DAILY BOQn BITtt COCWKft I1UUAY, HrlTKHtlhlt SO, 191 N. MC3TTO til Qt RIVER Ol FUUk4 Daily Kiwt Saturdaj- A. K. TOORHIca, Pnh. tad Prepr. C:ws4 at sostsfflc. Oraats Fass, Cs. as secossd elaaa aaal aatur. ADVERTISING HATES Cieplay spaee, Pr Uch lit Lena I rjarsnnsl col u ma, per Una It headers, par 111 Be DAILY COURIER mall or carrier. Dr yer....l.O0 Ki aaU ar carrier, dot sjoall.. .60 ' WBEILT COURIER Br nail, pat year ... .11.61 , 1IKMBER f . gut Editorial Association. Brecon Dally Newspaper Pub. Aesa, KZaBER Or ASSOCIATED PRE bo The Associated Press U exclusively MUlled to tha use tor republleaUoa at ail sews dtoaatohaa credited to It r aot otherwise credited, la Ihls paper aad alto the local aawa pub lished aetata. All rtihia ot republication of 1 pe nal dUpt.tcbea herala ara alio reserved. fee FRIDAY, K13TRMHKR 20, 1018. OREGON WEATHER . Fair, gentle southwesterly 4 winds. Mony Varieties WK SKI.L MKltCKD SWEET POTATO Hi ONLY KINNEY & TRUAX: GROCERY tjCAXITT FIRST C);. - 1 ARE TAKEN III 1 DAY WHERE DO WE GO SECT? When they charged the St. Mlhiel salient, the American troops sang, "Where do Wa Go From Here?" That question becomes all the more Interesting, to them and to ns. In view of their phenomenal success. They have demonstrated a gratify ing ability to' go through the German llnea almost at will. . They do not donbt that they are going to sweep forward in th general direction of Berlin, until they ' get across the Rhine and as much further as la ne cessary to force the German govern ment to nncondltional surrender. But that lg a pretty long, hard, de vious road. What will he the next move? Experts agree that after the re duction of that big salient that jut ted so long into the French front, our army will proceed to the redemp tion of the great system of Iron mines that He hack of it. Meti seems on the map, a natural objective, and Mets win come Into its inevitable fate in dne time; but it Is of more practical and Immediate importance to drive the Germans from the Great Briey mining region stretching from Mets northwest to Longwy. Hair of that valuable territory was , stolen from France by Prussia in 1871. It was only through an over sight that Prussia failed to take It all. She remedied that error by grab bing the remainder In her first dash at the opening of the-present war, thereby depriving France of the mines that furnished 90 per cent of French Iron before the war, forcing France to rely on England for her metal, and giving Germany an envl- ' able c monopoly of the most . funda mental of all raw war materials. From that area Germany has been getting, for war purposes, as much Iron as the whole United States pro duces. It has been her principal ma terial asset Without it, she would soon have to stop fighting. It Is evident what a tremendous victory it would be, to wrest those iron mines from the Huns, particu larly if the British at the same time succeeded In winning back for Franca the big coal region around Lens. Germany will fight desperate ly to hold them and Germany must . not be permitted to hold them.; Eco nomically they are worth untold bil lions. Militarily they ; are th key-j tone of the German war; and the German etnBW. . There Is, a'", man1 sice Job'' wortiy 'lk' "every" way "' of Uncle Sam's army. ' llAlLltOADS Y8. FLIVKRS According to the Medford Tribune the Medford-Jacksonvllle railroad will be sold because S. S. 'Bullls, the president of the road, wants to get rid of It, and not. because the govern ment has commandeered the rails. Bullls is said to have stated that he la "going to sell it and wants some one else to carry the load." Appar ently the Jitneys hare put the road out ot business, the same aa they have almost done the six-mile road from Montague to Treks and many other branch lines. Many people gloat in the fact that they do not have to wait for a train but can go In a Jitney, yet when It comes to a matter of taxes to be re ceived in helping out a county's In debtedness and as a matter ot pride in pointing to the substantial insti tutions ota city, such people always pen(jed , building roads to chrome point to their railroad and not to the'mlnes In southern Oregon and north- Tln' Llnles" flitting about the am California, and if the market for town. Rsllrosds build cities, but It ,he ore Pr'"d next year, the . . '. . . A . . . ... majority of the producers will lose is yet to be demonstrated that Jit- thmlBand8 of dc!lari neys will be able to do so. Any city chrome production means much that expects to amount to very much' to this part of the state at the'prea- art bow ready tor Increased produc tion, but if prices are reduced south' era Oregon .and northern Calltonla are practically bankrupt.. With this thought In mind, see Senator Phelen and obtain his alu Pleaae person ally Interview bureau of mines and war Industry board with, view of maintaining present chrome price. This making possible American pro duction which should have; prece dence over Importations. Oregon Is aroused over this proposition Prompt action necessary. