WWNKHW, Al'MhT SH, IlilN. DAU.T BMUIM KITED OUiRUCB fAOM TBMBR r.iUCH INTEREST III BLIGHT CONTROL The demonstration In pear blliibl disinfectant, which wit held at lb Southern Oregon Experiment etatlon yesterday afternoon waa attended by about 200 persona from all part of the county. It wee shown Jhnt the old dlalnftctant, invrcurlao chloride, whlrh was ud for yeare, wat Insf fnrtlv. Thla bad been suspected (or several years. Experiments conducted over a po rlod of several montha with other disinfectants brought out the fact conclusively that there la only on disinfectant for pear blight whlrh haa proved effWiaclous and la recom mended. Thla la the cynalde of mtr rury disinfectant. I'rof. It. C. Rrl mer rondurted yesterday'! demon strations. Medford Tribune. A ..' i . . . . . , 4 . - Fred C. NorrU, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Norrla, of Portland, bus wrlttmt an Interesting letter to hla mothtr, uyt the Orejonjan, tci;ng of hla experiences lu "No Man's Land." Private Norrls waa bom and raised In Portland and waa a mem ber of the Multnomah dub at the time of his millatnie nt' Ills letter. In part, follows: I "Dr Mother I certainly have had ome exciting times sine I wrote Inst. I have bun over the top twice, and believe me, It was excit ing. "The first time I went over S on my birthday and 1 never Rot a acrstch. We advanced Across an open wheat field, with iiiachlne guns playlug on u and M shrapnel shell bursting everviMi:e. Wo attained w hut we wxee after, and drove the hoc he ba. quite a illMunce, "The test part of It Is that I got,14 lKlonsi two Myself. Kind of a birthday present. I had Just Jumped Into a liole and found hint there. We Were both rather surprised, but I waa lucky ctiouuh to run him tliroiiKh before he had a rhunre to move. I wns so exelictl at the time that It didn't bother me a bit, but when I think about It now It nukes me feel kind of queer. (' "The oher one 1 got Just as he. atarted to run from n dugout. 1 shot at hi in four timet and the lant time be rolled over and stayed there. Ho you sie It 1 never get another chance at them 1 have done something.- "The serond time I went over 1 wa knocked unconerloua'by the con cussion from a shell exploding near me, but was never touched , by th ahrapnnl. letter I got hit lu the foot with a machine gun bullet, whlrh put me out for good. "You don't need to w-rry about me any more now because I win be safe In a hospital for the next three or four months, and from the way things are going now the war will be over by then." Crime and Dreaming, Murderer seldom dream, whlrh. tl fiartly contrary to the idea thnt a mnn with n crime on hla mind- would vauully have hml nightmare. Of 129 murderer nirefnlly wntched nnd ex amined, 06 seldom or never dreamed at all The greater the criminal the list be dreamed. MAKES RAPID HEADWAY Atkl Tills Fart to Your Knowledge Store of Kidney disease often advances so rapidly that many a person It firm ly In Itt grasp before aware of Its progress. Prompt attention should 'he given the slightest symptom of kidney disorder. If there It a dull pain In the bnck, headaches, dlxzy spoilt or a tired, worn-out feeling, or If the kidney aecretlons are offensive, . Irregular nnd attended by pain, pro cure a good kidney remedy at onee. Your townspeople recommend Doan't Kidney Pills. Read the state ment of this Grants Tast cltlaen. .1. P. Morse, 883 Brldue St., sny- tin - ,r I .1 Tt, n . .it ."Vn. ,fB:TnVnV,:n.r hear comnlalnlng of backache or lumbago shout them. I have benb ncarW down nnd out with these troubles nt times, hut when I have ' taken Ponn'a Kidney Pills, I have soon been relieved. It la a year or more since I have had any trouble from mv back or kidneys. hut I would know what tn do If I should ever have need of a kidney medicine sgaln." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy- That MMor.'.0 had.' fMbS'ri get Doan't Kidney Pills the samti Co., Mfgrt., Buffalo, N. T. .. . t t).,ssisnif pissis. E APPEAL FOR MOJO Washington, Aug.' 2.