MONDAY, NKITKMIIKII 0, IttlH. tuui crra circs omikiii SOLDIER LETTERS ' la Camp Homawhcr In Prance. July 21, KIN. Dear Father: Tbli la beautiful mornlni. clear tnd bright. I am elltlng out In th wood, whr w ar camped now. W niovt to much tnd to frequently tha( It l dlfflrull Indeed to fallow the moves. Thla particular camp It th rtar camp whlih U a llttl be Mud (lie llnea of great activity wher there I llttl reit for tha horsei and men. 1 ram la bar thla morning to ihav. an officer, and am taking a llttl tliii for writing home, Re ceived th ordnr to move out from our! former ramp to our pre mint front lln poaltlon about on week ago and almoit cnnitantly alnr that time all our men hav been fighting night and day. Such fighting aa th Herman, who ar taken prisoner aay they cannot atand and they alio lay they never saw aurh fighter a th I'. 8. troopi are. Tha aay nolh Ing they throw over axalnst in can top ua unlesa they actually kill alt th troop. W hav been rlad aa "hock" or "attack" troop, which mean that w ar kept for occasion when ther la need of triad and truated veteran troop whlh cannot be atampeded and are thntwn In to bring auccesae. Do not think thla la J nut talk of our own. V are now tried troopa for w have been enn- atantly working alnr lait year. The entire body (topped the llun on hla great advance and tha Mug?! hav tnken heart and gone back Into their houses and farma after wa have gon In and (topped th Uiromh. On dK forent occaalon w have proven that w can receive an order, marci piany mile and at one go Into position and open fire with only the ration which we hav with ui, and never top at all for aleep. For altnoxt thr weeka I hav gone without Ink tng off my clothe, and alittit two weeks without having my shoe off. finch fighting thn artillery can pu up! The Oermana who aro tali'cti prisoners aak m to ahnw them the D. A COURIER Notwthstanding the greatly increased cost of producing a newspaper the Daily Courier Bargain Day will be a real Bargain .Day the day when Courier subscribers save money. Courier Bargain the establishment of uuj umj, n5 iui- uue jcui- BiiuHcripuuii 18 miUCCU IO FOUR FIFTY 4th TO 8th POSTAL ZONES FIVE DOLLARS .Strictly in advance. Present subscribers may take advantage of this opportunity to save money if their subscription is paid to at least Sep tember 1; others may secure this privilege by paying all arrearages at the regular rates. . . f . These rules are held to strictly, mid no subscription will be received at the reduced rate after the 18th unless sent by letter, the postmark bearing , the date of the 18th. , , ' , t . To accommodate those wh can not rely on their own memory, we will accept checks now, but they will not be cashed nor receipts issued until the 18th, although subscriptions may start at any time.' $6 per year 50c pef moth The War Industry's Ikard. now tunvspauers to atou wml : Ing pnpora where sulworlptlon Is In rncam mi If yon want tlio pa;r to coiiilmte you must nrrango for payment. ; ' . ; j 1 Last year a number were disappointed, owing to forgetfulness, am! were obliged to pay the regular price. This year they will remember, but others may forget. If you forget, it costs you money. 'automatic cannon Which throw over Ihrni th terrible rain of ahull. ' aro rUlit now Id a very much fought over aectlon. Th fighting hat been very hard and aever. The way th" dtd Uurman ar lying In Ui wheat fluid rnnlndt ni of th description of Oettyiburg. Dead German along tha road caught right whet they were, In, dugout or on th lid of tbi hill. ther they II. Dead German In th wooda, dead hone along th roadi, and off In th fluid. Tha air mailing with the reiulta of th battle; burlala going on; pllea of old atufl from 'the con quered Hunt German helmet, Ger man gun, German kpipiacks,, Her man cannon taken by th hundred, alo th ammunition for th tarn, and Gorman officer! captured by our men compelled to ihow our men the way of handling their cannon, and then they load and fire, and load and fire, right over against tha retreat ing Oermana. German macbln una by th wholeial hav been taken, and ran you bollev It,' th Germane chain their men to th ma- chin guna ao they cannot get away, I hav aeon the chalna and where they were anchored Into tb ground. No audi with th U, 6. troopi! Their cray la, "On and on, and defeat the Hun, and then return to th beat country In th world." They all want the Job done complete ly and thoroughly and the total and complete defeat of the llun and (11 for which auch fiend atand. Day and