Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, September 25, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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c::a Eiit river cora
Published Dully Except Saturday
A, C TOOEHlca, Pub, and Prepr.
aTatered at poatofBce, Granta Paae,
Ors. u ecoed daa BmU matter.
gMaplay Pc. pr Inch 15
lgoal-pronal columa, per Una 10c
Header, par Una
By snail or carrier, per yar..6.00
tj maU or carrtar, per month- .68
By mall, par yar
State Editorial Association
Oregon Dully Newpaper Pab. Amu.
The Associated Preaa la axeluatTely
tntlUcd to the naa lor republloatlea
at all atwa dispatches credited to It
or aot otherwise credited la thla
war aad aUo the local aewe pub-
All right of rapublicatloa of ape-
tal disrmtche herein ara alto
WEDXE8DAY, SETT. 23, 1018.
Fair, light northerly wtnda.
Much la said about the Talue of
cheerful letters from the people at
home to their soldier relatives and
friends. Less Is heard of the value
of cheerful letters from soldiers, and
there seema to be quite as much
need of such comment.
The civilian morale needs sustain
ing Just as much aa the military mor
ale. It Is the backbone of the whole
organism, and It must be kept erect
If the whole body is to wage success
ful warfare.
When a soldier writes home that
"ha Is Just in from the battlefield
and never'expects to see home again'
the effect upon the mother, sister,
wife or sweetheart who gets that let
ter Isn't . encouraging. . Depression
ooxes out from such letters Into the
general home atmosphere in clouds
which can hardly be dissipated.
As a matter of fact, it doesn't seem
to be soldiers who have seen much
actual fighting who write these blue
letters. It Is the lads who have been
out In training fields for a short
pace and who wish to be thought
leroes and are making bids for sym
. pathy and glory.
The boy in tranlng camp who
writes bitterly of the "terrible hard
ships" he has to undergo is also cul
pable. He "had to walk 12 miles
carrying a pack of 60 pounds, and
sleep in wet clothes, and it's just aw
ful the way they make us work."
' What did he expect? Is he not in
camp to learn to undergo hardship
without being hurt by It? On a
eamplng expedition he would do as
much or more, and brag for years of
, the fun he had doing It.
These boys do not mean to fright
en or make miserable their people at
home. Half the letters of this kind
are written proudly or humorously.
But the written word does not carry
with it the Joking tone, the twinkle
of the eye. The written words are
flat and capable of differing Interpre
tations. The boys, therefore, should
be careful of their letters.
It is up to each boy to remember
that his people are anxious enough
about bis welfare and his real dan
gers. . He should not add to the cup
one' drop of artificial worry. If he
wanU to "kid the tolka" with tales Bol4 B "the good old Amartcaa way.
of heroic exploits, of warding off What I the very most you can do to
shrapnel from : defenseless generals ' " Uat advance a smashing sue
. . , .... . i cess Uke th boya over there ara
with a bolo knife, of taking 65 Hun g,, , v
and four machine ajune single-hand-' ,: .
ed, let him." But let him not leave
In the letter a tasta of bitterness and
suffering to be drained at home.
High Test Seedless Raisins
Hardships Ignored, Wounded Man
Tells Mother Don't Let Them
Hinder Your War Work
By Mm. Hud ParfUr Fadkmr
From a hospital somewhere la
Fraaee a wounded Aaaertcan haa writ
tea to hla parents:
"We ara going through hardships,
but the boys ara taking held m th
good old American way,"
What a message for those of
who have remained at home
a challenge to the vast army of men '
aad womea who ara In the bom '
guard, carrying on m the thousand ,
and one ways that, the exigencies oi
war have brought upon us.
"We are going through hardships
We can believe that, when wa re
call the dauntless charges which ooi
boya have been ' making over tbora
and the dally lengthening casualty
It at MVl.h - ...! n K .la
fearle- davouo. to th. task that J
"LT" T!' J
we anow iney ara going urougs j
hardships, when wa stop to think ol
the hundreds upon hundreds who art,
wounded, and who for the time be
Jr. 1.... , m ...
nrNfiKU PwrMV
Vr7r,5 TrDivOB -
Of course they are going througD)l)e,rabBi often the muscles and
hardships, those boys from youl; cords In my limbs seemed to con
home and mine. Hardshipa are a.tract, causing Intense pain. During
part of war. They are the inevitable
result of a state of war. And wbn
war is wagad by an enemy so skilled
in all . the fiendish deviltries In
which tha Germans have indulged,
they are the inescapable portion ol
every soldier participating.
