Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, September 04, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    China and th lun.
Tba bean play an Imporinut part la
Chines domestic economy, tD(, to
cording to leant and Weat New, ana
of tha pcllly desired quallflcallona
of tha Chines matron, throughout tlia
orthrrn province, la bar ability to
concoct from beaue iwn, black and
yellow time aupla dlahe that tha
Chine know aa tan feu and Hang
feu. ,
Tha bran icldoia apiwra oo tha
Chine tnbla whole It la oot consid
ered aa fit for food until It baa been
rtdaced to It encea and put up la
th form of bean curd, or Imq gcl'itln,
which aro for Mia lo every roadside
(oodshop of northara China.
Tha art of producing the nourish
Ing food, which are tba meat of tba
poor, la to tha rural Chinese Woman
what tha making of butter, dices
ud Jam la to Uto Occidental bouse
wife, In tba large clUoa baaa ma
nipulation of that aort la a craft and
commercial activity, Juat aa tha mak
ing of Jum and butter la In tha larga
cltlee of tba West but It can bardly
ba called an Induatry, since It I atlll
quit without organisation. Tha bean
muat ba crushed, aonked, baked, boll
ad, airnliH'd, a oii ao on, before tha aa
lencce appear.
What Ivry Pot Know.
.... 'tl',.- llllliu IIIIIIK mat
coiiipnaltlun la a mutter of ao arrang
ing words Unit they nIiuII convey a
meaning Hint In tha mn of their sep
arata meaning. Hut th know
belter. Ila know Hint It li a mutter
nf ao ordering tliem Hint they ahull
etiggeat verbally liiexpreaNlhle incuu.
liica between tha lines; tlmt they shall,
quit llUnilly, aet aplrlt to diimlng
from Houtelic to Sentence, flllshfa of
Intelleetuiil electricity to linplng from
page to page, fuce to peeping forth at
the reader from behind the letter Ilk
children from behind treo-tnmks-Hnrold
OoiMiird, In Atlnrulo.
Drltat Place on Earth.
Tha rliy of I'ujtn, In vru, la the
drleat plnce on earth. It la within
flva dearer of the mutator, nnl the In
hiililtunta see, a shower on the average
of nhoiii iim-ti in two year. Frequent
ly,' lx or right year rlnnsu between
raltifulls, but when a ahower doe
come, It In in usually from to IM
hour. Kmiliuit tot It limy aeem, there
are seven xpeclj-N of iitimtul lunta
libit exist In tills luco. iiihI the nil
liven ruNii n kind of cotton with extra
ton ', routs, wliieh C" down fur Into tha
.'ti iind rt.tHlii molntiire from tba bed
iiM, diliil iip river which one
' I tlro!iH I'njftll,
Washington (quart, Oolhamllaa Claim,
la Without IU Equal In tha
Warld far Atmphr
Ilera, any tha N'uw Tork man of aa
cello face and tba woman of aoulful
eye, wa bava' what our live bar
long sought. Trafalgar aquura baan't
got It, tha I'lara da la Concord la too
French, Iba parka and esplanades of
ltlo coma a little cloaer. Hut Bern,
lu charming, quaint old Washington
aquara, wa hnv atmosphere.
Hera, aay lb riilllatlne, la a nice
plar lo flop whlla I read tha romlca
In (M morning' paper. In the cor
ner la a conifortubl bench over which
tho ahude of a full-grown muple
tratrbe aootblngly. And tbera la
kid who will ahlne my alloc for t)
plekel. - -
. Hera, any th weary one, I a place
where I Im cop mluht let me alone,
Not much chnnr for handout, but
I mlirot lenl a moose over there by
the fount it In. Ah, pleasant gra
pretty flower.
Here, aay th mother, I a pretty
good place to leave the kid while I
aiieuk down to tba avenue for a ynrd
or two of cullco. Now, mind, don't t I r
from thl bench. Mike, give the baby
bla bottle If lie geta to crying.
