Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, September 04, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    ' II.41L.Y H'Mil kl HlVhJt COl'IUaK
I iraini ul American soiaiera uulisaaa . I I ll II rii O MWP
400th Aero Squadron,
August 5, 111$.
Un, J, J. Morton,
Grants Past, Oregon.
Dnf folks at horn:
Sunday evening I arrived at th
homo camp and again assumed my
datle with the squadron, after hav
ing been away II dayi on furlough.
There were a number ot letter and
paper from all of you awaltlnf me,
and of course the first thing I did
wu to read all of them. This morn
ing I bad to read the letter again
to thoroughly Imprest rerythlng on
my mind. Now for a description or
our trip.
There were alx ot ut in the party
who stayed together about all ot
the time, ho wo had a Jolly little
crowd. We had to change train In
Parte, to naturally took the oppor
tunity to make a little stay there
both going and coming. While there
w stayed at the T. M. C. A. hotel
which la well located and fire quite
good accommodations. We bought
a map and guide ot Paris, and as 1
peak the most French 1 was elected
to pilot the bunch. Although our
time, waa Tory limited we were able
to make a hasty visit to most ot the
Interesting historic place. However
all ot the finest pieces ot statuary
and works ot art are covered with
sandbag for protection against, air
raids. Nevertheless It Is a beautiful
city even now and the people are
quit animated, so I can imagine it
must be a wonderful place In peace
We made a circle somewhat as fol
lows. I am strong for panoramic
views, especially when I want to get
my bearings In a strange place. So
the first thing we did wss to climb
the highest hill In Paris on which
atands the beautiful, modern Church
. of the Sacred Heart IL'Egtlte de la
Sacre-Coeur). From there we de
scended to the Madeleine, a tine old
church of the Oreclan type ot ar
chitecture, and then wo passed the
world famous Opera on our way to
the Palace de 1 Concorde. From
there wo rode out the magnificent'
Avenue des Champa-Elysees to the
am Am TriomDhe de L'Etollle.
through which we all want to msroh
after the victory, as did the troops
of Naooleon more than 100 years
aco. From the Arch w went down
' through the Trocadero and gardens
and crossed the river Seine to me
.r th Eiffel Tower. At the
AW wa
Hotel Des Invalldes we examined the
tine collection ot war relics ot all
kinds, ancient and modern, and near
by wo aw the tomb of Napoleon I.
Sack across the Seine by the beauti
ful Pont (bridge) Alexander III, paat
the tittta and Grand Palaces,
through the- Garden of the Tulleriee
to the Palace of the louvre, from
which most of the exhibits have been
removed.' Then we went to the Pal
ace of the Luxembourg, the Odeon,
tha Pantheon, the famous and grand
old Cathedral de Norte Dame (Our
Lady) ..Then past the Palace of
Justice, the Hotel De Vllte (the
name ot the municipal administra
tive buildings In every French town)
to the Palace ot the Bastille, where
the French asserted their Independ
ence in 1789, then to the -Palace de
la Republlque whereon is the fine
monument of the same name, and
later to other places of less Interest,
too numerous to mention. I gave a
French dealer money' to aend you a
small book of colored views of Paris,
let me know if you do not receive it.
From Paris to Lyons the trip wax
tiresome. The train was packed so
there was barely standing room. It
traveled slowly, and because of the
many iralus ot American soiaiera ou
lueu- way to lue trout it was uviy0
seterai oours. nunoo', u ua uie
test proud to sue sucu ptoot ot tn
part America is takiug ana is prepar
ing to una id tbta mruii, ' uu
seeing the eageraeaa ot all the boy
knew that they will go alter tn
Hun with a vim which will aoon win.
I felt a Ultlo guilty beatiug It ott on
a holiday when those boys were just
getting into it, but I have been over
her more than a year now and at
thl la my first furlough perhaps I
deserve It.
Wo spent a night and a day at Ly
ons, aad used the time tq good ad
vantage. It is the third largest city
la France, built at the junction ot
the Rhone and Saonne rivers. There
are some nice buildings and bridges
there and some tine pieces of statu
ary; one fountain in particular la
very striking, called the Fontaine
Bartholdt. On the highest hill there
la a tower from which you can see
tor miles over the fertile valley ot
the Rhone and even to some ot the
most promluent peaks ot the Alps.
