fauh roiR DXILX It XII K lUVKK IXH'ltlMt MONDAY. Al'Ol'HT l. ! KBW YODIT lCLA83iriED AD RATK3.II word, two Imum, ISe; alt Issues, I0; on month, ll.lt, whA paid la adraaoe, Whea not paid la advaaoa, l aer Has par tat.) LOST Crank tor Chevrolet car, on A street, Sunday. AUo on loat aouth ot the bridge a month ago. Finder plea leavo at Courier of flea, or with Dr. Bestul. - It ROOM 8 WANTBD Kalsoiulnlng. walla neatly tinted (or fl.SO and up remeat and plaater repairing. phon 161. K FOR SALE Automatic electric washing machine, as goad as new. Call at 704-L street. Tuesday fore noon. IS tOc PER BOX for Bartlett peara; bring bows and pick them your self. Peter Olson, phon SOO-dl-l. IS FOR SALE Ford runabout la good order; 1 mare, T years old; S pack burro; S small burros. E. T. Carnegie, Merlin, Ore. II LOST Between Qlendale and Grant Pass, ladle scarf, black astrakhan, trimmed with skunk, lined tan satin. Leava with No 13S7 car Courier and receive re ward. IS POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) MRS. JOS. MOSS Independent Candidate for County Clerk Amy Booth Holmes, Drmorratfe Candidate for County Treasurer THE NEW Kbzo Dental Cread Aims to protect the teeth in the natural way by keeping the month free of the sub stance that foKter germs, adds and decay. 25c Clemens Sells Drags . The KexaJl Store . .. ' National Mazda Lamps TTAVING too little light puts a strain on chil dren's vision that they may never outgrow! Why not have plenty of light t Na tional MAZDA Lamps give three times the light of old fashioned carbon lamps without adding a penny to yonr light bill. si if I !! KivAr ruriiwar V All f V sail m v D l ... II. Kiddle, Mgr. CIlnQ CHI . A mining deal was closed this week when C. C. Clark and Jess Dun raa bonded their chrom deposit claims on Kanet creek to F. E. Mer rick of Medtord and Mr. McClellan of Grants Pas, on of the owners ot th Greenback mine. It Is said that th ledge ot chrome on these claims Is 300 feet wide and one-halt mile long. Messrs. Merrick and McClellan pnt a crew of men to work on th claims Friday with C. C. Clark In charge. Only recently a large de posit ot uranium, which Is used In photography and for coloring glass waa also found on these claims- Mall Tribune. Inane Man Arrested A man giving his name aa Grant waa arrested Sunday night and Is now confined in the county Jail. Ills peculiar actions on the streets here Sunday afternoon caused his arrest. Grant spends most of his time In the cell talking to himself. MANY V. S. HOMMKltS PATItOXIZK TfCSOX IUTHS Tucson, Arts., Aug. 19. Ten thousand soldiers used the Y. M. C. A. baths and swimming pool during the month of July, according to fig ures complied by the secretary. This Is considered a remarkably large number In view ot the fact Tucson Is not an army post. A majority o the soldiers were passing through and were given an opportunity to en Joy a bath and a swim after their hot trips across the desert. - ADVENTISTS TO BUILD I PER5SN1L -g LOCAL HKAHHTH tttttlO PA PICK " PI CK H AH Ml HI'KMUCil C. O. Johnston, ot Uolland, was In Moore In Prance , th city tor a few days. J Mr. Charles Moor today received 'Sanl-Flush"r-Sbln has It. . II , ' announcing th sat arrival ot C. J. Osborn. of Crescent Clty,thtr I""0" overseas, was In the city yesterday. I ' " 1 II I , - I Unda Clllette went to Sllverton 1 """ Sunday to visit relative. Th Red Croat dauc whli h waa to hava hMin lvn al !.nliftnit Anwuat R. A. Gentry left Sunday morning i., . . . , , a .w. v.. .... ........ I h" lotl'oa Indefinitely. according to a report from lh com mittee on arrangement. for Astoria, where he will work In the shipyards. I Cora Cola At Rose's. II Dr. U O. Clement and family left Saturday night for Portland for a 'Office Opens Hrtewher Nw York, Aug. II. Puck, on of th pioneer comic weeklies of the country, and th first to be printed In colors, hat auipended.publltatlon, ac cording to an announcement last night. la recent months Puck was owned by William it. Hoard. , short visit. Charlea Oglosuy arrived Saturday night by automobile from Monterey, Cal., to visit friends and relatives. K. J. Khoeery, ot Takllma, was In the city several days, returning home thla morning. Coca Cola At Roso's. II Mrs. E. U Prettyman, who visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grout, re turned to her home at Springfield Sunday morning. , Mr. and Mrs. Max Tuffs, ot Kerby, were In the city today. They are en route to Klamath Falls tor their vacation. Bruce Schallhorn was a passenger Sunday on a troop train en rout from Camp Lewis to Camp Frenfont, Cnl. Mrs. O. S. Goodnow, who went to Portland Sunday to attend the V. R. C. convention, will also go to Camp Lewis to visit her son. