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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1918)
DAULX HOC IB MY KM OUVUIKM WKDXKHUAV, HKri'KMIU'H 1. 111 11G3TW0 til H MB coin Pbllk4 Dally Except Saturday A. C VOORHIKS, Pub. aad PTOpr. ratrt st postoffiea, Oruli Paaa, Or., h Mcoad class !! matter. ADVERTISING RATE8 Display spat. Pr Ucfc--. .. LoeaJ-pareonal oluma, per Una 10c Header, par lln - 6 , DAILT COURIER y mU or carrier, per year....l.00 y avail or arrter. par moatk.. .60 ' WEEKLY COURIER 9y mail, par yr.......-. ..$1.50 . MEMBER ; ' State Editorial Association rfoa Dally Newspaper Pub. Ana. MEMBER Or ASSOCIATED PRE bo Tna Associated Praaa la icluatvely titled to tha nia (or republication at all aewt dispatch credited to It r not otharwlaa credited' la lata paper and alio tke local aewt pub lished her tin. All rlgbls of republication of spe- Ul dispatches herein are also eerd. WEDNESDAY, gEPTEMUKK 4, 181 OREGON WEATHER . . Tonight and Thursday fair; enntla northeasterlv winds. TllE GREAT ADVENTURE Philip Glbbs, an English corre spondent, has this to say ot the Am erican lads be meets pouring Into the war belt: ' . ' "The Intonation of their voices Is WeSdl PORT IJMON BANANAS SUNKIST ORAXGKft AND LEMONS KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QCALITY FIRST HUGE FRENCH SHELL "ONE MAN CAPTURED" they are ours" la given a new ver- A good Index to the way Amerl- elon In an Interview with Floyd 0 lb cans fight Is found In a recent sum-'bons, a war correspondent who left mary of casualties among the uia- one eye 10 Franc. Says Gibbons: rlnea who stopped and blunted the ..Tne American soldiers has met point of the German wedge n Mod'the German and has his number." at Paris. 1 ! Or as our fighting men phrase It, The list shows 717 casualties, of 8tM more tersely. In tholr letters which 1$0 are deaths caused In ac- none: tlon, 160 severely wonnded and 373 j slightly wounded. There are a few; loses from minor causes. Then' "We've got Frltt's goat." There la no doubt about it. The American soldier, having licked the come, the most Interesting Item of Boch6 Ume h ha mpt h)m g all-one man "missing." ab0,utey' convlnced that h, can ,u.k Only one man out of those thous- h)m ,my Um h(mft(r soda who stemmed tne tterman on- It 1 set, and of the mare than 700 lost1 Such ,a,th M tbal brln ,l ownlon "! 1 II ll T . . -. .......... ... Till i is the tyMS of Kremh shell which lias caused so much conaterna- tlon In the German lines. They are used In the larger gun and their height can be readily ascertained when It be comes known tlmt the French officer beside It measures almost six feet Id holght. Somewhere In France there Is an A me r Irun boy Hunting for you. Have you lyoved yourself worth bla won- j dor ful effort by finishing his socks Era & Sh J&s . c n am 35 Daewoo 57 ORECOU SSALVATIOIJ TIC Mothers of Oregon Prepare for Trouble!, When girl becomes woman, whatt a woman bocoiuea a nmiher, and what t woman passes through Un ohangea ol middle life, are the Uiree tierlods ol when health and strength ara men nretled to wiUisUnd Uia aln and da tresa often cana-d by severe orgsnie d inrtiancee. Many Uiou.amla along M Vsclile Utaa would WW'y 1 Uie loUowingt by the enemy. There la no even re ,,r that the can ,,ck th8 0er positive assurance of his capture. fan- But tne lime though It is assumed from the fact token' the Gman. are coming to that no trace ot him has been found. reard " "s a n,oral lhat If really taken by the Germans, the "T "el 'n Amerlians. presumption la that he yielded him- wlU be '-' 'w'1"" self only when helpless from wounds, p f 1"'.k them or exhaustion. " I i,08t commentators prefer to rail The marines do not surrender. U "the psychology of victory" on Neither does the regular infantry, '" W nd "deteriorating morale" nor the artillery, nor any other n M other. It means the same branch of the service. Just watch tn'ng. The point Is that the great the casualty lists for a while, and of , German superiority la ex- note the incredibly small number of Ploded. the Hun has been stripped passes through, and there ls a sense "captured." compared with the us-f pretense and 'eclf-eonfidenco, the v -. .f vi.(m. hnrinvL..! 1 .... n 1 n .1 nn. Priiulnn nrmv ham nn niorrt nnwer of a new chapter of history having ual proportion of prisoner and par- Prusalan army haa no more power been opened when one asks the wsy Iticularly compared with the number to terrify. Man for man, the Amer from one of their traffic men and! 0ernlan prlgoner, uken b our lean knows himself the Hun's mas . . . u trooos. . iter meets a column 01 isas on me marca with long packs down the middle or their backs and a ragtime tune on their Hps. "They are coming now In a steady FRITZ'S NUMBER Commodore Perry's famous mess- ' "Wo hiia mat tha anamv mfl DOW wnicn laps over wiue irncis wn country, where three years ago our new armies 1 billeted and encamped on their way to the fighting lines. "This visible proof of big numbers of these crowds of tall lads who come tramnlng through France, the vanguard of greater armies, makes one feel safer from the horrible men are that has always sprawled over France since