night paea, and we do not know tha day of th week, or th dnte of tha month. Yon mlirht think It itrange that auch la the fact. cm wun nay anq nigm naming, ana up day and night, and more work and then another day and night, we lone trark of Just whit day It la that 'w are doing theNwork. ' Tbure ire io ninny German wound ed. No statement la made her aa to our own, whether It la amnlt or not, but grrttt numbers of Jhe enemy come her to our dressing atatlona, and whvn they are able to render any rfnnlntanee they are let to work :na Utter bearer and thty ire very gentle and rareful In all of their d'illne:a with our wounded. They .ar' eunlngly. entirely contented to ho within ourMlne and at once will A1 Y Day occurs on September 18, the Daily issue of the Courier. BARGAIN DAY do all that I required of tbem. When they have any tint aid work to do, they do It tboroughly. No danger or thought of them trying to cap back to their own llnea. Their ei caplng from ua la on of th lent thought of condition. Never I ther any prlionen who are not ac counted for at th end of any work or at the and of any day, Th driver of my car brought In prlonr who waa wounded th other night and that little thin, undeveloped and rhlldlah boy could hardly talk to me when I went up to him, he waa ao full ot fear. He mutt have thought death waa ure and certain for blm, for I think all of th German officer tell (II of th Hun luldleri that they will b killed If they allow them- nelvei to be captured. That boy of 11 year waa ao icared be could hardly talk to me. Said he would nut do anything In th world, aald h would be a good boy. Ill face wa io filled with terrible fright and hli Jaw waa ao (baking that It waa really pathetic. II certainly wa a frlghtenod boy, captured by the enemy ba had boon taught to rear aa h would be put to certain death, and now he waa In the handa of that am enemy and talking to an offi cer of that aame army. Without be ing (ble to apeak a world of English ho waa io frtghtene he ' did not know what to do. I told him he waa alright, and aaked him If he wanted aomethlng to eat, when he had eaten laat, and be told me, with wonder In hla eye aa to what possible Inter est It might be to m to know when he had eaten laat, he told nie be had not eaten alnce 10 o'clock the night before. When I aent and had water and food brought to film, gave him urn chocolnte, and told him to go to It, he could not understand at all what trick these enemies were go ing to try on him, but began to eat little,, for-did not the major com- jniand him to eat? and when he found he waa getting good food and that the chocolate I gave him wai good, and that I covered up hla thin, cold opon arms and made him com fortable, that kid could not under stand at all how the itorle he had been told In Germany aa to the war of cruel treatment If he wa rap tured could possibly be In accord ONE DAY ONLY WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER the Anniversary ( On that (lav, and thr Of at Saves you $1.50 Saves you 25 HUB with th way he waa being treated, In fart when I bad blm go out In my car, and luyaelf walked be waa speecbleia. 1 landed that kid In an evacuation nation, and when he found I compelled the attendant to carry'hlm, be wai entirely without worda, and could not talk at all. I do not know where that kid la go ing but you rould not pry him out of. the American llnea ;!,t4 took a crow-bar, and another German who under certain elrcumataace had the opportunity offered to him In aome other section to return to the Ger man llnea aald he would rather the officer ihoot him right then, thin he be compelled to go bark to the llun llnea and territory. When th German officer pa by aa captured prlaonera their facea are full of aurprlae when they aee the food we have, the trnopi In good health and fully armed and atandlng watching them and lee other thlnga which they probably were told did not exist or could not exist. The prisoner are thoroughly sick of the war, one said the other day he had a chance when on guard In his own (German) camp and aa on of hi own officers of high rank paased him he threw a hand grenade at him and there wai no more of that German officer. .. Our troopa aa I aald are now held ai "ehock" or "attack," troopi, which mean that w are hurried to what ever part needa aupport and there go In for night or day, or days and night of continuous work. Onr men get tired, ye, lurely they do, yet they hold outl and never once bave they failed to hold the Hun charge. That meana tfiat wherever the fight ing Is the thickest and the heaviest. and the needs are the greatest, there Is where we are sent, and so when you read In papers that heavy fight ing Is going on at any one point, there you may know our troopa have ben sent and are right thoro day and night. If the fighting Is heavy and there la need of support, you can understand that our men are there fighting, and they stand for days at a time. - Never do they complain. 