HC7. TWO DAILY HOQCM ftlVEB OOVHIXM MONDAY, KKITKMIIKII B, IWIM. LI! E'JE OT OOI . Pabluee Dallj Except Saturday 4. B. VOORHIta, Pub. aed Prepr. Catered tt eoetcBce. QrmU Paee. ADVERTlfflNQ RATM CSnl.v imm. eer li(,.,'.....-' I narannal aalumn. Mr llB 1C iHdin. Mr . ilc.... - - 10 ; DAILY COCRIKK I. mn a urHtr. Bar Taar....$S.OO H biU or carrier, per asoata., .50 , WBEKLT COURIER T IB 411. Pr !Mt $!.$ MSUBBB Rtata Editorial AaaeelaUoB Crego Daily Newpaper. Pub. Ami. " KXHBER Or ASSOCIATED PREio Th Associated Preaa U eidulvlj a titled to th um for republleaUoa t all aawa dlasatehea credited to H r ant MharwUa credited la thll aapar tad also the local aewe pub- iianea aertia. All rights of rpubllcUoa ot -tal disptttchee herln are) alto reserved. MONDAY, SK1TEMBER 0, 1B18. OREGON WEATHER Unsettled weather; gentle northwesterly winds. 4 . FOCR MILLION. SELECTED While Generals March, Crowder and others entrusted in drawlug the plana to marshal the military force of our nation against the Huns have nothing to do whatsoever In outlin ing the plans ot battfe on the west era front, their have, br cooperating with General Foco.,"1 made' careful es timates of just what Is needed In men, food and material to make sure the kaiser's defeat America already has almost 2,000,- 000 sturdy sons Jo France. March, Crowder and other leaders are con vinced that Germany, with all her frigbtfuln'ess and boasted power, can and will be defeated by 4,000,000 American soldiers. The aim of our government Is to have 4,000,000 Am ericans In France by next summer Taking this as the required number to crush the German armies, it will readily be seen that only 2,000,000 men will be selected from the com ing draft for Immediate overseas du ty. It being generally understood, of course, that all camps will be kept to their full training capacity. Next Thursday approximately 13, 000,000 men will register for mili tary duty. From this vast number It Is reasonable to presume that the first 2,000,000 selected for service on foreign soil will be men physical ly fit In every particular strong, of limb and bright of Intellect men superior in every respect to the vaunted Prussian guards, and men who later will defeat the Germans on their own soil as did the Ameri ' cans who tore to pieces the Prussians at Flames. While it is generally supposed that the greater portion of the 2,000,000 soldiers to be selected will come from those between 'the a;es of 18 and 21, yet many may be call ed for Immediate service who have passed the 35 mark, and possibly be yond 40. Just who will be caught In the draft net Is a question of keen apprehension for many. However, every loyal American will be found ready for duty when his draft num ber beckons him come. There are thousands, and then thousands, who have hesitated to en ter the service because they could not go into the branch they prefer red or secure the position they cov eted. ' Apparently the chance has passed for such men, the draft tnln? the only way left. The country has In the past needed more men ready to spring to duty, regardless of a coveted position. . LAST KHIt'MKNT RIPE BLACK FIGS ! . i .it'. HtKSH t'Kl.KRY AMD LKTTVCK ' r S KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QCAUTY FIRST . f JIU J1TSU FOR THE ARMY Several million men between IS and 45 will be Interested in th an nouncement that JU Jltsu is being Introduced into the army not the sport variety, but the killing kind. Teachers of the art are being em ployed for all the cantonments and army posts, through the agency of the commission 'on training camp activities. Though' the matter Is not being made a formal part of the soldier's military discipline, It Is expected that every man trained for the army hereafter will receive practical les sons In this genteel killing method. The value of such Instruction will be appreciated by anyone who re calls the excellent use made of jlu Jltsu by the Japanese In their war with Russia. It can be applied, by one proficient In it, whenever the fighting comes to a personal strug gle, man to man. "If you are stronger than your opponent," explains an Instructor, "so much the better if you know Jlu Jltsu. If you are weak physically, you may overcome a giant it you know the tricks. It Is the exerslce ot surprises." And as taught .for use against Germans, there are no Mar quis of Queensbury rules about It. "Any sort of blow Is considered fair. The whole idea Is, 'Go and get your man before he gets you.' " That sounds sensible enough. ' months