i Till ItHOAV. kKITKMHKII S, IttlM. SOLDIER LETTERSJI . (Continued from yesterday") J 'At NIc happened (u mt nn American lady, on of th Inspector of1 tht Hd CroM and vartou orphan honiM, ind h took u to tha bt moderate priced hotel, tt Which h and her' mother ar staying.' Hht md to take a liking lo Our crowd aad adopted ua all. Wt calltd her ' big .later" and aha aura pl.y.d the part. Ai aha know Franc very wall and .pe.k French Ilka a native, aluo Italian and German, aha waa abl .to plan our excursion, and five ns much Interesting and u.cful Infor Tuition, flha arranged ivrnl little partlva Cor ua at which w nint tome ml American girl, also noveral nice English and French girl. We pent every morning bathing at the beach at which we alwaya mot mine 0( our friend.. Tha temperature of the water wan Ju.t right, tha aurf bad tha proper amount of roll, and the beach wai fine although of email pebbles Instead of aand. Afternoon we made varloua excursion, and tvenlnga wa were Invited to little partlea or went out with the girl, to Ihga "Initial" nr ftlkaig nlajai nf amuaau ment I had aom aplcndld time. with two little girl from New York v.... ... .,. ,. vi - ui. who bav been living In Nice with n.n.h-. in. v.... t, ,,.....va ' v They were In Berlin at the outbreak of the war where th older on had been .tudylng mu.lo and painting for about .even yar. The finest excur.lon we liml wa.' one In a Urge touring car (which, by the w.y, we wore abl to hire only tier. in we wr .oldlenO. There ... n, hnnnh nf .lv . lUul.nanl "wmm w. ....... ., w wm -.(. i.n.o ho waa with ua on aever.l ncaalona, a aplendld officer, Iilg Blater of ...i ...!.... rourae, .ml another Amerlcnii girl. We loft Nice at 2 p. m. went up Into and over the greatly advcrtlned Jllvlera by way of the t'ppt'r Cornice rond. Blnpped on all of the high point, to take picture and revel in the beauty of the acene laid out be low u. We worn looking down on th icutlful Coto d'Asur (A.ure count of (he Mnllttirranean) wblih left a i-lctiire In my mind which I .hall (never fnrgct. Numeron. riiKid 1 ', 11 . 1 1 I If PRINTING - t T HAT PLEASES promontorlea'divld th cowl Into many little bay of a deity bin on the preclpltou iloutta of which neat la th 1IUI town and arlletlo villa Bmld.t an abundance of flower, ahrubi and tree of both th tamper- at and 4ropleal aone. Behind tow- r th tnowclad Alp, and all about you 'are ancient rulut, with !old churchefl and old -perbapa al0 hw -fort crowning all of th iilgaeit Bill, called Notr-Dam d. Ugh.t which fit. nM Jiitat.ri at nil nwiriifrv we VIltod waa of epeclal Intereit o ma. It ha. long been a f.mou. ahrln for all of h. mountain r,- glon round about It. and aa evidence i ii. ,i.i. ih... ... it.,.,!..!!!! covering. th Interior walla ot th church, article which the alrnpl mountain folk bav given aa a thank offering for what they con.lder aotn hUuZ cimrerrefl Thr ara crut- bleeelng conferred. TttN M crm- chea- ,. h aon.eono ha. long uaad but need no longer, crud modol .ii,.- .i,i,h ..iinr. t..v. Tl " ..b' ' i'-"""- and given ... token of grat.tndo for dullvorenc from a itorm or hlp wreck; thore are alio many rough palntlnga oc-caelonally one I quit artlotlc and colored em Mitilnk rn llaai ti llw nnnfvaw .cone. In which ..... near relat.v. ha. ju.t .-aped death, for In.t.nc. ... . . . . .u there I. one .bowing- a l.nd.lid on .u j ..... 1 1. IIIV I Mail J I" IIIM'I I" f1 WHV ao narrowly oacaped, there la another deplitlitg a home running away with . child In a cart on th mountain hlghw.y, of couwe the child - raped, hence th thank offering; over In another corner la a bride and brldedroom In full wedding coetumo, r...u....., m.iif u..wi, . H. 1.1.1. I. . . I , .1 I. lll.ll.ll .1.1 good huab.nd. I could dencrlbe dor.- cm of I in lnr tin que g ft. left ther i. . l . .t ... - : If I had the time Another Inlerc-Mlng point wa th little town named, Turblo. altunted on a hill Ju.t above Monte Carlo.. It ha old ruin which date back aa far n th lime of Caeanr, and winding nt recti pined with brick, aome of comedy. All hatiltnea nt the Cailnooet. w hich pro ao narrow that by etn-tch. , loee In the long run, but there I one There la a deep gorge there cro. Ing out the .rm you can touch tht'man, o they nay, who cam out win- d by a atone bridge which I guard building on each .Ide. The housnor. I will plve you the atory. all Join,' making one continuous wallihna been rn.tomary In cnne of a nul ! 