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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1918)
HAI1.Y IDGUK R1VEH UOCIUbiN TI WKHAV, NKITKMIIKII II. ttlS. TAOM FOUR FATHER KILLED IX GI N RATTLE, TWO WM IX JUL Loa Insoles. Sept. Si. Ous allfg- ed automobile bandit was killed, an other wounded and two deputy aher- tCs narrowly escaped death yester day la a battle which brought an end to what the offlcera declared was the criminal career ot a father and two ou. The dead man waa Charles Hor. a machinist ot thia city. One of hie sons, Arthur, who waa serious ly wounded, la In the hospital. His other ton, Frank, IS years old. Is In the county Jail. STATE PAIR SALEM, ORE., SEPTEMBER 88-SI8 8Dlendtd exhibits, excellent music, htfh claaa entertainments and a su- pork racing card. Tor particulars wrtta A. H. Lee. Salem, Ore. 41 NEW TOUAX (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 14 wore, two tasuea. Me; a laeaes. 0; one month. $160. whA paid la adraaoe. When not paid la aaTaaoe, ac per lias par Uses.) TOR SALE Ford car, II IB model. No. 1 condition. Phona II. II fOR SALS Three alYanlsed tanka. (00 gallon; serea ore trucks; 1 T5-k. w.. direct current, Weat Inghouse generator; new Alsworth aay balances; aew steel harrow; light double set driving harness; fine single harness, heavy; 1. Eng lish spring tree Imported saddle, and double reined russet bridle. patent safety stlrups; pair nlca Shetland ponies; leather top bug glee; fanning mill; wood racks; hay racks; I hole gaa burner; lj ore body. Phone lll-R. 654 j North Eighth street. j FOR 8ALE OR TRADE Thirty-tour Tolumea of Appleton's Cyclopedia, leather; and 14 rolumea of War ly aorels,. aew. Want 10-horse-power gas engine ot modern make right away. Have other things to trade In. Come quick. (S 4 North Eighth street. Phone lll-R. 7 FOR SALE 1 No. 8 cook stove with reservoir, 110; 1 -nole range. $18; :50 feet of new and tt-inch water pipe at one-half price. J. L. Green, Rd. No. 2. 71 BUT YOUR Fl'EU kindling, blocks and sawdust of Baber Bros. 225 West G. Phone 609-J. 18 WANTED On an alfalfa ranch, an experienced farmer who under stands Irrigation, one with a small family who can assist In taking care of cows preferred. Write to Frederick Pelouxe, Eagle Point. Ore. 82 LOST OR STOLEN 2 Black and White fox hounds, 3 years old. $5 reward for Information leading to recovery of same. F. O. Gamble, Route 1, Rogue River, Ore. 73 FOR SALE CHEAP Good heating stove In first class condition. In quire at Rochdale grocery store, tf FOR RENT Furnished house, in quire at Mrs. Peter Oravlln's, 802 M street. 77 TWELVE APPLE pickers wanted. Fort Vannoy Orchard, pbone 606-F-12. 77 FOR SALE A Ford, see it at the Rochdale and make an offer. 72 FOR SALE! .Household goods. Mov Ing away, must sell this week. Din lng table and chairs, 3 rockers and 1 arm chair, buffet, book racks, kitchen cabinet, small refrigerator, email heating stove and cook stove with coil, sanitary couch, chiffioner, sewing machine, lawn mower, tireless cooker, tricycle and numerous small articles Harry K. Clarke, 305 Manzanlta Ave., phone 41-T. 71 FOR SALE CHEAP Humprey hot water heater, copper coll. Phone 203-R. 73 FOR SALE A 3100 pound team. Cheaper than you could steal them If taken at once. Inquire 609 street. 73 Tokay 5c -THE ROCHDALE THE STORE OF GUARANTEED GOODS O. B. FTFIKLD, Manager OLE SAM HIMSELF. Grants Pass people are atralntng the rubber in their necks today, try ing to see Just how high Mr. Madsen who Is putting on the big patriotic show at the Joy tonight, really U. They gueas his height all the way from seven ten to ten feet. Mr. Mad sen really measures seven feet six and ha is 11 years of age. He a peara as I'ncle 8am In the Slacker's Heart feature at the Joy tonight (or two shows only. Uncle Sam Is the tallest man In America today, and hia moving picture feature, from the praise of the Seattle and Portland papera. Is the greatest on the road. No doubt everybody In Grants Pass will want to attend the Joy tonight. There will be two performances, starting earlier than usual to accom modate the crowds. Come out and shake hands with I'ncle Sam him self. The Cottage Orove Sentinel has the