Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, September 08, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    1 ACT TWO
Hl'NIlAY, NKITKMItKll N, 101.
PabUsked Dally Eaoept Saturday
VO0RHIE8, Pub, tad Propr.
latere at eatoHce. OmU Pes
Or, U MM eu '
Otanlav anaee. Dr Uch He
LAeaJ-oeraonaJ solum. Dr Ilk lie
uidnn. Mr Un .-' It
. j man or carrier, per yer....U.OO
Hj aail or carrier, per aoatb. .SO
y mall, par year
Rut Editorial Association
Onioi Dally Newspaper Pub. Aesa.
Tbo Associated Preea la xcluelvly
tilled to the uaa for republication
t all awa dlseatehee credited to H
r not otbarwla credited la thla
MPar and alao U local aawa pub-
ilabed hertla.
All rlgbu of ropubllcatloa of epe
'ai dispatches herein are alao
Sunday, Increasing cloudl-
4 nesi, cooler, gentle westerly
No one with the possible excep
tion of General Foeh knows wbat
the next month's fighting will deter
mine on the western front. Some
of the hardest fighting and one of
the main drives) now being waged
by the allied forces Is In the vicinity
, of Ham. As the crow flies . It Is
about BO miles from Ham to the Bel
gian border and 120 miles to the
German border. The allies hare been
driving back the Germans a few
miles each day, losing some men and
inflicting severe losses on the enemy,
bat it is a long way yet to the Ger
man border. Those who hope -or a
termination of the great conflict this
year are probably doomed to disap
pointment. The rapid retreat of the Huna
would seem to Indicate one of two
things: They are . hopelessly out
numbered and are lighting against
superior artillery and other destruc
tive engines of war and must of ne
cessity fall back, many of tbe Ger
man units having lost their former
dash, or else they are making rapid
retreat along the entire western
front with the hopes of settling Into
more favorable fighting ground.
This latter theory Is advanced by
, Borne military experts. One dispatch
from the front statea that the Ger
mans are settling Into a great defen
sive position directly before the Am-
erlcan-French advance and have
merely been throwing out machine
gun companies to check the allied
advaifce in this sector.
8tudylng the war map and noting
the present daily advance of the al
lied forces, it is reasonable to not ex
pect the allies to reach the German
border before next summer. PresI
dent Wilson has hinted that he does
not expect a termination of hostili
ties before 1920. General Crowder
is -pointing out the urgent need for
expedition in filling out the ques
tionnaires so that more men may be
drawn for Immediate service. He Is
anxious to have the registranta on
their way to cantonments by the lat
ter part of October.
It is predicted that after the great
registration of 18,000,000 men next
Thursday the United States will see
the greatest activity in military cir
cles yet displayed. Efficiency in
training will be pushed with all pos
sible speed and everything polnta to
an American army of probably four
million men In France by next June.
Then the grand finale to Prussian
militarism will be launched and
A New SuppSy
pushed with determination until tbe
loyal guards of kalsertsra make their
last atand before the armlea of li
patronlilng peddlers during war
There are two way a of attaining a
desired result doing It ourselves or
paying others to do It tor us. The
first means that we aave our money,
while the other meana that wa not
only payafor the actual eost of the
work, but pay a profit besides.
Aa with the Individual, so It la
with a community. Through organ
isation and cooperation aeveral In
dividual may do a piece of wont too
large for one person to undertake
and thua aave money on the trans
action. This la particularly true of
tbe Irrigation situation In the Rogue
river valley today, therefore the
landowners west of the city Intend
to solve their Irrigation problems
by doing the work themselves and
thua attain their desires at the least
possible cost.
With wbat financial assistance
they can secure they Intend to cap
italize their brains and brawn and
engineer their own proposition. The
result will be that when their. Irri
gation system Is completed the cost
111 he small compared to the bene
fit to be reaped, and they will bave
Irrigation at a reasonable rate for
many years to come.
It la to the Interest of every per
son, landowner and city resident, to
help push the Issue to a successful
conclusion, aa their interesta are mu
tual and each must see the other
prosperous to make a success of his
own business.
There are several thousand acres
of good land within a few mites of
Grants Pass which need only the
magic touch of water to convert this
district Into one of the richest tab-
lies in the west. The amount of
wealth that would result from plac
ing these lands under the ditch Is
not easily computed. Possibly four
or five thousand acres of the land
would yield abundantly tf seeded to I
clover or alfalfa, while the balance
There la so much egotism beneath
tbe German skull that truth la slow
of absorption, yet by next aummer
every Hun will understand that
President Wilson meant exactly what
he said when he stated that he
would never make peace with the
kalaer or any of hla lying autocrats.