1 . . ,. '. ...... . . . , V J v. h i; ' l)u.'..' we do :Tvt, i DA1LI through whtih there la a few very narrow galea. Above one such gat thiir la yet a projection In th wall and hole through which th defend- ar used to pour boiling 'water or molten lead on any enemy ' who might attempt to fore pen In. to th town. There ar aton arch over th afreet between nine of the highest building whhli bind 111 td- grther and act a. .hock absorber In jean of an earthquake. Th Inhab-' - i '0,k' 1 w0"'"d h ahoutd llv In uch an lnccabl m'?ht do v'n ' n b.ro,,kh on ot nV tiny aquare In th town w ram op-( " .!.. ' '' on a typical niti Italian, mother ..It... .... .u i.ih oi.ir !' eq wiin a coniaeraoia amount or to her In Italian and vry amn th gold leaf, wa went out on th prom motber' eye. filled with teara and Unade overlooking th tea end en- for inmc 1 1 mi gthi mmm imalil tr nl.' i. a v a i a m . : " ..riV-rJ " , f nd" won'',r(, "n,t nonea ar given free ever afternoon tfoub6 Wg Md Sinter ,nd er4ng. M ,.flh b ' h 'a ' . . ... remruea to .-sic ny in lower Mn" hv Mi ,oon th'r "'.Cornice road through Vllefranch " " " and other pretty llttl. town. About horn to me."' I had to turn ald half war back we alooDed and ni . gm my o b,ck ttoftJ''? J ,' tear . I Th road dnwn'the mountain aide to Mont Carlo la perhapa th mo.t i winding of any I ever travelled. The ""!' cl" W',h """""J I""'" tn S'T J tor model built .bout and v.. ,u. . . overhanging the tiny harbor on which floated numeroua email boat. and the elegant y.tch of the frlmtione of It. hlgheet park. of X!onco. On th promontory rnn-J nlng out pant the harbor lit Monaco, which together with, Monte Carlo constitute the whole of the free and Independent Principality of Mon aco, th gamhler'a par.dlae. If per- , ,,.., . A " f plenty of gay life make paradle a,l.l I. It...- Tl... . . , ,. n ,ne reputation of the place o well, when I ii It elaborate, mag nlflrence and brilliant colorlnit I flt exactly a. If I wa. looking on aome gigantic Mage act for om comic opera, and yet I realized that there might be aa much tragedy a H m f-1 . " cnrcis ouiUKH d! about the grounda for on of the keeper to Immediately etna a bundle of money Into the pocket or th victim ao that It would not p- pear that It wa raueed by th loa of everything at tha gaming table, This man wanted to gnt out of there but had no franca, o on evening he walked out Into th garden, fired a platol and fell forward ari hi face. On of th attendant ruahed out andiF'OR 8AUS 'r' Umber Muffed hi pocket fall of note and t.nd.nt bad left, thla man got np and. took tha flrit train out - Th io" noi-ermit hU "ubJert' Clno. ' ' After looking through th Caalno and th prlnc' theater which la ... At. ... lino me prince e ineaier wmcn is g old lady from Chicago who baa on of th f Inert villa, along th eoa.t. She ahowed ua around and truly U waa a beautiful horn. We came down the mountain .Id Into- Nice about '9 P. m. and the aemlclrcle of light around th bay below made a charm Ing acena which reminded me very mm)) of San IXego when wen from On another day wt took a trolley trip to Monaco, where wt vl.lted the muieu m and aquarium who there la a large and rare collection of .pe nmen and fteih which the prince ha. gathered orr hi. many y.tchlng . n o. There I. al.n . tine church there and the prince' palace 1. very Lli.l.. . i..uj 1 A ... i.l l. i ... . ,. , , ... although quite plain ouUtde. From Monaco we pa.t Mont Carlo on our way to Menton which la the border city and I. .a much Italian aa French. Jut out.lde' of Menton la the boundary lino beyond which we were permitted to pan. only a few ed by lAlgorlan ai-ntlnela. On our r?turn to cump we .topped, a nl'ilit 'iti'1 a day In i o-'iilc. hirh tm...i .n,i.i. Port in n,.i. n,.n !,,.