Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, September 26, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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nxiLT nuors kitkx coikikh
Till IUill.IV, HKPmillUl IM, IttIN
km rat mra era
Published Dally Except Saturday
K. YOORHIES, Pub. and Propr.
Crater 1 at postofflc. Grants Pi
Or., a second class mall matter.
Uplay apace. P' to'11
Local-personal column, per lln 10c
Kiiitin. mp Una 8c
R mall or carrier, per yer....6.00
x mall or carrier. Mr month.. .60
y nail, pr year
But Editorial AtMclaUon
Oregon Dally Nwspapsr Pub. Awn.
Tb Associated Preai la exclusively
entitled to tb ua (or republication
r? ill itwi dlMtcba credited to It
or got otherwise credited la Ibla
japer and also tba local w pob-
Uabed her!.
All right of republication ot ape-
vtal dlsnUches
herein are . alto
Fair, gentle northerly wind.
A dispatch from Washington states
that Senator Chamberlain was ad
vised by the war Industries board
that "there will be a market for
ehromtte produced during the re
mainder ot the present season at the
average price prevailing during the
past summer."
This statement merely verifies for
mer assurances from the war board
that present prices would remain sta
ble for the balance of this year, and
it Is understood that the majority ot
chrome ore operators have contracted
tor the balance ot their output this
year. But the war board's assurances
to Senator Chamberlain do not touch
tb market after the close of the
present season. (
Many an operator has Just finish
ed developing his chrome property
and finished building a road to the
same so that the or can be gotten
to a railroad shipping point. They
were urged by government represen
tatives to produce chrome In large
quantities, and they have done so,
. and now that they are equipped to
ship the ore, through the expenditure
of large sums in the construction of
roads, there are rumors of a fluctu
ating market, with a downward
The chrome proposition was not
one that could be developed In a day,
one of the obstacles in most cases
being the necessity of building ex
pensive roads. American . citizens
have Invested their money In the de
velopment of these chrome mines and
It would seem no more than a square
deal for the government to protect
them In the way of showing a prefer
ence for tbe home product and llm
King Importations. -
However, Senator McNary states
In a telegram yesterday that he hopes
to persuade the government to estab
lish a stable price for chrome ore for
next year, a price that will Justify
producers keeping their mines in
operation. The senator said: "lam
doing all I can to get a price estab
llshed which will protect the chrome
producers for next year." Some say
it Is "politics," but call It what you
may, If tbe chrome situation can be
kept on a paying basis next year It
means much to the state of Oregon
. Sorrowful tales are comlrig from
Holland and rioting has again brok
en out In tha country owing to the
serious food situation.. Our govern
ment has stated that so long as Hol
land retnses to lift the embargo onJand agaln From beMnd there comeg
Try any
other coffee-
the movement ot her ships no relief
can be offered the Hollander. Four
hundred thousand tons of Dutch
shipping are aald to be tied up in
European waters.
Holland Is to be pitied. Appar
ently she la between th devil and
the deep blue. German haa Intim
idated her. 8he la afraid to make a
move lest the red-handed Prussians
pounce upon her and convert the
country Into a second Belgium. But
acute hunger Is said to be forcing
her Inhabitant to the breaking point
Amsterdam Infantry were compelled
to fire npon a crowd of starving In
habitants. Some of the mob wert
killed, others taken prisoner. Th
mob stoned tbe soldiers and more
serious trouble Is expected at any
The Hague the place ot peace
conference may soon be tb scene
of a bloody war. But the United
State can not help her until she
aligns herself with other neutrals be
cause our boys over there are In a
death struggle with the most eruel
enemy that ever trod the face of the
earth. Snch I war, and tbe United
States I standing firm.
This Is a busy week in Grants Pass.
Tomorrow tbe "Yellow Demon" will
be here, tomorrow night Is the big
meeting tor registrants, the Red
Cross is busy, the ladies are gather
ing clothes for the Belgians, the Red
Cross carnival will hold sway Fri
day and Saturday, and the Liberty
loan committees are putting In full
time without receiving a cent for
their labor; but they have an Interest
In this country and are showing their
In urging that spies and traitors in
this country be tried by military
courts and not by the civil courts,
Col. Roosevelt cays: "The German
spies and secret agents and dynaml
ters and murders In this country are
as much a part of Germany as the
soldiers or von Hlndenburg. We
have been at war IS months but not
one spy bas thus far been punished.