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. By F. 8. Bramwell, Pres." The Chamber ot Commerce la de sirous of having those who haw any influence with our senators to write to them, urging their prompt action in trying to secure an established price for chrome ore for next year at least, such price. to be suffllcent to Justify owners keeping their mines In operation. It is estimated that fully 1100,000 has been ex- had best cling to her railways. Congress Is authorising $2,000,- 000,000 more war savings stamps. It might be a good Idea to take a pen cil and paper and figure out your share of them. ent time. The payroll from the In dustry haa assumed considerable pro portions, therefore your prompt action in writing to our senatora and urging their immediate attention to the matter of securing an established price for nextyar Is Imperative. "I made my generals out of mud," boasted Napoleon. Pershing doesn't exactly do that; but whenever he tackles a German general, that gen eral's name Is mud. Life for the kaiser Is now Just one blamed offensive after another, and every one of them Is more offensive than the one before. A point for men whose hair is streaked with grey: The Liberty loan drive Is on; If you can't fight. remember that your money can. (Continued from page 1.) for dull market and low prices. Pro ducers have spent enormous sums on roads and equipment without gov ernment or Btate aid. Some motor truck hauls upwards of 60 miles at about 50 centa per ton mile. Produ cers felt reasonably assured of this year's prices ' for next season, " and .t0,0O0 ALIENATION OF AFFECTION 811T Portland, Sept. 20. Trial of the 150,000 alienation of affections suit In which S. S. Hewitt an advertising man, Is seeking to recover Umnget from C. A. Foster, a wealthy retired business man, was started yesterday before a Jury In Circuit Judge Ga tens' court. The plaintiff charges Foster with alienating the affections of his wife. Pearl Hewitt, now divorced. He ac cuses Foster, who for years was his close personal' frlendj of breaking up his home after he bad been hap pily married for more than 15 years. Mend Your 8hoe. "Repair your shoes. Whnt you have in your closets contnln better lenth er than the manufacturer enn supply you in the new shoes yon Intend to buy," W. 8. Anderson of New Turk told delegates to the nnnunl conven tion of the National Leather and Slioe Finders' association, in session recent ly. That is the only way to conserve leather. He sold thnt no country In the world has a fnlr supply of leather. This demand from all parts of the globe on the North American supply Imposes the necessity of repairing old shoes." he said. Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. Paris, Sept. SO. A newspaper cor respondent says that 10,000 Bulgar ian prlsonera were sent to the rear on September 18 alone. Pursuit ot the retreating enemy Is continuing with great success. NOTICK TO OWXKllH OV tXMVB DAIRY Having finished the first year's work of tuberculin luting In Jose phine county under the new law, I wish that any one who may have been -overlooked after seeding In an application will let me know. It la time to start next year's work. Applications should be sent In now to lave covering the same territory twice. Apply by mall or phone. R. J. J1E8TUL, tt County Veterinarian Somewhere In France there Is an American boy fighting for yon. Have you proved yourself worth his won derful effort by finishing his socks on tlmsT Why should big bets always be made in a meat shop? FstnukstM1 SuatmoM all the force and resources o( lbs Republic to the dtlen ot Freedom - THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLECE which the United States tuthorltitt hive ranked si on of the Blteea diitiAfulihed inititutloni ot Ih country lor ticrllrnce is military trtinini, ha mpondrd to the call. Ths Colics is dUtintfuUhcd But only lur Its military Initructlon, but DiirtMovisssD also ros in itroni InduitrUI course for mca and lor womtoi , s li ,i-i-g it wbolrKiriM, purposeful student lif. is democratic college spirit. . ' - Its lucceuful graduate. Student enrolled latt year, 14JJ1 itarl ea It service lags UJV over forty percent representing officer, College epens September U. Itll i lllMtitttd SoutWi, m4 MlMt Ufwautkw iImmuh X aft nl, ComlHs Onto WUBERTY;, mm Because the meat ntun Is good stesk holder! such ylx.x; tSauss xssssi r .as 1 j,ma$ IT'S A SAKE liKT THAT XO HIIOI HOI.IH HKTTKH HTKAKH THAN OUW! WK IMYT IIOM Til KM LOXtJ! ALL WAGKItS AUK QllCKLY SETTLED AXI) THE KTKAKS PROMPTLY lELIYEKEO TO THE I'LKANKO WI.WKHH! ' YOf CAN UK ON Wit HTFAKH IT Kit Y TIMKI TAKK ON YOl ll HlXTIXd TRIP SOME OF OIH HOMK (TKKII HAMS AXIl HAUiV, XI VVHK HOMK KKXDKHKD LAUD The City Market 40:1 a STRKKT I'HOXE 2 DONT DISAPPOINT THE .COMING GENERATION WHAT YOU DO TODAY, they will read bout when they ire as old as you. They will wint to know what you did on the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. You don't want to turn your face away in shame. Later, you will ght all you possess to make your child proud of you plenty of Liberty Bonds will do it. BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds Any Bank Will Help You " THE HAT SHOP W. T. Breen, l'ropr. H. Giddings. Attest Big Pierce Arrow Cars Easy; Riding Of flee Old Observer BIk. Corner Seventh and G street Phone 26 Telephone 22H- and 16.1 ' Full Line of Auto Supplies TIRES-AH Sizes C. L HOBART CO. Ms 3$TV! tft trtt WM" V their shape for- I ? d?' !) A XT jj Efrt dlMareaes between a wstl- I JL rulYy SY it,'n i--Wh-BTada, ribbed atltah I J l fl f ; fuif rVrJJ!wer n nit core. I ! VV y : J-nl 'V Jhereon, you can rest assured I 1 1 1 -; -i p ' i Tn Xrr Ems. r r Io,, lon I r ,AENKNirnNQ 101X8 1 i - Peerless Clothing Company