after abolition of capital punishment in that state, against S murders tor IS 'month before the abolition of hanging. "I'll bet my last cent that Per shing goe through that bunch of pretsel eater," said a man after reading war dispatch? today. Some people won't bet unless they have a clneh Pershing la sure to "go through." Provost Marshal General Crowder ha ruled that writing poetry Is an essential Industry. Sounds odd, yet Crowder means "poetry." therefore not over 100 out of America' 100, 000,000 people will be effected. Haywood' sentence 20 year In the penitentiary and 120,000 fine should be sufficient warning to those who have a tendency to tam per with the United 8tate during war time.. Governor Wlthycombe will not proclaim registration day a holiday, but woe to the man who falls to reg ister. Such a man must look for mercy from 'on high, for Uncle Sam will have none on him. General March, who, by the way, is chief advisor of the secretary of war In all matters military, ;.;'says: "There Is no reason, to' doubt that we ; can have ,4,000,000 men .In France by next year, and 1 might add that there Is not sufficient force in the German empire to stop 4.000,- 000 American soldiers." A an argument in favor of capital punishment an Arizona man who JuggU?s with statistics says the re cords show ' 85' murders In 18 "Mutiny seething In the Gorman army," reads a dispatch from the western front. Smh new has a cheerful ring; let It seethe, and boll and rumble. "I'll take 'Ham and' " ' said Forh, and Immediately his soldiers filled bis order. In regard to us winning the w;r. It seems that we must be stronger than Llmburger. Share & Share Alike Shipping .4i 'ill. J LraWAP -i0 JJvuS-'''eC een HALF A MILLION 7VH J 1 "OUT. -- Mtrwl OF JtOAB AYIM.. Itt ' " "" AMERICAN families would have less sugar than the people of war torn France, if we depended entirely on our home-grown sugar stocks. Approximately 75 per cent, of our- sugar is shipped to our shores. We produce about 1,000,000 tons of sugar a year. Our imports from abroad amount to over 3,000, 000 tons a year in normal times. The United States Food Administration asks each family to limit its use of sugar to two pounds per month per person for household use. The military situation de mands that every available ship be placed, at the disposal of the Army or Navy. When we save sugar, we save shipping. CAPTURED "KIXXIS IN U. 8. . y . i . Y -: . This big iiflne 'thrower, or mine- werfor, as the Herman cell It, w captured front the Huns and Is a part of (he great ur exposition which the I'iiIIihI State hns neen giving In va rious port of the country and which will open In Chicago on September 3. Ine "MliuilO a the Itrltlsh have niiiHl the weapon, i shown In xl tloit with a big ahclt set In th must ate ri:n!y to l-i thrown 4nto the ene-ity trenchee. WHAT UKnn DONDS viU tyy FOR ARMY 1 Slt0 bouil will buy overcoats, iu-k-er and blanket for S soldiers and mess kits tor IS. 2 1100 bond will buy I complete riles with bayonets, 1 a"itnatle plxtol and 250 round or ammunition. 3 1 100 bonds will buy I airplane do molltlon bombs (the kind dropped on munition factories and dumps, trains, station, etc.) and ti ((gunl flares. 4 810't bond will buy :o airplane la cendlary bo rubs. 5 IH'it uonds will buy SO airplane fraamentntlon boniha (the kind drop pel on matsrs of troops), and 11 band greiwdrs. . , 6 SI00 bonds wltl buy 10 airplane flares (eurh of which will Ikht up 4 snunre mile of ground at nlxM). 1 $100 bond will buy a trench knife, (teel helmet and 1 day' ration for lit men. g $100 bond will buy mesa kit, can teen and entrenching pick for a company. Q $100 bond will buy harness for the wheel horses of 4 artillery teams. Q $100 bonds will buy each man of a company 9 hand Rrenados, 8 ttni or phosphorus greniidcs, or S rifle gren ades.' ' J $1000 bond will buy 1 loaded 14 Inch shell. 1 $1."00 bond will buy one of the ef fective little 37 mm. rnnnon used 1n the renehes for breaking up enemy utronnpnlnti and machine gun nests out of rnjue of trench mortars. fuy a Mbeety Fond todiy, t'ri-ent l.i the nation's mil. ' ofing and old must hc-lp and ay, America over all. , Buy a bond, now don't be slow, Over there our bravo boy go. ' Need they ask yott to respond,' Don't be slacker Duy a bond. ' Make them Salaam to Uncle uy Llbert)iBond.' topi Look I Loosen! Liberty Bond. National lylazda Lamps . TT A VINO too little llaht puts a strain en chil dren's vision that they may never outgrow! Why not have plenty ot light? Na tional MAZOA Lamps give three times the light ot old fashioned , carbon lamps without adding a penny to your light bill., Rogue River Hardware Geo. It. Kiddie, Mgr. ItKHmT OP TMK IXkNIMTlON Or TIIH HIWT NATIONAL HANK Of MOITUKIIN UltKUON ' tt 0 rants 1'ass, In the Stat of Oregon, at the close ot business, t August SI, 1I1S. , 1. Loan and discount ......... ., .