( ... nn.i .ir.. ii in' Ufa and volume of busines.. It ha.' ..nHi.rf,ii lot nt flnrt nhniti tree. .!. sonie beautiful buildings and monu iiitnt.. a proiiilncnt church of Notre jlMmo bIko, on the highest hill, and a unique overhead suspension ferry jaro?. p.irt of the harbor; but It Is ratlur a dirty city and tho po;u!a jt on . bit toj cosmopolitan a Is !oftin the caso with large :a:orta. ! U'e returned to Paris on one of j Francs', best trains, the P. L. M. Ranlrie whlt h made fair time and waa quite comfortable although I .lightly crowded. Of course the French have very poor train, now .compared to what they had before I the war. We had a grand time all of the tlnu, yet It feel, rather homelike 'to be bark with the boys. .: i i Much love to all. OUVER. UA'CEP'l! Of A3RTCUIJUt fVTOWTO Fig. fbr canning should be sound and firm. Sprinkle one cupful of auda over six quarts of fig nnd ndd one gallon of boiling water. Allow the flgR to stand In the soda bnth for flv minutes. Drain and rinse thoroughly. Bring two quarts of sirup, made by using three pounds and nine ounce, augar to one gallon of water, to bull ing and add tbe well-drained figs. If! desired the amount of augur may he) reduced, but It Is not ndvlsnuto to ut- j tempt the canning of Tig. without an; augar at all. Allow the fruit to boll' In the sirup tot one hour. I'lnce the fruit carefully In the Jars and theu fill to overflowing with the sirup. Partially -soul Jars. Boll (process) quart jura for 30 mln utes to water bnth. Seal. When cold tent Jnr for leaks.' Store In cool, dark, dry place. United gtutes De partment of Agriculture. . Her Prepheey Cam True. ' "' A story la told to the effect that Si mon Ilollvnr, when he wns a child of seven, had for a pluymate In Spain a buy of about hi own ngp named Fer tllnnnd, the future Spanish king. One di.y, while engaged In a game of bat tledore and shuttlecock, stroke by , young Bolivar knocked the cap from j Ferdinand' bead. - Whereupon an old 1 burse, who witnessed the occurrence, 1 aad who was deemed a soothsayer', de- ciired that some day Bolivar would . knock the crown from the king', head. ' Which feat he certainly did accotn- pllsh, so fur aa South America waa concerned. i ff--:-xr -KriTf Qsssfffiad. FOR SALIC OK SALE IT Aagora goau and kid. ' For aaxticalare addrtta E. H. WIm, Kerby, Or. tltf Bear Kerby. Inquire Frank floyd Kerby, Or. ii FOR BALE Homeatead retlnqul.b- ment. Near Taylor crack. -Road to plae.' il acre cleared. Will tak team or Ford la part pay ment. Fred Hamlin, O.lice, Ore gon. ,19 rOR BALE Elgbty-acrt ranch, In Applcgat valley. Thirty acre' In cultivation, part alfalfa. Fin rang for atock. Houat, barn and dut-bnildinga. Farming Imple ment. If deilred. Inquire Ik Vin cent, call Provolt central. ... 75 1-YEAR-OLD Herford bull for aale. Dr. Nehrbaa, Grave Creek ranch, Iceland, Ore. 4 67 AUCTION BALE Three head good working brood mare, weight be tween 1200 and 1100,' one-gelding work non. 1200; five head cat tle, one brood tow, .1. .hoata, fifty chicken., flv ton. hay, new mower, hay rake, di.c, two plow., 'garden tool., household good.. Tuesday September 10, 2 p. m. Term., one year on turn, over f 10 at 8 per cent. W. A. Doney, old Fisher place, aix mile we.t ' of Kerby, H. K. Clark, clerk. 87 FOR SALE NO. 1 Jersey cow; coal oil cook tove; few dozen White Leghorn' ben. and chicken.. Can be delivered about the lath, 902 North Ninth (treet. 6S ilu i'eaks at webu. 402 ner lug, bring your boxei. Phone 29-J. 55 FOR SALE Four choice" grade Hol- tein heller, will fre.hen oon. Al o a few Shetland ponies, cheap. H. E. Gordon, R. F. D. No. 2. 69 Pi RE VI FURNISHED house for rent. Mary il Browne, 709 North Fifth. Tele phone 4-Y. ' . 50tf KOR KENT Seven-room modern house. Sleeping ponh. Reason- I,b: t0 rl8ht Partv- Inquire 611 north Third street. Phone 216-R- 5itr RENTALS House for rent. Can get yon what you want. Auto ser vice. If your house la vacant list It with our office. - Have' aeveral : good farms for rent. L. A. Laun er, realtor. 57 FOR RENT Two-room house and - tent on F street, next bridge. Key corner F and Second streets. 58 FOR RENT Furnished cottage with prettiest garden In town.. Corner of Booth and Foundry street. Key next door. 54tf WANTED Roomers and boarder, at 662 North Seventh street. We also have furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Phone 287-Y. 68 WANTED Good clean practical housekeeper tor one. Must have some business ability. . Call at noon, or write 216 Bridge, street. ' ': "j ; 68 WANTED 'Roomers and boarders at C63 North Seventh street. We also have furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Phone S87-Y, 59 COOK WANTED At the Good Sa maritan hospital. Middle-aged -lady preferred. 