Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 03, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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tm mn river con!
Published Dally Except Saturday
4, E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr.
atrJ at poetofflca. Grants Pass.
Ore., at second class mall matter.
. '; 'i ;; v 1 . ' i ' 1 1
eisplay space! per inch. 16
Local-personal columa, per Una 10c
tteaders par , Una....' 5c
-r t " M :
x y t DAILY COURIER, ; -y
mafl or' carrier; par year....$S.oO
my mall or carrier, per month.. .60
I ft . '
y mall. 'par-yar....i..L-$l.B0
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tha use tor republication
3? all news dispatches credited to It
or not ' Otherwise credited In this
:aper ad also the local aewa pub
lished herein.
All rights of republication of spe
tlal dispatches herein are also
rerred ti r-irvi. 1 1 ;. iiv i
i -ii i" , '" '" i i" t ', '.
Showers, light southerly
-f winds. ' " "
Speaking of the Palestine cam
paign, a London dispatch says: "The
war can show few examples of so
wift and clean a victory." '
It is also an old-fashioned Vic
tory. That fact had much to do with
its swift and clean cut qualities.
The spectacular stroke by which
General Allenby routed and destroy
ed the Turkish armies in the Holy
Land la a masterpiece of "open war
fare." 'After the first, quick rupture
of the Turkish line, everybody was
out of the trenches. "Siege warfare"
was forgotten. It was such a cam
paign a might have been fought in
our Civil war. It was such a cam
paign as Napoleon might have fought
if he had possesed the requisite
troops and equipment when he at
tempted his own ill-fated Palestine
expedition more than a century ago.
There were all the elements that
gave old-fashioned warfare its thrill
and romance quick, bold dashes,
scouting expeditions, the use of cav
alry as an arm of the service no less
valuable than the infantry, the pre
ponderance of the human factor as
against the purely mechanical factor
that plays so big a part in machinery-fought
trench battles.
There have been a few other con
tests in this war of the same general
nature, particularly in Mesopotamia
and the Balkans, but nothing so def
initely old-fashioned. We shall 'have
more of It hereafter, we hope. Re
cent fighting in France has shown
that even there It is possible to blast
the enemy out of. his fortified
trenches and drive him into the
open. When Foch is ready to exert
his full force, and use a million or
two of Americans, fully equipped, as
the spear-head of his attack, we may
see a replica of that Palestine tri
umph on a scale matching the scope
of the war In Its main theatre.
That 1b what our army wants; for
our strength, even more than Brit
aln's perhaps, is in open fighting.
where dash, speed and initiative
have full play.
Occasions are not rare where per
sons write checks which overdraw
their accounts at the bank, but dire
calamity Is very likely to befall the
man who tries to pass such a chock
outside his own home town. The
habit some have of writing checks on
banks where they never did have
over 1.25 on deposit has made the
public skeptical. Some day a hard
jolt will he delivered to such a per
eon and ne will not be permitted to
(o on his iway rejoicing that he was
freed from, his attempt in trying to
The Heavy Fancy Pack
pull off a shady deal by merely "mak
ing the check good." - r
The county "court in granting a
franchise yesterday to the Gravity
District Improvement company ' took
the right step.' The matter will also
come up before the city council to
night, and there is little, doubt but
what they will grant a franchise
through the city, subject to the de
cision of the voters at the next elec-
tion, and It la the duty of the voters
to 'see that the propoeition carries
St. Quentln, Damascua and other
places yesterday were wrenched from
the ' enemy's grasp, while he Is "being
compelled to pack up his ill-gotten
gains and beat it from the Belgian
coast. The war news could not read
much better.
Wonder if Portland, after her mis
erable failure to raise her quota of
the Liberty loan while the rest of
the state glided gracefully over the
top,' will still claim to be the horns,
hide and tall of Oregon.
Apparently the rains have started.
The sun has put the sugar in the
grapes, the ripeness in the corn, the
red in the apples and has cured the
hay. Now then, let 'er pour; In the!
meantime sharpen the plow.
