iitiii.w. ttUTi.MiiiJi na. ioim. pis.T rsrra era csctrra i. FEHRYDALE t 0 0 i' I V'f1aeiJ& T v.-jrr -r' BY COL JOHN F. McCRAE, DIED AT BOULOGNE, JANUARY 28, 1918. L.l rt 4 r H d aLl-. "' in nanaers neias me poppies d:oy Between the crosses, row on row, ! That mark our place, and in the sky i The larks still bravely singing fly, i Scarce heard amidst the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago 1 We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. ;: N ' . r ;V v v" rv. ri A, Take up our quarrel with the foe, To you from falling hands we throw The torch be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep tho" poppies grow In Flanders fields. ' i BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds Any Bank ffiiind? Yea uninmin cotbwtbd room tmm GRANTS PASS HARDWARE CO. Little Kenneth Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jonas, aa stung bjr a black hornet Sudsy, whl-h proved quit serious. Dr. Lough ridge was called Mondsy, but last re- posta staled that bs was much bet ter. Mrs. Frankum and son Will was aj Grants Pass Monday. J. L. Green his trailed bis proper ty here (or land In northern Mon tana. Tbey expect to move soon, but It Is not Just settled yet what tbey will do. Mrs. Lester Aldrlge waa visiting Mrs. M.-L. Griffin Frldsy. George Jones and George McCal- llster are hauling lumber from the Counts and McCaully mill to Grants Psss. , Lester Ford returned Friday and George Booth Sunday from Penoyar, where they have been working the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Alrldue left Saturday for Monroe, Washington. School started on Picket creek Monday, with Miss Elsie fowers as teacher. Arlen and Vina Farmer entered tbe Orants Pass high school this week. (Continued from page 1 ) FOB BULK FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment. Near Taylor creek.- Road to place. 11 acrea cleared. Will take team or Ford In part pay ment. Fred Hamlin, Galtee, Ore gon. 7t H. D. NORTON, Attoraey-at-lav. PracUoe la all Bute ead Federal Courts. First NeUeael Euk t:.J. FOR SALE Elgbty-acra ranch, In Applegate valley. Thirty acres In cultivation, part alfalfa. Fine range for stock.' House, barn and out-bulldlngs. Farming Imple ments If desired. Inquire Ike Vin cent, call Provolt central. 75 COLVIO WILLIAMS, Attorney. atrLaw, Oraata Pass Banklag Co. Bldg., Oraata Pass, Oregaa. C 8. VAN DYKX. Attorney. Prae- Uea la all ceort. First Natloaal Baak Bldg. FOR BALE OR TRADE Two heavy horses, harness and . wagon, also light buggy and harness. , 1002 Oak Street. WOOD Good slab wood, 82.50 per tier. No wood sold In orders of leu than four tiers, evenly cut. Gat It while It lasts. Wood will be scarce this winter. U A. Lean er. 74 BLANCHARD ft BLANCHARD. At toraeya, Albert Bldg. Pkoa tit-J. Practice la all courts; law board attorneys. FORTY TONS alfalfa bay for sale In il. i i a ; im neio, reaay now, at 117 per ton. Phone 608-F-12. C. H. Ela- mann. 72 DR. R. J. BE8TUL, VeUrlnarlaa. OBee, residence. Phoaa I0S-R. r-oit BALE Windfall apples, 60c per lug box. Otto Henrlcson, Rd No. 2, Box 19, lower river road. 68 draw Interest from that data, in stallment payments will be made as follows: 10 per cent with applica tion; 20 per cent on November 21; 20 per 'cent December IV 10 per cent January ICth and 30 per cent in January SO. t In soliciting for applications the committee desires to hsve the co operation of the women. Arrange ments are being made for tUc women to assist the soliciting teams throughout the city snd county. Any women who desire to volunteer their services should report to Mrs. Gun nel), who Is chairman of the com mittee, or to any of the team cap tains.- A smsll badge, "Fourth Lib erty loan. I am Pledged," will be given. Window display cards will also be given to auhscrlbers. These have all been received for distribu tion. ' ' A meeting hat been called for 7 o'clock tonight, at which all solici tors will meet and receive their sup plies and all other Information as to the manner of conducting the eampalRn. Many of the teams fill begin their work 8unday and con tinue until a thorough canvass Is made. It Is hoped that by Tuesday night the aobscrlptlona will be suf ficient for Chairman Bramwell to rer Countv Over the Top." The drive will continue unm our quota la raised. There Is no use holding back come In with your ,ih.rrlntlons and let It all be over by Tuesday night. FOR SALE 18 thoroughbred White Leghorn bens and 1 cockrel household goods. Including 4 bed snd cupboard, miscellaneous tools, set of dies In esse, one coke burn er, c. C. Presley, 508 Evelyn avenue. .eg TO REXT FURNISHED house for rent, Mary E. Browne. 