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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1918)
MOB TWO di F.oGut ma cora Published Dally Eept Saturday a, G. VOORHIES, Pub. and Prep. tfaterel at eoatofflce. Great Paae, Or., m eeeon ciaae nail matter. ADVERTISING RATES fUplaj apeee, 'pe Uch Local-personal toluma. per Una lee tuadera,; ar jUne, c DAILT COURIKB f y Ball or carrier. per year.;..l.0 Sy Ball or carrier, per ontn..aO "WHEKLT COURIER ; ! j aaalLpar yr.i..i.......-ll.6 t ; q-jMRMBER. But Editorial Association evegoa Daily N spaper Pub. Am. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRKiw The Associated Press la aaeluetvely entitled to the use lor republication ef all al dispatches eradltad to It r not otherwise credited la thla aper and also the local aewa pub lished her tin. ' All rights of r publication ot epe M dUiwitchea herein are alao eerT4. 81-XHAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1918. ' 0REC3ON WEATHER ' ' 4 Sunday probably fatr, mo- derate westerly wind. ... JEWS FLOCK TO HOLY LAND .' After 1.000 yeara ot exile, It l now almost certain thet a Jewish government will be established , In Palestine. When Ceoeral AUenby, at the head of his victorious army carried the Union Jaik Into the Holy city last December, a dream of 20 centuries became possible. On the bills of Zlon a Jewish cWllliatlon with something ot Its old moral and Intellectual 'vigor may once more come Into being. t The Jews have aeixed their opportunity, and already an administrative commlsrlon ot He brews la at wjrk restoring, the) coun try for' thai race. 1,1 t, ) :J 'ThlB",Tadmlniatratlve commission has a' program. Its aim la to bring jback the life of the Jewish colonies In Dalaatlna t tkalu 9 lt 11 a ri In a n rat. war conditions. It Intends to fur nish the necessary educational, med ical, and economic aid .to all Jews who go back to the Holy Land. One of Its most Important projects Is the Immediate founding of a Jewish unl versity. Along the lines ot diplomacy the . commission . proposes to create harmonious relationships with , The Arab and Armenian states which are to be its neighbors. ' All over the world, the tribes of turies for this promised day. 'Their poets have sung of it. ' The exiles have yearned for their native land. Great Britain's military operations of last winter have furnished an opening wedge for the realisation of ZIon'i hopes. When Britain under took the rescue of Palestine, In or der to strike, a staggering blow at the Turk, the eyes of Jews every where watched the progress of Gen eral Alenby's army. They saw that ittle army foot by foot and mile by mile drive back the Turk and the Hun. Their joy grew as they beheld It move forward from Gaza to Beth lehem, from Bethlehem to Jerusa lem, ' from Jerusalem to Jericho. When Jerusalem fell, the deight of the Jews was unbounded, for Britain had already gone on record, through the speech of Balfour, a favoring the establishment In Palestine of a national homeland for the Jews. Corvallis, Ore., Aug. 31. Boys and glr'.s of Oregon are again being called upon by the government to en list In patriotic service. They have responded well to the request foi digitalis, and now ar BBked to col lect plum, prune, peach, and cherry pits, and all kinds of nut shells for use In making carbon for gas masks. Letters are being sent out to near ly 15,000 members of boys' and girls' clubs In the state by H. C. Soy- . El Ds On Tlrc Way ' See MMytle and pWe your ortler fr uue ttuw AT 10c PER POUND We expect to have it all sold w heal shlpmeat arrive It la 1 fA Fancy Half Grab California Rice J 1 1 i ' i 1 ' ' i i , i i X.l tf.i J i ! ' Not the old atyk broken rlw j ? t 5 C t'.'-t .11 KINNEY & TRUAX; GROCERY i QCALJTT mour, slate leader at 0. A. C. asking them to Join In thla campaign and to ask all their frlenda to help. County agricultural agents and coun ty superintendents ot schools will have charge of the work. SOCIAL UirUnlay lMnaer i Mlsa Carlotta Wlsemsn entertain-! ed at a dinner Friday evening in honor of tha birthday ot Miss AnuaM " a "0 0T 0,B" Nellson. The dining room waa beau-," brn, n aoln ork nu tifully decorated In pink, and a d.;iervln " Plort of every clt Uclous dinner wa. served. afterjlwn- l"rldot Wilson. In speaking which tbe guests adjourned to a ai.r-!of the woirk of ,na 8"tloB Army, prlae party at Mrs. John Dubuls'i,,r,: home. Those preaent at the dinner m,,cn Inmrwlo to were Misse. Anna Nellson. ' Crace h"r of ln campaign