Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, September 13, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ruiiiAV, hkitkmukii ia, if
Th local Red Crow organisation
Will hold ft etreet carnival In thti
city September 'I7-2S. Great plana
ar blng mad tor th occasion and
ther will b tun galore. There will
a side-shows with great voiced ex
porters to guide the crowds, prob
ably an airplane tor the kiddles, and
many other things to keep you rub
bering and possibly dodging. Tou
mill be expected to come down town
and mis with the people, to be one
of the "bunch." Further announce
ment ot the carnival will appear In
the Courier nest week.
8ept 15, Sunday Second Annual
Harvest Festival at Baptist church
"8pt IS. Wednesday Courier Bar-
gala Day.
Sept. IT. IS. Friday and Saturday-
Red Croea Baiaar and Carnhral
What ia the difference between a
gueat leaving at 4 a. m! and a
. pretty girl speeding an autoT
One la going pretty early; the other
a pretty girlie going.
"ahem are you going -"
My Pretty Maid?"
"To the Quality
Meat Market, Sir,"
V She Ml
Tta City niarliet
Parent Can D Muen t Assist De
velopment During the Firet
tlx Yaara of Lit.
What definite meana can the horn
adopt for th beat development ot the
child In the Orst all yean of hla life?
First, with regard to tha thing which
aurround tha child furniture, pic
ture, books, toy, clothe and orna
ments. In how far may thee lend
themselves to hla development?
In th room In which th child
spends most of hla time Indoor, th
furniture ought to b plain enough ao
that he can do do great harm In play
Ing freely about. A aiuall kindergar
ten chair and table to work on are
alrnoat Indispensable In th child'
room, A good blackboard should be
bung aecurely on th wall, for from
th hour he can toddle the child will
delight In chalk marking, and the
ren then will have value because ot
th muscle development afforded th
arm and band.
Th picture on th wall In th
child' room ought to b distinctly for
him. and hung low enough so that he
nay tak them down and handle them
whenever he choose. Every child
likes color and delights In th "story
picture," th picture which has a story
connected with It.
The child may be taught to discrimi
nate between his own things and those
belonging to others by being allowed
to visit the family living room where
mother's and father's books and their
pictures and furniture ar used with
car and caution. In this wsy it will
also be possible to lead him gradually
Into an appreciation ot th adult's
standard ot art In pictures, music and
Oog Has Qlasa ly.
In a wund-irp of unlicensed dogs.
Chief of Police Jacob Muurer of Do
rer effected the capture of one dog
a yellow munjjrel with little difficulty
!f vri fni!::il thnt th ! i hnd a gliisa
! nml tint ih eh' f -il iMro:'C)i
i lUhi Titan v. l it' .i".
at the
Oxford Grill
(Always In the lead
Th war tnduatrle board demands a reduction of 15 per cent In
th consumption ot news print paper ao that th manufacture ot print
paper may b conserved and tha power and material thus saved to
account In tha manufacture ot war necesalttes. .
Tha board requires ot th newspapers that they discontinue th
sending ot papers not actually paid tor and the discontinuance of all
paper in arrears,
In accordance of th demands ot th board all papers coming un-4
der th above classes will be discontinued September 16, lleuiltiance
ahould be sent at one ao as not to mtaa an Issue.
Conserving the
Candy Industry
It Is not the wish of the government to disintegrate Industry.
When people realize the truth about the candy Industry, they
Immediately see that candy Is a wonderful food product, rich In nu
tritive values and a necessary food for people who work hard.
Sugar is recognized as a necessity. Yet few people take their
requirements of sugar a apoonful at a time, like a big pill. Many
people like the sugar In candy form. Thinking people realize that
one man is entitle to his sugar la candy form as much as another
Is entitled to take his melted In coffee.
In 1916 (the last normal year In the Industry), there were ap
proximately 2500 candy factories in the United States, using about
8 of the sugar used In the United States. (Really a much smaller
percentage than anyone thought) i
The capital Invested in the Industry was more than 3110,000,-
It was the thirty-eighth largest Industry.