Besides the tower Is the beautiful
church of Notre-Dauie de Fourvlere,
which Is easily seen from all parts
ot the city, but Is not easily reached.
The people must be very energetic
and ploua If they worship there often
Americana are not so common In Ly
ons and everywhere I could hear the
expressions "Oh, voyet lea Amerl
ealns" (See the Americans) and ot
course we were trested royally, every
where In fact for the American sol
dier Is In great favor here now.
(To be continued)
iUrt-uw Over there
A card haa been received by
trleuda In this city, staling that Kay
J. Harrow, of the iii Aero ikiuad-
ron, has arrived safely over seas.
Important Meeting; Friday
' Knights and Ladle ot Security.
All members are expected to be pres
ent. ' 14
Council to Meet
Tomorrow the city couucll will
meet In regular session. Aside from
auditing bills and trsnsactlng some
routine busluets work, ther will
probably be little business come be
fore the meeting.
The Old Soldiers snd Sailors As
sociation will hold their reunion at
Grants Pass, commencing September
9 and continuing until September 14.
All members are requested to bring
their tents. If they have any, also
plenty of provisions. Confederate
veterans are cordially Invited to at
tend. By order of J. E. Peterson, Col.
D. R. Andrua, Adjutant.
Mrs. 3. Loughrldge went to Port
land last night.
Double arm shock for Ford. Ii.
Battery Shop. 54
Mrs. W. Bagley, ot Hugo, Is spend
ing the day In the city.
The large allotment still valla ur
gently tor more help la the Red
Crose tewing room. 60
Ruth, the little daughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond llatum, left this
morning tor Portland where she will
attend one of the Catholto schools.
"Palmollva" shampoo Sabin hat
It. ' S4
George Tetherow returned lst
night from Calahan'a. Cal., where he
has been working In the chrome
Tess and Ted all leather school
shoes for boys, girls and mlsset. Kin
ney ft Truss.. 5t
Arthur Bramwell Is here from
Portland for a visit with his broth
er, F. C. Bramwell. Mr. Bramwell
has been employed at the Portland
E. P. Thomas, ot the medical con
at Camp Kearney, Cat., loft this af
ternoon after spending a 10-day fur
lough with friends near this city.
Dr. and Mrs. Oeorge Bacher and
two children, of Roieburg. arrived
here yesterday by automobile and
will visit the former's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Bacher TUcy will
also make a trip to Crater take.
Vacuum cleaner for rent. Battery
Shop. 54
Mia. Itnlu, tlarrev and Mla Vere
Uf, 1rt Ihl. afternoon for an "" uvva """" ln" "
outing. They will Join Mr. and Mrs. PX ' Weed Umber Co.
r ph t nnM mil. snd the iiartyl '
will motor trom that point to Crater, BO,llM'r" '
The 8oldlers and 8allors of Soiilh-
VI.. S.HI. of Glendale. ae- ern "r wl" no, "' ",,nlon
companled by her brother. Ray. fromiVnl r beginning next Monday.
Camp Lewis, on a 10-day furlough, rraonrwion are oomg maae ior a
arrived on the afternoon train and, ' '" nd a good attend-
ent to Williams, where they will nr irea. ah confederate soi-
vlslt relatives. .. " . -'
We supply grade and high school. "cipaie.
books this year. Kindly do not iik Krmu
Delivery lUty Wautwl
One not attending school City
Market. Sttf
Circuit Court
Next Monday the September term
ot circuit court will open for Jose
phine county, with Judge F. M. Cal
kins on the bench. Aside trom tour
Indictments returned yesterday by
the grand Jury there Is not much
business In sight and It will prob
ably be a short session.
Threshing la proceeding nicely
and. considering conditions the grain
yield haa been fair. Our very pro
ductive noil Is making good.
Mr. and Mrs. Ingram, ot Grants
Pas, visited friends in the valley
Sunday on their way home from the
coast at Crescent City.