the Salvation Redding. Caruiellta Pool and Car-,Arm nM nI"taken for money to . . i i . . i. t .i . lotta Wiseman. jwant to take the opportunity to rx- t'leatmnt KurirlM) press my admiration for the work It One of 'the most enjoyable social!"" io nd m ,lnc,ere hl'e h' evenu'of the season occurred on Frl- day evening at the home ot Mrs. John Dubulg on North Fourth ftrret. The party waa given by Mrs. John Dubuls and Mrs. Geo. II. SI over, and was' In' the form of a' surprise for Miss Anna Nellson. The guesta were assembled In the music room and when Miss Nellson arrived the doors were thrown open, this proved to be a very agreeable surprise ror ine young lady. The Nellson orchestra furnished music and dancing was In order until a late hour. Punch and wafers were served. Those' Invited were: Misses Alice Ament, . Jeanette Cramer, Ila De Grasse, Amelia Met- sen, Carmeliu'" Poql j Grace RH)dlnr1 ,Thelma'j Roblnsoni j Marjory j .Nile Mildred Smith, Pauline Swacker. Carlotta Wiseman, Lynetla and Ver- netta, Quintan, and the,tueet;ot hon or. Miss Anna Nellson. Messrs. Er nest Nellson, Arthur Cramer, Rich ard Cramer, Earle Voorhles, Arnold Meier, Harry Edgerton, Don Kearns, Emett Hoffman, John Williams, Wallace Nile. Carl Schmidt, Lee Wilson, Howard Bearss. Sam and Rryan Redding, Glenn, Hamilton, Robert Nellson Jr., Mrs. Nellson, John Dubuls and the hostesses. Mrs. John Dubuls and Mrs, Geo. Slover. ,The war service drive for the Sal vation Army will ; begin ': Tuesday, September 3. osephlne county's quota is $400 and the committee in charge is desirous of raising the en tire $400 in one day if possible.' In order to do this everyone ia asked to have their dollar ready, and if convenient hand the contribution to any one ot the following committee on or before the third of next month: Roscoe Bratton, chalrmun; T. M. Stott, Geo. Lundburg, W W. Canby, D ' 44 Lucky !i '!i taJ.J' -'1 iN ooci : H V - wmi shin- l.M i C. E. , JIcLh, C, L Cltveoger. Geo. winetroiif, 'Geo. Thrasher, Harry Cougie, Frank Mash burn, Dr. Beatul, Edw. Harris. Rer. Wire, S. W. Phil lip. F. U Vinalce. C. H Demaray, Judge Gllletta. Fred A. Williams. C. A. Wlnstroiit. Elmer Gllmore, Mur phy; Hsrry Floyd, Kerby; Fred O'Kelly. Williams; A. O. Lewis, Hol land; Frank Hogue, Takilma. Tn r Mrv', ' Salvation ArmJf ,n rn,' nd ,n ,n othfr w-om rountrle. U as important u.m r ur wr ..u i " m'' r ""talne.1 While the amound asked by the committee i only $1, larger amounts will-be gratefully received, Don't wait Id be asked, but volunteer your contribution and help the committee go over the top In one day. FREE TWICE MONTHLY Dear Mr. Car Owner: There Is an Important working unit In your car that very likely gets little attention one of the leant re spected and most abused parU--really the heart 6f the automobile, i This ti the Wrtro-chemlca! merit anism, known as the "Storage 'lint- 3t is j highly lmK)rtsnt unlj U hk'h supplies current for your starter. 'lamps, and Ignition and It will work well for many months, If It is n- iperly rared for, but i Someday your battery is going. to quite fur good, that's inevitable. All batteries wear out. You can put off that day by many months If you'll Int. us help you. . Willard-tralned experts will gladly give It twice a month tests show you how to keep It efficient how to keep down depreciation. Our consulting service will abno lutely prolong the Alio afayi'TiaV iery. vtmaro service is not nirrow so come in regularly, whether your battery is a Willard or not.' Why do we do this for any make of battery? We want you to know our service and the "Still Better Wll lard Battery," with threaded rubber insulation so well that you will not be satisfied with anything else. All batteries "die" : eventually. bven Willard. Consulting service cannot make this electro-chemical mechanism last forever. A battery starts to die the day It's made, D Dog" 11 HST, 1 ' s It'a a my human mechanism. Ne glect Itabuse It starve or over reed It and It dies before Its day. The Wlllard aervlc man will ahow you bow to avoid the causes nt use less depreciation. , Slop at pur Service station twice a montl -r bi giaftsr what make ot battery you own Hecause our Instructions are thai we must gain and hold your' good will. We can only do thla when you oall upon ill for regxilat, lyitamatlc service -expert care' loni tag pro long your battery'! life. i I ' W wl give you alifu advice-, and make twice-monthly' teats. Wa are alwaya glad to supply your bat tery with the much