1 have seen Oiem slightly wounded. I have seen them Berlously wounded, I have aeen them mortally wounded, I - have seen the terrible effects ot ?oi on them both Internally and ex ternally, yet. never have I heard a! word of complaint from any of our j American troopi. What they want toj know Is how the fUht is going, how jls "11111," or "Jim' and 'Doctor, go j fix Jim, you will find him over tin re, !he needs you more than this wound," and It may be that the man spoaklng s very, very seriously wounded hlm Is If. The Germans tell us when they j come Into o ir lines as prisoners they never aaw such troops, nothing they can do to us can atop us from coining; over. Day and olxht we go, I but I think we may get a little rest , after while. I thought of you and your sleeping In the old barret when I was sleep : Ing out In the rain tho other ntgtit. i my clothing on and covered only j with my rnlncoat and blankets, over .which waa a water-proof rover or spread which waa entirely wat?r , proof exrept In the parts where wa ter leaked through,' That was some sleep, but I got up fine, that Is I was j, called, about 5:30 i. in. and turned i out to get ready for another and newer charge to be started In a 'very Bhort time. Write soon. ELLIS. MAJ. ELLIS K. W. GIVEN", il. R. C. I 13th Field Artillery'. , A. E. F. ! Hysterical Mutism In Ancient Time. A case of Imnglned Inability of ! speech, one of the puzxles of today, ' Is narrated by Herodotus, who tells ' that '.'Croesus had a son who win In other renperts proper eoonKh, but dumb. When the city was taken, , one of the Persians, not knowing Croe sus, waa about to kill him. Croe sus, though he aaw him approach, from his present misfortune took no heed of him, nor did he care about dying of the blow; but thla peech less son of his, when he saw the Per sian advancing toward him, through dread and anguish hnrst Into speech and said: 'Mnn, kill not Croesus I' These were the first words he ever uttered, but from that time he con tinued to speak the remniudei' of. his life." Fir Barrage. Barrage or dnm, Is a new word In the , military vernaculnr specifically the net of burring by artillery fire. Ry exact measurement a line of guns Is brought to hear upon a certain ter rain. The Bre creates n Complete screen of projectiles. Denim It a body of troops Is snfe; through It no. enemy en n hdvnnre. By moving barrage line forward ("creeping" Imrrnge) a detach ment run advance with a minimum of disunities. It I controlled by observ ers nt the front, who find mnges and illri'rt urtlllery Are hy telephone or wlreles. iiikI It demolishes. In front if the ntt:n-itiii furoe. wipe entnngte. incut"!, ti4i. ln nn) "pHI-hoxei" Uur clnul'ieii u? bring res ilts. FOB SAUK rOR SALE Hi Angora goat and kids, for particular address E. H. Wlsa. Ktrby. Or. Iltf FOR SALE 110 acre timber land near Kerby. Inquire Frank Floyd, Kerby, Ore. It FOR SALE Homeitead relinquish ment. Near Taylor creek. Road to plac. 11 acre cleared. Will take team or Ford In part pay ment. Fred Hamlin, Gallce, Ore gon. 73 FOR SALE Eighty-acre ranch, In Applegat valley. Thirty acrei In cultivation, part alfalfa.' Fine range for stock. House, barn and out-bulldlngs. Farming Imple ments If desired. Inquire Ike Vin cent, call Provolt central. 75 FOR BALE No. 1 Jersey cow; coat oil cook stove; few dozen White Leghorn hen and cblckena. Can be delivered about the 16th, 02 North Ninth street 58 FOR SALE Four choice grade Hol- stein belters, -will freshen soon. Al io a few Shetland ponies, cheap. H. E. Gordon, R. F. D. No. t. St FOR SALE 12x14 tent. Inquire of Mr. H. B. Hyde, or phone F. O. Knox. Murphy, Ore. 56 FOR SALE One norse wagon, Stu- debaker. In good condition. Phone 601-F-32. 61 FOR SALE One Miller steam vul canlzer, 3 Inch up to 4. L. C. Smith typewriter, new. Dodge car. No. 1 condition. Call Carl Centner. 58 T UENT FURNISHED house for rent, Mary E. Browne. 709 North Fifth. Tele phone 4-Y. 50tt FOR RENT Two-room bouse and tent on F street, next bridge. Key corner F and Second streets. 