A socisl will be given Friday. Sep
tember 6, at the Althouse church. A
good program haa been prepared. Ice
cream will be served by the Ladles
Aid society.
Leslie Bailey and wife visited at
the home of Ora Smith Sunday.
Mrs. O. C. Dixon visited friends Ir
the valley the past week.
Harry Smith. Roy and Harold
White and Wllma Smith drove to
Grants Pass Sunday.
The date of the social at the Alt
house church has been changed to
Friday, September 6. A good pro
gram has been prepared. ,
Rev. C. O. Morris conducted ser
vice in the Althouse M. E. church
Sunday. The next service will be
held Sunday, September 15. Sunday
school la being held every Sunday
Ith Mis Grace Cossen as superin
J. W. Krouse transacted business
in Grants Pass Friday. -
M. H. Gates has started a new
house, which, when completed, will
be one of our nicest residence.
.We are headquarters for
High School
Largest A"ortment of a
School Supplies
Clemens Sells Dregs
. ". The RexaJl Store
Grwn (.urn to Camp Kearney
Win. McKlnley .Green, ion ot Mr.
11. L. Green, South Sixth street, who
arrlvod her Sunday to visit his
mother, Irtt last night tor Yreka,
and leaves for Camp Kearney, Cat.,
for final examination. Mr. Green
toy . Tfeater
Two shows aad Bill Admission We sullV
: ; , . .' BupvoHed by i. l . "
. ' ' '
Thomas Mcifrhari
i .. . ... .. , , .
t. in . J
Nv The Land cf
A story of the (anatUaa wliMU firida and Canadian Ibu klra
Th orthmtr will give a UO-mlnuta niiraui brfore the phluro U
' shown.
Naval Acadsmy ot Annapolis Qlve
Studtntt Most Thorough Prspar. ,
atlon for Their Life Work.
Umlon, FM't. 4. The condition
of Unlne, the UoUhevlkl premier
who wss shut last Friday by a worn-
u to charge aa school book re Many brun flfet r re(0rled
burning In the surrounding country
cash. Those having second
... . i a k.i.a
book to dispose OI tnouiu onus . ka. n.l .mob. .till .n
them Inesrly. Demaray's Drug' and ,gnroudg ,n, Rogut rver rBeyi A
Stationery store. 68 fire of considerable nroDortlons haa
Get the electric cleaner for your bMm bura,n i0Uth of 0rtnti Pifii
rugs. Battery Shop.
red crass raS:,
while In the Waldo district flrea
have apread over a great area. No
terlon damage ha been done by
these tires.
Special Meeting W. R. O
General Logan W. R. C. will hold
a special meeting Thursdsy after
noon at 2:30 In their rooms at the
courthouse for the purpose of mak
ing final arrangements for the South
ern Oregon Soldier and Sailor re
union to he held In thl city next
week, September to 14. Every
member I asked to be present at
this most Important meeting. Bring
thimble and needle.
Elder LI am In Hospital
Elder Llum, brother of Mr. Sam
Baker, who passed through here
some weeks ago en route to the Ma-
Sept. 6, Friday Mrs. Kemp speaks
at Wolf Creek, 8 p. m.
Sept 7, Saturday Mrs. Kemp apeakt
at Hugo, 3 p. m.
Sept. 8, Sunday Mrs. Kemp speaks
at Merlin, 8 p. m.
sept. 9 Opening of city school.
Sept. 9, Monday Opening of Miss
Telford's kindergarten, 511 C St.
Sept. 18, Wednesday Courier Bar
gain Day.
During the I'lvU'wnr the Naval artd-an revolutionist, Is reported highly
etny was moved to Newport, on tho critical today.
hlMtorlc Constitution, while Its for-
nier home at Amuipollt was used J
a iinse hospital by Hie army, writes ,
C. II. Foster In Hcrlbner'a tin the;
academy's return to AnnnpolK l '
IflilK Ih. ... ...... .