aevded ration of distilled water. i , t ' Aik tit to test your battery no matter what make before It la loo late. Remember the old saying, "not enough to turn her over and I passed the Service Station etery day," Very' truly yours,' 1 i ; WIIJ.ARD BKRY1CE STATION, DR. SPARK, Manager. PrH'tor Family ltcttr P. P. Proctor and family returned last night from their automobile trip to Newport. They had fine time until the return trip which was aaddened by the sight of the wreck of the Cowan car near Ulodgett, where Mrs. Cowan waa killed. The Proctor car had been following the Cowan car for some miles, and while the Proctor family stopped for lum-h they went On, but overturned on a grade. NEW TO.'AY J08. .MOSS AGENCY Fire Insur auce, plate glasa liability Insur ance. 204V Sixth street. tf INSURANCE Any kind, best ol 'companies. L, A. Launsr, real eatate. .' ' v , ' tf FOlt TSALE Bulk ilnor i," .T hum and Plymouth Itoi k hens and piilloU. Apiily A. E. Alberts, near county home., j f :j 3-YEAK-OI.D Herfurd bull for sale. ' Dr. Nehrbaa. Grave Creek ran.-h. Inland, Ore. AITtIoN TaTk" Three head " good working brood mares, weight be tween 1200 and 1300; one gelding., work horse, l'SOO; five hesd cat-1 tie, one brood sow, six shouts, i fifty chickens, five tons hay, new mower, hay rake, ills', two plows, 1 garden i tools, household goods, Tuesday, September 10, 3 p. m. Terms, one year on sums over $10 , at 8 per .cent. W.A, Doney, old I VUhit t place six mil.i WeHtif.or, i Kerli.v.i H. . K. Clark. VlerH. f 17 WANTED TO RENT Small mmlern 'houscv rbnt)loty "furnished, for " the winter, if Close In, ffeej Young :at Kinney Truax. .'shoctdRiiart- - mtnt,. 53 WANTED A party Interested in new Inventions with means to fol low patent meritorious article in foreign countries for equal share In profits. Patent allowed In IT. S. Address No. 1417 rare Courier. ' ' 57 RENTALS Houses fur relit. Can get you what you want. Auto ser vice. If your house Is vacant list . It with our office. Have aeveral . good farms for rent. U A. tann er, realtor. 57 "0sIs-lt"-2 Drc? Than to tho Danso! "Joodnight to Corn Pains-Conn Peel Off With "Gets-It," "Bay. girls, you csn laugh at tight shoes, or damp, corn-pulling wsathsr, big bumpy coma, calluses en the soles of your feel, corns b. twtsn tbe toes, hard and soft corna, It's All Oil WKh'TM. FUrtt Cora Now. 'CoU-lr It Mask." If you will just touch the earn or cnllus with a, few drops of '' What a blessed relief It Rives to corn Dalnsl You won't limp any more.' you can enjoy the dance every minute. Then to soe how that corn or callus will oome right oft complete, like a banana peel and without the least pain. Is Jim won derful. 'Oeta-lf It tha blggeat seller among corn removers In tha world today, almnly bacauaa It is ao won d'Ttully simple and always works. J3 sure you set 'Gets-lt.'" "Uets-It," the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, theonlysoraway. coeta but a trlllo at any drus stor. i M'f'd by E. Lawrence A Co.,Chlcugo,ia riiiii In tirauti fans iiml idcoiii- inc-ntted the world's best corn remedy by George C. Babln. Pulling on th Harness 'nf)lifiT 'to 'i hf "; atlsfaciionf the . tri ' I'll i hrnra ja flrat class. We' see f Ul! y h llii'ii i .Ul, "litest Wei sell has Vpruti . "' . ' f i t lP eaay and safe buckle's, strong t l HJ?f'n (1 tttiellllee nt ' every point. ,. All , , the , , ., i i 'ji' '! t001' loaterlala and reliable f work I U J M ; I a i , , I maiMlilp' combined In I hens goods. ' U t ' i ' WK IX) FINK I .... I Jewell Hdw; C6: t ,- WIKEGRIl? ARE OUTWEARING CORDS We t f 1 I T t 9 inem C. L. HOB ART CO. Granls Pass & Crescent Cily Stage Co. W. T. Ilrcen, l'rir. H. (llddings. Agent Big Pierce Arrow Cars Of fire .lo-eplilne v. ",( - i TcU'plioiie - iiitH MOTORISTS 01 K (JAHAtiE In cipilpped f r every kind f nMlr work, and our workmen tire exert In their line. Xothlnit Is ever hnlf , done, no detail Is ever overlooked. It is properly finished on Ue "xit. Our prices are reasonable. 1 ,'i ! . . - . . ' ' c ; -1 ' i , " ' ; ' ' liny your supplies from us. 1 We charge no more than the forelirn ilenler for tho same article, and WH PAY THK KltKKJHT and VOU H IVF IT. . V , -; ';" Itnv your gasoline from us. It Is the best and our prices are a. taya nt the Imttnm. ft pay to buy your gswillne here. Fashion Garage -;and Machine Shop: Burke & Son, Proprietors JuP PRIKTING am DOHF IT IfiE fflU OFFICE NIH: ItKPAIItlMO ( t"l "Uj ' i . . i it . Have Easy Riding itr Ulmk - J and lii;l SUTAML.tiM am