Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, September 20, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    InporUat Meettag
There will ba ta important -meet'
Ug ot ths various liberty lota so
liciting committees tonight at 7
'dock at the Chamber ot Commerce,
strsry member will be furnished
vKh buttons, application blanks and
all necessary eulpment tor the big
drive to raise Josephine county's
Leave for imp Grant-
Mr. and Mr. George Calhoaa hare
reoelved word from their son, Les
ter, at Camp Lewis that he was tear
ing Wednesday with three others ot
his company, and 100 In alt, tor
Camp Orant, at Rockford, III They
are being transferred to enter the
on-commissioned officers training
school at that pUoe.
To HeU With the Kaiw"
Come to Murphy Saturday night,
and buy a bond next week. What's
money compared with Murphy hilar
ity and a bond holder's conscience.
(Jom oa Hunting Trip-
Earl Pickens, J. B. Patrick, A. .C.
Spencer and C. B. Patrick left this
morning on a two weeks hunting trip
at Bear Camp, In Curry county. They
go by train to Orsnts Pass, then by
auto to Oalic creek, then by pack
train almost SS miles into one ot the
wildest snd best hunting districts In
Oregon. The will be Joined st
Oranta Pass by A. C. Ooettsche and
Fred Isham. of that city, and Joe
Moors ot Klamath rails, and Wal
ter Ooettaehs ot Lo Angeles. Rose-
burg Rsrtww.
M H lb. Sack flow f 1-50
4 lb. Sack Floar . $3.00
I Out Haaehrood MUk SSc
t Can Araaowrs MUk ...2.V
1 lb, Peaaut Butter -SSc
8 IK Kara 8ymp
10 lb. Kara Syrup ,
1 lav. Hercheys Cocoa
4 bars Swifts Soap
4 Bote Matches
1 lb. White Beans
I Ms. Red Mexksui Beaas
1 lb. Macaroni
1 lb. Caraeol Coffee
. 80c
C. R, FIFIELD, Manager ,
O. F. Carson, ot Ashland, ts
the city today on business. -
Mrs. Fred Roper went to Central
Point this morning to visit relatives.
"Metholatum." Sabln has It. - IS
Mrs. J. M. Rose returned to Rose-
bur last nUht after visiting her
sister, Mrs. H. H. PernoU.
Asa rower, returned last night
from Hilt, where he spent the sum
mer working.
Mrs. Jane Gray and son, Jack, ot
Johnstown, N. D., ara vlaltlng Mrs.
Oray'a sister, Mrs. Geo. Seebach.
Fred Stevens went to Eugene last
night, accompanying the body or his
mother tor burial.
Mrs. C. E. Stltt and four children
arrived this morning from LaOrande
and will snend ths day' with Mrs.
Stltt's mother, Mrs. Anna Johnson,
Mrs. F. S. Bruer and baby, who
spent several days with Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Moyd. left this morning tor
their horns at Msrshfisld.
Mrs. Wm. Day and Mrs. Mary
Oriswold, who wert here during ths
lint nines of their mother, Mrs
Nancy Reynolds, returned to Port
land today.
Misses Thetma and Martha Wll
klnson. of Williams left this morn
Ing tor Eugene, ths former to enter
the V. ot O. and the latter to resume
her studies In the Eugene high
school, this being her third year,
In Important llunl
Council of Defense meeting at 8
m. tonight. Important business.
Full attendance rsussted.
ChlaiMM Will Train-
Attorney James T. Chlnnock has
been admitted to ths officers' trsln
Ing school at ths V. ot O. and will
probably leave about the .first of the
Hardware Merchant Visiting-
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mabts, ot Ros-
wsll, New Mexico, are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. P. L. Warren. Mr. Mable
Is a brother ot Mrs. Warren. Ron
well Is on ot the tew New Mexico
cities without a Spanish name, and
carries some distinction on that ac
count Mr. Mabts la a hard wars mer
chant ot that city.
Special at Rose's
Saturday and Sunday, Hatelwood
French salad tea cream. F8tf
Sept IT, tS, Friday and Saturday
Red Cross Bauar snd Carnival
four Respond
la response to ths appeal for five
volunteers to gather clothing for the
Belgians, four have volunteered their
services tor this most Important
work. ' They are Mrs. C. E. Irelsnd.
