOR SALE on the vine
Mission 2 cents; Tokay Z cents.
Afternoon at Mr. Meier', iTtOl
East A street. ' 80
FAIJL PEARS and applea. half cent THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo
pound, pick them yourselves. See
E. E. Carglll, Golden Drift Dam.
. 80
FOR SALE Light, gentle team and
I harness, ood peddling wagon with
roller bearing. Good reason for
! selling. ' C. W. Revell, P. O. Box
660, Grant Pass, Ore. 81
r UK SALE Hardman piano, per-
I feet condition; 1 oak bed room
I set; one lawn mower; one Iron
i wheel barrow; one cross-cut 'saw.
. Must be sold by Friday, 102 . A
street. 79
FOR SALEr Two Berkshire sows,
weight about 100 pound each; ,3
ton grain hay; 1 one-borse wagon
E. F. Vahrenwald, Murphy, Ore.,
phone 601-F-32!i , r 83
lir I VTUT "V. alf.lf. ,annh . n " uvu,
expenencea iarmer wno unuer-
stands Irrigation, one with a small
family who can assist In taking
care of cows preferred. Write to I
Frederick Pelouze,
Ore. , '
WANT to rent a farm. Must have
. Irrl.tto aodIv No.
water for Irrigation. Apply
1611 care Courier.
WANTED Groundmen and linemen
for Western Union construction
gang working between Merlin and
Grants Pass. Best of wages and
accommodations. Steady employ
ment. For particulars apply man
ager Western Union Grants Pass,
or foreman. Merlin. Ore. 81
WANTED By gentleman, board
and room on ground floor with
i heat. Address P. O. Box 386. 76tf
WANTED to borrow $1,500 on 20
acres Improved river bottom farm,
pay 8 per cent. Address No. 1640
care Courier. 82, aiso b
nurse training,
with Granite City
land. Ore.
Hospital, Ash-
82 ,
dish washer at once.
Inquire of chef at the Oxford. 78tf
LOST Brown mackinaw coat oppo
site, S. P. freight depot Finder
return to E. R. Crouch, assay of
fice. . . 7
(Paid Advertisement.) .
Independent Candidate
County Clerk
Republican Nominee
County Clerk
Republican Nominee
County Treasurer
present Incumbent .
fol - ,
Republican Nominee.'
. for
Sheriff -
na - I
akle !
-i " . Strange Bequest if
A strange bequest 'was made by
BRING YOUR JUNK to the Grant
Pas Junk Co., 403 South . Sixth
street. Phone 21. We buy rag,
metal, rubber, scrap Iron, bides
i.d wool, old automobile for
wrecking. . 51tf
CASH BASIS The Music and
Photo bouae will remove to the
new location, next door weat, on
October 1, and everything will be
on a rash basis except piano and
talking machines sold oa lease.
Cash basis U necessary In order to
maintain ' low' price. Stanton
Rowell, 507 O atreet. 87
YOUR FUEL, kindling, block
and sawdust of Baber Bros. 225.
West O. Phone 509-J. 81
graphs. . Open daily except Sun
day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sun
day alttlng by appointment only.
Phone Mill, 283-R, or residence)
140-J., . , S7tt
DR. U. J. BE3TUL, Veterinarian. .
Office, realdance.1 Phone 10S-H, ..
L.' O. CLEMENT, M. D., PracUe
limited to diaeasea of the eye, ear.
nose and throat." Glaaae fitted.
Office hour 9-12, 2-5, or on ap
pointment. Office phone 62, resi
dence phone 359-J. : ;
S. LOUGH1UDOE. M. D., Physkjlaa
and aurgeon. City or country call,
attended day or night Resident
phone, 369; office .phone. 181'
SUth and H, .Tuffs Bldg.
jjr. j. o,
. NIBLEY, ' Physician and
Lundburg Bldg. Health'
Office hours. to 11 a.'
1 to 5 p. m. Phone 110-J.
m. and
A. A. WITHAM. M. D. Internal.
medicine and nervoua . disease;
903 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Ore.
Hour 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.
A. BURSELL. M. D.. D. C, Corner
Sixth and D streets. Block east of
postotlice. All approved and drug
less method. Children and chronic
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-t-lw.
Practice In all State and Federal
Court. First National Bank Bldg.
ft WILLIAMS, " Attorneya-
at-Law, Grant Pass Banilag Co.
Bldg.. Grant Paas, Oregon..,
E. S. VAN DTKE, ' Attorney. Prac
tice In all court. First National
Bank. Bldg. . .
1 A
q g
BLAN CHARD, , ttorney at
Golden Rule BulldlnK
Phone 270.-Grants Pass,-Oregon.
torney. Albert Bldg. Phow
2S6-J. Practice In all court; law
board attorney. 4 t
. A. S IDLER, Atterney-at-Law, ref
eree In bankruptcy. Maonle
temple. Grant Pass, Ore. . .
E. C. MACY. D. M. D. FIrst-la
dentistry. 109 South , Sixth
street. Grants Pass, Oregon. j
S. MACMUKRAY, teacher of voice
culture and singing. Lesson given
at home ef pupil lf requested. Ad
dres 716 Lee atreet ,v i
kinds of drayage and tranatei
werfc carefully and promptly dene.
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot A. Shade, Prop. -
Bunch Bros. Transfer Ce. Phone
F. Q. 1SHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safe. fianos and furniture
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Phone Clark ft Holman, No.
50. Residence phone 124-R.
The California and Oregos
Coast Kailroad Company
Dally except Sunday
Effective May 1, 1918
Train 1
Iv. Grant Pass..' 1: 00 p m.
lv. Water Creek S'.OOp. m.
Train 2
ah train leave Grants Pas from
ih corner of O and Eighth street,
opposite the Southern Paclflo depot.
For all mrormauon
freight and passenger aervice call at
the office of the company, Lundburg
building, or phone 131 lor same.