following ta say about Mr. Mad sen: Soma matrimonially Inclined young woman who wants a man whom she Is certain aha can look np to and one big 'enough and tall enogh to over look all her faults would do well to make the necessary arrangements with R. E. Madsen. who baa Just paaaed his list birthday, haa never yet yielded to feminine wiles, meas ures I feet and 18 Inches In height and can reach his height. Just think of a 7H-foot hug! He has never been kissed because ha can't find a girl who can reach his mouth. Ha has never held a girl on his tap because when seated In an ordinary ehalr hia lap Is an ex tremely Inclined plane and rather uncomfortable tor that kind of am usemsnt. Madsen was born at Norfolk, Neb. Hia father ta feet 1 inches In height and his mother feet He has a brother and a sister both of whom are six feet in height. Madsen's ex treme height ot TH test was attain ed at 20 years of age. 780 rages of Brief- Attorney A. E. Reamea leaves to night tor Salem where he will make final arguments In the case ot Sweenev vs. Jackson county over the construction ot the Siskiyou section of the Pacific highway. The case has been before the courts for three years, Sweeney suing for $140,000 against $35,000 allowed by the state engineer, and securing sn award of 170.000 by Circuit Judge Davis in Portland, from which decision the county appealed. 760 pages of brief hare been tiled with the courv Prill Monday Night The next meeting of the local military training school will be held at the courthouse next Monaay niehL A full attendance of members is urgently requested by the officers ot the organization, who are anx inn. in inrreaiia the membership. If tou come within the present draft, s course at this school will eliminate you from the "Awkward Squad." M Merchant's Lnnch E 5 rPntntSMlt' "3 n.inr'i' a j and m . . ... 1 4 Oxford Grill 4 fi Are you thinking ot enter- f J talnlng at a luncheon "or : oanquei: J Call up our chef. He Is an 1 exnert In this line !' 1 JPKW'I'.'IIIUI!' ff!Hf Grap: Per Pound PER52NdL Tom Calvin came over from Cres cent City last nlht. returning to the toast this morning. Mllii.ii Cream" Sabln has It. 70 laile Sam himself Joy tonight. 72 Ralph Qulncsy, who visited his aunt, Mrs. Mary Jones, left this morning, returning to Salont. Extra, Cbarlla Chaplin. Mutt aud Jeff between shows Joy toulght. 71 I. A. lAunvr returned yesterday from Portland where he spent sev eral days. Rarln to go, Vude Sam, Joy. 71 W. B. ltagar and Mrs. M. 3. Hag- ar. of Merlin, left this afternoon on a trip to Indianapolis. Ind. See why kaiser can't win Joy to night. . TI Karl Larson loft this morning tor Portland and after a short stay will go to Corvallls to make application for entry Into the O. A. C. Among the many parcels at the Red Cross Baaaar In the parcel post booth, wilt be one from the first lady of the land. Mrs. Woodrow Wil son. Mothers show Joy tonight only. 71 Miss Nellie Culy returned to Ash land this afternoon after spending two weeks with her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. N. Culy, at The Meadows. Patronise the Red Cross dinners at the Chamber of Commerce Friday noon and Saturday noon. 73 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oravlin re turned home last night. They spent the summer at Porrts, tnd for the past month have visited their son and other relatives at San Francisco. Oh Joy, we will en-Joy the Joy ous I'ncle Sam tonight, 71 Mrs. C. C.. Presley and Miss Grsce Presley left this afternoon by auto mobile for Salem, where they will re side. Mr. Presley being In the Salem Wells, Fargo expreaa office. They were accompanied-by Jo Pardee, who will go to Seattle to enter the naval training department. ot the Univers ity of Wsshington. While at the Red" Crosa Bsiaar, visit ths fresh fruit and vegetable booth and lay In your supply for Sunday. 71 Crowd the Joy tonight. Uncle Sam. IS and 25 centa Joy tonight. 