But hardships are not the part ol
tha war. these soldiers of ours ar
thinking most about They ar but
the Incident in the day work.
"Th boy are taking hold in th
good old Amerloan way."
Could there be a better statement
at their manner of facing what come
to then? Could there be a mora def
inite course of action prescribed for
those of ua at home daring thee
days which test th Mettle of our
The time for our message to th
hers haa - oome again. The ' Fourth
Tlti f j Loan la to be our response
to this wounded soldier's challenge,
Are we gaeng to take hold In th
"good old American wayT"
We have not had to go through
hardshipa, ore have been aa easier
pert. We have known little of sacrt
flee or deprivation. . Compared with
the ottering of oar boys, we bar
done Bothfatg aa yet - And now, her
is the challenge sounded to ua.'
The pood oaf American way I an
that is aakad of us. What la that
Too must frame the answer, moth
er and sisters of the west. Yours
is an Important part in the reply
which the nation will make to th
boya rveiseas. There Is not one of
us who would not spare her son if
aha ' wall yea, even epare soma
other Bother's son the pain and
hardship he must bear. Wa are not
asked to do that We could not
though we would.
But w can make hla part eaalar to
bear, wa can go wtth him through
th hardships, by lending completely
of our money.
There la no longer need to explain
what a Liberty Loan 1. There la
no mora necesalty for pointing oat
reason for participation in it Thla
la the day when but to hear Its call
la to Insure it heartiest support -September
28th is the date set for
our concerted reply through tha
Te atey or Not to toy to No the
(tvestton awy.
' Back Your Own With th Bond Yaw
Queer Physiology.
Mr. Ohatterton "My Idea of a baa
Hfttl woman la 09a with divine flf
re, a graceful carriage, a clear com
plexion, a laughing month, good teeth,'
straight nose and, above au. oara.
txprcsslv ayes." Mis Giggles "Eyaa
Ibove aU I Tea-heel She'd look fanny
with ayes on the top of her head."
No Need to Worry,
lira. Llvewell "Please dont be of
fended at the question, Ttllle, bat art
row addicted to drink r New Maid
I don't know the tasta of It, ma'am.
Too can keep a bottle In ovary room
In the house If you Ilka and you'll al
ways find It aa you left It" Buffalo
Extraordinary Optimist
An Inmate of a Canadian charity
home lauibed himself to death over a
Joke. A man who can laugh himself
to death In the poorhouse la a peculiar
tort of an optimist that uli woria
karat enough of.
Why Sulk So?
Twlng K.K
dUxiness and distressing urinary
mf Grants Pass people recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills. Could you ask
for stronger proof of merit?
"Mrs. A. M. Evensen. 625 S. Fourth
flt iiti "T w . npariv lain tin
'with rheumatic troubles, which af-
Ifected my hips and one of my limbs,
, times the pain was almost un
thla trouble, my kidney ware more
or less affected, which prompted me
to take Doan's Kidney Pills. The
first toox regulated my kidneys and I
took about three boxea in all when
the rheumatic pains In my hips and
limb left me entirely. Now when
my kidneys bother me, I use Doan's
Kidney Pills snd they always do me
Price 60c at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Evensen hsd. Foster-Mllburn
Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
The California and Oregci
Coast Railroad Compact
Dally except Sunday
Effective H 1, 1911
Train 1 lr. Grants Pass- i-00 p. n
Tr'n 2 lv.- Water Creek f iO't y. r
All trains leave Orantr Pss t""
he corner of O and P':'uti stret'r
ipposlte tL Southern 1'aciflo depoi
For all Informatlun regar.Un
freight and passercr service call
the office of the company, Lundhim
building, or phone 111 for cam.
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
W. T. Breen, Propr.
H. (lidding, Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cars
Office Old Observer Blk.Corner Seventh and G street Phone 26
Telephone 228-J and 10:i
Full Line of
Sept. IT, 18, Friday and Saturday
Red Cross lUiaar arnT Carnival
Bill NO YOUR JUNK to the Grants
Pasa Junk Co., 403 8outh Sixth
street. Phone 11. Wa buy rags,
metal, rubber, scrap Iron, hide
and wool, old automobiles foi
wrecking. tltf
ON' CA81I BASIS The Music and
Photo house will remove to th
new location, next door wast, on
October 1, and everything will be
on a rash basis except piano and
talking machine sold oa la.