It employs normally one hundred thousand people, seventy-live
per cent ot whom are women.
It also makes possible, to a large extent, the chocolate and
paper box Industries, with millions invested, and employing thous
ands of people mostly women.
There are still people who believe that the candy Industry Is
naing from 25 to 50 of the national sugar consumption, and
that the wiping out of the Industry would solve the sugar problem.
But, on the contrary, only 8 sugar Is used normally, and to
day this has been cut to 4.
Reasonable people) with these facta before them, are realizing
that with only as small an amount of sugar going Into candy, and in
view of the high food value of candy, It Is time to consider the farts
and figures and to conserve a other direction for further savin js.
In normal times the candy Industry uses only
8 per cent of the sugar used per capita in this
country. Right now this amount has been cut
squarely In two.
The Candy Manufacturers of Oregon
J. Pardee mad a business trip to
llogtt River yesterday.
E. It. Ballad mad a business trip
to C.lendale this morning.
C. O. Anient tuad a trip to Ash
land this morning.
Sound acorns wanted at th Won
der Store, three cents a pound. 64
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Luper went
to Portland last night to vrslt.
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and chil
dren of North Tenth street left last
night for Portland.
Mrs. M. P. Anderson's millinery
store will b open Monday, Septem
ber H. 85
Mr. and Mr. A. N. Parsons nude
a trip to Medford by automobile this
Mra. James Osborne visited her
daughter at Rogu River, returning
home last night.
Mrs. Henry Hull, ot Williams, and
two daughter, left last night tor
Seattle tin a visit.
T. Simpson mnJJ. Panlwy. who
have been attending the Q. A. R. en
campment this week, returned to
Roseburg this morning.
Can't ship magailnes until you
bring In .yours. Every few pounds
help. Open until Saturday night!
Red Cross. 62
Miss La'velle Booaer, now of Med
ford, was a northbound passenger
this morning en route to Whitman
college at Walla Walla. Wash., to
resume her studies.
Mrs. Josephine Donahue, of Mer
lin, was In the city yesterday. Mrs.
Donahue will teach the Dale school
this year,' the term opening next
We are payig spot cash, 57 cents
for butter fat Mutual Creamery Co.
Phone 26. B. F. Skllman. Agent. 62
Mrs. Ernest Smith and two chil
dren, of Jerome Prairie, left this
morning for North Bend, where they
go to Join Mr. Smith, who Is em
ployed at that place.
Mrs. M. P. Anderson has returned
I from San Francisco, where she has
been tor the past month making se
lections of fall and winter millinery
and visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ceo.
L. Butler.
(Tow Ovtnr There
Word was received a few days ago
that Ord Crow, of Merlin, had ar
rived safely "over aeas."
Special at Ifcwe'a
Saturday and Sunday, Haselwood
French salad ire cream. FStf
Monthly Meeting W. II ('. I
, General Logan W. R. C. will hold '
their regular monthly meeting Sat
urday afternoon. A full attendance
la desired.
A Fine Italn
Thl part of th Rogue River val
ley was visited by a good rain last
night and part of today. Hunters
ar enthusiastic as they think It wilt
Improve deer hunting.
Meeting of the V. C. T. IV
There w ill be a meeting of th W.
C. T. IV at the home of Mrs. Gra
ham's, North Sixth street Friday af
ternoon at 2:30. AH members ar
requested to be present.
, TONHillT AKDsttTlUin.U j V ;
AdmlMloa into and l(k
Uolilwya Prtonnts
'( n t '1
. 1 i, I
Our Little Wife
lk yon romeralx Mlaa Kennedy In 'llaliy Mlm" anil MNery Mar.
rled?" Thla I another JuM aa gixl
Silverware Coupon given tonittfit and tomorrow nl(ht
Kquinnrtlnl Storm
At Murphy September 21. Jaxi
band, loggers .lunch, sll night dance
and a bully good time. 11.50. 63
Thirty-Five at Spencer (amp
C. L. Nlchola was In from the
Spencer chrome camp today on bus
iness. Mr. Nichols states that there
are about 33 men at work at the
chrome mine, which Is operated by
the Oregon Chrome company. A big
force of men has been busy for the
past two -months on road work from
the Swede Basin road to the property.