Mrs. A. B. Cornell, Mrs. G. P. Jester
snd Melville T. Wire. The clothing
must be gsthered next week'. Look
over your clothing and sve what you
can spsre for the Belgiane.
words, two Issues, lie; ste lasses,
too; one month. $1.51. was paid t
advance. Wuea tot paid la ssvaaoe,
par lias per Issaa.)
11 With Tke
Ycull Say So Tco!
Sunday and Monday
Shows at 8 and 0:30
Admission 50c 35c
FOUND Glove found near Orlffln
Ferry. Owner can get It at Courier
fflcs. 6
WANTED To retort men. Pay It
and board tor eight hours; exper
ience unnecesssry. Inquire at
Browns Cigar stors, Medford, Ore
gon. . (I
FOR SALE Registered Holstetn
and Ayrshire cows and heifers;
Berkshire sow, kitchen snd house
hold furnishings, canned fruit
hay and strsw In barn, shop' tools
top numerous to mention, shot
gun, bicycle snd Ford roadster at
Mc(ntyre'e ranch SM miles below
town on the Granite hill rosd. All
must be sold before October 1.
Come at once If you went some
thing good at bargain prices. Tel
phone 609-F-ll. 73
FOR SALE Good second hsnd wag
on, 3V4-lnch. Also second hsnd
safe at a bargain. Address Car
son-Fowler Lumber Co., Ashland.
The picture was shown Sunday
night for the first time, and it is
doubtful If the old Broadway has
held such a crowd since the days of
the "Midnight 8ons." Every on
was there and every seat was filled.
Lawrence Grant gave an interpre
tation of the kaiser that was remark
able for Its sublety as well as for
Its uncanny physical resemblance to
the world's best hated ruler. He Is
the best kslser we have seen. In
fact, he Is so good hat we wouldn't
be surprised If no one every spoke
to him again. He plays s dual role,
but the other man Is a villain, too,
an actor person who Impersonated
His Satanic Majesty when William
himself wished to take a vacation.
In that way Mr. Hohenzollern could
direct one set of atrocities while his
double directed another.
Olive Tell never looked so pretty
as she did as "ths girl," an Ameri
can who Is residing In Berlin with
her father. When the story opens
she Is Just leaving the convent In.
Belgium, where she has taken her
younger sfstef. Betty Howe Is the
sister who remains In Belgium and Is
later attacked by the Crown Prince
when the village Is sacked.
The story does not pretend to be
a history of the war, and the only
things that are true are the atrocities
which are committed by the Ger
mans. These are always bound to be
true. But It Is Intensely Interesting
and extremely well done. It Is war
melodrama at Its best N. Y. Tribune.
"To Hell with the Kaiser" Isn't
merely the name ot a photo drama.
It Is the American state of mind.
Everyone of us has his own private
little Idea ot how the kaiser's pun
ishment should be made to fit the
crown. It remains for Metro to do
the subject up brown. Everybody In
town will go to see "To Hell with
the Kaiser." It breathes the very
spirit of American pep and dash of
optimism. It radiates victory. It's
young and 'American, and breathes
the spirit that has never been beat
en. In truth "To Hell with the
Kaiser" Is something new In film
land. New York Times.
As a stimulus to patriotism "To
Hell with the Kaiser" Is a sure shot,'
I honestly believe It would reform a
confirm pacifist. If you are a regu
lar American this picture will do you
good, and if you are not it will make
you uneasy until you are one. In
either event your Uncle Sam can't
lose. Guy Price In New York Her
ald. . -
FOR RENT October 1, a nicely fur
nlshed cottage, modern In every
particular, gas, electric lights,'
bath, etc., also garage 609 A
street. See N. E. Townsend, 621
A street. 73
FOR SALE Two gas engines. One
upright, 2V4 h. p., $50. One hor
izontal, 4 h. p., $75. Both No. 1
condition. Phone 19. 69
FOUND Suit case. Owner can get
It at the Courier office. 69
WANTED Groiindmen and linemen
for Western Union construction
gang working between Merlin and
Grants Pass. Best ot wages and
accommodations. Steady employ
ment. For particulars apply man
ager Western Union Grants Pass,
or foreman, Merlin, Ore. 73
FOR SALE Six-year old horse,
weight 1450, fine worker, sell
cheap. P. 0, Box 360, Grants
Pass. 69
FOR SALE Will save you, $100 on
1918 Chevrolet car. See J. H.
Denlson. . 69
WANTED .pasture for horse. J.