This means grave remission In the
performance of our duty."
McAdoo Is getting after the rich.
Good work Mac, roast 'em on both
sides. Tbe man who buys )1,000
worth of bonds but Is able to buy
$5,000, or $10,000 worth Is more of
a slacker than the one wno migni,
by close saving, take a $50 bond, but
The "Yellow Demon" will be herej
tomorrow at 10 a. m. If you are a
loyal citizen you need not fear the;
"Demon" He feeds only on slack
The slacker Is for himself not our
government yet he believes that our
government owes him a living.
"The Devil take the hindmost.'
The slacker Is always behind.
lights, and 0reen ball machines but
be thinks of nothing save the passage
of the metal bar over the black mass
between the two shinning strips of
"Suddenly his 'sight' registers the
range. He pushes the lever for
ward slowly, pulls it back again, and
again pushes it forward, and again
(Continued from page 1)
the click aud clatter ot 14 dropping
bomb. .
"He shouts to the pilot to turn.
and on hug wing climbs toward the
stars aa the machine sweeps round
and away from the welter of shells
and searchlights that the explosion
of the bombs will bring.
Gating downward, the observer
see at th edge of th quay a red
spurt ot flam which slowly . dies
away. Two other follow, In the
water where II destroyers and sub
marines, and then mors and more
burst on the sheds In the middle. A
white sheet of flam bursts from one
shed, and fading slowly leave a red
glare. An ammunition store has
been blown' up. The other bombs
burst across the wharves and crowd
ed basins, leaving huge clouds of
white smoke where they have
wrought destruction,
"Simultaneously with the bursting
ot the first bomb, hundreds ot green
balls come streaming In swaying
curves from the ground, and pour up
wards psst the wings on both sides.
Uke a handtul of ribbons the search
lights have been thrown up, and fill
the sky with wands of light which
wave a strange pattern all around
tbe machine. Gun fire flashes round
the town, and close' to the machine
now burst the clamorous bsrrage.
"It la an awe-Inspiring din, but
through It. tbe observer has heard
the thud of th bursting bombs be
low. He scrambles back to he pilot
and laughs. Searchlights sweep to
and. fro, fantastic strings ofgre'en
balls bubble upwards, and the flash
of the shells seem to fill the whole
sky. . !
"The machine roars on homewards
through a maelstrom of flame and
tire. The attack has been pressed
home, and on the docks ot Bruges
the ammunition sheds are shattered
and In flames, and water Is pouring
Into the battered sides of the subma
rines. The airmen fly home,; well
content with their consciousness of
duty well done, and leave far ehlnd
the searchlight still vainly scouring
every quarter of the heavens too
Th California and.0rrr
Coast lUilroad Gomuanr
Dally except 8undsy
Effective M 1. 1918
1 Iv. Grant Pass. I 00 p. m
t Iv. Water Cserk .00 p.
All trains leave Grunf Pis Iron
he corner of O and E'sutb streeu
jpposlte tLe Southern Psclflc depot
For all Information regarJIut
freight and passerer service call
the office of the company, Lund bur
building, or phone 131 tor same, f
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
T. Breen, Propr.
Giddings, Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cars
Office Old Observer Blk. Corner Seventh and G streets Phone 26
Telephone 22H-J and 10.1
Full Line of Auto Supplies
T1RES-AU Sizes V
Sept. ST, 18, Friday and Saturday-
Red Croia IUissr and Caracal
Pass Junk Co., 403 South Sixth
street. Phone 11. W buy rags,
metal, rubber, scrap Iron, hides
and wool, old automobile tor
wrecking. 6 lit
ON CASH BASIS Th Musio and
Photo home will rmov to the
new location, next door weal, oa
October 1, and everything will be
on a cssh basts except piano and
talking machine sold oa leas.