-Austrla'i appeal for subscriptions to her re cent Eighth War loan contalnad some peculiar featuree, according to llohnmlan nawipapara Just received I In Washington, la It teal to squeeie further conirlbutloni from the peo ple, the Austrlsn government took tha task .of promising big premium rewards, to ba paid out of booty rap tured from the enemy. "Kveryona fwla that our cause la in-reeding," says tlx proclamation of tha Imperial government, "and the daya of anxiety when wa were In danger from all tldeg, la past. Tha Eighth War loan la subscribed In ilia emblem of the olive branch." Tha appeal then goes on to des crllie tha aulaiira of Immenae loot somewhere on the eastern front. Th government admlta that no cata logue of the treasures ran now be given out, but promises that every lilt or It ahull bo distributed solely to people who subscribe to ' the Klxhth loan. All kinds of clothing, crockery, machinery and supplies are until to bo stored up, waiting to be transported to Austria, . "Everything of which ft man ran think la at tha dlspoaal of subacrlb era of the Eighth loan," says the proclamation, "everything from ft cup to a shirt; from an automobile nail to a thrasher; from silk goods to furniture; from a ran of paint to a railroad; In short, everything abounds, and In large quantities. This supply of goodg. which cannot be depleted, will he offered' eololy to subset inert of the Eighth loun." , This lalng document was punt ed at the headquarters for the pro plication of the war loan In the gov ernor' office of the kingdom of Ho- hernia. Ity Imperial order. It had to he ptihllHhed In all the llohemtnn newspaper. It Is tuny tu Imagine ;the Indication of the Ctecho-Hlov nks nt this now effort to mulct them In order to wage war on their broth er and cousins In the Cxwho-Slov O. A. O. Exiicrl nt S?t;itlon. Cor vallls. Aug. 2X. The beat way to net good seed corn I to grow It' at hnmo. sav R. F. flheehan, of th; O A. C. experiment station. The twal time to aolert It It before danger of killing frost, tnd the beht way by going through the field with a sack selecting the choicest and best ma tured ear. It Is within the power of the grow- er 10 eeieci torn inai win mar n-, year after year after year before frost, the two greatest rausee of Immature corn are too larRe varletlea and va- rletles not adapted to the rllmutei and Soil. ' Every well formed, well matured, ear Is considered valuable for aeed when grown upon a strong . stalk. It la well to note whether! the atalkt about It are strong. Ears that grow very high or very low np- on the atalk should be discarded fori their undealrabVe position. Those about hip high with a tendency to hang tip downward are preferred. Well selected eara are nearly cyl indrical and of medium size. Rows are straight and close together, well carried out over tip and butt. Ker nels are uniform In size and shape slightly wedged or key-stone have good depth and medium rough Indentation, fitting closo together. A large, clear germ Indlratea strong vitality. - About twice as many ears should he selected In the flnld as will be needed to plant next season's crop. OREGON ElKS ELECT Portland, Aug. 28. Tho Oregon Elks todny elected Dr. W. S. Ken nedy, of The Dalles, president. Klamath Falls was sole ted as the l'lce for holding the next , annual .state convention tlU'l HHIPA WITH TflVV UIV. (W .l.fHMl.lHMI LAUNCHED HO KAIt at ,nd h" mea Washington, Aug. 28. -America's shipbuilding efforts hnve put 3,000,- , 000 dead weight tons of shipping In- to the fight against the kaiser, tin- official figures today revealed that S62 ships with a total deadweight tonnage of 1,006,400 tons have slip- AMERICANS ASKED TO LIMIT USE OF SUGAR Must Use No More Than Two Pounds Per Person a Month if the Present Meagre Allied Sugar Ration Is Maintained. Stocks Will Be Short Until Bepnning of New Year Ration May Be Enlarged Then. Two poonda of sugar month half pound a week that It the tugar ra tion th 0, 8. rood Admlulatratloo bat aaked every American to observe ntll January 1, 1010. In order to make ture there shall be enough for our Array and Navy, for th Allied anntea and for the clvlllant of those nations. By New Tear's the world augar alt cation will be relieved somewhat by the new crop, Cuban tugar of tills