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Voorhies, who spent the past year or more In the Jerome Prarle district, have gone to Marshfleld to remain, making trip by automobile. Fred Mensch, U. S. mineral I will be In my office about Sep tember 9. Dr. M. R. Urllten. 15 H. U, Matieaon Stricken R. 0. Matteson, who waa stricken with paralysis on Wednesday, and taken to the Good Samaritan hos pital la Improving. Mr. Mattesou'i home Is at Farlgault, Minn., and he came to Grants Pasa several month ago to enjoy Rogue river fishing. He spent several months here last year. T. It. Diking the KiOmt Loult Tanger. a young lad who Uvea with hit parents on their re cently acquired O. A Q. land had a great disappointment thla mornlni when he waa awakened by his father. On being called he said: "Why did you awake me so toon? Teddy Roosevelt was Just licking the flatter nnd I wanted to s the finish." Al.A.HKANM Wll.li PAY MOHK FOH 10IH (tAI. Nome, Alaska. July 'II. (By mall.) The prba or HIT , sacked coal her had been advanced to 10 per ton and th 1911 sacking sells at 111.25. Consjn.er are being urged to lay In their supplies now. j Kului OME ! it g r. W H i Homo Inninte Attend (1. A. It. Thirty furloughs were granted t!u the first ot last week to members of the old soldiers homo who left to stir-. attend the national encampment of A reaident school Is to be estab lished at the forks of Coot River by t'.ie Seventh Day Adventlst church, work on r!"o.-ai'-ng the site ta i;.-tn Immediately. The land tor the i school has been donated to the church and the buildings are expect ed to be ready for occupancy in the fall of 1919. A committee ot 12 churchmen from different parts ot the state, rep resenting Rostburg, Medtord, Ash land, Grant Pass, Cottage- Grove, Oakland, Central Point, Portland and Gravel Ford met at the proposed site and decided definitely upon the erec tion of the school. All kinds of Commercial Printing at the Courier Office. DISCOVERY MiE Bf LEUNO Continued from Page One. r kaiser," James Redman bollermak ers' union steward at the yard, said as he told of the success. In the rush to place completed ships In the water every possible de vice is utilized by the Moore ship yards. Leland has instal.'cd all the latest tool and machine devices for economy of time, labor and money. In addition the workers are constant ly sug;stlng improvements. Recently Joseph A. Huber, fl2 Tenth street, operating a "liner" roll ing machine, saw that the machine castings were continually crystalliz ing and breaking. The rolling ma chine makes wedge-shaped "liners" for half-Inch steel plates. The "liners," pointed at one edge, are placed between the ship's plates and guy beams. Huber Investigated the breakage and found it due to the Jar when the "liner was placed in the machine. Four simple springs, placed at "give" Joints, he found, remedied this defect. veyor. was a southbound passenger the Grand Army of the Republic, today en routo from Douglas county Fully ten more of the old soldiers to Ruch, where he has some govern- left Sunday to be present at the bU ment work. meeting. Rosetmrg News. Mrs. F. G. Burns and grnnddnueh- , tar. Emma Burn, wbo apent the past Vllni(lu live monins ai .orin ttenu, reiurnea to Grants Pass late lost week, and will remain here. Coca Cola At Roso's. II P. P. Proctor has returned from his vacation and can be found at his place ot business. Dr. M. R. Britten left last night'.. , .. ... ' r for North Dakota to look after hla:"; , ( "" farming Interest, and while there he' fome dI,",,u,te n,k-""f- will visit hi. father. TK doctor ex.l,Ur7h dur he noo ho'"-- to1' pacta to be absent about three week.. I?' droM C"fCtlon boxM P. P. Proctor and family, who ex- " i."l'0 Th,e n,ount ,of W pected to spend their vacation on am'" the box n kn:n'. bu automobile trip to Pendleton, return- 'verl T, ' b ed home Friday night from Klamath p,,cd "l tb "et 'ndow .9v county, the baby, George, having a .V6"1 ag0' nd been aasia. ftf iha mnmns I i-chmivb, unnni IUU UIIUfB vwi7t7 vi isw tt is'a Mpper iiun Hufely W. R. Nipper has received notice that hi. .on, Alva M. Nipper, mem ber of the aviation corps, hat arriv ed safely In France. Joy Theater MONDAY and Tl KHIHY Vivian Martin i.i "Molly Entangled" tti.MINU Wi;lNt:si unit Till liHDAY WILLIAM S. HART lit "THK Tilll.ll MAN" Attending- 0. A. IL i urants rass uennin shn tan nn Sunday for Portland to attend the' G. A. R. national encampment were: ! (Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Peterson, Mr. and .Mrs. J. D. Stinebaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Find fo, Speeding-- J" ,f " Mri" Wayne Wlmer contributed $10 to'""rle ,M- the city treasury today, having beenf"' Cleveland. Mrs. Alice M.I-! fined that amount on a charge of " '! speeding. , - &WT Mr'- ' S' Oooiao .Powell. 