709 North Fifth. Tele phone 4-Y. , ; - . , 50tf FOR RENT Furnished cottage with prettiest garden In town. Corner of Booth and Foundry ' atreet. Renter will have to keep up the garden. Key next door. ' flitt WANTED Lady wanted to evapor ate pears and apples. Will furnish fruit, evaporator and wood and give two thirds produce. Call G A. Hamilton, phone 603-F-2. 71 V. H. 80MIERM FIGHTING IN BIX COUNTRIES Workers at home have the respon ihtlliv nf nroduclnc supplies tor American aoldlers now fighting In WANTED A cook, single- woman or man and wife. Also dining room girl. Good wages. Phone or write Mrs. E. A. McPherson, Mon omental, Cal. 72 WANTED (1,500 on 20 acres im proved river bottom farm, pay 8 per cent.- Address No. 1428 care Courier. 68 WANTED A man to help at ou ranch at Murphy for a short time. A. N. Parsons, city. 68 ATTORxrra . S. BLANCHARD, ttomey at Law. ' Ooldea Rule Building Fboaa 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. . A. BIBIXa, Atteeasy-et-Lew, ref eree la aaakra; tey, Haaoal temala, Graata Pass, Ore. VETKTJXARY SURGEON PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practloo limited ta diseases of the eye, aax, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-B, or oa ap pointment Office phone (2, resi dence phone H9-J. S. L0UGHB4D0E, H. D., PajrataUa and surgeon. City or country call attended day or eight. Resides o phone 169; office phone 18 Sixth and H. Tuffs Bldg. 4 DR. J. O. NIB-LEY, Physician and surgeon. Lnndburg Bldg. Health officer. 'Office hours. 9 to 12 a. m. and -1 to t p. m. Phone lle-J. A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases; 903 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. Honrs 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D. Flrst-elaaa dentistry. 109 M South 8Utt street. Granta Pass, Oregon. MUSICAL INSTUUCTIOn J. S. MACMURRAY. teacher of vole culture and singing. Lesaoaa given at home of pupil It requested. Ad dress 716 Lea atreet MISCELLANEOUS! I) RAVAGE AND TRANSffc.lt COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al klnda or dray age dnd traasfet werk carefully sad promptly lean Phone 181-J. . Stand at freight depot A. Shade. Prop. ' BRING YOUR JUNK to the Grants Pass Junk Co., '403 South Sixth street. Phone 21. We buy rags, metal, rubber, "scrap Iron," hides and wool, old automobiles "'for p. q. iSHAtf. drayage and transfer. THE WORLD MOVES; SO do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phoaa J97-R. . (Itf National Mazda Lamps HAVING too lltue light puts a strain on chil dren's vision that they may never outgrow 1 Why not have pleat of Ughtt Na tional MAZDA Lsmpa give three times the light of old fashioned , . carbon lamps without adding a penny to your light bill. . ' . V Rcjst Rirtr Hardware ;e, R. Riddle, Mgr. wrecking. ON CASH BASIS The Music and Photo house will remove to the new location, next door west, on October 1, and everything will be on a cash basla except pianos and talking machlnea sold on lease. Cosh basla is necessary In order to 1 maintain low prices. Stanton Rowell, 507 G stteet. : 87 Safes, pianos and , furniture moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Phone Clark ft Holmaa, No. 50. Residence phone 114R, PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo graphs. Open daily except Sun day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sun day sitings by appointment only. Phone Mill, 28S-R, or residence 140-J. 57tf Tht California and Orti Oo&xt Eailro&d Oonpaay TIME CARD Dally except 8unday Effective y 1, 1918 Train 1 lv. Grants Pass- 100 p.m. Tram 2 lv. Waters Cferk .00p. aa. STRAYED ESTRAYED or stolen 1 light red; cow, branded AQ on right hip. Re-j ward for information leading 10 recovery of animal. B. S. Watts, Murphy, Ore. " All trains leve Grant' Psa from he corner of Q and E's'aih streets, ipnoalte tLe Southern laclflc depot. For all Information regarJlsg freight and paaser service call at the office of the company. Lnndburg building, or phone 131 for same. , six countries France, Germany, Russia, Austria, Italy and Belgium. American artillery has been reported on the French line opposite Mulhau sen, several miles Inside the border the German empire. The anks are supporting Italian sectors at the end of Lake Garda, and their flyers have maneuvered over the lowlands near Venice. In Belgium they are flgMIng with Australians, and they form an army corps engaged In France. They are at Vladivostok and on the Murma&.coast. Far-reach ing In Ita responsibilities, labor IB now put to a supreme test that IU find It able to support the millions In the field. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) LETS. JOS. M0S3 l Independent Candidate' : ' for County Clerk Ttutlr Wrappers printed to com Vly -with the law at the Courier. All kinds of Commercial Printing at the Conner Otto. C. E. UcLAlIE i Democratic Nominee i - for Cicriff J it i.v I XL i