It la estimated that nearly 70,000
slackers were rounded up In New
Tork and the anrronndlng districts
In the recent slacker ralda. Pretty
good evidence that tbe "tall uncut"
la not the only place to hunt for the
cowardly, unpatriotic species.
County Agents Thompson and
Cate of Josephine and Jacksou coun
ties, are endeavoring la organise a
"bean growera1 association" In
southern Oregon. Tbey held meet
ing at Rogue River last Wednesday
and will hold a meeting at Provolt
tomorrow at I o'clock p. m. Tbe
object of the bean growera' associa
tion, says Mr, Thompson, la to raise
dry beana on a large - commercial
scale and find a ready market for
them. ,
The marketing of dry beana la an
eaay matter, aa they art command
ing an attractive price. There are
a number of Inatancea In California
during the paat two aeasons where
growers have rented land and more
than paid for the aanie from the flrat
crop. Mr. Thompson believes the
Rogue river valley an Ideal place to
grow beana and la confident that
with united efforta the ranchers of
the valley can be persuaded to grow
thousands of bushels of this staple
product next aeason.
Music teachers, musicians of all
classes, lawyers, printers and real
estate men are on the anxtoua seat
and look with apprehension upon the
coming draft. All these professions
are likely to be placed on the non-essential
Aa a proof that old men can "come
back,' they have won honors In tak
ing a prominent part In hunting
down the Hun tT-boats. Much credit
la due the older men for destroying
the tT-boat menace.
From the way our marlnea are
tearing through the German ranks
It is safe to predict that when a Ger
man meets a marine a hundred yeara
hence he will take off hla hat to fie
, Will the murderer who placed tl'
bomb In the federal building at Chi
cago ho protected by certain clnsxes
In America? Just watch the out
come and see.
at Granta Pats. In the State of Ore
gon, at the close of business, August
list, 1918.
loans and discounts f239.G35.44
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured ...
llomlt and warrants
Storks, securities, Judg
ments, etc
Furniture and fixtures ...
Other real estate owned
Due from banka (not re
serve banks) -..
Due from approved re
serve banks ......
Checks and other cash
He ma
Exchangee for clearing
Cash on hand 12,674.63
Other resources, gold
dust ..
. 1,303.09
Total 1339,099.07
Capital stock paid In.-.. $ 50,000.00
Surplus fund 6,000.00
Undivided profits, less
exiton.tcs and taxes
paid 1,972.22
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 201.142.42
Demand certificate of ,
depos't 2,19.41
Certified checks 100.00
Time and Savings De
posits 47.9S5.02
Notes and bills redln-
countcd 9,500.00
Reserve for Interest and
taxes 20,000.00
Tbe Oregonlan saya "one drink
doesn't make a speed fiend." Pos
sibly the Oregonlan Is not familiar
with the brand now being Imported
from the aouth. , ' ,
There may not be enough Ger
mans left to place a "watch on the
would be Ideal soil for beans, grains Rh,ne" tn tlme ne 'a1 hack
anil Vflrlnn nther ornnm Tho i1nAr.lO mat nver.
and alfalfa would furnish feed
thousands of head of dairy and stock
There are some things that any
cattle, as well a. for many train man can mpllsh. Even a pe.,1-
mist can cast gloom over a community.
loads of hogs each year.
The water la dally flowing by, un
used, In the Rogue river, while the
soil awalta the tillage of man. The
district baa all the essentials water,'
soil and climate but the scientific
methods of the Irrlgatlonlst rs need-'
ed to change the valley from Its pres-j
ent seml-arld atatus to one of ver
dure and wealth. I
Thelandownera have struck the
right keynote. They are not going
to "let George do It," but are deter-'
mined to work out their own prob
lem. The proposition has been per
mitted to lie Idle for many years,
The Salvation Army drive was a
success. And the Fourth Liberty
loan will be a success.
Jaa C. Whittle, being held at the
county Jail on the suspicion that he
Is a slacker, states that he Is perfect
ly willing to enter the service, but
but the spirit of progress has reaeh- that he has been ill for some time,
ed that point from whence the land- He claims to be a marine engineer
owners will not turn back. and haa Ietter ,rom th8 Tata Irn
' & Stel Co. of Indiana, recommend
ing him as an able worker. .