11 1) . . i. . Slacker Sufcpect Held I m ' The militarv oollce on Sunday .00"4 MonrJr ,,,r rro- nlght turned over to the authorities , M',,i,,d ",,"'(, Mf 1'000! Joseph Carr, of Portland, who Is tus- 'wr w D'"-D pected of being a slacker. '"' lae "reon taitom yM ; Coot Bay section, not, however, frcm ' the editors, but everyone of the vis itors -wore the distinguishing paste-' board tag: "Red Cross Goat, No. ",! which was soon seen on the lapel of' WHITE TRUCKS OFFER. ED FOB . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY " 5-TON SIZES Standard Chassis and Dump Models, Especially Adapted for Hauling Logs, Lumber, Mine Hauling, and Heavy Mountain Work . WARNINGS Order now supply limited THE WHITE COMPANY Market Street at Van New Avenue San Francisco, CaL ( 0. A. URQUHART, Pacific Co.it Manager 1 COUNTY AGENT'S NOTES you c&n afford to buy LESLIE SALT and enjoy the luxury of the fine free running salt flovinj frcm the convontent . side spout Manv innulrles have come to me at 23 cents per ticket, and tho win-: in the last few weeks In regard tojner presented the goat to the Red su'e of wheat, A great aiany farm- tross for a raffle In another city, ers seem to think they have no au- thorlty to sell their wheat except tin- Tawkh Two Klnger der certain general restrictions. Ij Charles E. Wise, of the Sunshine have made an Inquiry and find there ranch, had the misfortune to lose the are no restrictions on the sale ot ends of two flngars cn his rlil'. wheat by growers. They may tell hand Saturday a Porn omi. ir. V'l e the wheat to anyone they desire, and was engaged In stacking his iy for whatever price they agreed uponlcr6p In the liarn with a hay fork and by both buyer nnd seller. If any, his hand be anie entangled In the person who wishes- to buy wheat is rope. The horse started up sudden willing to pay more than the mini- ly and Mr. Wise's hand was drawn mum price which has been set by the Into the pulley. Dr. Loughrldge government and call It a fair price amputated the third finger at first It Is hl privilege to do so. -Joint, and the little finger at the ' If, however, any regular grain second Joint. dealer who Is licensed by the food j . administration attempts by any tin- 3. A. Tlioiniu Ill- fair means to put the price down be- Mrs. Laura Thomas Gunnel! bft Tralr.lM (or Einctncr In rac r is War UNIVERSITY of OREGON Fully ociiili)!. d lilMviil culture mid neiriHHlctliMi'iHiiii.tii.i. tirainin m voMiu.-rcf, .KiuriiiiliNiii, Arrhitcrliirc, L;iw, Mt-dirino Teai'liini). I.tlmiry Wurk. Mnnlr, llntiM-lmlil ArlK. I'liy.lr, ! TrnininlnnJ Pine Ann. n, ,wrr ,R ,rL,r mi .,i irrir.ip , iiriiin i'lrrr. Drill, lrlii' n4 Ilrl4 wrk all rl""-. knl ir!iicr In rrwal our. ..,p,l, ,,.i,m ,n m,.,, p. . - ..... ...... miins. wiw ini-'r ,rHNl.m II. 1,, ,, Sji ' 1 . . I . i . i. . , ..... . J J Km inwmt. nwli iteuril(r fnr wrdl4 "' 1 a a fcW to lift n?L W j w, low what Is the fair price at the ship ping point, the attention ot M. .Saturday for Chlco, Cal., called there H. on account of the serious Illness of Houser, food administration grain ho'r father, J. A. Thomas. A wire agent, 510 Board of Trade Bldg., received today by Mrs. T. B. Cornell Portland, Ore., should be called to announces that the condition of Mr. the case. i Thomas Is serious, owing to blood With reference to the price I may. poisoning. Mr. Thomas left here a say that the fair price should not be ( few weks ago for Klnmath Falls, In excess of the price -In Portland, where he and H. II. Jenkins of thlr which on No. 1 soft white wheat Is ( city recently purchased a gro"cry $2.18 per bushel. Wheat grading store. lower than No. 1 should be corre- . spondlngly less. iMr. Rva Cne HomIhhs In grading wheat No. 2 Is graded " Mrs.- Eva Coe, chief operator for at about 3 cents under No. 1, and, the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph No. 3 about 7 cents tinder No. 1, and Co., has resigned and her place has grades running below No. 3 will vary .been taken by Miss Alta Shortrldge, so much that no definite grading can of Eugene, who arrived here flntur be given In price. day. Miss Shortrldge has been chief C. D. THOMPSON, night operator at Eugene for several County Agent. years. Men Wanted for logging, sawmill and box factory work , Eight hour day .... 'Best of wages Good working conditions Healthful climate WHITK OK CAIjIj I'I'OX THIC ' ' . KLAMATHlLlBERKEKS' MD LOGGERS' JlSSOdATION Main Street Klamath Falls, Ore. liasiiiiiiifeaiiiiiaiiiiiijii