August, 1914, and In them la the hope that whatever may happen in danger or In tragedy, the worst of all can never happen now. "So yesterday It was good to Bet Into the middle of this moving tide of American troops and see It break and trickle Into many little hamlets of France, where there were , regt- j menjal or battalion or company' headquarters. i "It was good to hear the tramp of j all their feet, to see these passing; waves of lean, bronzed faces, to! crawl carefully in one's car through 1 an avenue of American boys lying, on each side of a forest track, sleep- log or smoking a little before the next stage of the march. j "Romance has gone from our; army a long time ago. These scenes 1 of war become too familiar to us for any sense ot romance, and most of our men are realists to whom the ad venture of war has become routine and boredom between the hours of, abondinable danger. But the Amer-j lean soldiers are so fresh that for! them it was all a new and wonderful! adventure and we who were stale toj the aspect of things find a new in terest In familiar surroundings be-! It will still be a long, hard fight against organization and machinery, but a fight made simple and plain by the certainty of the outcome. YOU ARE THE JURY llnir the Tintiiimny of Jrmiti Phm People and INriiln the t'we Doan's Kidney I'llls are on trlul ar being tried every day for weak klilneys for exhausting kidney barkni'hes. What Is the verdict? Read (Irani Pans tetimony-ieron-a ex!erlnvs of Grunts I'nxs wit nesses. There can Ih only one ver dict a rhorun' of approval. Mrs. J. R. Ounnlng, 406 B, Fonrth St., says: ".My back cuumil me a irroat 'der.r of 111 lurry at tlmea and there were dull, lit irlrm-don slns arrosa my kidneys. PurlnK these at tucks, my klilneys have acted too fmely and then aitnln, have been' congested. Pour's Kidney I'llls al ways regulate my kidneys and stop that misery in my back after I have taken a box or two." Price Mr, st all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pllla the anuie that Mrs. Ounnlng had. Fonter-MIIbiim Co., Mfrrs.. Buffalo. N. T. cause of the novelty ot it all to the; new comers." j Romance and adventure! That Is what the war Is to these eager Am-, erican lads pouring into France in an endless flood. They bring the fresh rest that our weary, war-sick allies need the priceless "first courage,"! .that laughs at danger and toll, the buoyancy and confidence that lifts, the Great Crusade from the slough j of despondency Into which it might otherwise have fallen, and makes the victory sure. And you at home do not pity those lads.., Envy them! SATURDAY SEPTZ8 Uncle Sam " This Old lius Sure Steps Along" .THE ALL -AMERICAN SWEEPSTAKES On Saturday, Septenilicr 2,".th. forlfi-eiiihl slates In the Union will leave their murks nt the crack of the gun in the llh Liberty Loan Haw. The course will be long anil mux", bul it's a real race now. Tbe slnkes arc ever mounting higher and every rcd-b.ooded Airlerican is backing hit entry lo win. . Thrice a winner, Oregon will be Jockeyed at the post and beaten al the finish if we don't prepare. Let the blood of Our Boys "over there" stim ulate our driving power over here and once more pull Oregon FIHST UNDER THE WIRE. If every person in this 'town, county and state will do his thinking, talking and figuring NOW and when the time comes ACT tne 4th Liberty Loan Campaign in Oregon will be OVER WHEN ITS OPENED. Liraarv Loam Coarnu POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) MRS. JOS. MOSS ladeiiendenl OwlltUU for County Clerk Amy Booth Holmes llemorratle Candidate) for County Treasurer i va. I Bin rrtrlAlntv u rwooiuMH'iit. Dr. Nwvsi tftvorii r. ... . i 1. . 1 1..I wt rrtvcrllilimi. I nm i. - wotn.iiMml Imrliitt Mwl''''' "; uli. .ick with tbt terrible moriiln Irkness. I w no ld Dial I l"""" ml eat one Uilng. I oiiiiiiien.'ed taking 1 In. Ksvurlu I'nueriiiiliui I""; ii-ye. al oni-e no tiur nauwa, no lifad wlif. no backache, ami I l lliroiiah . t u. - Mita. W. T. I'lK aill', Car tiCreudy (ami). Koiiai i A. tiimiiow -"I hva ulTrel ivnrrllilli during ei'Umy bill the a.l tlmo I took Pr 1'ler.Va Vsvorli l'P'eripllill aui I never nilaawl a meal .ml tntii ceiii.aratU'y 11.1 .nlterliig. I wniil.l unri'ly rM.nni-iiit ibe Preaerip tl.m' to all (ir.H i llM nmtb-ra ami. al, 'r yi'U ig K 1 rl iiiiiilng Into Wimuiiliiau. X r Via k.nli.a tbi uiiillcliin nw a silvUnt her Ui ami b la Improving (ant. One would liul know .be was lb tmn wmiun -Mas. II. K. tlliiaoit. Full Line of Auto Supplies TIRES-A11 Sizes C. L. HOBART CO. Grants Pass & Crescent (ily Stage Co. , W, T. Ilrrrn, Tropr. II, fildillnga. Agent Big Pierce Arrow Cars Easy Riding OffUe-Jowiililii Hotel UltK'k . Tel.iliiiie U2M.J ami Kt:l jjA There is No Economy in Cheap Coffees Don't figure your coffee cost by the , Jfo 'w pound, but by the cup. i l.- 1 If M J.B. Coffee costs you more per pound than the coffee you are usinc, we can guarantee M.J.B. Coffee will cost you less per cup. You can make more cups of good coffee with M J.B. than with . any other coffee. MJ.B. surpasses all other cof- a tees in fragrance, flavor and economy. Rtmambn cur Guarantee It Reaches You Fresh '''