That north aide gravity irrigation
proposition promises to be one of the
biggest and 'best things that ever
struck the Rogue river valley in the
vicinity of Grants Pass. ".
Woman' Born in Germany Works In
Fields to Beat Kaiser.
Mrs. Elizabeth Batterer of Who.
wick county, Indiana, Is seventy-four
years old, but she is helping the United
States In war by tolling In the hot sua
In wheat fields.
Her plun is simple. She is savins
the grain that In ordinary years is
peramrea to stand in the field the
wheat a binder does not get Thus
lar Mrs. Batterer has cut 105 hnndiM t
resulting In the saving of four bushels j
01 wneat.
The aged woman was horn anil !'
reared in Germany and cannot speak j
uDgiisn as wen as her mother tongue, ;
but she cava If she conld iHva tha bni. '
ser and his Potsdam gang a solar '
piexus mow it would be a knockout
Two of her sons and one grandson '
are In military service for America.
Our classified ads bring results.
Transport loaded to the gunwales
Nir-"r fir-;," f . i'i i iy.Wi.imiiii 4-$&3ta4Jk 6&M
' '.'.!.
Camera Used Successfully In Praterv.
, . ing Old Writing Now Barely
"" k Discernible.
Before the days of books parchments
became so costly thnt economical schol
ars erased jwre or lens perfectly whnj
had been written aVJTTsed uifTTin??
ond time. In this manner some highly
Interesting and vulunlile imiiiuacrlpi!
have been lust to the world, suys
New York Herald. But In uitiny caws
the undent characters are stlU visi
ble. .- - -i -. .
It was not long ago that photography
was first successfully applied for this
work. The color of the faded Ink of
the older' writing on a palimpsest Is
yellow. A photograph of such a man
uscript was made through a yellow
screen. The result was a negative on
which the old writing was Imrely dls
cernlhle, being a little darker than H e
background, while the later blark
writing appeared distinctly as white
Next an ordinary negutlve on a bro
mide plate was made and from this
wus produced a transparent positive on
which both writings appeared dark and
about equally distinct. Then the trans
parency was superposed on the first
negative so that the dark letters of
the later writing covered the light let
ters, representing the same writing In
the negative. They were thus elimi
nated, being Indlstlngulshahly merged
with tha general dark-background pro
duced by the combination of positive
and negative. But the earlier charac
ters, since they were dark In both
eases, appeared In the combination in
tensely black and distinct
Tha Padre Scores.
Not? and again a guy will take me
off to one Ride and Ox it up with me
to writ, his girl or Us mother after
jjejs burnpedoff, promising to do the
same B7ffie72s-.s5I, iSr7?'',w
' Yet they lotos a boot it too. Pop
said to the chaplain today:
"Yon won't forget that Uttle matter,
padre, will your, ..
"What little matter la thatr asked
the chaplain.
"Why, my tombstone I"
The chaplain looked surprised.
"You never mentioned a tombstone
to me," he protested.
"Sure I did ! Don't yoo remember?
A bottle of rum at head and feet I"
But the chaplain came back at him
"No." he said gravely; 'tor then yon
wouldn't He quiet." George Putullo In
Saturday Evening Post '
Children and Music
The value of good music in the home
cunnot he overestimated. Fortunate
the child whose ear is accustomed from
the crudle to beautiful sounds anil mel
ody. And yet eve.i more fortunate
the child who Is ucriiHtnrned to hearing
the singing voices of those about hlra.
Children love to henr songs, children'
songs, big people's songs and folk
songs. They love to hear the songs
of long ngo when mother wus a rhild,
and the lullaby grandmother URed to
sing. The child loves especially a
bedtime song,, sang at the crib before
the final good-night"
with American soldiers arriving at a
Reconstruction in England Fao
i tor in Supremacy.
r i
Building Better and Fiittr Machines
Than the Enemy Rhine Cltlea In
Terror of Bombing Planes British
Also Show Superiority In Aerial De
fenses America Now Playing Part
In Air Offensive.