H. Denlson. 69
Splendid exhibits, excellent music,
high class entertainments and a su
perb racing card. For particulars
write A. H. Lee, Salem, Ore. 41
Hi... 1 aa V.. i--'Z. .
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"V h. . sk fj
Niii Ml'iili m,iiiniiiiiiiiii,iiiiinnini,i
isiiia i i'lk iimmUMhMt
One of our ,
Many Entres
for Tomorrow
Oxford Grill
Watch for our big Sunday
evening menu '
Arc Mc;t Valued
tarely ntrwr ta tht World wai honest good cookinc
oi real boneit good food artioyod mora than k is on
turn in rath time.
How tha hancry hired help ' tnd oeJjhbori do
cat! How they do ajoy and appracUta good cookJut!
iivCJ(ULJs 1
wtn never decreaae yoor reputaUon M a cook,
Madam. Rather It wUl turely tocreaae it
It la tsothbkS but pari exw$ catt eraporated to tha
conalatency of craam,
Inaeamlntwtgetoblea,hmaklruxbte paatry and
cakes wherevtf yoQ use mnk in cooklngit twee
flavor that U very appctWng. Carnation can be
whipped like cream, when thoroughly chilled of
course, which prove Its quality.
Carnation la used by thouaanda of people Juat aa It
mux sum census
1 - f
rmvi from tha can for cream on
and In tea ana coffee.
, Tfct
Caraatloa Caia
Is las llMMwa
Tke Aaswtr
' tstks
The scaled can prcecrvca It, when kept
In cool dry place, sweet and pur
unta used.
Buy Carnation by the cage. Lay In a
stock of It now, and you will be free
of milk trouble at all timet.
Ycur Grocer Ha Carnatlca
"ThStorptfCsmmtHm," fonUnuni 114
rttfr, ttni fj rct of ymr mddw.
If JsssMsjss-iiffl.jaii i isiswm II ass
insswsw'i '"iisiiisMKss"' aiso
Shall the Candy
Factories Survive?
The candy industry normally Is using 8'. or less of all ths
sugar used In the United mates at present about 4.
That la small very small, considering tbs Importance ot the
Industry. ,
Candy making Is the thirty-eighth largest Industry In the
United States.
Over $110,000,000 are Invested.
Over a hundred thousand people mostly women make their
living from it. ( '
That candy Is a food has been firmly established by scientists
and chemists snd physicians and proven out by men In ths trenches
snd In the csmpsj-ln all forms ot heavy work where bodily fuel
Is needed. .
The candy manufacturers 'hava willingly given up half of their
sugar, and will go to any lengths to help win tbs war.
On the other hand, the voice ot roason tells us that It Is not
a part ot the government's program to suspend sny Industry, unless
It is absolutely necessary especially when It Is recognised that that
Industry Is making an established food product.
If people do not take their allotment of sugar In 'candy form,
they take It In other forms In coffee or tea, on fruit, etc.
It Is largely a matter of tasts, but ws all know that the human
system needs some sugar. '
. .i .
So conserve on sugar, but recognize candy as one way to enjoy
that portion ot sugar which the Food Administration allots us In
America. , , A
Please recognise that out of 84 pounds of sugar used annually
per capita In this country, less than 7 pounds goes Into candy mak
ing, normally. Today ths candy Industry allotment bas been cut to
half of that 7 pounds, or 4 of the total amount ot sugar used In
the United Btstes.
Yet candy is plainly and fully estsbllshed as a food product.
We claim tha Industry and the product has a right to llvs, . ,
If everyone In his home will save a little sugar there, the candy
Industry can survive, becauss there will be enough sugar for the
Food Administration to spars the candy makers. '
Save soma sugar In the home and use some ot your sugar al
lowance in the form ot wholesome, nourishing candy.
la normal times tha candy Industry uses only
8 per cent of ths sugar used per capita la this
' country. Right now this amount has been cut
squarely 4n two-
'' " .. ' .' ' ' ' ' '
The Candy Manufacturers of Oregon