InlMdem. Instituted regular dance. ! . :. fJ'LA
or "bo,M ami. most IniiHirtant of all I ,JytBW, Wn60 B0t lald In advaao.
nia rvronus, tne nonor sysium, oy ie prr nnt prr HU j
which a luldstilpiuun' word was not to '
be questioned. WANTED lloomer and boarder
Ue also encouraged athletic la j at 662 North Seventh ctreet. We
every way. In th presence of t alio hav furnished housekeeping
throng of midshipmen he eveu boxed , room for rent. Phone SRT-Y. 59
with one of them himself sa l allowed "
the nose of th vice admiral of tha COOK WANTED At tli Good Ht-
Praylrvg and Doing.
Lord Palmeraton "Pam" a be wa
affectionately termed by his friends
was one of the shrewdest statesmen
that ever lived. When petitioned by
the Scotch clergy to appoint a day for
fasting and prayer, so that a threat
ened epidemic of cholera might be
averted, he replied:
"Clean yonr streets, keep your homes
clean, promote cleanliness and health
among the poor, see that they are
plentifully supplied with good food
and clothing, and employ right sani
tary measure generally, and yon will
have no occasion to fast and pray, nor
win the Lord hear yonr prayer while
these bis prcventor remain unheeded."
The Red Cross reports thst five
days after a knitting machine was
ordered by wire, It waa received In
Grants Pass. A number of lsdies
Immediately visited a neighboring
city for the purpose ot getting In
formation relative to the operation
of the machine and It was found that
while knitting machines can turn out
larger quantities of socks than by
Individual knitting, yet there Is con
siderable to be learned, and care to
be taken in tne operation oi mne ... ...tion fleId ....,to.
machines, and it will require a traln-j,, now , ,he B0(,pU wltn , brokn
ed band to operate one and a num- Jaw Bnd ieyere CU Yonnt ijm
ber of ladle are expecting to take' h. . ,, m.uin .
their turn at handling It. It Is e-rmg country flight and his machine
.u.. ..hi.. llt turn I ....
ueciea iu ic - WaR Caugnt oy tne wind ana over-
out, when properly handled, from trn,,j
half a dozen to a down pairs 6f; ,
socks a day. but Inasmuch as It will W11ttm Returns to Bremerton
not be operated to its ruuesi capacity i . Williams left this morning
continuously, the output will not be returnng t0 Bremerton, where he
what some people mignt expect. ne , Rationed. He was accompanied
Red Cross does not desire to have hv M. th.. wpnt b- ra,
the knitters get the Idea that hand Ukns tner clotheg presaing ma-
knlttlng Is to be dispense wun. ii ch,ne M, wmlams conducted the
all of the hand knitters knit to their WardroDe presng parlors until his
full rapacity, the machines that eientry nt0 the v g. avy wnen hl(l
ordered will still be needed to flWfe continued the business. The
out the quotas hereafter allotted to, business-will still be continued by
Josephine county chapter. The ma-former em),
chines will not help on the present j ,
allotment of yarn as no one Is qual- To (Jo Aa WtneNW
Ifled to operate It at yet. Tomorrow five witnesses will leave
1 .this city for Portland, to be used In
ClllliKAXH AltOl'SKD 11V 'the trial of a man named Mills, of
ATTKMITH OK THK HIJ18 Swede Basin, who several months
'' jago was arretted on a charge of mak-
Santlago, Chile, Sept. 4. Crews Ung disloyal utterances. The wit-
on German steamships Interned at.nesse from this place are: Sheriff
the Chilean seaport ot Corral, In Val-. Lewis, District Attorney Miller. Dep
dlvla. todav attempted to sink their, nty Sheriff Lister, Wm. Hack and
navy to be smartly tapped by hi eo ! niarltau hospital,
thoslastic young opponent to the ! lady preferred.
mtnlfest glee of th assembly and to
th shuddering horror of th old navy
when It It learned of thl Innovation.