' From London to Jericho the allies
have obtained decided superiority over
the enemy In the air. Since the war
started Germany has trailed France
and England In aerial warfare, Zep
pelins excepted. France and England
didn't waste their time with Zeppelin,
which have been a dismal failure when
compared with bombing machines
such as the allies build and manipu
late, much to the terror of the Bhlne
townsT.i,."2;?!t7rivj'r .
Besides forcing down and destroying
three German airplane to one lost by
the allies, England, France and now
America are building better machines,
faster machines and machines which
will carry more tons of bombs each
than the German. voKanaw-"""
Germany has lost not less than 8.000
machines and aviators in the past
twelve months.
This figure, 8,000, represents Ger
many's losses In all theaters of war to
allied airmen. While the exact of
ficial number of German planes de
stroyed, together with the allied losses,
may not be disclosed, It may be stated
thnt this unofficial summary la very
Radical Reconstruction.
At the outbreak of the war Great
Britain had eighty aircraft. Every
few days Great Britain Is producing
more airplanes and other material for
the air force than she possessed alto
gether at one stage of the war. The
strength of the Royal Air Force has
been multiplied at least 200 tlmea In
personnel as compared to the person
nel at one stage, of the war. Great
Britain also tns furnished a consider
able number of airplanes for her allies.
England's air force has undergone
radical reconstruction and Its tactic
have been changed, much to the dis
comfiture of Germany. Briefly, these
changes are: Consolidation of the
Royal, Flying Corps and the Royal
Naval Air Service Into one organisa
tion, known as the Royal Air Force;
establishment of an air ministry, cre
ftlon of the independent nlr for, and
UReof "cavalry" aviators airmen who
hnve charged advancing Germans,
bombed and machine-gunned them
from a height of n hundred feet.
The lndeienlent nlr force, which In
said to have only one authority higher
than its own commonder, this Telng
the war cabinet, has been busy bomb
ing German cities since Its creation
three months sgo. Four-fifths of the
German munition works are In the
Rhine valley, ami oil of them within
Striking distance of these independent
air force bombers. Their plnn Is to
keep a number of Rhine towns In, 1a
constant state of terror by boohing
works of military Importance In, those
communities. One town moy be raid
ed night after night for a 'week or
more, or It may be visited day and
night, or twice dully, whichever plan
seems to cause the most consternation
and demolition. In addition, railway
Junctions, ammunition dumps and bar
racks are bombed by this organization
of flyers, which works separately and
distinctly from aviators attached to
certain army corps who also may be
dispatched to do similar bobbing.
Attack Advancing Columns.
The great advantage of nvlntors for
bombing and machine-gunning ailvnn-
French port
clng columns was shown In the March
and succeeding offensives, when time
and again scores of aviators concen
trated upon a certain point disorgan
ised a German advance, or held a por
tion of tha line that had given way
until re-enforcements could be rushed
up by the Franco-Ilrltlsh. On one day
those aviators fired more than 200.000
rounds Into German columns. More
than VJ0 toon of bomb have been
dropped in one day.
America Is playing a part In the air
offensive. Every new contingent of
American aviators which renchee
France or England helps out In the
general scheme of things which keeps
the allies musters of the air.
The Prltlsh also hnve shown they
are superior to Germany In ncrlnl de
fenses. There have been twenty-one
raids on London In the pnst yenr, three
of these by Zeppelins. Hut since the
visit of eleven Zeppelins October litRt,
when five of them were brought down,
four In France and one In the Medi
terranean, they have not attempted
to visit London, where the nlr de
fences are such that the Zeppellna do
not dare to come lower than 20.&X)
feet, which la too l.lgb for them to
bomb effectively,
Gothn raids a 1st are becoming quite
expensive for Germany, the Inst raid.
May" JOjcmilllng In seven machine
being deMnlvt. - Xljenfv-nve avLt
toriTtrnlncd for night f!.vUUI .fire. far
more valuable to Germany than two
score of civilians killed In London.
The city's defensive barrage and pro
tecting airplanes are too much for the
conscription Under Motes,
Moses made the first conscription
law' lie wanted an army and he made
this rtrle: "From twenty years old
and upward, all thnt are nblo to go
forth to-war In Israel" were to serve.