Cash bads la necessary la order to
maintain low price. 8tanton
Rowell, (07 Q street. 87
HERS I a real opportunity, Tha de
mand tor farm tractors la Increas
ing; by leapa and boupds. West
ern representative of eastern con
cern manufacturing popular priced
line of four wheel tractor will be
In this vicinity soon to cloa con
tracts. If Interested address P. W.
Wisdom, car thla paper. 78
BUY YOUR Fl'EU kindling, blocks
and sawdust of Baber J3ros. 225
West O. Phono 509-J.
(Paid Advertisement)
Independent Candidate
' County Clerk
0. E. McLANE
Democratic Nominee
Mazda Lamps
IT AV1NO too little) light
put a strain on chil
dren' vision that they may
never outgrow! Why, not
have plenty or light? Na
tional MAZDA Lamp give
three times the light of old
fashioned carbon lamp
without r-dding a penny to
your light bill.
Rope River Hardware
Geo. It. Itl.ldle, Mgr.
Easy Riding
Auto Supplies
All Sizes
aa b - nraa
FOR BALK Homestead relinquish
ment. Near Taylor creek. Road
to place. 1 1 acres cloartd. Will
take team or Ford In part pay
ment. Frtd llamlln, Uallce, Ore
gon. 73
FOR SALS Elghty-acr ramh, In
Applegat valley. Thirty acres In
cultivation, part alfalfa. Flae
rant tor stock, IIojso, ham and
out-building. Farming' Implo-
meutt If desired. Inquire Ik Vin
cent, call Pro volt central. 75
WOOD Ciood alab wood. 12.50 per
tier. No wood aold in ordor of
lea than four tier, evenly cut.
Get It while It lasts. Wood will
ha scarce thla winter. L. A. Uun-
r. 74
FORTY TONS alfalfa hay for sal In
th field, ready now, at $17 per
ton. Phon 406-F-1J. C. II. Els
mann. 71
FOR 8AI.K Resist red Ilolateln
and Ayrshire row and heifer;
Rrkhlre sow, kitchen and house
hold furnishings, canned fruit,
hay and straw In barn, (hop tool
too numerou to mention, (hot
gun, bicycle and Ford roadster at
Mclntyra'a ranch m mile below
town on th Oranit hill road. All
must be sold before October 1.
Come at once If you want lome-
thlng good at bargain prlcea. Tele
phone 60J-F-11. 7J
FOR SALE Oood aecond hand wag
on, H4-lnch. Also second band
saf at a bargain. Addres Car
ton-Fowler Lumber Co., Ashland
Ore. 73
FOR BALE At publlo auction. Oc
tober 1, at my plac 1W miles
north of 'Rogue Itlver, my itork
farm machinery and household
goods. H. K. 8cldinore. 74
FOR SALE CHEAP for cash 80
acre near Winter. Qood place to
start with little money. Address
H. M. Knudsen, Pasco, Wash. 4
FOR 8ALE- Thrie galvanised tanks
600 gallon; seven ore truck;
1 75-k. w., direct current, West
lnghoute generator; new Alaworth
assay balances; new steel harrow
: light double set driving harness
fine single harness, heavy; 1 Eng
llch spring tree Imported saddle
and double reined russet bridle,
patent safety 'stlrups; pair nice
Shetland ponies; leather top bug
glea; fanning mill; wood rack
bay racka; 2 hole gaa burner; 1
ore body. Phone lfl-R. 654
North Eighth street. . 73
volume of Appleton'a Cyclopedia,
leather; and 24 volume of Waver
ly novels, new. Want 10-horse-power
gaa engine of modern make
right away. Have other things to
trade In. Come quick. 654 North
Eighth street. Phone 191-R. 73
FOR 8ALE 1 No. 8 cook stove with
reservoir, 10: 1 6-hole range,
$18; 250 teet.of new and
-lnrh water pipe at one-half
price. J. L. Green, Rd. No. 2. 72
FOR SALE CHEAP Oood heating
atove In first class condition. , In
quire at Rochdale grocery store, tf
FOR SALE CUBA P Hum prey hot
water heater, copper coll. Phone
20S-R. '73
FOR SALE A 8100 pound team.