Cash bast Is necessary In order to
maintain low price. 8tanton
Rowell. SOT O street. IT
HERB I a real opportunity. Th de
mand tor farm tractors la Increas
ing by leap and bounds. West-
era representative of eastern con
cern manufacturing popular priced
line of four wheel tractors will be
In this vicinity soon to close con
tracts. Jf Interested address P. W
Wisdom, car this paper. 71
BUY YOUR FUEL, kindling, blocks
and sawdust of Baber Bros. 115
West. 0. Phon 801-J. 16
(Paid Advertisement.)
Independent Candidate
County Clerk
Democratic Nomineo
for ' - .
Mazda Lamps
TJ AV1NO too llttl light ,
puts a strain on cbll-.
dren's vision that they may
never outgrow! Why not
bave plenty of light? Na
tional MAZDA Lamps give
three times tbe light ot old-
fashioned carbon lamps
without adding a penny to
your light bill. x
Rogue River Hardware
(Jeo. It. Kiddle, Mgr.
Easy Riding
vrrss - - nrv;.:.w& ar:.:-ar:-.T.-..
Full BALK lloiiieatiad rullnquWh-
mi'tu. Near Taylor ireek. Hoad
to place. 11 acrea cleared. AVIll
take team or Ford In part pay
ment. Fred Hamlin, Oallce, Ore
gon. TS
fOR BALE Ktghty-aor ranch, In
Applegat valley. Thirty B'-rs In
cultivation, part alfalfa. Fin
rang for stock. House, barn and
out-bulldlngs. Farming Imple
meuts If desired. Inquire Ik Vin
cent, call Provolt cental. 11
WOOD Good slab wood. $2.50 per
tier. No wood sold In orders ot
less than four tLrs, evenly cut.
Get It while It lasts. Wood will
b scare this wlntsr. I A. Laun
r. 74
FOR 8ALE Registered Holsteln
and Ayrshire cows and heifers;
Berkshire sow, kitchen and house
hold furnishings, canned fruit,
hay and straw In bare, ahop tools
too numerous to mention, shot
gun, bicycle and Ford roadster at
Mclntyrs's ranch IV miles below
town on th Granite hill road. All
must be aold before October 1
Com at one If you want some
thing good at bargain prices. Tele
phone 609-F-ll. Tl
FOR SALE Good cond hand wag
on, 3 14 -Inch. Also second hand
safe at a bartfnln. Address Car
son-Fowler Lumber Co.. Ashland.
Or. TJ
FOR SALIC At publlo auction, Oc
tober 1, at my place SVi miles
north of Kogue River, my stork,
(arm machinery and household
goods. 11. K. Srldmore. 74
arret near Wlmer. Oood place to
start with little money. Address
H. M. Knudsen, Pssco. Wash. 14
FOR SALE Thrje galvanised tanks.
40D gallons; seven ore trucks;
1 75-k. w., direct current, West
Inghouse gonerator; new Alsworth
sssay balances; new steel harrow)
' light double set driving harness;
One single harness, hesvy; 1 Eng
lish spring tree Imported saddle,
and double reined, russet bridle,
patent safety 'stlrups; pulr nice
Shetland ponies; leather top bug
gies; fsnnlng mill; wood racks;
hay racks; 1 hole gas burner; 1
ore, body. Phon 191-It. 54
North rtghth street. 73
-volumes ot Apploton's Cyclopedia,
leather; and 24 volumes of Waver
ly novels, new. Want 10-home-power
gas engine ot modern make
right away. Have othor things to
trade In. Come quick. 654 North
Eighth, street. Phon 191-R. 73
FOR SALE CHEAPGood heating
stove In first class condition. In
, quire at flochdale grocery store, tf
FOR SALE CHEAP Humprey hot
water heater, copper coil. Phon
203-R. .' 73
FOR SALE A 8100 pound team
Cheaper than you could steal them
If taken at once. Inquire 809 L
street. 73
SNAP 7-room plastered house be
tween Fourth and Fifth on Ti St,
Best location In Grants Pass, two
lots, bath, gas. Price $1,100. Easy
terms. This won't last long. L
A. Launer, Realtor. ' 77
O. & C 160 acres close to Grants
Pass, 80 acres level land, living
water all year, running water to
July 15, good outrange, good road.
$75 my charges. L. A. Launer',
Realtor. 77
FOR SALE Good team and har
ness. Inquire 225 West O street.