53 I WANTED A party to become tnter ' ested In a newly patented article I ot merit to secure patent for same I In foreign countries. Will give equal share in profits on all sales. Address 1417 cart Courier. 67 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING Thoroughly rell- able, reasonable. I street. Edna Watts, 312 - 64 MISCELLANEOUS BRING YOUR JUNK to the Grant Pas. Junk Co., 304 South Sixth street. Phone 21. We buy raga, metal, rubber, scrap Iron, hides and ' wool, old automobiles1 for wrecking. T 51 tf LOST iA)3i A .ample case (tamped on inside Armour & Co., Grant Pass, Ore. Please return to Oxford ho tel Reward. .55 LOST White Angora cat. , Dlsap peared Monday evening. ' Finder will be paid a suitable reward tt returned to Dr. Smith, 703. L St SI ASveiSS' TO LET TO LET Contract tor larlag and grubbing 20 acre canal right of way for th Gold 'Hill irrigation t ditrieL.vrS'U..CTUr,.Oold Hill, Oregon. II ..ATTORNEYS' , B. D. NORTON. Attoray-at-U . : PractteM la afJ 8UU atW Ftdtral ' Court. First Natltaal Baak Bigg. COLVIO WILLIAMS, 'Aitoraw at-Law, Oraata Paaa BaaJUag Co,' Bldg., Oraata Fa. OrtgM. t. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prao- Uo la all eorL First National Baak Bldg. i 0. 8. BLANCHARD. ttornty at Law. ' ' , Golden Rule Building Phono 270.' Grant Pass, Oregoa. BLANCHARD & BLANCHARD. At torneyt, Albert Bldg. Phom 2K-J. PracMc In aUeoorta; law board attorneys. C. A. 8 IDLER, Attornay-at-Law, rf- tret In bankruptcy. Maont tempi. Grant P.m. Or. VETERINARY BURGEON DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veurlnartaa. OOct, mldtnce. Pbon S05-R. PHYBICIAX8 U O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practle ) limited to disease, of tht eyt, tar, nose and throat. Glaasei fltttd. Office hour 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment Office phoa (2. resi dence phone 159-J. g. LOUOBBJDGE. M. C Phyalot and aorgeoa. City or country call attended day or night. ReaiuMe phono 269; offlct phbnt 181 Sixth and H. Tuff Bldg. DR. J. O. surgeon, officer, , ' NIBLEY, Physician and Lnndbnrg Bldg. Health Offlcel hour. 9 to 11 a. - m. and 1 to 5 p. m; Phone 310-J. A. A. WITHAM, - M. D. Internal . medicine and nervous ' diseases; ' 903 Corbett Bldg., Portland.' Or. , Hour 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. ' First-cla dentistry. 109 H South Sixth street. Grant Pass, Oregon.' " Hi PHOTO STUDIO i THE BEST TIME Th softest and most beautiful lighting effect for fin pictures are secured by tht operator at The Picture Mill be tween the hoars ot 10:30 a. m. and 2 p. m. and believing that yoa desire the very best work, wt would respectfully suggest that yon arrange for' sitting between the above hours. After 2 p. aa. tht light becomes Intense and harsh and tht results are not aa satisfactory aa earlter In the day. Call 283-R for time. CI MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. 8. MACMURRAY. teacher of volet culturt and staging. Letaoa given at bom ot pupil tf request. Ad drew 716 Let .treet. " D RAVAGE AND TRANS 2' hK COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al kind of drayagt and traaaf. wtrk carefully and promptly lent Phone 18 W. Stand at freight depot A. 8hade, Prop. , THE WORLD MOVES; go do wa. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phono 197-R.' , . ' '' ' , F. G. ISHAM. drayagt. and transfer. Safes, t!anos ' and furaltnrt moved, packed, shipped and stor ed.' Phone Clerk ft nolman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. " roe California and Oregoa Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD -- dally except Sunday Effective Msy 1, 1918 Train 1 It, Grunt Pas 1:00 p. na. Train 2 I v. Water Cmk 9:90 p. m. ''VAI1 itUti iv Grant- Paj Iroua h corner of O and E's'uih street, ippoiR tl' Bouthern Pacific depot. For all information regarllng frttght tan passer jer nervtce call t tht otfl'-e of lh company. Lund tut building, or nbnne 181 for same All kind, ot Commercial Printing t th Courier Offlct.