. . r. i i i '
IWigln tin eaalng . proem lt"i your table. lk !"
your' grocery bill Then try tA,
If yon are not one of oar regular customers we wsnt you to try our
very Ugh grade Hour, Tea. I offer and other groceries.
We eell everything for the tahks and guarantee Its quality and
keep the price away tlowe, '
4 liar Swift' Soap,.... -....V
1 mmiimI Mararon! .......... .....10-
3 Armours Milk V
i pmimt wrnel (llTre !Mc
CH. Flflrkl, Mgr.
Quarterly Conference
At the 4th quarterly conference at
Newman M. E. church last night
the yearly reports showed the affairs
,0? the church to be In excellent con.
jdltlon. A resolution, unanimously
.adopted, requested annual confer
ence, which meets In Portland on
September 25, to return Rev. Mel
ville T. Wire to the charge and Kev.
H. J. VanFossen to the district for
another year.
Dean In Out--
The unexpected often happens. T.
Y. Dean, who was Injured yesterday
while attempting to board a moving
...I. I. .VI. t Ka At flrar It
was thought he was severely injur-
I ed. but he Is able to be on the streets
i -rii-rts. two tMties. 25r: w Issues.
ne: one month, wtii. paia id
advance. When not rld 'n advene.
1e per line ner lsi 1 '
WANTED 100 cedar posts, also 16
Inch sulkey plow or gang with two
10 or 12-lnch bottoms. Addrerfs
No. lf04 care Courier. 62
SALE 613 A street, Phone
527-J. ' 63
ON CASH BASIS The Music and
Photo house will remove to the
new location, next door west, on
October 1, and everything will be
on a cash basis except pianos and
talking machines sold on lease.
Cash basis Is necessary In order to
maintain low prices. Stanton
Rowell, E07 O street. 87
FOUND Pair of glasses. Owner
can get them at Courier Office. 63
horses, harness and wagon, ' also
' light buggy and harness. 1002
Oak Street.
FOR SALE White Plymouth Rock
cockerels. . Trapnested stock 1.50
If taken this month. Geo. A.
Bradford, 850 North. Seventh. 63
Petroleum In Biblical Times. -Natural
petroleum hns been used
certainly since the time of Cyrus. It
was known In ancient Biblical history,
where It Is described as "th salt ot
the earth." When such salt loses It
savor It Is only fit to be trodden under
the foot of man, because on losing Its
volatile essence It becomes asphalt,
which was used for pavemeoj both la
Nineveh and Babylon.
Save $1.50 Sept. 18 Bargain day.
Dally Courier 14.50 the 18th.
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
W. T. Ilreen Fntpr.
II. (Jlddlnit. Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cart
Easy Riding
Office Old Olwerver 111k. Corner Seventh and (1 Mrreti Phone 20
The biggest "big business" the world has ever
seen, or is ever likely to see, is being carried on with
the help of . Uncle Sam & Company.
It is the business of crushing out Kaiserism
the business of restoring peace by victory -- big
business indeed! ,
Uncle Sam & Company - a company that num
bers millions of fighters and uncounted millions more !
of tireless, loyal workers - all, putting every ounce of
energy into winning the wari -
But Uncle Sam Be Company is Dowerlesa to
finish this big undertaking unless we make it OURS in
actual fact. We must lend to the limit and then lend
some more.
, It is your privilege to thrill with the thought
that your dollars have gone to make certain the suc
cess of this big undertaking.
Don't be just a "shoiiter", be a "backer"; buy
Liberty Bonds. Be a partner in Uncle Sam & Company.
BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds Any Bank Will Help You
: nig ASTiBTiuiiaww cowrmxatmo tnovii tn