? DiXLZ Kssxa urn cecKin till KHD.IV, AI'ltTNT w. mm. LI! CI Hitit GL.cH FablUhed Dally Eioett Saturday B. . V00RHIK8. Pas. as Prepr. CaterH at oatofSc. Oraata Put. Or., m teooad elaae U natter. ADVERT! 81NQ RATE'S . taaplay taaee, par lach 11 loJ-peronsJ tola ma, pr lint le &edre, pr Ub 6e DAILY COCRin r? aaA or carrier, per yeer.....00 IT stall r carrier, per aaoata.. .11 W1EKLT COURIER nail, pr yar. .11.(0 UMBER SUM Editorial AsMCiatloa trfoa Dally Newspaper Pub. Asia. KXXBER OF ASSOCIATED PRE bo The Associated Ptm la exclusively eaUUed to th uaa for rapublloaUoa tf all aewa dlaeatohe credited to It Of aot otherwise credited la thU papor aid alao taa local aw put- QaBM aerata. , All rights of republication of spe cial aisptitcoe herein ar alao row mo. THVllSDAY, Al'Gl'ST 22, 1018. a OREGON WEATHCR a 4 Tonight and Friday fair; f warmer Friday southwest por- tlon; gentle ' westerly winds. ;JU)AFINQ IS MURDER "Any man who loafs on his job, who does not do an honest day's work six days a week, does so at the cost of the Mood of the boys over there." This Is pretty strong language, but It comes from authority. It was ut tered by Lewis B. Franklin, national director of the war loan organiza "Of every fS earned in this coun try this year, f 2.30 will be needed by the United States government to pay Its war bill, and the government has got to get it," said Mr. Franklin "Men who work three days a week and loaf the rest of the time cannot understand what it means for any person in this country not to do an honest day's work sis days a week. "What it means is that some boy Bow over there is not coming back. It means, lengthening the .war, aad needless lengthening of the war means the loss of lives, . additional suffering and greater cost to the nation." Mr. Franklin urges against over- confidence because of the late good news. ' Germany still has 8,000,000 ' men under arms, and the lines are nearer Paris now than they were a year ago. "The man who is preach ing the near ending of the war is not helping the situation. I do not be- , lieve for one moment that the fourth Liberty loan Is going to be the laat one." . The way to speed up the winning , of the war is by Increased produc tion In every line. And the only way to increase production is by work. Six full days of honest' work every week fronT every wan nd woman In the country will wfn the war. But the man or Woman who loafs la guilty of the blood of the nation's boys, : if -rrr . SPECIALS lH pound Fancy ltal Hearts ... 1H pound Fancy llayo llean ... pound Fancy IH-tal Ftga 10 pound Fancy Ht-real Prwae... ... 1.00 ... 1.00 1.00 ....... I.OO, Sdt Perk 40c PcJ KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY 9CAIJTT FIRST ' ministration has been met from army funds. Th Inhabitants have not been taxed at all. Also, cash Is paid for everything taken by th admin istration. There are no fine or levies such th German adminis tration of Belgium ha seen fit to Impose upon that suffering land. it is not to be wondered at that a feeling of confidence and good will exists between the Inhabitants and their British friend. The popula tlon of Palestine has good reason for being pro-British and pro-Ally In Its attitude. If th Germans were given to read Ing morals and learning through ob servation and experience, they might profit by British example In the Holy Land. There's many a man who knows he'd make a good soldier who howls with pain when they leave the sugar off his doughnut. . STANDARD OIL COr.PANY The local yards of the Standard Oil company have lately undergone some Improvements in the way of a fine blue grass lawn and painting. The company's station hero, under the management of C. D. Flea, now presents a fine appearance, every thing being as neat as a pin and pre cautions being taken to check all wasteage. In fact the motto of the Standard OH company . Is "Save everything" and they come very near doing it. Mr. Fies estimates that the wasteage in handling their goods is less than one-half of one per cent. The company has three storage tanks here, each holding about 18,- 000 gallons. In these are kept Pearl oil, gasoline and distillate. The new 'supply tanks are spotted by the train In front of the company's yard, and It requires about two and half hours to pump a 10,000-gaIIon tank of oil into the large storage tanks. In the office Mr. Fies has a fine display of all the goods handled locally, and which are distributed over the city by the company's delivery wagon. It Is worth any business man's time to take a trip to one of the Standard OH company's yards for the purpose of seeing how extra precau tions are taken to giurd against waste,' and then applying the rule to their (own business. IS Lieutenant Chas. Nolan pawed through the city yeterday( n route to his horn In Sacramento, Cat., hav ing ben invalided horn after a year's service on the western front In France with the Canadiun troop. The lieutenant had a strenuous time getting aligned with the col ors. He Is an American, but on ac count or hi age, being 41 year old, could not enlist In this- country. Nothing daunting him he went to Canada and "by much explaining and doing various physical stums, con vinced the examiners that he was yet In his prime and was sent across with one or the Canadian contin gents. While abroad considerable or his time was spent In England, where he experienced several raids from the German bombing machines. It was In Indon that his close friend anj companion was put out of the game by one of the large bombs dropped by the German raiders. Asked an to the lasting effects of "shell-shock," the lieutenant sal J: "Some of the boys recover in a few months from shell-shock, but It enerally leaves them nervous wracks for lit. Wtea I left ay companion h could not talk; could only stammer, and would Jump vio