yjsar'a crop Will be arriving In tbla country. Every available tugar source will b drawn on by the Pood Administration during the oxt winter months to main tain sufficient stocks, bere to keep up ur national augar supply. During Oc tober the first American beet tugar will arrive In the markets. Dy the middle of November tome of our Lou isiana cane crop will be available. AU of thla sngnr and more may be needed to keep tbla nation aupptled on a re duced ration and to safeguard the Al Uad tugar ration from still further Great Lakes Training Station Is Doing Tremendous Amount of Work By WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, Fornf PrUi 4 d Units J States iV 'k tectural lines, both of which make them a little more attractive to the eye. They have also what the army hat not, two large drilr hall. They gave me a review of 7,000 jaekiet in one drill hall, and it was evident thnt ,, , , . . . .,.... - , , ,,,. : urm, u,w 1181,8 nB(1 uwu. vl aul bodies. i Another difference was the difference in the age of the men. The m,,n were nay between eighteen and twe nty-two, and in their naval uni- t,, 1.,1,1 ..1,.U nt hinli or nmnarntorv ardiool. TlieV were ,0ii:. . na UUUK' CMU"" at to saluting. They were not at well ame as tne omcr men to wtinwanu the test of my long addresses, and I thought I discovered little more gomnolence among them than I did among the drafted army, The a jaw 8nou,d mcn(1(;j , a8 to authorize the president to , lt , , ,nnnAA . .tinnnnn ,i, ,t n. increase me aniij lrum i,uuu,uvu iu u,vwfwv mcu f mc w.w.o, v. more. We mnst win the war, and we should now lay our foundation! abroad so as to make that inevitable. Of course airplanes, artillery and other instruments of war are neces sary in a modern campaign, and we should increase' the supply at far at our resources will permit, but in the end this war, as other wars, must be won by trained man power. We should look forward with large vision and make ample provision so as to strengthen our allies, give confidence fa our Cwn army and convince bur x it.. jrtory ' Vast Sum Eluded Morgan. Tn the mountains behind a Cuban city, we are told. Is still burled a great amonnt of treasure, hidden there 390 years ago, when newt came of an Im pending attack by Sir Tlenry Morgan tho pirate honored by an English king for hit onslanghts Upon the Spaniards. Most of the defenders were killed, and the spoilt were never found. Morgnn wnt outwitted again at Panama, and at the bottom of the harbor there Ilea today, some have eattmnted, $30,000, 000 worth of gold and silver. When he attneked Pannma the treas ure wns hidden under the plankings of tho ships nt the wharves. The city was captured before the vessels could make their escape, but a long search fntled to unearth the spoils, so all the craft were sunk in revenge by the As She Understood It MBr motner was buying some en"pble ,sllk. After the purchase M mf,df"B7 "Mm""'- rt0 they call thnt changeable because yon can take It hack tomorrow f yu nnnt reduction. In Europe the present ra tion la already reduced to a mlulmom. Our Situation. ' The situation which the United Btat.a faces Id Itt efforts to maintain a fair distribution of augar to the Al lied world Is aa follows i Sugar supplies throughout the coun try, In homes, starts, factories and baktriee are at a low ebb. We must make Increased sugar ehipmsnta to th Alliss. Production of American beet and Louisiana earie tropt have bten disap pointing. Porto Rio crop have been cur tailed. Immense tugar ttockt In Java can not ba rachd en account of the shin plng thortag; ships art ndd for troop movement and muniii.na. Army and Navy augar requirements htvt Increased at wl( it thoet from the AIMta. Most IndUtlrlea using tugar have bad their allotment reduced by on half; tome will receive no sugar. Households should make every ef fort to preserve the fruit crop without augar, or with small amounta of tugar. Later, when the augar supply la larg er, the canned fruit may be sweetened at It It used. It is ijiH'ietiing tu niiupuru wlint tilt iiny lia.H (lout1 in it one great catitoiiiiicnt nt tl'.o Cnnt IjiLts Naval Training ftntion, north