By th end of Porter tuperlnten
dency, In 1800, th Navil academy had
worked ont the system followed to th
present day. Since 18S1 acadetnlo
work ha not been Interrupted by
three year at sea. Through drill
and summer cruise practical skill and
seagoing habit bav been acquired
without Mcrlnclng progre la th
theory and aclenc of th naval pro
fession. During their four year at
the academy It graduate bar felt
Its potent spell and hav afterward
won honor for It and themselves. Th
result achieved challenge comparison
with those of any college, and hav
mad reputation second to none..
British Lawmaker Positive They
Hav Seen Apparition In Famous
Parliament Building.
FOK RRNT Furnished cottags with
' prettiest garden In town., Corner
of Booth and Foundry street. Key
next door. &ttf
WANTED A party to become Inter
ested In a nswly pstented article
ot merit to secure patent for tame
In , foreign countries. Will give
equal share In profits on all sales.
Address 1417 care Courier. 67.
Ct'LL PKAflS t Webb. 4 Ac per
lug, bring your boxet. Phone
2-J. 55
FOR SALE Four choice grads Hoi-
tela heifer, will frethen toon. Al
so a few Shetland ponies, ehetp.
H. B. Gordon, R. F. O. No. 1. 69
LOST White Angora rat. Dlstp
prared Mondsy evening, Finder
wilt be paid a suitable reward It )
returned to Dr. Smith, 703 L St.
ships. This would have, rendered
the port useless. ''
The government and the. people
are much exercised over the occur1
W. Williams.
September 6.
Mills' trial Is set for
The Angry Tree.
In AuHtrnllfl there grows a species
of acacia commonly called the "nngry
tree." It reaches the height of 80 feet,
after a rapid (crowth, and In outward
appearance somewhat resembles s gi
gantic century plant. When the sun
sets the leaves fold up and the tender
twigs coll tlRlitly, and if the shoots
ere handled the leaves rustle and move
uneasily for a time.
Injured In Runaway
Vernon Bailey was seriously In
jured at the Mrs. Wm. York ranch
last Monday, when the team he was
driving' ran away. Bailey was haul
ing a load of hay when the "Jacob
Staff" on the front ot the wagon
broke, scaring the team and letting
Mr. Bailey fall In front of the wag
on. One wheel passed over his body
and he Is now confined to his bed,
the extent of his Injuries not being
exactly known.
Those who do not believe In ghost
will be surprised to learn that several
member of parliament have aworn to
th presence of apparition In the
boute of common.
A prime minister. Earl Grey, de
clared that be saw a death' head p
peur three time In front of him while
delivering his great speech on the In
troduction of the reform bill and O.
Bwlft MacNell also swore that be saw
T. P. O'Connor sitting In his usual
place In th house, while tt the time
the gentleman was In Ireland. Many
member, too, bav seen th "White
Lady" walking la th corridor ot the
The "terrace ghost" ba often been
aid to appear. Another known as th
"Big Ben" ghost I ststed to appear
when a member of the royal family la
about to die. On December 13, 1801,
December 13, 1878, and January 13,
1802. It appeared a an old man row
ing little below Westminster bridge
In a rotten skiff and dashing Into the
terrace wall Just a Big Ben com
menced to peal midnight On the fol
lowing days, respectively, the prince
consort, the Princess Alice and the
duke of Clarence died. Guy Fawke
and Spencer Tercevul are also sold to j
hount the bouse in tne lorm oi guoais.
Frog and Thtlr Egg.
In the manner of disposing of their
egg many specie oi frogs exhibit re
markable peculiarities. . One of the
most curious, n tree frog, native of
Paraguay, make Its nest in a bush
overhanging a pond. The lower ends
of a number of leaves are drawn to
gether and fixed In that position hy a
number of empty egg-capsules. The
egg ore also covered with n shield of
empty capsules, to protect tlipm from
the sun and nlr. Whon the egg
lire hatched the plug at the bottom ap
pears to full out and the tndpolc turn
b!o Into tho water.
Mazda Lamps
TT AVINO too little light
putt a strain on chil
dren's vltlon that they may
never outgrow! Why not
have plenty of light? Na
tional MAZDA Lampt give
three timet the light of old
fashioned carbon lampt Hiding a penny to
your Jlght bill.
Rogue River Hardware .
It. ltltldle, Mr.