lently at th slightest noise, I would Just a ooa be driven a raving ma . nlae a to b shell-shocked Ilk torn of those boy are who ar returning to Canada. Next to th monster guns, th concussion from th explosives dropped from th bombing plana ar"th wont; sharp, cracking, and fairly aar-spllttlng Ilk thunder, only many times louder. In fact many of th boy dread ahell-ahock more than they do the bullet." The writer asked th lieutenant hi opinion a to th authenticity 'of th many stories of German atroci ties committed In Belgium and Franc: ' "Of course the stories ar true; th only thing about It I that you people over here don't get halt the story. The damnable vtclousness with which the Huns tight can't b comprehended by you fellow over here. The death-traps they set, th poisoned food they leave behind af ter a retreat, ' and their general treacherousness It enough to con demn them for eternity.' "Are you going back?" we asked! him. "That I cannot say, but I am go ing to try; I'm not through . with those beasts vet. And right here I want to say a word In regard to the I American troops. With all due re-1 spect to the French, the English, the vigorous Canadians and the rest ofj th troopt fighting for the allies, our. hoys right here from th good old U. S. A. are the finest appearing' bunch of fighters I ever taw," Lieutenant Nolan couldn't get hit. mind oft the cruelties commit tod by J the Horhes and, reaching In his pock et, he drew forth a small flat tin box. "Here's what the German govern ment got out and 'gave to alt thoso Hunt who helped to sink th Luslta nla." It was a bronxe medal of honor given under Uie kaiser's orders, to those who through great bravery (?) succeeded In murdering most or the women and children on the Ill-rated Lusltanla. Ceytrect Lubrication forthe"TM.Head. Type Engine Th -TH.H.ad, Nut tratd hr. is one of avral types In pop ular us today. En gines of this type, Ilk all Internal torn kuston nfnes, re quire an oil that maintain itt full lu bricating qualities at cylinder heat, burnt clean in the combus tion chambers and goes out with ex haust. ZEROLENE hilt thtse require ments perfectly, ae caiit if i oorreory relned from crmf Cmlifornlfphtlh os crutf. f IROLKNC la I . mat conatalatirlaa t mt with acitniiM as acintaa (ha lubrication stada of all lypaa el au lomoblle anglnaa. Oat our "Corrart Lubftcaile Chart" cavarln paur car. At daalara avarrwbars and Standard OU tanks ttattaaa. Experts Say, "Zerolene Is Better Why art tht majority of cm now lubricated with ZERO LENE? Because ZEROLENE does hold better compression, does give better protection to the moving parte, j doe deposit less carbon. And this ia the testimony of the leading automobile distributors of the Coast They know from the records of their service department and we know from exhaustive tests that ZEROLENE, correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base crude, givea per fect lubrication with less wear and lets carbon deposit 11 ZEROLENE Is the coCct oil for a7 types of automobile en- f" gines. It is the correct oil for ' your automobile. Get our lu brication ' chart showing the correct consistency for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Citlforaia) ZEROLENE Ike Stanford Oil for Motor Cars V. D. FIKS, Hpectal Agent Standard OU Co., (iranta I'aa All kinds Courier. or leal Hanks at the Grants Pass & Crescent (ily Slage Co. w. II. T. Itrwn, Ultlilltiga, I'mpr. Auent Big Pierce Arrow Cars rrir Jo-et.hliif Hotel tllock Trl-iliinr a-JH-J nikI PCI Easy Riding Women, Prepare! Thousands of women near the coast nave overcome their sufferings, andjLJ have been cared of woman's Ult by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This temperance medicine, though started nearly half a century sgo, tells most widely to-dar. It can now be had in tablet form at well at liqnid, at any drug store, and every woman who suf fers from backache, headache, nervous ness, should take this "Prescription" of Dr. Pierce's. It is prepared from nature's roots and herbs and does not contain a particle of alcohol or any narcotic. It't not a secret prescription for its ingredients tre printed on wrap per. Send 10c. for trial package to Vx. V. 91. Pierce, Buffalo, N. T, DIED OF WOIXDS W. H. Sulnks, a Y. U. C. A. war work secretary, fell a vlcltlm to a German bombing raid three days af ter he reported ror service at the front. Mtcnrono, Oncon - Tor three or four days at a time I would sulfur untold SKonv, It was this way (or yfars. Idoc torttl all the time but never got any help, a irinna tow me about I)r Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. I took three bottles snd nevtr had any more trouble. At another time I had terrible " spens and catarrhal condition tiros had that 'all- iroiifl tirMi riMiiin.. was nervous j and affc-r each meal would bloat something terribly. Had Indlgos- " ' couiu naruiy eat anvthln and my heart wg afftvted. I airaln too me -ravorite I'rr-aorlptlon ' and It cured me. It Is a grand m-dirine and I am glad to tell other, how It, hplped me. "Ilia Pleaanr, IV.I.-ts cured me of chronic cotitli,ati.,n; reyulntH my bowels ii" ii V " "T more iron III. " Mas. A. I). Urn., a; Jj. Iiivrnlde, Av HOW THE BRITISH DO IT Much good has come to Palestine through British occupation of that region. The orange Industry was ' eared by the British who Imported Oil for Irrigation machinery and pro vided transportation facilities. A special organization Has now been established for the purpose of saving other Industries and benefit ting the. whole country. .Normal life has been resumed In Jerusalem, and 'that city la said to be cleaner under British occupation than ever before In Its history. So far the cost of this British ad-j k ft : t. . - I ' ' r , i' , f if. ..J i'VA t II PRINTING - . THAT PLEASES in id i WE DO TP. ...A.