of Chxa.'jro, villi the many cnntonnii'tits built ami tinil y tht ariny. The navy hud 25,000 nuu to ilrill and train and tlii.t can ton incut wa therefore aUitit the wu::t size or a little tmnllcr tlian the avvrae army canli iinicnt. It it a grvat permanent ftutioii, wilh accommorla tiont for 30,000 to 35,000 jaikiet hi training. The buildings are somewhat, more stoutly built. They are painted and constructed on somewhat diflcrent archi ' "'' ''b 1,,i Tlw u.AoA n lnRtrnclion J " ' ... V , enemies now of our determination , Beau Brummel's Superstition. A coin with a bole In It Is wild tn he lucky. Ilenu Itrummel traced the beginning of his ruin to accidentally giving his lucky coin (n sixpence with a hole In It) to a cabman. To the clone of his life he mnlntnlned thnt "ltnihsrhlld or souie of his rascally set got hold of It" . : Domestlo Tragedy. Wife (returned from overnight visit) "Did you get yourself a good dinner Inst evening, deart" Hub "Yes. thers wns a bit of steak In the Ice box nnd I cooked tt with a few onions I found la the cellar." Wife -"Onlonst ' Jack, you've eaten my bulbs," Boston Tran script . Sttt Ixtmplt to Flvo Bona, As an example to his five tons, who are still a few years short of fighting Age, George Bradshaw, : prosperous farmer of Imperial county, California, has enlisted In the engineers' coeps, "I want my boys to renllxe when they are old enough to be tn';en Into 'he. servloe that their plucc ! on ths 'Irlug line," Brr.dhnw r4.id. Do Is llilnv-elgbt years old. Classff fed SOK SALIC 1TI Angora, goals and kids, for particulars address C H. Who. Kerby. Ore. Illf roil BALE 10 trret timber land nesr Kerby. Inquire Frank Floyd, Kerby, Ore. St FOR BALK five good Jersey rows. 1 txtra good Ouernaeya, 4 montha old Herford bull, 1 riding mare, 1 colt, 1 heavy team. Inquire Dr. Nerbut, Grave Creek ranch. SStf WHEAT AND STRAW Wheat for aale, f 2 per bushel. Straw If per load. In field, Just across river bridge. L. A. Launer. 41 POR SALE A good ' 6-passenger touring car, price $400, or will trade for a good team of horsea. Will demonstrate car anywhere. Address 1189 care Courier. 51 FOR SALE 40 grain sacks; 22 rifle; 25-SS rifle; telescope, coke burner; second hand range; wood saw frame. Phone 15S-J. 61 FOR SALE General merchandise stock In good live community. A bargain If taken at once. $12,000 aalea last year. Pennel Bros., Tiller, Ore., Jl FOR 8ALB - CHEAP Team of boraea, five and six yeara old, sound and true, weleht about 1200; Monarch range; heating stove, good as new; 12 tons good wheat and oat hay. Cbrla Pedsr . aen. North Tenth afreet 61 FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment. Near Taylor creek. Road to place. 1 1 Seres cleared. Will take team or Ford In part ' pay ment. Fred Hamlin, Gallre, Ore gon. t , 73 PIANO FOR SALE Inquire 610 D 49 street. TO RKNT 'OH RKNT 6-room bouse with bath and large garden planted. .'03 Foundry atret.' Inquire op posite. r Moss renting agency. 86tf WANT !! WANTED Oroundmen and linemen j for- Western ,. t'nlon construction! gang, working between Merlin and j Uianta Pass. 11 est or wanes ana accommodations. Steady employ ment. For particulars apply man ager Western Union Grants rasa, or foreman. Merlin, Ore. 61 WANTED Hop-plckere al River banks farm; good crop and good wage's. Leonard Estate Co. SO WANTED Eaperlenced farmer who understands Irrigating and can take care of dozen milk cows, one with family that can help on ranch preferred. Address Fred erick Pelouie, Eagle Point, Ore gon. A 53 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING Thoroughly rell-, sble, reasonable. Edna Watts, 312! I street. 