Cheaper than you could steal them
If taken at once. Inquire 509 L
street 73
FOR RENT Furnished cottage with
prettiest garden in town. Corner
of Booth and Foundry street
Renter will have to keep up the
garden. Key next door, 64 it
FOR RENT-rOctober 1, a nicely fur
nished cottage, modern in every
particular, gas, electric lights,
bath, etc., also garage 609 A
street. See N. E. Townsend, 821
A street. 73
FOR RENT Furnished house, in
quire at Mrs. Peter Oravlln's, 802
M street 77
WANTED A cook, single woman
or man and wife. Also dining room
girl. Qood wages. Phone or
write Mr. E. A. jMcPherson, Mon
umental, Cat. 72
WANTED Groundmen and linemen
for Western Union construction
gang 'working between Merlin and
Grants Pass. Best of Wage and
accommodations. Steady employ
ment For particulars apply man
ager Western Union Orants Pass,
or foreman, Merlin, Ore. 73
WANTED Fresh Jeracy cow with
calf. Ad.lrw Martin Conner, Rt
4. llox 5-A. T4
WANTED TO - III) Y Second hand
top buggy in good condition, alao
breaking fart. Add res U. C.
Itelghton, Rd. No, 3. T4
WA.NTlClv-Oa an alfalfa ranch, aa
experienced farmer who under
stand Irrigation, on with a email
family who can alt la taking
rare of oowt preferred. Writ to
Frederick Prions, Kail Point
Or. 81
TWFXVR AI'PLH pickers wanted,
Fort Vannoy Orchard, phone 60
Fll. -77
LOST OR STOIiEN 3 Illack and
White fox hotinda, 3 year old, $5
reward for Information leading to
recovery of same. F. O. Gamble,
Route 1, Rogut Rlvr, Ore. 71
TUB PICTURE MILL for fine photo
graphs. Open dally xrpt Sun
day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Bun
day elltlng by appointment only.
Phone Mill, 313-R, or residence
1404. 57tf
H. D. NORTON, Altoraay-at-law.
Fractleea la all State and Federal
Courta. First National flask flldg.
at-Law, Oraata Pas Banking Co.
Bldg., Granta Paea, Ortgen.
E. 8. VAN DTKC, Attornty. Pro
Uo la all court. First National
Bank Bldg.
O. 8. BLANCH A RD. ttorney at
Law. Oolden Rule Building
Phono 170. Grants Pass, 'Oregon.
torneys, Albert Bldg. Phon.
3II-J. PracUce In all eouru; law
board attorneys.
C. A. B IDLER, A(torny-al-Law, rat
re la bankruptcy. ilasoola
temple. Oraata Pa. Ore.
DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Vtterlnarlan.
Offlc. rldnc. .Phon 105-It.
L. O. CLEMENT, M. D Practloe
limited to disease of lb ya, ar,
DOS and throat Glasses Ottad.
Offlc hour 9-12, 2-5, or on ap
pointment Office phone 62, real
dence phon 359-J.
9. LOUGURIDHE. M. U, Phyaiulaa
and lurgeon. City or country call
attended day or Bight. Re(ldao
pbona 369; office phone 183
8txtb and H, Tuff Bldg,
DR. J. O. NIIrLEY, Physician and
urgson. Lundburg Bldg. Health
officer. Offlc hours. 9 to 13 a.'
m. and 1 to 5 p. m, Phon 810-J.
A. A. WITHAM. M. D. Internal
. medicine and nervoua disease;
908 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Hour 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.
E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-claa
dentistry. 109 ft South Sixth
treet, Grant Pas, Oregon,
J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of voice
culture and singing. Lesson given
at home ef pupil tf requested. Ad
dress 716 J street.
kinds of drayag and transt'
wark carefully and promptly lan1
Pbone ' 181-J. Stand ' at frelghi
depot A. Shade, Prop. '
, Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Pbone
P. G. ISMAM, drayage and transfer1.'
Safe, ilanoa and furnltnr
moved, packed,' (hipped and stor
ed. Pbona Clark ft Ilolmaa, No.
50. Residence phone 114-R.