Here, any the visitor, I the Wash
ington arch. How interesting! It
muat weigh aevernl ton at leant. Now
will anme one tell me bow I get to
Cooper Union from beret
The Denae Oriental,
" At a dinner In Killnhuraii, any E. V.
I.ncna, Duron Klckiicbl, principal of
Toklo university, wa a guest. An
Englishman present told the atory of a
ftcotsitinn who went to bla dentin!'
with an aching tooth and wn asked It
he would huve gn; be replied Hint bo
would, but ahould like to count til
money first. Kverytmdy laughed but
the luiron. A Seotsmnn attempted to
exi!itlii the joke n to the alleged foi
ble of Ida nice; (he bnrnn remiilud
InipiiNxlve, Other tried, but the hnron
anld, "I do not, ti nib-ruin ml." Finally
hn stopped the explanation. "l-mu.
men," ho anld, "you do not nndcrntiind
wluit I do not iiiiderstiind." Ilia Ila
teiiiTH gave nipt attention. "What I
do not tindemtiind," be went on, "la
not why the Bcotsiniui nld what he
did, but bow nny Kcotsmnn should not
know, at any lime, without having to
count It, hiiw much money he hue In
Ma pockota," The Inuah waa on the
host of tho "donee" oriental. From
Outlook. .
earn to la Rule ef Life That Mir
Mtt Deeire Thing Ha H.a
Not Oot
Wherever w are In thl world w
want to ba aomrwhera else. 1 bav a
teller from a country boy who weuta
to live In the city, "where, thing ara
doing." I know hla present aettlugi a
place where the neede and comfort of
man are aupplled with the allghleal ef
fort, Ilia plurld, uu tHilgil village. In
Ita purkllke setting, glluqw the Ideal
lal' vlsloll of tba perfect life lu perfect
peace. All thl aeema lo bav palled
on the last of the young man aud be
yettrii for the contenilou, busy and
dirty city.
We all bavo vision of lb peace and
contentment of the country! the went
of tha wooda, (be aong of the birds,
tho drone of the bee, the roe, the
grateful greenery, aud maybe a cow
bell tinkling somewhere. We have
wnaed thl all, perhaps, In vacation
time and thought It wa pnradlse for
two or three duya, after which we be
gau tJ get homesick for the city noise
and trouble. Thla id the goul men
apeak of a dealrahle; peace, obuud
ance, quietude body and mind at rest
In nature'a aedlng yet here la a boy,
reared In tbla elysJum, wbo want to
get away from It and come to the
nolae and dirt and aelflahneaa of th
big city.
Probably tha Utopia to which ao
many of ua aspire would not be en
tirely Mtlafactory If we pnaaeaaed It
Tlia quietude of a country pluce or a
country town Is often very dull. There
are no dally aenaatlona, no acandala.
no banner bead In tba dully newapa
puper to Interest one.
The high apot In the day la when you
go down to the ost onV-e for the mall,
or barter with the country itore for
codfish and mntchea. Tbe wcuther I
the lending topic of conversation;
there ara no very rich or very poor
persona In the community; the popula
tlon Is, perhupa, at a colorleaa dead
level of mediocrity; there are no mil-
llomilrea to flaunt their weulth, no Uv
erled coachmen, no "ulra," no arlatoo
rucy or proletariat , .
The rural condition are what the
Idealist aeem to be driving at. yet
here I a boy willing to give It all up
for the city I It ixmxllile that ease
ii ml contentment pull on the tnste, and
Hint limn is better satisfied when he I
meeting Nome discomfort and Ulscour
u ueinent In the buttle of Mo? Seattle
Ml kinds or Cyxnicrclu! i'llniu.
it the ('mirier "We
I I Willi
outhern Nigree Crtdltsd With Haw
t Ing- lUrtett Thl Delicacy en
I IU Way ta Popularity.