Peddlers are making their appear-j According to Whittle's own story
ance quite often In the city again, told the sheriff, he has bad some
Many of these are selling foot pow- thr'Hlng experiences. He Is an Am-
ders, face washes, perfumes and nth- "'""' "nd h" a" W'
. . . . , . signed by a French and an English
er druggists' sundries. It will tofflcert permItt,n(? hlm t0 g0 aBhore
well for everyone to keep In mind ' on French soil. He claims to have
that Germans and German aympa-ibeen on three different boats that
thlzers are not sleeping. They should!""6 ,,lnk b German submarines.
buy such supplies at the drug stores. I . Wi'tUe wa lfken be,ore the ,0('al
Fine chance to get a sample of Ger.;Rnd ,f h condKlon warrant( .,
an ingnuuiness" ny sent to Camp Lewis. - I
State of Oregon, )
County of Josephine)
I, Sam'H. Baker, Cashier of ths
above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the alove statement Is
true to the b r,t of my knowledge and
SAM II. BAKER. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn-to before me
this 6th day of September, 1918.
' ' ; ; Notary PnbUr,
(My commiielon expire!
; Dec. 1st, 1919.)
Correct Attest:
, ' 8. IX)i:0H RIDGE.
" Directors.
St:? Gcrn
b Fc"r Sc
TJst "Gete-ir-See Com Peel Off!
Tbe relief that "Gets-It" give
from corn-plni ths war It makes)
corns and calluses pl off pelnlteaw
Ir la on plsce le en of ths woa
eers of th world. The woman la
-c m 'c
Oaiekl k CMCfS)
rasas JMsCia
the horn, ths shopper, the dancer,
th foot traveler, the man In the of
fice, th clerk In th store, the
worker In th shop, have today, In
this great discovery, "Uets-It,'r the
on sure, quick relief from all cor a
and callus pain th on sure, pain
Iks remover that makes corns com
elf as enally aa you would peel a
banana. It takes 2 seconds to ap
ply "Oete-It"; It dries at one. Then
walk with painless joy. even wit
tlrht shoes. Tou know your corn
will loosen from your toe peel It oft
with your Anger. Try It, corn suf
ferers, and you'll smile!
"deta-It," th guaranteed, money-Dackcorn-rmovr,thonyurway,
cost but a trlfl at an dru store.
M'f d by B. LawrnVCo.,Chlcgo, III.
Sold In Granta Pass, and recom
mended as the world's best corn
remedy by George.?, Labln. .
lea lee ClrWtMwy Jl
ra tr t War II
enln, SpecU J I
sw, MttlU-lit 1 1
f Fully rulivpl liltvral rtillure aui arloiiltlie department.
1 Iralnlnd in I'oiniitenv, JoiirnnllNiu, Arrliilcrlnre, Law, 111
I TwklU. I Ik.. W...L II.... L..I.I k .. . KL..I..I l
pviiwirp ! riMtt Awvtkm eml ntUla ..Ilk-,. Ittlll, Irrlttr 4 IM wa i
t M HS-44al, Swt)mi iplNr la fl mwt tr-ark, rMr, I
. , SK4I. imaWkW la tkiatMiMlena, (Mltill-i-Ml N. Ik. T. t.
"t TaW-.rIKIt. IJawy MHo mriMM, IWalh.rU he m w4 m
bm Mrth' a k ' m, t
IX awk mmh erthr tut atM ' - t t f
WrM Khww arB, OrrSM, m IlkulHHVS UkW. li ?T
Full Line of Auto Supplies
TIRES-All Sizes
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
V. T. Hrren, Propr.
II. (lidding. Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cars
Easy Riding
Office JoM.hlno Hotel Ulock
TFlephoiie !I'JN.J antl ll:l
OVIt UAUAUK Is sulpietl for evny kind of r'nlr work, anil
our workmen are exitert In their line. Nothing la ever half
done, no (Mall la ever overlooked. It I roHrly fliilahrd on the
mi. Our rlt- are) reasjonauln,
lluy your suillea from un. V hnri;e no more than the foretirn
ilenlcr ff tho same artlrle, am UK IMY TIIK FltKK.HT and YOf
H.IVB IT. , '
Tiny your gasoline from us. , It I the ImhI ami our price aro al
rnvs at tho boitdin. It pays to buy your anwllno liere.
Fashion Garag'e
and Machine Shop
Burke & Son, Proprietors
Sp0kctif6 Ik''Itim wheela... $I.W run.
narlr Plim ntjnor lhe J ,n ,h,rt'r t'tmtU "h
OpdriV I lUg UeauClS OMt tnklnK iiIur apart, 75c.,
Upholstry Covers c,)v,,r n,i ruHhions, non-raitc, $i.
Foot Throttles foi- Kor!-
Distillate Burners w,h a i.rin,in ,. $n.
Pedal Rubbers - . .
Full Line Auto Accessories
" ' AMi HI7.K8 ' -
C. L. Hobart Co.
... 7