71 Crowd The JOYs' THEATER Tonight Only The Greatest Timely and Instructive Show Ever Attempted in Granis Every Soul f -COlONEL. AMERICA 5YMW7H.ZM wrrj, wj rt.frrr AfWtjP i J V 1 rtn as oTHfR v - YvW I Til Stu-VTITM w '-rvr . Mf'i jr- vLelfl li XHSXX 1 VXJ ,..,'41 f'j& 111 wfrliir ' 'A"-'? i l '-Xt Jig Giving mm it hurts" -M e i ia iiHin t m m m7 m i mt m ir vw aim nm mi m ami m jk.v x . i w m mm r a - -v m I mill i mm vsr- y m I . "' . .' -eoc ' U U ill Grabbing the Kaisers Kind in IN A SLACKER'S HEART FEATURE IN SEVEN REELS Will we allow Bill Hay wood' or DeV kind to dictate? A great Mother's, Father's, Sister's, Brother's and Sweetheart's Lesson. Where America's Red Blood Tells. Admission 15c and 25c s TONIGHT ONLY TWO SHOWS COME EARLY 55 LOCAL II, W, llebbard was lu from tlu Copper King mine today. Parents bring the children Joy to night 71 F, C. Brarawell made a trip to Placer today. Butter Fat flikw Through an error tu this office the price ot butter fat was quoted on Monday at 64 cents. The pries Is 63 cents and Is the price being paid by the Muiual Creamery com pany by B. F. eklllman, agent. ltrrartiiber the IMaoe The lied Croas Basaar will be held In the courthouse basement. 73 Horwlng Ktuitjp Ths light-fingered bunch now so journing amongst us did not pass Herman Horning by. He states that they swiped two randy tubs which ha had placed at the rear ot his con fectionery. "I wanted to lloverlte," says Mr. Horning, "and placed ths tubs outside so ths bees could eat the honey from the sides ot the tubs, but the tubs disappeared." Evident ly Horning was stung. CliM-ks Hack, Not Ahead ' An error was made In Sunday's Courier In stating that all clocks would be turned "ahead" one hour at midnight, September 10. All dorks wilt be set "back" one hour In accordance with the daylight sav ing law. This will sgaln place time at standard. The law, which was put Into effect April 1, set the clocks ahead an hour to give an hour ex tra In the morning during the sum mer, while they will now be set back to readjust the time, but ths change will take place on Sunday, October 27, Instead of September 20, as pre viously stated. Apimlnt Commit!' Ths following committees have been appointed In connection with the weighing and measuring ot ehll dren contest to be held Saturday, September 28, at the courthouse, Poster Committee Miss Rem lee Quintan and Miss Genevieve Pattlllo Should See ItParent Summons all ths forces and resources of ths Republic to ths defeats ol Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have ranked si one of lbs Ifteen dutl.iiuiihfd limitations ol ths country fur excellence in military training, has rcipnnded to ths till Ths College is distinguished not only lor Its military Instruction, but DimHoviiiuD aito roa Its itmnilnJuitrUI courses for men sit J fcrt womeoi 1 AiiKulmra, Ctnawn, ritMiiM. ttnHif 'tfUIUHl fcjyutiwl, Its wholesome, purposeful student Ufa. Its democratic 0Ilf spiiit. Its successful rsJuites. Students enrolled lut ytar,)4) stars on Its service fiigs, l$8 . ovsr lofty percent representing oilicsrt. College opens September 22, III! Fm Mulct, IlUtUti! Iwsbl. u4lMt J I Nmk C. P. PIKH, Hpettlal Agent Htaadard OH Co., Grants Pea Room Preparation Commute Mrs. J, P. Truax. Mrs. T. M. Slott and Mrs. Philip llelmer. Omtmllieea Are Working The 'committees appointed to so licit for the Fourth liberty loan are working diligently today and are be lieved to be making fair progress to wards raising the local quota, but they have a hard Job ahead of them as much of the quota must yet be secured. Factory ('liiwa for Bond Buying The box factory was closed down this forenoon for about 15 minutes and Teachers Bring,the UkmstUos write la lb RjlMit, Contllk Onto Boiling Points ers venotitlng point. Is) JUd Crew gasoline ihey Corns a romimteua, uaifom iheis wiytnaMdy.tlenemUhUpowsf. Look for the Red Crowe siga. ITAKOARD Ott COMPANT tCeUiila) mGesott JQualH? to allow Uliorty bond solicitors to receive bond subscriptions. The fsrtory Is patriotic In every way, the American flag being raised and low ered every day. and their service flag containing many stars. Manager Ro ble ts "up front" In sll patriot! work. Met at Opera llotrne It was snnouncrd today that the meeting at which men are to receive advice preparatory to enter military training will be held In the opera house, next Friday uluht. All kinds of Commorclal Printing at the Courier Ofllce. Pasa. (heap Prices Children America