Phone 809-J, , ,77
FOR RENT Furnished cottage with
prettiest garden In town. Corner
of Booth and Foundry street.
Renter will have to keep up the
garden, " Key next door. A4tt
FOR RENT Furnished house, in
quire at Mrs. Peter Gravlln's, 802
M street. '77
FOUND iA pair of blartt satin danc
ing pumps. Owner can get them
at Kinney & Truax Store.' 73
FOUND Lady's leather , handbag
containing - various articles. Owner
can secure It at the Courier office.
Are you Registered? If not, then
do It now, Saturday, October Eth,
1918, Is the last day to register for
th General Election.
80 , County Clerk
rr-I -.u:
WANTKD- U rou ml mm and lluamea
for Wixdern I'nlun construction
ung working betwoun Murlln and
Granta I'ns. Dent of wages and
o 'ommodatlons. Steady employ
nit'nt. Fur particular apply man
ager Western I'lilon Grants Pa,
or fureniaa, Merlin, Ore. 71
W A NTK 1 Fresh Jvrsny cow with
calf. " AddrrM Martin Conger, Rt
4, llox 6&-A. 71
WANTKD TO HUY Second hand
Jop buggy Id good condition, also
breaklug cart. Address U. O.
Ilelgbton, ltd. No. I. 71
WANTKD On an alfalfa ranch, aa
experienced farmer who under
stands irrigation, on with a small
family who can assist In taking
car of cows preferred, Writ to
Frederick Pvloiise, Ragle Point,
Or. -
TWELVE API'I-K picker wanted.
Fort Vannoy Orchard, phone I0l
Ml. 77
LOST OR BTOIiEN I lllack and
Whit fox hounds, S yesrs old, IS
reward for Information leading to
recovery of same. K. O. OamWe,
Rout 1, Roru River, Or. 71
LOST September 17 on th road b
tween Grants Pasa and Williams, a
small matting suit rase. Finder
notify J. L. Wooldrlilge, phon
II7-R. 74
THE PICTURE MUX, for fine photo
graphs. Open dally except Sun
day from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Bun
day sittings by appointment only.
Phon Mill. 28J-H. or resldeno
140-J. , 67t(
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law.
Practice In all Stat and Federal
Courts. First National Raak Rldg,
at-Law, Qrants Pass Banking Co.
Rldg., Grants Pasa, Oreen
E. 8. VAN DYKE; Attorney. Pra
, tic In all raurt. First National
Bank Dldg.
O. 8. HLANCHAKD, itorney at
Law. , Golden Rule llutldlng
Phono 170. Granta Pass, Oregon.
torneys, Albert Blrlg Phon-I86-J.
Practice In all courts; lam
board attorneys.
C. A. 8IDLER, Altorney-at-Law, ref
eree In bankruptcy, Maaonlt.
tempi, Grant Pass, Or.
DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian.
Office, residence. Phon 10S-R.
L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Pracllo
limited to dlsesses of th ey, ear,
nose and throat. Glasses fitted.
Offlc hours 9-12, 2-ffT or on ap
pointment. Ofltve phons 62. resi
dence phone 359-J.
S. LOUQHRtDGE, M. D., Physkriais
and surgeon. City or country call
attended day or night. Resldenc
phon 869; offlc phon 111
Sixth and II, Tuffs Rldg.
DR. J. t. NirtLEY. Physician and
.surgeon. Lundburg Bldg. Health
officer. Office hours, 9 to II a.
ni. and 1 to 8 p. m. Phone 110-J.
A. A. WITHAM. M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases;
v 903 Corbett Bldg.. Portland, Or.
Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. ni. .
E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-clas
dentistry. 109 South 8Uth
street, Grants Pass, Oregon,
;J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of vole
.... 1 . .. j , .
vu.mrw auu staging. Lessons given
at horn of pupil If requested. Ad
dress 716 Le street.
kinds of dray age and transfe
work carefully and' promptly don
Phone 181-J. stand at freight
depot. A. 8hade, Prop.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon
F. G. ISHAM, drayug and transfer.
8afes, rlanns and furniture
moved, packed, shipped and ator
ed. phoo Clark A Ilolman, No.
80. Resldeoc phon 124-R. ,