$410,111.1$ ' ' 1 Total loan $410.1(2.1$ Deduol: 1. Overdraft, unsecurtd, $110.17 HO. $7 S. V, 8. bonda (other than JJberty Uouds, but Including U. B. certinrate of In debtedneaa): I U. , bend depoalM to secure circulation - (par value) 1 1,500.00 r I U. 0. bond and rertiilcat of Indebted nv , r , owned and unpledged ' $1,000.00 6. latterly Iamui floiulai . ' , : i ' - a Liberty Loan Uonda. 1, and 44 per !' cent, uuileddd ...,..... v $, SOU. 00 : o IJbsrty Loan Uoud. SH, 4, and tt lr ' i rent, plidgixl to eur postal sav- Ings deposit ; B, 000. 00 T. Bond, aecurltiea, ete. (other Uim I'. aV) ' . e Hecurltle oih- thin It. t). bond (not In- ' eluding atock) owned unpledged. ... 49,018.44 TotaPbend, aecurltl, etc., other than I. Stock qt Federal It v'' iis"nk ' (6o"'pe'r eeat of subscription) , 10. a Value of banking house I0.p00.00 11. Furniture and fixture .. It. Heal estate owned other than hanking house ' U. Lawful reserve with Federal Iteserve Hank.... II. Cash In, vault and net amount due from as- llonal bank 1$. Net amount due from bank, bankera, aad trust companies other than Included In Items IS, 14 or IS 1$. Checks on other bank la th suns city or town as reporting hank (other than Item IT), . Total ot Items 14. 16, Is, IT and 18 ... 41.114.11 II. Checks on bank located outside of rlty or town ot reporting bank and pther cash Items , 10. Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. S. Tresurr IS. War Sarlug Certiorate sod Thrift aUampa actually owned 13. Other assets, Uold Dust 47.&U0.0O- .' I 4,01I44 1,110. 10 10,000.09 1,500.00 11,100.0V 81,481.17 SS.1R5.IS Total l.Hll.Ot I.US.15 443.47 425.01) 413.41 T07.1S $31.Tl.m taxes 1,31, 3.103. 34. 35. 3S Llnhllltlos 34. Capital stock paid In 15., Surplus fund ;.. 1. a Undivided profits k I. current expenses. Interest, nd . paw : 10. Circulating notes outstanding Demand ilrpoalta (other tliyin Unk iIimmIs) sul Jl to Itmene (deposits payable with in au uaysi : . Individual deposits subject to check Certificate, of deposit due In less thsn 30 days (ether than for money bor rowed) Cortlfled cheeks ' Total of demand deporlts (oilier than hank deponltit) subject to Reserve Itenu 34. 35. 16. 37. 3S. 19. 40. and 41 , Time deMiell iilJrt to Iteeerve (payable after 9U nay, or subject to 30 day or more notice, and postal savlnus): 41. Certlflcatea of deposit (other than for money borrowed i 44. Postal savings deposit Tolnl of time deposits subject to. Re serve, Items 41, 43, 44, and 43 a ' . Total , State of Oregon, County of Josephine, ss: I, L. B. Hull, President of the above named bank swear that the above statement Is true to the best of mr belief. 31 10 50,000. oo s&.ooo.oe 0.123.21 12.500. 00 329.3S3.TS 11.C55.14 513.85 . 381.431.77 172. .125. 17 4.213.53 170,5(0.1)0 $3I,TI.8I do solemnly knewlcdge and L. II. IIALU President oP.8i".b,'rlb'd on'1 ,orn ,0 bof" tfc' Sth day of Si'Plember, 1918, ,8f'AL' C. A. HARRIS. Notary public for Oregon. Correct Attest: My co,nmU"lon x'llre 5- ! JOHN 1. Kity j" FRANK MASlllll'RN. " ' i . h - ' ! '. .! i " " - - Director. . , ' i Full Line of Auto Supplies TIRES---A11 Sizes aa) ai . .aaa a C. L. HOBART CO. Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. W. T. IHren, I'ropr. - 1 H. Olddlngs, Agent Big Pierce Arrow Cars Easy Riding Office JoNeiihlne Hotel lllmk . ' f ' ' 1 eleiliono and 1(1.1 For catalog, Ihb EJug LB (1bV. Summoni all the forcei and resources of the Republic to the detenu of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States suthoritici have ranked at one of the , fifteen dimnguiihed tnititutions of the country for excellence in military training, hns reipondcd to the call. The College Is diitinguiihed not only for its military initruction, but Distinguished auo roa Iu strong 'Industrial courses for men snd for woment In Axilcgltun, Commtrca, F.n.lnMflnn, Formiry "onoraki, Mining, Phimc, 4nd Voc.iion.l EJucttlon. Iu wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. , Iu successful graduates. Students enrolled list yesr,;4SJi ri on Its service fW utg." over forty percent, representing officers. , , College open Sentambar 23. lata SSiX!'! Wb" 1''8'B,llo wrfw tb Cwvslil Ornoa