Did yon ever bear of hoe cake? If
' yoo bava ever been In Ihe aouthern
part of Ihe United Htalra of America
you have aurely beard of II, aod pr
bapa yoo have raleo It, too, for Uil
dlab originated In that part of tba
, world.
Long ago, In the day before the
Civil war, wbeu great planlutlutii
flourished lo Ibe South and many ne
groe were owned by tbe planter, tba
clave were Usually pent out to work
all day In the Hilda and given a lunch
lo luke along with ihem for their mid
day meaL Wishing something hot lo
eat, Ibey acquired Ihe habit of mix
ing a batter, generully of cornmeul
and wuf-r, with a little aolt atlrred
In, and baking It upon their boea oo
tho hot roala of a fire whlcb tbey
built It wa Die twine thing which
the women lu their borne rooked on
tho beurth before he robin Are, only,
In the house, they usually added
about a tetispiHiiirul of butter, lurg
or bucon drlpplnga. They used Juat
enouk'b wuter lu moisten tbe meal, ao
that they could spread It out upon
their Hue or board.
Li.ter on, ao a Southern woman
any, the white people, the plantation
owners, made a almllnr dish, with
varlallona, apd liked It Very well.
They added or, rather, auhatltuted,
milk for water, and added baking pow
der and more shortening mixed tbe
doiiKh llioroiiKbly, rolled It out, cut It
Into dluniolid-shnped piece and baked
It In Ibe oven. Chrlallun Sclenca
Maid Wa Sorry ta Lave, but, aa She
Put It, It Wa a Matter
of Duty.
Kllla Tarker nutler, tbe well-known
humorist, bu a atory In the American
Mu',-iudiie In which the main character
My :
"'Well, Jimmy bad been with the
I'tirton six year and Annie, our
bleed girl, hud been with a Ave year.
I tile-. everybody thought she hadn't
! y otljer name nt all until one eve
u.VZ vInn Jluiiny mine over and
1, Linked nt Hie buck door and asked
..tain r If Jlla tHinhacher wa home.
' lie v iisii't, been u ahe bud gone to
tho Kvunt-ollcnl Lutheran church, but
'fter that Jimmy used to come over,
i lid Atiiilu would put twg chulrgput in
the vti rd unJcr the npple tree and they
nou'.J fit ni.'l Jnltjj ljjmy wonjd
tulk. He would talk a"nd tuTkiItulk,
and every once In t wjille Ajinlo would
ry, "Vit," aud, nfter ahe learned it
tL tf,il onple of ) ears,
JUiuiiy bet':in to hold-Annle'a bund
when be luliied to her, and In a couple
of year iuore they got engiiged. I
goes they liked euclj olhor.
" 'I was In our tilling moui One day,
looking- to ee If Annie had put any
freh cookie In the Jar In the closet,
when I heard my mother any, "Oh,
Annie I" In tho kitchen, as If he was
orry about something. So then Annie
said :
" 1 bin aorry to go avny, too, mn'am,
but It Is rlKht everybody should get
married once or twice.'
"'I know, my mother sold; but I
don't know whut I will ever do with
out you, Annie.'
"'So then Annie cried, nnd there
were no cookies, so I wont out' "
What Makea Thunder Rumble. -
Why does thunder rumble? The
path of a lightning flush through the air
may be several miles In length. All
along this path the sadden expansion
of the heuted air a true explosion
seta up an atmospheric wave, which
spreads In all directions, and eventual
ly registers upon our ears aa thunder.
Since the lightning discharge Is almost
Instantaneous the sound wave la pro
duced at very nearly the same time
along the whole path. But the sound
wave travels Blowly through the air.
Ita speed la approximately 1,01)0 feet
per sccoufl. Thus the sound from the
part of the lightning's path that la
nearest to us reaches us first, and that
from the other ports of the path after
ward, accordlug to their distance. In
termittent crashes and booming effects
are due chiefly to lrregulnrlttes In the
shape of the path. Popular Sclenca
Egg One Hundred Year Old.