58 WAVTK'U .WANTED Roomers and boarders at 662 North Seventh itreeU We alio have furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Phone 287-T. 58 WANTED Roomers and boarders at 662 North Seventh Street. We also have furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Phone 387-Y. 59 WANTED Good clean. . practical housekeeper for one. Must have some business ' ability. Call at noon, or write 216 Burgess street. ' . 6" WANTED Ta-o strawberry Pick ers, to commence Monday. Call 105 Central Ave., Phone 29-J. 68 DRESSMAKING iDRESSMAKING Thoroughly ren ame, reasonaDie. cona nam, I street. 64 MISCK.LLAXEOIR BRINQ VOl'R JUNK to the Grants Pass Junk Co.. 403 South Sixth street. Phone 21. We buy rags, metal, rubber, scrap Iron, hides and wool, old automobiles for wrecking. 51 tf I'Hoto sTi nio THE riCTURE MILL for fine photo graphs. Open dally except Sun- , day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sun day sittings by appointment only. Phone Mill, 283-R, or residence H0-J.' 57tf ROAD MUCH LIKE CORKSCREW Railway In India Makea Complete Double Loop on Its Way te th ' Top of Mountain. One of the most Interesting railroad lines, the construction of which meant the solution of difficult engineering problems, la the narrow-gauge railway which winds Its way up the iteep slopes of the Dnrjeellng range of the Himalayas to Dnrjeellng. Dnrjeellng is a noted health resort of the British rulers of India and the Bummer seat of the Bengal govern ment It is 7,400 feet above sea level. It delightful climate and the magnifi cent scenery surrounding It, Including a panorama of the highest peaks of the nimnlnyas, nmke It one of the most desirable places In India during the bot season. One ot the remark able features of the mountain railway Is the Chlmbattl loop, probably the only example of Its kind In the world. The tracks, rising at a steep grade, make a complete double loop to reach the station on the mountain top. Pop ular Science Monthly. ' . : All kind of Commercial Prlotli the Courier "XBce. ATTcrxm U. D. NORTON, Attoraey-at-law. FracUeM ra all gut and Ftdarai Court, rirat NaUaal Beak Elia. OOLVIO WUXIAkCJ, Attorneys- at-Law, Grant Pass Banking Co. Bldf., Omnia Pa, Oregaav C. S. VAN DTKX, Attorney. Prat tle la all eeurt. First National Bank Bldf. O. . BLAN CHARD, ttoraey at Law. Ooldea Bui Building Phone 170. Oranu Pas. Oregon. BLANCHARD BLANCHARD, At tornejs, Albert Bllg. Phoa, tt-J. Practice la all courts; lea board attorneys. C. A, SIDLE R, Attorney-et-Law, ret iree la bankruptcy. Masoate tempi. Grant Pa, Or. VETERINARY Bl'ROEOM DR. R. J. -BESTUL, Veterinarian. OSot, rldnc. Phoa I0S4L PHT8ICIANR L. O. CLEMENT, U. D., Prattle limited to diseases of th eye. ar. no and throat Plane ntud. Offlc hour -12, 2-5, or on ap pointment Office pbon 12, real dance phone 35J-J. 9 LOUOHRIDGE. M. C PhyiWan and lurjeon. City or country call attended day or algbt Reside phone 169; office phone 112 Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldf. DR. J. O. NIRLET, Physician and urgeon. Lundburg Bldf. Health officer. Offlc boors, I to 11 a. m. and 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 310-J. A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal medicine and nervous disease: 903 Corbett Bldf.. Portland. Ore. Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. DENTISTS E. C. MACT. D. M. D. Flrt-claa dentistry. 109 V, South Sixth itreet, Grants Pais, Oregon. MIBICAL INSTRUCTION J. S. MACML'RRAT. teacher of vole cultur and elnglng. Lewons given at horn of pupil If requested. Ad dress 716 Le atreet DRAT AGE AND TRANS m,!: ' COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al kinds of drayage and troasfe. werk carefully and nromntlv dena Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co? Phone 397-R. F. G. ISHAM, drayag and transfer. ; Safes. ' lanos and . furniture ' ' moved, packed, shipped end stor ! !. Phon Clark ft Hoi man. No. j 50. Residence phon 124-R. !" 1 '1 I la 9 California and Oreoa Coatt Railroad Company Dally except Sunday Effective ty, 1, 1918 ' Train 1 Iv. Orants Pass- 1:00 p.m. Train 2 lv. Waters Cerk :00p. m. ! All trains leave Qrantr Paa from he corner ot O and E';Uth atreeta, p posits tL Southern Pacific depot . i r all Informhtlun regarding freight and pasaecer service call at tie office of the company, Lundburg building, or phona 131 tor same. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) MRS. J0S.M0S3 Independent Candidate ' ' for County Clerk AMY BOOTH HOLMES - Democratic Nominee '' ' fr y County Treasurer ' C. E. McLANE ' Democratic Nominee for ; . Sheriff