64 or agricltltukj: w PEACHES Befoio preparing fruit make sirup (three pounds nine ounces sugar to one gallon of water or Ave pounds, eight ounces sugar to one gallon of water), allowing about one cupful of water for each quart Jar. Put In one cracked peach pit for every quart of glrup. Boll sirup for five minutes. Strained honey or other sirups can be used tn place of a part of the sirup usually required. Sort the fruits, using firm, sound, uniform peaches for canning and put ting aside the soft broken ones for jam. Peeling may be done by Im mersing In boiling water about one minute or until skint slip easily. Re move, plunge for a minute Into cold water, and slip off the skins. Cut Into halves and pack at once In previously boiled Jars, placing the halves In over lapping layers, the concave surface of ench half being downward and the blossom end facing the glass. Fill each Jar with hot sirup and paddle careful ly to remove air bubbles. Partially seal Jars. Boll (process) quart Jars In a water bath for 20 mlnntes and half gallons 85 minutes. When thoroughly cold test Jars for leaks. Store In a cool, dark, dry place. Firm, perfect peaches may be floated In boiling water for about 20 seconds after being peeled. They are then cut In halves, seeds removed, and packed as Indicated above. Peaches floated In this manner are made more flexible and pack to better advantage. They also become mellow, absorb more sirup and are finer In flavor. United States Department of Agriculture. rizrrrr J Vy...Av tT - rfV vl k&verMm ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, , Attorsoy-st-Uw. Practices la all State sad rsderal Courts, rirtt NaUeaal Baak Bldg. COLVIQ AY WILLIAMS, AMoraeft- at-Law, areata Pttt Baak lag Co. Bldg., Orants Past, Orege. C. S. VAN DTKE Attoraey. Pras tlot la all court. Pint National Baak Bldg. 0. 8. BLANCHARD. ttorasy at Law. Ooldea Rule Building Phono S70. Grants Paas, Oregoa. BLANCHARD k BLANCHARD, At toraeyt, Albert Bldg. Phots 2 14-J. Practice la all courts; Urn board attorneys. C. A. SIDLE R, Attorney-at-Law, ref eree la bankruptcy. Matoals temple, Grants Pass. Ore. VETERINARY bHUQEO.1 DR. R. J. BESTUL. VetortnarlSB. Office, residence. Phoas SOf-R. PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M D., Practice limited to diseases of the eye. oar, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. OSes hours (-12, 2-6, or on ap pointment Office pbono 12, resi dence phone 261-J. 1 LOUGHRIDOE. M. D.. Pbyaloiss and aurgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Realdeac phone 362; office phone 122 Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg. DR. J. O. NinLEY. Physician and turgeon. Lund burg Bldg. Health officer. Office hour, t to 12 a. m. and 1 to 6 p. m. Phono 210-J. A. A. WITH AM. M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases; 203 Corbett Bid.. Portland. Ore. Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. n. A. BURSELL, M. D. D. C All drug less and surgical methoda. 211 'North Sixth street, phone 7. la Dr. Ingram's office. 61 . E " c DENTISTS MACY. O. M. D. First-class dentistry. 10 South Sixth street. Granta Pass, Oregon. Micro studio THE BEST TIME The softest and moat beautiful lighting effects for fine pictures are' secured by th operator at The Picture Mill be tween the hours of 10:30 a. m. and 2 p. m. and believing that yon desire the very best work, wo would respectfully suggest that you arrange for sittings between the above hours. . After 1 p. m. the light becomes Intense and harsh and the results are not as satisfactory as earlier in the day. Call 283-R for time. MUSICAL INSTRCCTIOlf J. S. MACMURRAT, teacher of voice culture and staging, lies sons gives tt home of pupil If requested. Ad dress TIC Leo street. D1UYAGB AND TRANSfhM COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Ad kinds of dray age and transfsx work carefully sad promptly don Phono 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade. Prop. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phono II7-R. F. Q. 1SHAM, drayags and tranafer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped aad stor ed. Phono Clark ft Bolmsn, No. 50. Residence phone 114-R. : . 1 n Tht California and Orcroi -taw V uo&si railroad company TIME CARD Dally eicert Sunday Effective jmsv. 1, mg Train 1 Trau 1 (runts Pass.. 1 00 p. Waters Cset k 7:00 p. All trains leave Grantr Pas from no corner of O and B'Sutn streets, ptoslte tie Southern Paclfle depot For all Information regarJlng freight ana parser jer service call at tho office of the company, Lund'Jurg Qulldlaj. r ih.ne HI for same CHICHESTER S . tm atajtens) ns cl Aw ne ! Mil la B4 f&i