Ills reglatrntlon boards were also al
lowed to grant exemptiou which In
cluded men who hud new houses not
yet "dedicated." and those who had
vineyards of which they hud not yet
eaten and nnally those who were
afraid to fight-
MA N'AtiKM K.NT. iltt TIA
TION, Kit".
Required by Act of August 21, 19 IS.
Of the Itogue Klver Courier, pub
lished daily at Grants I'ass, Oregon,
for October 1, 1918.
Publisher. A. B. Voorhles.
Kditor, Geo. U Drummond.
Managing Kditor. A. E. Voorhles.
tltiHlness Manager, A. K. Voorhles.
Owner, A. E. Voorhles.
Average number of copies of each
Issue of this publication sold or dis
tributed through the malls or other
wise, to paid subscribers, during the
six months preceding the date shown
above, 991.
Bondholders, mortgagee and other
security holders, holding 1 per cent
or more of total amount of bonds.
(Signed) A. E. VOOItlllEH.
Suhxerlhed and sworn to before
me this 3rd day of October. 1918.
L. A. 'LAl'NER,
i Notary Public.
(My commission expires
A ii aunt 21. 1920.)
. Science says that old age begins
with weakened kidneys and digestive
This being true, it is easy to be
lieve that by keeping the kidneys and
digestive organs cleansed and in pro
per working order old age can be de
furred and life prolonged far be
yond that enjoyed by the average
For over 20 years GOLD -MEDAL.
Haarlem Oil has been relieving the
weaknesses and disability due to ad
vancing years. It is a standard old
time home remedy and needs no In
trductlon. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil is inclosed In odorless, tasteless
capsules containing about 5 drops
each. Take them as you would a
pill, with a small swullow of water.
Full Line of Auto Supplies
Grants. Pass & Crescent City Stage-Co.
W. T. Hreen, I'ropr.,
M. Glddlngs, Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cars
Office-Old Observer Ulk. Corner Seventh and G at l-linn. in
Telephone 228-J and Mil '
"Tim ;ivt Uiu1"
Kor tint first lime In the lilnlory
of llilir miertneiilur liletiirn nrndtlo-
tloiiN Htiitiihir.lliMl by David Wark
(Irlfflth, who produced "The Birth
of a Nation," "Intolerance. " "Hearts
of the World" and other notable pho
toplays, patrons of motion, pl'ture
houses throiiKhniit the country will
now bo able to sen Mr. (liirfltli'i fu
ture productions at their favorite
theatres at (lie customary prices.
This was rendered possible by a con
tract recently made ,bv Mr. Griffith
with the Famous plnyers-ltsUy com
pany hy which IiIh uowtsl produc
tions prndlKloiis as they are, will he
available to evury exhibitor.
The first of IIu'ho productions la
"Thn Great live," a magnificent
photoplay, which will bo shown at
the Joy theatre next week, , In thla
picture such screen nrtlBts as Robert
Harrow. Henry B. Walthall. Lillian
O.Uh and others who have won fame
In Mr. Griffith's big productions, will
be seen for the first time under Art
craft auspices, .
Mazda Lamps
JJ A VINO too little light
puts a strain on chil
dren's vUlon thai they may
never outgrow! Why not
have plenty of light? Na
tional MAZDA Lamps give
three times the light of old
fashioned carbon lamp!
without adding a penny to
your light bill.
Rogue River Hardware
Geo, II. Itlilille, Mgr.
iThe oil stimulates the kldcp, a(;i;oi
,auBe premature
old age. New life and strength In
crease us you continue the treatment.
When completely restored continue
taking tt capsulo or two each day
'. III I. . Wll V,U IFU1C1
will keep you In health and vigor and
....... ,. .on,,,, lo lnn mBC(,Bei
Do not wait until old a., . ai.
Boaso have settled down for good. Go
m your aruggist and get a box of
GOLD MIJDAI, Haarlem Otl ,.-
jBule. Maney refunded If they do not
help you. Three sizes. Rut remom-
?,t ".k.for the or'Klnnl Imported
GOLU MEDAL brand, in sealed
Easy Riding