A st run ge find was made at North
allerton, Eng., recently. While work
men were sawing' through a large elm
tree they came across In the very heart
of the tree Ave drled-up starling eggs.
The eggs were 18 Inches from the ex
ternal bark, and from the concentrio
ring It Is estimated that they must
have been deposited about one hun
dred yenrs ngo. It Is surmised thai
when the tree was young a pair of
birds had matte their nest In a cavity,
and for some reason tha eggs wera
forsnken, nnd In course of time tha
wood grew around the hollow.
A Patrlotlo Duty. '
We owe It ns a patriotic duty to our
selves and our friends to keep In a
hnppy frnme of mind. With depressed
pplrlts we cannot do 'our best. ' And
now, If ever, we should keep ourselves
In suth condition that we can fulfill to
the utmost every duty Imposed upon us.
Let us cultlvnte dntly the hnppy frame
of mind which makes the rest of the
world Innyh with us. . '
rOR AUC 1TI Aagora goat and
kid, for particular addreee E.
H. WtM, Kerby. Ore. Iltf
' f ' MM.
FOR SALE 10 acre timber land
near Kerby. Inquire Frank Floyd,
Kerby, Ore. SJ
FOR BALK Homestead relinquish
ment.. Near Taylor creek. Road
lo place. 11 acre cleared. Will
Uk team or Ford In part pay
( meat. Fred Hamlin, Oallce, Ore
gon. 73
FOR SALE Eighty-acre ranch, In
Applcgata valley. Thirty acre In
cultivation, part alfalfa. Fine
range for itock. House, barn and
out-building. Farming Imple
ment If deelred. Inquire Ik Vin
cent, call Pro volt central. 75
FOR SALE I) lack Minorca, Leg
horn and Plymouth Rock hena and
pullet. Apply A. E. Alberts, near
county home. 54
3-YEAR-OLD Ilerford bull for sale.
Dr. Nehrbaa, Grave Creek ranch,
Lel'and, Ore. 57
AUCTION SALE Three head good
working brood mares, welgbt be
tween 1200 and 1300; one gelding
work horse, 1200; five head cat
tle, one brood sow, six shoats,
fifty chickens, five tons hay, new
mower, hay rake, disc, two plows,
garden tools, household goods,
Tuesday, September 10, p. m.
Terms, one year on sums over $10
at 8 per cent. W. A. Poney, old
Fisher .place, sir miles went of
Kerby, H. K. Clark, clerk. 57
FOR SALE No. 1 Jersey cow; coal
oil cook stove; few dozen White
Leghorn hens and chickens. Can
be delivered about the 13th, 902
North Ninth street. " 5 S
FOR SALE Set of slightly used
30x3 tires, also bicycle with
, new tire for prise or tires, 214
South Third street. 54
'FURNISHED' house for rent. Mary
j E. Browne, 709 North Fifth. Tele
1 phone' 4-Y. . SOtf
FO It RENT Seven-room modern
'house. Sleeping porch. ' ReaaoJt
able to right party. Inquire 831
north Third street. Phone 216-R.
-'i i -- i . - Sltf
RENTALS Housts for rent.. Can
get you what you want. Auto ser
vice. If your house Is vacant list
It with our office. Have several
good farms, for rent. L. A. Laun
er, realtor. 57
FOR RENT Two-room house" nd
tent on F street, next bridge. Key
corner F and Second streets.' 58
WANTED Roomers and boarders
at 662 North Seventh street. We
also have furnished housekeeping
rooms for rent. Phone 287-Y. 58
WANTED Good clean practical
housekeeper for one. Must have
some business ability. Call at
noon, or write 216 Bridge street.
DRESSMAKING Thoroughly reli
able, reasonable. Edna Watts, 312
I street. 64
Pass Junk Co., 304 South Sixth
street. Phone 21. We buy rags,
metal, rubber, scrap iron, hides
and wool, old .automobiles for
wrecking. 51 tf
TO LET -Contract for clearing and
grubbing 20 acres canal right of
way tor the Gold Hill Irrigation
district. See F. M. Carter, Gold
Hill, Oregon. 56
LOST A sample case stamped on
Inside Armour & Co., Grants Pass,
Ore. ' PloHBe return to Oxford ho
tel Reward. , 55
LOST Saturday evening, 35 In cur
. rency, between Moore's bakery
and C street. Finder kindly leave
at Moore's Bakery Co.,, 107 North
Sixth street. , . ' 54
STRAYED August 31, one light
bay horse, about 7 years old,
weight about 900 pounds, shod all
around, white,- suddle or harness
marks on the back, Strayed from
Dryden. Plesse notify Rev. C. K.
Glazier, 244 West I street, or tbe
Jewell Ildw. Co., Grants Pass. 54
( 4J
H. D. NORTON, Attoraey-at-Uw.
Practice la all State and Federal
Court. First Natlenal Baab. Bldg.
COLVIO ft WILLIAMS, Attorsry-at-Law,
Orant Poae Basking Co.
Bldg., Grant Pom, Oregea.
E. g. VAX DTKE, Attorney. Proo
tle la all court. First National
Book Bldg.
O. B. BLANCH A RD. ttorner as
Law. Ooldea Rale Building
Phone 370. GranU Pas. Oregoa.
torneya, Albert Bldg. Pbou
S3C-J. PracMco la all courts; lasu
board attorney.
C. A. SIDLE R, Attorny-trLw, rei-
eree .la bankruptcy. Mason!
temple. Grants Pas, Or.
DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian,
Office, residence. Phone 305-R.
U O. CLEMENT, If. D.. Practlo
limited to disease of tba eye, ear,
nose and throat Glasaea fitted.
Office hour 9-13, 2-6, or on ap
pointment. Office phone 62, resi
dence phone 359-J. .
9. LOUQHRIDOG. M. D., Pbjalola
and surgeon. City or country caila
attended day or Bight. Restdeaw
phone. 369; office phone 131
Sixth and H. Tuffs Bldg.
DR. J. O. NIBLET, Physician and
aurgeon. Lundburg Bldg. Health
officer. Office hour, 9 to 11 a.
m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Phone S10-J.
A. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal
medicine and nervous diseases;
903 Corbett Bldg. Portland, Ore.
Houra 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. '
EX C. MACY, D. M. D. First-claoe
dentistry. , , 109 V South Sixth,
street, Grants Pass, Oregon.
THE BEST. TIME The softest and
most beautiful lighting effect for
line pictures are securea 07 in
operator at Tbe Picture Mill be
tween the hours of 10:30 a. m.
and 2 p. m. and believing that yon.
desire tbe very best work, ' w
would respectfully suggest ' that
you arrange for sittings between
the above, hours. After 2 p. no.
the light becomes Intense and
harsh and the results are not as
satisfactory as earlier In the day.
Call 283-R for time. 60
J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of voice
" culture and staging. Lessons given
at home of pupil If requested. Ad
dress 716 Lee street. :
kinds of drayage and transfac
work carefully and promptly dan
, Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot. A. Shade, Prop.
Bunch Broa. Transfer Co. Phon
F. G. 1SHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safe, planoa and furniture
moved, packed,- (hipped and stor-
. ed. Phon Clark ft Holms. No.
50. Residence phone 124-R.
Tht California and Oregon
aW a. aa
uoan juuiroaci uompanv
Dally except Sunday
Effective wy 1, 1918
Train 1 Iv. Orant. p i on n
Train 3 Iv. Water Cset k f.OO p.m.
AU train leave Grant? Pas froia
& corner of Q and F'suth street a,
opposite tie Southern Pacific depot.
. For all Information regarding
freight and passeivcer "service call at
th office of the company. Lundbur
building, or phone 131 for same.
OMJIl knUiaMUwiiM(
UrV liiTiaM - if
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A II HiltmBlll,SlSl,AlwTllllMM
It you have anything to gell tv
a classlfled ad.